GE CA19, CA13, CA21, CA16 Use and Care Manual

., -.
manual defrosting
U1O CAly “ Uls M21 CA16
Rulesfor Successful
Howtopac@e foods foryourfreezer
Defrostinginstructions p~
le Problemsolverpll
Energy-SavingT~ps.. . . . . .Inside
Front cover
ImportantCautions . . . . . . . . ...1
Howto ConnectElectricity. . ..1.2
InstallationRequirements . . . ...2
OperatingYourFreezer ., , . . . , ,2
FreezerFeatures . . . . . . . . . . ...3
Suggestions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...3
SuggestedStorageTimes . . . ...4
FreezingMeat, Fish,
Poultry&Game . . . . . . . . . . . ...4
FreezingVegetables ., . . . . . ...5
FreezingFruits., . . . . . . . . . . ...6
FreezingDairy Products . . . . ...7
FreezingPreparedFoods . . . ...7
FreezerPackaging. . . . . . . . . ...8
Defrosting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...9
User Maintenance
instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..f O
In Caseof Extended
PowerFailure . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l O
The Problem Solver, ., , ., .11, 12
lfYou Need Service . ..13 . . . ..l3
Warranty. . . . . . . . . ., Back Cover
It is intendedto helpyouoperate and maintain yournew freezer properly,
Keepit handyforanswers to your
Ifyoudon’t understandsomething or need more help,write (include yourphone number):
General Electric Company Appliance Park Louisville,KY 40225
Keepproof of original purchase
date(suchasyour sales slip or cancelled check) with this bookto establishthe warranty period,
writedownthe model
You’llfind them on a plate either at the bottom,just inside the door,or onthe backofthe cabinet.
These numbersarealsoonthe Consumer ProductOwnership RegistrationCardthat came with yourfreezer.Beforesending in this
card, pleasewrite these numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Usethese numbers in any correspondenceor service calls concerning yourfreezer.
immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you the freezer.
Savetime and money. Beforeyou call for service, check
the Problem Solver on pages 11 and 12.It Iists.minor causes of operating prob!ems that youcan correct yourself. Itcould saveyou
an unnecessary service call.
* Location of your freezer is important. Don‘t iocate it in a warm,
unventilated Iaundryarea orstorage room. Avoid putting it next to your rang~, a heating vent or where sun
will shine directly on it.
~When using your freezer, be
careful not to leave the door open. Always check to make sure the freezer door is properly closed before leaving the house or retiring for the night.
* ]f yOI,Jturn the temperatut-e control tothe coldest position for quick freezing, don’t forget to turn it back to the regular setting.
Rm@all itistructiotisbeforq usingthisappliance.
~~HNING-Wheti Usingthis ‘. ? Mn;t refreezefrozenfoodswhich appliance,alwaysex6r~isebasic,
safety preb~btions,indlu~ing’the ~ following: .’, ~ ,, ~ . , -
@Usethisappli?pce~nlyfourits . intendedpurposeasd~$~ribed-in
this Useand Cafe Book,., ~~; 0Thisfieezer;mustpq~r~p~rly
install%dinati.qoicfahc~tith the” “
Installationihstr@titionsbefo~eitis ‘‘
used:See grbunding’instructions ~ ~~~
beJowand on page2. [
~ Never unplugyourfreezer by pullingon the ~wer cord.Always
grip plug firmly and pull straight
out from th~ receptacle. * Repairor replaceimmediately
all electricservicecordsthathave become frayed or otherwisedam-
aged.Donot useacord that shows
cracksorabrasion damagealong its length or at either the plug or con-
nector end.
Skin mayadhereto these extremely cold surfaces.
@M not operateyourfreezerinthe
,., ..‘.,+.
.’! , ,. ~,,
havethawed,completely. ‘
,Youma~safelyrefree2e frozen
.< .:,
foods that $ave thawed if they still ,contain jck crystals or if they are ~still cold-below 40°F.,(Shellfish
‘bannot be kept above 10°F safely
-~because of bacteria growth..) ,
‘, ?hawedground meats,poultry, ‘.‘orfish that haveany off-odor or
off-color s,~ouldnot be refrozen and should not be eaten, Thawed ~
ice cream snould be discarded. If ‘ the odor or color of any food is poor or questionable, get rid of it.
