GE CA10, CA19, CA13, CA21, CA16 Use and Care Manual

u andcareof
models CMy
Rulesfor successfulfreezing
Howlongcanyou storefoods?
foryourfreezer plo
Usethe Solver
Energy-SavingTips ; . . . . . . . . . .2
ImportantCautions . . . .’. .. ....3
HowtoConnect Electricity, ... .3,4
Installation Requirements .. ....4
operating YourFreezer .. ......4
FreezerFeatures . . . . . .......,5
Suggestions. . . . . . . . . ........5
Suggested StorageTimes .. ....6
FreezingMeat, Fish,
Poultry& Game . . . . . . ........6
FreezingVegetables . . ........7
FreezingFruits. . . . . . . ........8
FreezingDairy Products .. .....9
FreezingPrepared Foods .. ....9
FreezerPackaging . . . . .......10
Defrosting. . . . . . . . . . . .......11
Instructions ... , ... , ., .. ....12
In Caseof Extended
PowerFailure . .............,12
The Problem Solver . . . . . ..13, 14
If YouNeed Service . . . . . . .. ..15
Warranty , . . . . . . . . . .Back Cover
Readthis bookcarefully.
It isintendedto helpyou operate andmaintain yournewfreezer properly.
Keepit handyforanswersto your
Ifyoudon’t understandsomething or needmore help,write (include yourphone number):
ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectric Company
Appliance Park
Louisville,KY 40225
Keepproof of original purchase date(suchas your sales slip or cancelled check)with this bookto
establishthe warranty period.
Wwm!Ck)wnthe Iimodd andserial numbers.
You’llfind them ona plateeither at the bottom,just insidethe door,or onthe backof the cabinet.
Thesenumbersarealsoon the ConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCardthat camewith
yourfreezer,Beforesending inthis card, pleasewrite these numbers here:
Usethese numbers in any correspondenceor service calls concerningyour freezer.
immediatelycontact the dealer (or builder)that soldyouthe freezer.
Savetime and money. BeforeYoucall forservice, check
the ProblemSolver on pages 13 ­and 14.It lists minor causesof operating problemsthat you can correctyourself. It could saveyou an unnecessaryservice call.
@Location of your freezer is important. Don’t locate it in a warm, unventilated laundry areaor storage
room, Avoid putting it next to your range, a heating vent or where the
sun will shine directly on it. * Tryto arrange your frozen foods
s)f~tematica~[yso you can find what you want in the freezer quickly.
* Don’t open the freezer door mare often than necessary and close it as soon as possible, in
hot, humid weather.
* When using yourfreezer,be careful not to leavethe door open. Always check to makesure the freezerdoor is properly closed before ieaving the house or retiring
for the night. @Ifyou turn the temperature
control to the coldest position for quick freezing, don’t forget to turn it back to the regular setting.
usingthis appliance,alwaysexercisebasic safetyprecautions, includingthe following:
@Usethis appliance onlyforits
intendedpurposeasdescribedin this Useand Care Book.
@Thisfreezermust be properly
installedin accordancewiththe InstallationInstructionsbeforeit
isused. Seegrounding instructions
belowand on page4.
* Never unplug yourfreezerby pullingon the powercord.Always grip plug firmly and pull straightout fromthe outlet.
~Repairor replaceimmediately
all electric service cordsthat havebecome frayedor otherwise
damaged. Do not usea cordthat
showscracksor abrasion damaae
ong its length or at either the plug
connector end.
@Afteryourfreezeris in operation,
d. nottouch the cold surfaces, particularly when handsare
damp or wet. Skin may adhereto
these extremely cold surfaces. ~Do not operate your freezerin
the presence of explosive fumes.
* Don’trefreezefrozenfoods
Youmaysafely refreezefrozen foodsthat havethawed if theystill containice crystalsor if theyare still cold—below40°F.(Shellfish cannotbe keptaboveIO°F.safely becauseof bacteriagrowth.)
Thawedground meats,poultry, orfish that haveanyoff-odoror off-colorshould notbe refrozen andshould notbe eaten.Thawed
icecream should bediscarded. If the odoror colorof anyfood is poor or questionable,get rid of it. The food maybe dangerousto eat.
