
Safety Instructions ...... 2-5
Operating Instructions
Kitchen Timer ................. 19
Oven ...................... 12-51
Adjust Oven Thermostat ..... 20
Baking or Roasting .............. 15
Broiling,Broiling Guide .......... 16
Controls .......................... 12
Convection Oven ............ 21-24
Lower Oven Drawer ............ 31
Preheating ....................... 15
Probe............................. 18
Sabbath Feature................ 28
Self-Cleaning................. 29, 30
Special Features............. 25-27
Timed Baking or Roasting...... 17
Surface Units................ 6-11
Cookware .................... 7
Griddle............................ 10
Knob-Controlled Models....... 8,9
Care and Cleaning
control Knobs ................. 52
Control Panel ................. 52
Glass Cooktop ............ 37, 58
Lift-Off Oven Door......... 33, 34
Light .......................... 36
Oven Heating Elements ....... 36
Racks ......................... 34
Removable Warming Drawer/
Lower Oven Drawer Pan .... 35
Surfaces ...................... 32
Instructions ............ 59-46
Anti-Tip Device ............ B9,45
Dimensions and
Clearances .................... 40
Electrical Connections ...... 41-44
Level the Range ............... 45
Location Guidelines ........... 40
Safety Instructions ............ B9
Tips ...................... 47-49
Accessories .................. 53
Consumer Support
Support .............. Back Cover
Warranty for Customers
in Canada ..................... 55
Warranty for Customers
in the U.S.A.................... 54
Quick Set VI,
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manual, visit our Website at
Para consultar una version
en espa_ol de este manual
de instrucciones, visite
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In Canada:
www.G EApplia nces.ca
Printed in Mexico
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a label
behind the drawer or behind the
lower oven door on the front of
the range frame.
Printed on
Recycled Paper
49-88050 01-12 GE

Read all safety instructions before using the product. Failure to follow these instructions may result in fire, electric shock,
serious injury or death.
To reduce the risk of tipping the
range, the range must be secured
by a properly installed anti-tip
bracket. See installation instructions
shipped with the bracket for
complete details before attempting
to install.
For Freestanding and Slide-In
To check if the bracket is installed
and engaged properly, look
underneath the range to see that
A child or aduEt can tip the range and be killed.
Verify the anti-tip bracket has been properly instaEled
and engaged.
Ensure the anti-tip bracket is re-engaged when the range
is moved.
Do not operate the range without the anti-tip bracket in
place and engaged.
Failure to follow these instructions can resuEt in death or
serious burns to chiMren or aduEts.
Bracket '"_-'_'i i
Anti-Tip _ _
Leveling Leg
Freestanding and Slide-In Ranges
Countertop or
i Wood Block
Anti Tip------
Tip-Over Hazard
the rear leveling leg is engaged in the bracket. On some models, the
storage drawer or kick panel can be removed for easy inspection. If visual
inspection is not possible, slide the range forward, confirm the anti-tip
bracket issecurely attached to the floor or wall, and slide the range back so
the rear leveling leg is under the anti-tip bracket.
If the range is pulled from the wall for any reason, always repeat this
procedure to verify the range is properly secured by the anti-tip bracket.
Never completely remove the leveling legs or the range will not be secured
to the anti-tip device properly.
For Drop-In Ranges
To check if the bracket is installed and engaged properly, slide the range
forward, confirm the anti-tip bracket issecurely attached to the rear of the
range, and slide the range back so that the anti-tip bracket slides just under
the countertop or wood block attached to the rear wall.
If you did not receive an anti-tip bracket with your purchase, call
1.800.561.3344. For installation instructions of the bracket, visit
Drop-In Ranges
TheCaliforniaSafeDrinkingWater and ToxicEnforcementAct requires the Governor of Californiato publish a list of substances
known to the state to cause cancer,birth defects or other reproductive harm, and requires businessesto warn customers of potential
exposure to such substances.
Thefiberglassinsulation in self-cleanovensgivesoff a very small amount of carbon monoxide during the cleaning cycle.Exposurecan
be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation fan or hood.

_,Usethis appliancefor its intendedpurposeasdescribedinthis
Besureyour applianceis properly installedand grounded by a
qualifiedinstallerin accordancewith theprovidedinstallation
Donot attempt to repair or replaceany part of your range unless
it isspecificallyrecommendedinthis manual.All other servicing
shouldbetransferredto a qualifiedtechnician.
Beforeperforming anyservice,unplug the rangeordisconnect
the powersupplyatthe householddistributionpanelby
removingthefuseor switchingoff the circuit breaker.
Donot leavechildrenalone-children should not beleft alone
or unattended in an areawhereanapplianceisin use.They
shouldneverbe allowedto climb,sitor standon any part of the
CAUTION Donotstore items of interestto children
abovea rangeor onthe backguardof a range-children climbing
on the rangeto reachitemscouldbe seriouslyinjured.
Useonlydrypot holders-moist or damp pot holderson hot
surfacesmayresultinburnsfrom steam.Donotlet pot holders
touch hot surfaceunitsor heating elements.Do not useatowel
or other bulkycloth in placeof pot holders.
Neveruseyour appliancefor warming or heating the room.
Donottouch the surface units,the heating elementsor the
interiorsurfaceof the oven.Thesesurfacesmay be hot enough
to burn eventhough they aredark in color.Duringand after use,
do not touch,or letclothingorother flammablematerialscontact
the surfaceunits,areasnearbythe surfaceunitsorany interior
area of the oven;allow sufficienttimefor coolingfirst.Other
surfacesof the appliancemay become hot enoughto cause
burns.Potentiallyhot surfacesincludethe cooktop,areasfacing
the cooktop,ovenvent opening,surfacesnearthe openingand
crevicesaround the oven door.
Donot heatunopenedfoodcontainers.Pressurecould buildup
and the containercouldburst,causingan injury.
Avoidscratchingor impacting glassdoors,cooktopsorcontrol
panels.Doingso may leadto glassbreakage.Donotcookona
product with brokenglass.Shock,fireorcuts mayoccur.
Cookmeatand poultrythoroughly-meat to at leastaninternal
temperatureof :].60°Fand poultrytoat leastaninternal
temperatureof Z80°F.Cookingtothesetemperaturesusually
protectsagainstfoodborne illness.
Donot usealuminum foilto linedrip pansor anywhere inthe
oven,exceptasdescribedinthis manual. Foilcantrap heat
or melt, resultingin damageto the product and a shockor fire
Donot storeoruseflammablematerialsinanovenor near
the cooktop,includingpaper,plastic,potholders,linens,wall
coverings,curtains,drapesandgasolineor other flammable
Neverwearloose-fittingor hanginggarmentswhileusing
the appliance.Thesegarments may igniteifthey contact hot
Donot let cookinggreaseor other flammablematerials
accumulate inor nearthe range.Greasein the oven or on the
cooktopmay ignite.
Cleanventilating hoodsfrequently.Greaseshouldnot be
allowedto accumulateonthe hoodorfilter.
Donot usewater on grease fires. Neverpick up a flaming pan.
Turn the controls off. Smother a flaming pan on a surface
unit by covering the pan completely with a well-fitting lid,
cookie sheet or flat tray. Useamulti-purpose dry chemical or
foam-type fire extinguisher.
If there is a fire in the oven during baking, smother the fire by
closing the oven door and turning the oven off or by using a
multi-purpose dry chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher.
If there is a fire in the oven during self-clean,turn the oven
off and wait for the fire to go out. Do not force the door
o_o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o_.Introduction of fresh air at self-clean temperatures
may lead to a burst of flame from the oven. Failureto follow
this instruction may resultin severeburns.