The food “maybedangerous to eat.
Even partial thawing and refreezing
reduce the eating quality of foods, particularly fruits, vegetables, and preparedfoods.Theeating quality of
red meats isaffected lessthanthat of manyother foods. Use refrozen foods assoonaspossible–they
won‘t keep as long asfoods frozen only once, and the sooner they?e
used,the better their eating will be.
~ If youroldfreezerisstillarourid
the housebutnotin use,besure to removethe lid or door.This will
reduce the possibility of danger to children.
Cautionshould be used whefi removing the door of a freezer, ParticularctiutironshouJdbe used ~ when removing the lid of a chest freezer,asmostchest freeze~lids ,
are under spring tension. Cbntact the manufacturer’s ~representative for a method of saferemoval.
A. Before making any repairs.
Note: Westrongly recommetid ­that any servicing be performed by a qualified ind~vidtial.
B. Before cleaning. ~ C. Before replacing a burqed-out
light bulb (on models tith lamp), the freezer should be unplugged in order to avoid contact with a live wire filament. (A burned-out light bulb may break when being replaced.)
Note: Turningcontroi to OFF
position does not remove power
to the light circuit.
~1 ­~
InstallationRequirements IMPORTANT,..PIeaSeReadC~~efUiiY
How toconnect
For personalsafety,
thisappliance mustbe
properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped with a three-prong (grounding) plug which mates with
a standard three-prong (grounding)
‘~f~il receptacle (Fig. 1)to minimize
% e possibility of electric shock
hazard from this appllance.
Fig. 1
Have the wall receptacle and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the receptacle is properly grounded.
Where a standard two-prong wall
receptacle isencountered, it isthe personal responsibility and obli­gation of the customer to have it replaced with a properly grounded three-prong wall receptacle.
(continued next page)
Pan No.46831OPO4
use ofadapterplug
Becauseof potential safetyhazards undercertain conditions,westrongly recommendagainstuseof anadapter plug.However,ifyoustill elect to use
anadapter,where localcodespermit, aTEMPORARYCONNECTIONmay
bemadetoaproperly grounded two-prong wall receptacle by useof aULlistedadapter(Fig.2)available
at most local hardwarestores.
Fig. 2 ~]
TheIargerslot intheadaptermustbe alignedwith the largerslot inthewall receptacle to provide proper polarity
in the connection of the powercord. CAUTION: Attaching adapter
ground terminal to wall receptacle cover screw does not ground the appliance unless cover screw is metal, and not insulated, and wall
receptacle is grounded through
house wiring. Customer should havethe circuit chec,kedby aqual­ified electrician to makesure the receptacle is properly grounded.
Whendisconnectingthe power
the adapter with one hand. If this is not done, the adapter ground
terminal isvery likely to break
with repeated use.
Shouldthe adapterground
terminalbreak,DO NOT USE the applianceuntil a properground hasagainbeen established.
Becauseof potential safety hazards undercertainconditions,we strongly
recommend against the use of an extension cord. However,if you still elect to use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessarythat it bea UL listed3-wiregroundingtypeappliance
extensioncord havinga grounding type plug and outlet and that the electrical ratingofthe cord be 15 amperes(minimum)and 120volts. Suchextensioncordsareobtainable
Thefreezershould always
be pluggedintoitsown individualelectricaloutlet—
(115volt, 60 Hertz,single phaseAC. Some modelsarealsorated100volt,
50 Hertz.Checkthe model andserial
number plate.)
Thisisrecommended for bestperfor­manceandto prevent overloading house wiring circuits, which could causea possible fire hazardfrom
overheating wires.
Freezer Installation
For most efficient operation, your freezer should not be located where air temperature around the freezer isever higher than llO° F.or colder than 32° F.
Upright freezers take approxi­mately half the floor space required for chest type freezers and there-
fore can mote readily be placed in your kitchen. A location next to the refrigerator often is ideal, with the refrigerator on the side nearer the sink and range.
Be sure to install your freezer on a floor strong enough to support it when it is fully loaded.