Evenpartial thawingand refreezing reducethe eating quality offoods,
particularly fruits, vegetables,and preparedfoods. The eating quality
of red meats isaffected lessthan that of many other foods. Use refrozenfoods assoon as possible —theywon’t keepas long asfoods
frozenonly once,andthe sooner they’re used,the better their eating will be.
o H yourold freezer isstill around
the house but not in use, besure to removethe lid or door. This will
reducethe possibility of danger to
Cautionshould beusedwhen removingthe doorof afreezer. Particularcaution shouldbe used when removingthe lid of achest freezer,as mostchestfreezerlids areunderspring tension. Contact the manufacturer’srepresentative for a methodof saferemoval.
Instructionsfor removingthe lid of yournewchestfreezerarelocated onthe backof the cabinet,
A. Beforemakingany repairs,
Note: Westmnglyrecommerm’ thatany
bya qualifiecfindividual.
B. Beforecleaning. C.Before replacinga burned-out
light bulb, the freezershould
be unplugged in orderto avoid contactwith a livewire filament. (A burned-out light bulb may breakwhen being replaced.)
Note: Turningtemperaturecontrol to C)FFpositiondoesnot remove power to thelight circuit.
servicing beperformed
this appliance mmt be
The power cord of this appliance is equipped with a three-prong
grounding) plug which mates with
standard three-prong (grounding)
IIoutlet (Fig. 1) to minimize the ~= possibility ofekxtric shock hazard ~xW; from this appliance,
Fig, 1
Havethe wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to makesure the outlet is properly
~ $
Where a standard two-prong wall outlet is encountered, it is the personal responsibility and obligation of the customer to have it replacedwith a properlygrounded three-prong wall outlet.
LJsed adapter plug
Becauseof potentialsafety
hazardsunder certain conditions, westrongly recommendagainst useof an adapter plug. However, ifyoustill elect to usean adapter,
wherelocal codespermit, a TEMPORARYCONNECTIONmay bemadeto a properlygrounded
two-prongwall outlet byuseof a
ULlistedadapter (Fig.2) available
at mostlocal hardwarestores.
The larger slot in the adapter must
bealigned with the largerslot in the walloutletto provideproperpolarity in the connection of the power cord.
terminal to wall outlet cover screw does notground the appliance
unlesscover screw is metal, and not insulated, and wall outlet is groundedthroughhousewiring.You
should havethe circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure
the outlet is properly grounded.
When disconnecting the power
cordfrom the adapter, always
hold the adapter with one hand. If this is not done, the adapter
ground terminal is very likely to
break with repeated use.
Should the adapter ground terminal break, DO NOT LEE the appliance until a proper ground hasbeen established.
useofextension Ccmts
Becauseof potentialsafety hazardsundercertainconditions, westrongiyrecommendagainst
the useof anextensioncord.
However,if youstill elect to usean extensioncord, it is absolutely necessarythat it be a ULlisted 3-wiregroundingtype appliance extensioncord havinga grounding
type plug and outletand that the electrical ratingof the cord be 15 amperes(minimum)and 120volts.
Such extensioncordsare obtainablethrough your local serviceorganization.
be plugged intoits own
(115volt,60 Hertz,single phaseAC.
Some models arealso rated100 volt, 50 Hertz. Checkthe model and serial number plate.)This is recommendedforbestperformance
and to preventoverloading house wiring circuits, which could cause a possible fire hazardfrom overheating wires.
Yourfreezershouldbe conveniently located for day-to-dayusein a dry,
well-ventilated room.
Formost efficient operation, it should not be locatedwhere air temperature aroundthe freezer is ever higher than I1O*F.orcolder
than 32°F. Be sure to install your freezer on a
floor strong enough to support it
when it is fully loaded. Also see Energy-Saving Tips
regarding location.
Allow 4 inches on top and 3 inches at sides and back for proper air circulation.
Turn left to raise -­right to lower
Legsatthe frontcornersof the freezershouldbeset so the freezer isfirmly positionedon the floor,and thefrontis raked just enough so thedoorcloses easilywhenopened about halfway.
Cleanthe inside of the freezer
with a mild solution of baking soda
and water(seepage 12).
2. Connect cord to power outlet.
3. Turntemperature control to No.4, This is the normal setting for
safe,iong-term freezing. For colder temperatures,turnto highernumbers.