Never leave the surface units unattended at medium or
high heat settings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasy
spillovers that may catch on fire.
Never leave oil unattended while frying. If allowed to
heat beyond its smoking point, oil may ignite, resulting
in fire that may spread to surrounding cabinets. Use a
deep fat thermometer whenever possible to monitor oil
To avoid oil spillover and fire, use a minimum amount of
oil when shallow pan-frying and avoid cooking frozen
foods with excessive amounts of ice.
Useproper pan size-select cookware having flat
bottoms large enough to cover the surface heating
element.The useof undersizedcookware will expose
a portion of the surfaceunit to direct contact and may
result in ignitionof clothing. Properrelationship of
Onlycertain types of glass,glass/ceramic,earthenware
or other glazed containers are suitable for cooktop
service;others may break becauseof the sudden
change intemperature.
To minimize the possibility of burns, ignition of
flammable materials and spillage, the handle of a
container should be turned toward the center of the
range without extending over nearby surface units.
When preparing flaming foods under a hood, turn the
fan on.
If power is lost to an electric cooktop while a surface
unit is ON, the surface unit will turn back on as soon as
power is restored. In the event of power loss,failure
to turn all surface unit knobs to the OFF position may
result in ignition of items on or near the cooktop, leading
to serious injury or death.
cookware to surfaceunit will also improve efficiency.
(some models)
Use care when touching the cooktop. The glass surface
of the cooktop will retain heat after the controls have
been turned off.
Do not cook on a broken cooktop. If glass cooktop
should break, cleaning solutions and spillovers
may penetrate the broken cooktop and create a
risk of electric shock. Contact a qualified technician
Avoid scratching the glass cooktop. The cooktop can be
scratched with items such as knives, sharp instruments,
rings or other jewelry and rivets on clothing.
Do not place or store items that can melt or catch fire
on the glass cooktop, even when it is not being used. If
the cooktop is inadvertently turned on, they may ignite.
Heat from the cooktop or oven vent after it isturned off
may cause them to ignite also.
Use CERAMA BRY1-E_ ceramic Cooktop Cleaner and
CERAMABRY-1-E'_ Cleaning Pad to clean the cooktop.
Wait until the cooktop cools and the indicator light
goes out before cleaning. A wet sponge or cloth on a
hot surface can cause steam burns. Some cleaners
can produce noxious fumes if applied to a hot surface.
NOTE: Sugar spills are an exception. They should be
scraped off while still hot using an oven mitt and a
scraper. See the Cleaning the glass cooktop section for
detailed instructions.
Read and follow all instructions and warnings on
the cleaning cream label.
Do not immerse or soak the removable surface units.
Do not put them in a dishwasher. Do not self-clean the
surface units in an oven. Doing so may cause them to
fail, presenting a burn or fire hazard.
To avoid the possibility of a burn or electric shock, always
be certain that the controls for all surface units are at the
OFFposition and all coils are cool before attempting to lift
or remove a coil surface unit.
i Be sure the drip pans are not covered and are in place.
Their absence during cooking could damage range
parts and wiring.
i Do not use aluminum foil to line drip pans. Foil can trap
heat or melt, resulting in damage to the product and a
shock or fire hazard.