Also see Energy-Saving Tips regarding location.
Allow 4 inches on top and 3 inches at sides and back for proper air circulation.
Turn left to raise– right to lower
Legsat the front corners of the freezer should beset sothe freezer isfirmly positioned onthe floor, and the front is raised just enough so the door closeseasilywhen opened about halfway.
1.Clean the inside of the freezer with a mild solution of baking soda and water (seepage 10).
2. Connect cord to power outlet.
3. Turn temperature control to No. 4. This isthe normal setting
for safe long-term freezing. For colder temperatures, turn to
higher numbers.
4. Allow freezer to operate for at least two hours before placing food inside.
Freezing temperature selection is made by setting control from No. 1
to No. 7 (coldest].
Normal safefreezing level is ob- ‘=-~-!~
tained bysetting the control at No,4~ OFF position permits turning freezer
off without unplugging it.
@ ,*:,
Freezer Features
wkshe!f doorstorage
Letsyou store frozenfood packages–
asconveniently as putting books on a shelf—where they are easy to see, identify and remove. Shelves are roomy enough for storing home-frozen and flavor: it cannot im~rove aualitv. items or Ieft-overs, and are designed to
accommodate regular or odd-s~aped packages.
Juice-can door shelf
Specially sized for storage of standard frozen juice cans and other similarly­shaped containers. Some models have two juice-can shelves.
Interior light (onmodelsso
Turns on automatically when door is opened, turns off when door isclosed.
(on modelssoequipped)
Keeps your frozen food supply secure, discourages unauthorized “exploring.” The spring-loaded lock is designed so that the key is automatically ejected– key will not remain in lock in either
the open or closed position. Keep the
out of reach of children andaway
Cooling coils welded to these shelves hasten freezing when food is placed
in direct contact with shelves.
Food Freezing
1. Freeze the best. Freeze only top-
quality foods. Freezing retains quality
2. Keep workarea clean.
3. Workquickly.The quicker fruits and vegetables are frozen after picking, the better the frozen product will be. You’ll save time, too, because less culling and sorting will be necessary.
4. Choosecorrectpackagingmaterials.
Frozen foods will dry out if not prop-
erly wrapped or packaged. Both rigid containers and flexible bags or wrap­pers can be used. Make sure they are especially designed for freezing.
5. Follow reliable instructionsfor freezing different types of food.
6. Freeze foodsin practical meai-
sized packages.
7. Fillcontainerproperly.When placing
liquid orsemi-liquid food in containers, leave about %“at top (1%“ for glass containers) to allow for expansion dur­ing freezing.
8. Freeze correct quantities. There is an established maximum of food your
freezer is designed to freeze at o~le time—approximately 3 pounds per cubic foot of freezer capacity. In normal position, your freezer’s con­trol dial will maintain sufficiently low temperatures in the freezer to freeze recommended quantities of food.
If you have a large quantity of food
you wish to freeze, store part of it in the fresh food compartment of your refrigerator until the first quantity is frozen.
Freezefoods quickly.Continually
rotate frozen foods to the front of the freezer so the longest-frozen foods are used first.
10.Store frozen foods immediately.
Commercially frozen food can be
stored any place in the freezer. These foods should not be allowed to thaw before being placed in the freezer.
You’ll find these materials helpful in preparing foods for the freezer:
~ Large kettle with close-fitting lid for blanching vegetables and fruits
~ Fine sieve or small colander to put vegetables in for blanching
@Assortment of knives for cutting up meat, fruits and vegetables.
~ Rolls of absorbent paper towels or soft cloth towels for draining foods
o Proper freezer packaging materials for various types of food (see page 8).
@Small loading funnel for fruit and vegetable containers, to keep sealing edge clean.
~ Glass marking pencil for labeling packages.
e Roll of freezer tape
Quick= freezing
For quick-freezing small amountsof food, simply place it in direct contact
with any refrigerated shelf.
For quick-freezing large amountsof
food, turn control to No. 7, and return
it to No. 4 after freezing iscompleted.
Never freeze morethanthree pounds of food per cubic foot of freezer capacity at one time.
PartNo, 46831OPO4
+ 11 hidden pages