4. Aliowfreezerto operatefor at least
two hoursbeforeplacingfood inside.
Freezing temperature selection is made bysetting the control from No. 1 to No.7 (coldest).
Normal, safe freezing level is
obtained by setting the control at
No. 4.
OFF position permits turning the freezer off without unplugging it.
Theamber POWERONlight, whenglowing,indicatesthat electricalpowerisbeing supplied
tothe freezer.
The redTEMI?MONITORlight,
whenglowing, indicatesthat the temperatureinside the freezeris about20*F.orwarmer.
The ON-OFFALARM, whenON, buzzes simultaneously withthe
glowingofthe red light to provide additional warningof high freezer temperatures.
Caution:Adding morethan 3
poundsof warmfood per cubic foot of freezercapacity can trigger the alarm system.
henyou getyour newfreezer,
heC) N-OFFALARM will be in the
oFFpositionsoitwill notbuzzduring
initial start-up.When the freezer
hasrun long enough andthe red TEMf?MONITORlightstopsglowing, turn on the ON-OFFALARM— push keyor eraser end of a pencil intothe hole markedON and
switchthe rockerswitch.
The signal lights and buzzer operateon household electrical power,and will not perform if power
tothe freezer is cut off.
The keyfor the spring-loaded lock
isautomatically ejected—keywill not remain in lock in either the open or closed position. Keep the
key out of reach of children and awayfrom the freezec
Letsyoustorefrozenfood packages
. like booksfor easyselection. -
5*JLme-4x3!3 door shelf
~DJŠSpecially sized for storage of
frozenjuice cans. Some models havetwo juice-can shelves.
Turnscmwhenthe door ISopenea; turns offwhen the door isclosed.
9. Freezefoodsquickly.
Continuallyrotatefrozenfoodsto thefrontof thefreezersothe longest­frozenfoodsareusedfirst.
Fkfrigeratd cabhmtshelves 10.Storefrozenfoodsimmediately.
Coolingcoilsweldedto shelves hastenfreezingwhenfoodisplaced indirect contactwith shelves.
1.Freezethe best. Freezeonly top-qualityfoods. Freezingretains qualityandflavor; it cannotimprove quality.
2. Keepwork area clean.
3. Workquickly. The quicker fruits andvegetables arefrozenafter picking, the better the frozen productwill be.You’llsavetime,
too,with less culling and sorting.
4. Choosecorrect packaging
materials. Frozenfoods will dry out if not properly wrapped or packaged. Both rigid containers and flexible bagsor wrappers can be used. Makesure they are especially designed for freezing.
5. Followreliable instructions for freezing different types of food.
6. Freezefoods in practical meal-
sized packages.
7. Fillcontainer properly. When placing liquid or semi-liquid foods in containers, leaveabout 1/2” at top (1-1/2”for glass containers) to allowfor expansion during freezing.
8. Freeze correct quantities.
There is an established maximum of food your freezer is designed to
freezeat one time—approximately 3 pounds per cubic foot of freezer capacity. In normal position, your freezer’s control dial will maintain sufficiently low temperatures in the
freezer to freeze recommended quantities of food.
If you have a large quantity of food to freeze, store part of it in your refrigerator’sfreshfoodcompartment until the first quantity is frozen.
Commerciallyfrozenfood canbe storedanyplaceinthefreezer.These foodsshouldnotbeallowedtothaw beforebeing placedinthe freezer.
You’llfind these materialshelpful in preparingfoodsfor the freezer:
@Largekettlewith close-fitting lid for blanching vegetablesandfruits
~Finesieveor small colander to
‘ put vegetablesinfor blanching
@Assortment of knivesfor cutting up meat,fruits andvegetables
~Rollsof absorbentpapertowelsor soft clothtowels fordraining foods
~Properfreezerpackaging materialsfor varioustypes of food (seepage 10)
~Small loading funnel for fruit and vegetablecontainers,to keep sealing edge clean
UIGlass marking pencil for labeling packages
~Rollof freezer tape
TOquick-freezesmall amounts of food, place it in direct contact with
any refrigerated shelf.
Toquick-freeze large amounts of food, turn control to No. Z Return it
to No. 4 after freezing is completed.
Neverfreeze morethan three pounds of food per cubic foot of freezercapacity at onetime.
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