Stand away from the range when opening the oven
door. Hot air or steam which escapes can cause burns
to hands, face and/or eyes.
Keep the oven vent unobstructed.
Keep the oven free from grease buildup. Grease in the
oven may ignite.
Placeoven racks in desired location while oven iscool.
If rack must be movedwhile oven is hot,do not let pot
holder contact hot heating element in oven.
When using cooking or roasting bags in the oven, follow
the manufacturer's directions.
The self-cleaning feature operates the oven at temperatures high enough to burn away food soils in the oven.
Follow these instructions for safe operation.
Before operating the self-clean cycle, remove pans,
shiny metal oven racks and other utensils from the
oven. Only gray or black porcelain-coated oven racks
and drip pans may be left in the oven. Do not use
self-clean to clean other parts, such as shiny drip pans
or bowls.
(Some models)
Beforeoperating the self-clean cycle,wipe greaseand
food soilsfrom the oven.Excessiveamount of grease
may ignite,leading to smoke damage to your home.
Pull the oven rack to the stop-lock position when
loading and unloading food from the oven. This helps
prevent burns from touching hot surfaces of the door
and oven walls.
Do not leave items such as paper, cooking utensils or
food in the oven when not in use. Items stored in an
oven can ignite.
Do not use aluminum foil to line the oven bottom.
Foilcan trap heat or melt, resulting in damage to the
product and a shock or fire hazard
If the self-cleaning mode malfunctions, turn the oven off
and disconnect the power supply. Have it serviced by a
qualified technician.
Do not clean the door gasket. The door gasket is
essential for a good seal. Care should be taken not to
rub, damage or move the gasket.
Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial oven cleaner
or oven liner protective coating of any kind should be
used in or around any part of the oven.
INSTRUCTIONS (somemodels)
The purpose of the warming drawer isto hold hot
cooked foods at serving temperature. Bacteria will grow
in food while it is below 140°F. Do not put cold food
in warming drawer. Do not heat food for more than 2
hours. Failure to follow these instructions may result in
foodborne illness.
Do not leave paper products, plastics, canned food or
combustible materials in the drawer. They may ignite.
Do not touch the heating element or the interior surface
of the drawer. These surfaces may be hot enough to
cause burns.
Usecare when opening the drawer. Openthe drawer a
crackand let hot air or steam escapebefore removing
or replacingfood. Hot air or steam that escapescan
cause burnsto hands,face and/or eyes.
Do not use aluminum foil to line the lower drawer. The
foil will trap heat below, and upset the performance
of the oven. Foil can melt and permanently damage
the drawer bottom. Damage from improper use of
aluminum foil is not covered by the product warranty.

For models with a lass cooktop.
WARNING settings. Keep flammable items away from the cooktop. Turn off all controls when done
cooking. Failure to follow these instructions can result in fire, serious injury or death.
NOTE;Throughoutthis manual, featuresand appearancemay vary from your model.
About the radiant surface units
Never cook directly on the glass.
Always use cool<ware.
Always place the pan inthe center
of the surface unit you are cooking on.
Do not slide cool<ware across the
control or cool<topsurface because
it can scratch the glass. The glass is
scratch-resistant, not scrotchproof
The radiant cooktop features heating units
beneath a smooth glass surface.
Cooktoptemperatures increase with the
number of surface units that are on. With 3 or 4
units turned on, surface temperatures are high.
Always use caution when touching the cooktop.
An indicator light will come on when the
surface unit isturned on.
The appropriate HOTSURFACEindicator
light will glow when its corresponding radiant
element is turned on and will remain on until
the surface has cooled below 150%.
Hot surface indicator light will:
Stay on evenafter the unit is turned off.
Glow brightly until the unit has cooled
below !50°K
NOTE:A slight odor is normal when a new
cooktop isusedfor the firsttime. It is caused
bythe heating of new parts and insulating
materials and will disappear in a short time.
NOTE:Onmodels with light-colored glass
cooktops,it isnormal for the cookingzones to
change color when hot or cooling down. Thisis
temporary and will disappear as the glass cools
to room temperature.
It is safe to place hot cookware from the oven
or surface on the glass cooktop when the
surface iscool.
Evenafter the surface units are turned off, the
glass cooktop retains enough heat to continue
cooking.To avoid overcooking, remove pans
from the surface units when the food iscooked.
Avoid placing anything on the surface unit until
it hascooled completely.
Water stains (mineral deposits)are removable
usingthe cleaning cream or full strength
white vinegar.
Useof window cleanermay leavean
iridescentfilm on the cooktop.Thecleaning
cream will remove this discoloration.
Don't storeheavy itemsabove the cooktop. If
they drop onto the cooktop,they cancause
Donot usethe surface as a cutting board.

Selecting types of cookwure
nlode[s. (onnon-inductionmodels) GEAppliances.com
The following information will help you choose cookware which will give good performance on glass cooktops. See insert
for cookware to use with induction cooktops.
Check pans for flat bottoms by
using a straight edge.
Stainless Steel:
hea W weight recommended
Good conductivity. Aluminum residues
sometimes appear as scratches on the cooktop
but can be removed ifcleaned immediately.
Because of its low melting point, thin weight
aluminum should not
be used.
Copper Bottom:
Copper may leave residueswhich can appear
as scratches.The residuescan be removed,as
long as the cooktop is cleaned immediately.
However, do not let these pots boil dry.
Overheated metal can bond to glass cooktops.
An overheated copper bottom pot will leavea
residuethat will permanently stain the cooktop
if not removed immediately.
Porcelain Enamel on Cast Iron:
recommended ifbottom of pan is coated
Porcelain Enamel on Steel:
not recommended
Heating empty pans can cause permanent
damage to cooktop glass. The enamel can melt
and bond to the ceramic cooktop.
not recommended
Poor performance. Willscratch the surface.
not recommended
Poor performance. Hay scratch the surface.
Cast Iron:
not recommended-unless designed specifically
for glass cooktops
Poor conductivity and slow to absorb heat. Will
scratch the cooktop surface.
Pans with rounded, curved,
ridged or warped bottoms are not
DO not place wet pans
on the glaSS cod<top.
Do not use woks with support
rings on the glass Cooktop.
Use flat-bottomed woks
NOTE:Followall cookware manufacturer's recommendations when using any typeof cookware on
the ceramiccooktop.
For Best Results
Place only dry pans on the surface
elements. Do not place lids on the surface
elements, particularly wet lids.
Do not use woks that have support rings.
Avoid allowing foods to boil dry as some
cookware may stick to the cooking
surface, causing permanent damage to
the cooktop.
This type of wok will not heat on glass
surface elements.
We recommend that you use only a fiat-
bottomed wok. They are available at your
local retail store. The bottom
of the wok should have the same diameter
as the surface element
to ensure proper contact.
Some special cooking procedures require
specific cookware such as pressure
cookers, deep-fat fryers, etc. All cookware
must have flat bottoms and be the correct

Using the surface units-Knob-controlled models.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
At both OFF and HI the control clicks
into position. Youmay hear slight
clicking sounds during cooking,
indicating the control ismaintaining
your desiredsetting.
Be sure you turn the control knob
to OFFwhen you finish cooking.
How to Set
Pushthe knob in and turn in either direction to
the setting you want.
Forglass cooktop surfaces:
A HOTCOOKTOPindicator light, on the
cooktop, will glow when any radiant element
isturned on. Itwill remain on until the surface
iscooled to approximately lSO°F.
Indicator lightwill:
Come on when the unit isturned on or hot
to the touch.
Stay on even after the unit is turned off.
Glow until the unit iscooled to
approximately 150%.
Dual and Triple Surface Units and Control Knobs (onsome models)
Thesurface unit has 2 or 5 cooking sizes
to selectfrom soyou can match the size
of the unit to thesize of the cookware you are
Hi A. Lo
On some models.
• ®.,
On some models.
Temperature Limiter
Everyradiant surface unit hasa temperature
Thetemperature limiter protects the glass
cooktop from getting too hot. It isnormal for it
to cyclewhen the cooktop is in use.
Modelswith a Triple Surface Unitonly.
Modelswith a Triple Surface Unitonly.
Thetemperature limiter may cycle the units off
more frequently for a time if:
Thepan boils dry.
Thepan bottom is not flat.
Thepan is off-center.
There isno pan on the unit.

Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
£ ¸¸¸OFF¸¸¸
_{f!/ I I V_8
LO O 2 *
(Low) Bread/Pastries
(Medium) Chocolate/
(Medium) Sauces, Stews,
Cream Soups
(Medium) Vegetables
(High) Soups (liquid)
(High) Tea or Coffee
TheGuide is for reference only
and the SETFINGthat you need
will depend on the amount
and type of food, the starting
temperature of the food and the
length of the holding time.
Using the COOK-WARM Zone
TheCOOK-WARMZONE,located in the back
center of the glass surface, will keep hot,
cooked food at servingtemperature. Always
start with hot food. Do not useto heat cold
food. Placing uncooked or cold food on the
COOK-WARHZONEcould result infood-borne
Pushand turn the control knob to any desired
For best results,all foods on the
COOK-WAR! ZONEshould be covered
with a lid or aluminum foil. When warming
pastries or breads,the cover should be vented
to allow moisture to escape.
Always usepot holdersor oven mitts when
removing food from the COOK-WARMZONE,as
cookware and plates will be hot.
,ACAUTION: oonotwormfoodon
the COOK-WARHZONEfor more than two
NOTE:The surface cook-warm zone will not
glow red like the cooking elements.
A HOTsurface indicator light will glow when the
glass surface is hot and will remain on until the
surface iscool enough to touch. Lower settings
may not heat the glasssurface enough to cause
the HOTsurface indicator lightto come on.
A COOK-WAR! ZONE indicator light will glow
when the unit is on.
Do not use plasticwrap to cover food. Plastic
may melt onto the surface and be very
difficult to clean.
Useonly cookware recommended for top-of-
range cooking.
Use only flat-bottomed woks.
Home Canning Tips
Besure the canner iscentered overthe surface
Hake sure the canner is flat on the bottom.
To prevent burns from steam or heat,
usecaution when canning.
Wok Cooking
Werecommend that you use only a flab
bottomed wok. Theyare available atyour local
Do not use woks that have support rings.
Userecipes and procedures from reputable
sources.Theseare available from
manufacturers such as Bull_and Kerr_ and the
Department of Agriculture ExtensionService.
Flat-bottomed canners are recommended. Use
of water bath canners with rippled bottoms
may extend the time required
to bring the water to a boil.
Donot useround-bottom woks.You could be
seriously burned if the wok tipped over.

Using the griddle.
CAUTION nlace and remove the griddle when it is cool and all surface units are off. Use oven mitts if
you will touch the griddle while hot. Failure to do so can result in burns.
Before usingthis cookware for the first time,
wash it to make sure it isclean.Then season
it lightly, rubbing cooking oil onto the nonstick
Using the Griddle
_._. Lo.2.4. _. 8.._-_J
Host griddled foods require cooking
on a preheated surface. Preheat griddle
according to the guide below, then switch
to the desiredcook setting.
Toturn on the surface units for the entire
griddle,turn the knob clockwise.
Toturn an the surface unit for the back
half ofthe griddle,turn the knob
Typeof Food andTime CookSetting
Warming 5 5
Tortillas 5min.
Pancakes 8 3
Hamburgers 5 3
FriedEggs 5 2
Bacon None 6
Breakfast 8 /4
SausageLinks 5 min.
HotSandwiches 8 3
(suchas Smin.
NOTE:Griddle settings may need to be adjusted
if griddle isused for an extended time.
5 min.
How to place the griddle:
IMPORTANTAlways place and useyour griddle
at the designated location an the caaktap.
Cleanthe griddle with a spongeand mild
detergent in warm water. DONOTuseblue ar
green scrubbing pads ar steel wooL
Avoid cooking extremelygreasy foods and be
careful af grease spillover while cooking.
Neverplacear storeany itemsan thegriddle,
evenwhen it isnot in use.Thegriddle can
becameheated when usingthesurrounding
surface units.
Avoid usingmetal utensils with sharppoints
ar rough edges,which might damage the
griddle.Do not cut foods an the griddle.
Donot usecaakware as a storage cantainer
far foodar oiLPermanent staining and/ar
crazelinescould result.
NOTE: Thenanstick coating will degrade when
exposedta temperatures over500°£ Use
only with the griddle control and only at the
designated location an the caaktap. Do not use
the griddle to broil food in the oven. Donot clean
the griddle using the self-clean mode in the oven.
Thegriddle control prevents overheating the
nonstick coating.At temperatures over 660°£
the nonstickproperties permanently degrade
and may produce fumes harmful ta birds.
NOTE:Yourgriddle will discolor over time with
NOTE: Donat clean thegriddle in theself-
NOTE:Always allow the caakware to cool
beforeimmersing in water.

Preparing Quality Steak, Easy as
1. Bring steakto room temperature.
NOTE:Always use safe food practices when handling meat.
2. Seasonboth sidesto taste and coat with oliveoil or similar.
Preheatthe oven to BAKEat 425°,with the oven rack in center position "C."
Placeyour griddle on the designated area of the cooktop and then preheat the griddle
to 400°F.
CAUTION:The griddle will be VERYHOT!Useoven mitts.
Searsteak on each side for 2 minutes or until the desired browning isachieved.
NOTE:Therewill be "smoke"; ensure there is proper ventilation.
Insertthe meat probe that came with your range into the center of the steak,making sure that the tip
ofthe probe is in the center of the steak.
Plugthe probe intothe outlet (locatedon the upperfront sideof the oven),slidethe rack back into the
ovenand close the door.
PressPROBEon your control, enter the desired internal temp, and pressSTART.
Allow steak to finish cooking inthe oven.The range control will beep and turn off when
the steak reaches the desired internal temperature.
After searing,your steak could possiblyalready be at the desired temperature, depending on size,
cut and desired doneness.
Forthinner steaks it may not be possibleto achieve a Rareor Medium Rare doneness.
Byfirstseanngyour meat with a veryhigh heat,you are creating abrowning reaction known asthe Maillard Reaction.
Thisreaction unlocksthe fuller,more intenseflavor from themeat, which occurs when cooking meat at a high heat.

Usingthe oven controls.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model See the control panel below that matches
your model.
Touchthe BROILHI/LO pad once forHI Broil,
Tochange to LOBroil,touch the BROILHI/LO pad again.
Touchthe STARTpad.
When broilingisfinished,touch the CLEAR/OFFpad.
Touchthe BAKEpad.
Touchthe number padsto setthe desiredoventemperature.
Touchthe STARTpad.
When bakingisfinished,touch the CLEAR/OFFpad.
Touch the number pads to set the desired oven temperature.
Touch the STARTpad.
When cooking isfinished, touch the CLEAR/OFF pad.
Touchwhen usingthe probeto cook food.
Seethe Usingthe Probesection.
Touchto self-cleanthe oven.
Seethe UsingtheSelf-CleaningUpperand LowerOvenssection.
Touchto cancelALLoven operationsexceptthe clockand timer.

Mustbe touched to start anycooking or cleaningfunction.
Touchto turn the ovenlightson oroff.
Touchto setthe kitchentimer.
Seethe Usingthe KitchenTimersection.
Touchthis padand then touchthe number padsto setthe
amount of time you want your food to cook.Theovenwill shut off
when the cookingtime hasrun out.
Usealong withthe COOKTIMEor SELFCLEANpads to set
the ovento startand stop automaticallyat a time you set.
NOTE:When settingtimes,you are settinghours and minutesonly.
Thelowesttime you can set isone minute.
Touchthe CLOCKpad.
Touchthe number pads.
Theclockmust besetto the correct timeof doyforthe outomotic
oventiming functionsto work properly.Thetimeof doyconnot be
chongedduring o timed bokingor self-cleoningcycle.
Ifyour oven wus set for u timed oven operution und u power
outuge occurred, the clock ond d/progrommed functions must
be reset The time of duy will flush in the displuy when there hus
been u power outuge.
Yourcontrol willallowyou to lockout the touch padsand the
cooktop sothey cannot be activated when touched.
Touchthe RANGELOCKOUTpad andthen theSTARTpad to lock
and unlockthe surfaceunits,oven burners,and control panelso
they cannot beactivated.

Usingthe oven.
To avoidpossible burns,place the racksin the desiredposition beforeyou turn on the oven.
Before you begin...
Theracks have stops,sothat when placed
correctly on the supports, they will stop before
coming completely out and will
not tilt.
When placing and removing cookware,
pull the rack out until it stops.
On some models,the bake heating element is
under the oven floor. Donot place foods on the
oven bottom for cooking.
Toremove a rack, pull it toward you,
tilt the front end up and pull it out.
The number of rack positions may
vary by model.
Aluminum Foil
Do not use aluminum foil to line oven
bottoms. The foil will trap heat below and
upset the performance of the oven. Foil can
melt and permanently damage the oven
bottom. Damage from improper use of
aluminum foil is not covered by the product
Toreplace, place the end of the rack
(stop-locks)on the support,tilt up the front and
push the rack in.
Whenyou are usinga rack in the lowest position
(A),you will need to usecaution when pulling
the rack out. Werecommend that you pull the
rack out several inchesand then,using two pot
holders,pull the rackout byholding thesides of
it. Therack is low andyou could beburned ifyou
placeyour hand in the middle of the rack and
pull all the way ouL Be very careful not to bum
your hand on the door when using the rack in
the lowestposition (A).
Foilmay be used to catch spills by placing a
sheet on a lower rack, several inches below
the food .Do not use more foil than necessary
and never entirely cover an oven rack with
aluminum foil. Keepfoil at least 1-1/2" from
oven walls to prevent poor heat circulation.

To avoid possible burns, place the racks in the desired position before you turn on the oven.
Preheating and Pan Placement
Do not place foods directly on the
oven floor.
Toavoid possible burns, place the racks in the
desired position before you turn on the oven.
isnecessaryfor goodresultswhenbakingcakes,
two layersonrackCandtwo layersonrackE.
Staggerpansonthe racksooneisnot directly
theovenus muchas possible.Angelfood cakeis
theexceptionandshouldbeplacedonthe bottom
Punsshouldnottoucheachotherorthe wallsof
theoven.tfyou needto usetwo racks,staggerthe
punssooneisnotdirectlyabovethe other.Leave
front,backandsidesof ovenwall.
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
[] Touchthe BAKEpad.
[] Touchthe numberpadsuntilthedesired
F31 TouchtheSTARTpad.
severaltimesandthedisplaywill showthe oven
NOTE:Youwill hear the convectionfan (on
some models)while theoven ispreheating. The
fan will stop after the ovenispreheated and
the displayshowsyour set temperature.Thisis
[_ Checkfoodfor donenessatthe minimumtime
[_ TouchtheCLEAR/OFFpodwhenbakingis

Usingthe oven.
How to Set the Oven for Broiling
Closethe door. Always broil with the
door closed.
NOTE: Broilwill not work if the
temperature probe is plugged in.
Thesize,weight, thickness,
starting temperature
and your preference
of doneness will affect
broiling times.This guide
is busedon meats at
refrigerator temperature.
i- The U.S.Department of
Agriculture says "Rare beef is
popular, but you should know that
cooking it to only 140°F means
some food poisoning organisms
may survive." (Source:Safe Food
Book. Your Kitchen Guide. USDA
Ray.June 1985.)
Ifyour range is connected to 208 volts, rare
steaks may be broiled by preheating the
[] Touch the BROIL HI/LO pad once for HI
broiler and positioning the oven rack one
position higher.
Use LOBroil to cook foods such as poultry
or thick cuts of meat thoroughly without
overbrowning them.
[-f] Placethe meat orfish on a broilergrid ina
Tochange to LOBroil, touch the
BROILHI/LO pad again.
Touch the STARTpad.
When broiling is finished, touch the
broiler pan designedfor broiling.
[21 Followsuggested rack positions in the
Broiling Guide
Preheatthe broiler for 2 minutes to improve performance.
Food Doneness Thickness Rack Position* Comments
Beef Rare (140°F) Steaks - Eor F (foodshould be 1" Steaks lessthan 1"
Medium (1B0°F) Steaks - E(food should be 5" through before
Well Done 1170°F) Steaks - D or E(food should be 3" meat, slash fat at 1"
Chicken Breast, boneless C (foodshould be8" Broil skin-side-down
Fish Fillets D or E(food should be 5" Handle and turn very
Pork Chops Well Done (170°F) D (food should be 6" To prevent curling of
*Userock positionA for the smaller, 2-rack-position oven.
Type or
1" thick to Y' from broil element) thick are difficult to
cook rare. They cook
5/4" to 1" thick to 4" from broil element) browning.
3/4" to 1" thick to 5" from broil element) intervals.
or Ground Beef Patties
to 9" from broil element) first.
Breast, bone-in
1/2" to l" thick
3/4" thick
C (food should be 7"
to 8" from broil element)
to 6" from broil element) carefully.
to 7" from broil element) meat, slash fat at 1"
To prevent curling of

Using the timed baking and masting features Up rOvenOnly).
(on some models)
NOTE: Foods thet spoil easily-such es milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry end pork-should not be ellowed to sit for more
then 1 hour before or offer cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful becterie.
Be sure that the oven light is off beceuse hoot from the bulb will speed hermful becterie growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
Theovenwill turn on immediately and cook for a NOTE:An attentiontonewillsoundifyou areusing
selectedlength of time. At the end of the cooking timed bakingand do nottouch the STARTpad.
time the oven will turn off automatically. Theovenwillturn ON,and the displaywillshow
[Z] Touch the BAKEpad.
r_ Touch the number pads to set
the desired oven temperature.
r3] Touch the COOK TIME pad.
NOTE:Ifyour recipe requires preheating, you
may need to add additional time to the length of
the cooking time.
[_] Touch the number pads to set the desired
length of cooking time. The minimum
cooking time you can set is I minute.
The oven temperature that you set and
the cooking time that you entered willbe
in the display.
[] Touch the START pad.
the cookingtime countdown andthe changing
temperature startingat 100°F.(Thetemperature
displaywillstart to changeoncethe oven
temperature reaches100°F.)When the oven
reachesthe temperatureyou set,3 beepswill
Theovenwill continue to cook for the set
amount of time, then turn off automatically,
unlessthe WARMfeature was set.Seethe How
to Setthe Upper Oven for Worming section.
r_ Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad to clear the
display if necessary. Remove the food from
the oven. Remember,eventhough the
oven turns off automatically, food left in
the oven will continue cooking after the
oven turns off.
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
Theoven will turn on at the time of dayyou set,
cook for a specificlength of time andthen turn
off automatically.
IVlakesure the clock shows the correct time of
Touch the BAKEpad.
Touch the number pads to setthe desired
oven temperature.
Touch the COOKTIMEpad.
NOTE:Ifyour recipe requires preheating, you
may need to add additional time to the length of
the cooking time.
[] Touch the number pads to set the desired
length of cooking time. The minimum
cooking time you can set is I minute.
The oven temperature that you set and
the cooking time that you entered willbe
in the display.
Touch the DELAY START pad.
Touch the number pads to setthe time of
day you want the oven to turn on and
start cooking.
NOTE:An attention tone willsoundifyou are
usingtimed bakingand do not touch the START
NOTE:Ifyou would like to check the times
you haveset,touch the DELAYSTARTpad to
checkthe start timeyou hove setor touch the
COOKTIMEpad to checkthe length of cooking
timeyou hove set.
When the oventurns ON at the time ofday
you set,the displaywill show the cooking time
countdown and the changing temperature
starting at 100°F.(Thetemperature displaywill
start to change oncethe oventemperature
reaches 100°F.)When the oven reaches the
temperature you set,beepswillsound.
Theoven will continue to cook for the set
amount of time, then turn off automatically.
Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad to clear the
display if necessary. Remove the food
from the oven. Remember,eventhough
the oven turns off automatically, food left
in the oven will continue cooking after the
oven turns off.
r_ Touch the START pad.

Using the probe, consomemode sI
For many foods, especially roasts and poultry, internal food temperature is the best test for doneness. The temperature
probe takes the guesswork out of roasting by cooking foods to the exact alonenessyou want.
The temperature probe has a
skewer-like probe at one end and
a plug at the other end that goes
into the outlet in the oven.
ill !i!
i : il;:i¸¸¸t:
Topreventburns,do not unplugthe probe from
theovenoutlet until the oven hascooled.
Use of probes other than the one provided with
this product may result in damage to the probe
or oven control.
Usethe handles of the probe and plug when
inserting and removing them from the food and
i Toavoid damagingyour probe,do not use
tongs to pull on the cable when removing it.
Toavoid breakingtheprobe, make sure food
iscompletely defrosted before inserting.
After preparing the meat and placing it on
a trivet or a broiler pan grid, follow these
directions for proper probe placement.
Insert the probe completely into the meet. It
should not touch bone, fat or gristle.
NOTE:Failureto fully insertthe probe into the
meat may result in poor cooking performance
becausetheprobe will sensethe ovenair vs.the
food temperature.
• .... F'robe
remove label
Never leave your probe insidethe oven
during a self-cleaning or broil cycle.
Do not store the probe in the oven.
Forroasts with no bone, insert the probe into
the meatiest part of the roast. For bone-in ham
or lamb, insert the probe into the center of the
lowest large muscle.
Insertthe probe into the center of dishes such
as meat loaf or casseroles.
Insertthe probe into the meatiest part of the
inner thigh from below and parallelto the leg of
a whole turkey.
NOTE:Self-cleanand Broil settings will not work
if the temperature probe is plugged in.
How to Set the Oven For Baking/Roasting When Using the Probe
(onsome models)
Insertthe probe fully intothe food.
Plugthe probe into the outlet in the oven.
Hake sure it's pushed all the way in.Close
the oven door. Hake sure the probe cable
is not touching the broil element.
r-_ Touch the PROBEpad. Displaywill show
"Set Probe,"
[-_ Touch the number pads to set the desired
internal food or meat temperature. The
maximum internal temperature for the
food that you can set is200°F.
[]_] Touch the BAKEpad.
[] Touch the number pads to set the desired
oven temperature.
[Z] Touch the STARTpad.
Thedisplay will flash if theprobe is inserted
into the outlet and you havenot set a probe
temperature and touched the ,STARTpad.
After the internal temperature of the food
reaches 100°F,the changing internal
temperature will be shown in the display.
[] When the internal temperature of the food
reaches the number you have set,the
probe and the oven turn off and the oven
control signals.To stop the signal,touch
the CLEAR/OFFpad.Use hot pads to
remove the probe from the food. Do not
usetongs to pull on it-they might
damage it.
If the probe isremoved from the oven
while probe cooking, the oven will not
automatically turn off.
Tochange the oventemperature during the
Bake/Roastcycle,touch the BAKEpad and then
the number pads to set the new temperature.
Youcan usetheKitchen Timereventhough
you cannot use timed ovenoperations while
usingthe probe.

Using the kitchen timer. GEApp,o,ces.com
To Set the Kitchen Timer
Ion some models)
(on some models)
TheKitchenTimer is in hours and
The Kitchen Timer does not control
oven operations, The m(]×imum
setting on the Kitchen Timer is9
hours and 59 minutes.
TIMERON pad (depending on model).
Touch the number pads until the
amount of time you want shows
in the display. For example, to set
2 hours and 45 minutes, touch 2,4
and 5 in that order. Ifyou make u
mistake,touch the KITCHENTIMER
ON/OFFor TIMEROFFpad (depending
on model) and begin again.
[] Touch the STARTpad.
To Reset the Kitchen Timer
If the display isstill showing the time
remaining, you may change it by
TIMERON pad (depending on model),then
touch the number pads until the time you
want appears in the display.
After touching theSTARTpad, SET
disappears;this tellsyou the time is
counting down, although the displaydoes
not change until one minute haspassed.
Secondswill not be shown in the display
until the last minute iscounting down.
When the kitchentimer reaches:00,
the control will beep 3 times followed
by one beep every 6 seconds until
OFF pad (depending on model)is
The6-second tone can be cancelled by
following the steps in the Specialfeatures
ofyour ovencontrol section under Tones
at the Endof a TimedCycle.
If the remaining time isnot in the display
(clock,delay start or cooking time are in
the display),recall the remaining time by
TIMERON pad (depending on model) and
then touching the number pads to enter
the new time you want.
(on some models)
Ion some models)
To Cancel the Kitchen Timer
TIMERONpad (depending on model) twice
or touch TIMEROFF.

Adjust the oven thermostat--Do it yourself.!
You may find that your new oven cooks differently than the one it replaced. Useyour new oven for a few weeks to become
more familiar with it. Ifyou still think your new oven is too hot or too cold, you can adjust the thermostat yourself.
Do not use thermometers, such as those found in grocery stores, to check the temperature setting of your oven. These
thermometers may vary 20-40 degrees.
NOTE: This adjustment will only affect baking and roasting temperatures; it will not affect broiling or self-cleaning
temperatures. The adjustment will be retained in memory after a power failure.
To Adjust the Thermostat
[-_ Touch the BROILHI/LO and BAKEpadsat
the same time until the display shows SF.
[] Touch the BAKE pad. Atwo-digit number
shows in the display.
Touch BAKEagain to alternate between
increasing and decreasing the oven
(on some models)
Toadjust the upper oven thermostat,
touch the upper oven BAKEpad.To adjust
the lower oventhermostat, touch the
lower oven BAKE pad.
Theoven temperature con be adjusted up
to (+)35°Fhotter or (-)35°Fcooler. Touch
the number padsthe same way you read
them. Forexample, to change the oven
temperature 15°F,touch 1 and 5.
Whenyou havemade the adjustment,
touch the STARTpad to go buck to the time
of day display.Useyour oven us you would
(on some models)
Thetype of margarine will affect baking performance!
Most recipes for baking have been developed using high-fat products such as butter or margarine (80% fat). Ifyou
decrease the fat, the recipe may not give the same results as with a higher-fat product.
Recipe failure can result if cakes,pies, pastries, cookies or candies are made with low-fat spreads. The lower the fat
content of a spread product, the more noticeable these differences become.
Federalstandards require products labeled"margarine" to contain at least 80% fat by weight. Low-fat spreads,on the other hand,
contain lessfat and more water. The high moisture content of these spreads affects the texture and flavor of baked goods. Forbest
results with your old favorite recipes,use margarine, butter or stick spreads containing at least 70% vegetable oil.

Usinq the convection oven. (on some models) GEAppliunces.com
Convection Cook (on some models)
IV]ultPrack position.
Theconvection oven comes with one
convection cook mode and can be used
for !-Rack Convection Bakingor ivlulti-Rack
Convection Baking.
Convection Fan Operation
In a convection oven, a fan circulates hot air
over, under and around the food.
This circulating hot air is evenly distributed
throughout the oven cavity. As a result, foods are
evenly cooked and browned-often in less time
with convection heat.
Multi-Rack Convection Baking
Because heated air iscirculated evenly
throughout the oven,foods can be baked with
excellent resultsusing multiple racks.
ivlulti-rack baking may increase cook times
slightly for some foods but the overall result
istime saved. Cookies,muffins, biscuitsand
other quickbreads givevery good resultswith
multi-rack baking.
NOTE:Tomaximize cooking evenness,the fun
isdesigned to rotate in both directions,with a
pause in between. Thisis normal.
Theconvection fun shuts off when the oven
door is opened. DO NOTleave the door open
for long periods of time while using convection
cooking or you may shorten the lifeof the
convection heating element.
When baking on 3 racks,place one rack in the
second (B)position, another rack in the fourth
(D)position and the third rack inthe sixth (F)
Fortwo-rack baking, place one rack
in the second (B)rack position. Place
the other rack inthe fifth (E)rack position.
1-Rack Convection Baking
When convection baking with only 1 rack, place
the food so that it is centered in the oven.
Adapting Recipes...
Youcan use your favorite recipes
in the convection oven.
Use pan size recommended
Somepackage instructions for frozen
casserolesor main disheshave been
developedusingcommercial convection
ovens.For best resultsin this oven,preheat
theoven and usethe temperature on the

Usingthe convection oven.consomemode s
Broiler pan
rq mrqrqrqC:
i IT1El [TIIT1rq
i iii :iii i
Ion some models)
(on some modelsl
Convection Roast (on some models)
Good for large tender cuts of meat,
Theconvection fan circulates the heated air
evenly over and around the food. Meat and
poultry are browned on all sidesas ifthey were
cooked on a rotisserie.The heated air sealsin
juices quickly for a moist and tender product
while, at the same time, creating a rich golden
brown exterior.
How to Set the Oven for Convection Baking or Roasting
rl] Touchthe CONVECTIONCOOKor SpecialFeaturessection.
CONVECTIONBAKEpadoncefor multi-rack Tochange the oventemperature, touch
convection baking.Thismode isusedfor
cookingfood itemson morethan one rack
(i.e.,2, 3 or more racks)at the sametime in
convection bake.Seethe Multi-Rack
ConvectionBaking sectionfor more
CONVECTIONBAKEpadtwice forone-rack
convectionbaking.Thismode isusedfor
cookingfood itemsononlyone rackin
Touch the CONVECTIONROASTpad for
convection roasting (on some models).
Touch the number pads to set
the oven temperature.
Touch the STARTpad.
NOTE:IftheAuto RecipeT"ConversionFeature
ison,it will automatically reducetheset regular
baking temperature by 25°Fto the appropriate
convection temperature in convectionbake
mode.SeeAuto RecipeT"Conversionin the
When you are convection roasting, itis
important that you use a broiler pan and grid
for best convection roasting results.The pan is
usedto catch grease spills
and the grid isusedto prevent grease spatters.
CONVECTIONROASTpad and then the number
pads to set the new temperature.
When the oven starts to heat,the changing
temperature, starting at IO0°F,will be displayed.
When oven reaches the temperature you set, 3
beepswill sound.
[] Touch CLEAR/OFFpadwhen finished.
Youwill hear a fan while cooking with
convection.Thefan will stop when the dooris
opened,but the heat will not turn off.
Youmay hear theoven clickingduring baking.
Thisis normal.
Inconvectionbakemodes,for maximum
cookingevenness,the fan is designed to rotate
in both directions,with a pausein between.
Cookware for Convection Cooking
When baking cookies, you will get
the best results if you use a flat
cookie sheet instead of a pan with
low sides.
Beforeusingyour convection oven,check to see
ifyour cookware leavesroom for air circulation
in the oven. Ifyou are bakingwith severalpuns,
leavespace between them. Also,be surethe
puns do not touch each other or the walls of the
Paper and Plastic
Heat-resistant paper and plastic containers that
are recommended for use in regular baking can
alsobe used for convection baking but should
not be used at temperatures higher than the
temperature recommended by the cookware
manufacturer. Plasticcookware that isheat-
resistant to temperatures of 400°Fcan also be
Metal and Glass
Anytype of cookware will work in your
convection oven; however, metal pans heat the
fastest and are recommended for convection
Darkened or matte-finished pans will bake
faster than shiny pans.
Glassor ceramic panscook more slowly.
Forrecipes like oven-baked chicken, use a pan
with low sides.Hot aircannot circulate well
around food in a pan with high sides.

Using the timed convection
features (uppe GEA I,o,ce,.com
You will hear a fan while cooking with this feature. The fan will stop when the door is opened but the heat will not
turn off.
NOTE: Foods that spoil easily-such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork-should not be allowed to sit for
more than 1 hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure
that the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
The upper oven willturn on immediately and
cook for a selected length of time. At the end
of the cooking time, the oven willturn off
1 RACKpad oncefor multi-rack convection
baking.This mode isusedfor cooking food
itemson more than one rack (i.e.,2,3 or
more racks)at the sametime in convection
bake.Seethe Multi-RackBakingsectionfor
more information.Touch the CONVECTION
BAKENULTI/1 RACKpadtwice for one rack
convectionbaking.Thismode is usedfor
cookingfood itemson onlyone rackin
for convection roasting.
r_ Touchthe number pads to set the desired
oven temperature.
[] Touch the COOKING TIME pad.
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
Youcan setthe upper ovencontrol to delay-start
the oven,cook for aspecificlength of time and
then turn off automatically.
Make sure the clock shows the correct time of
RACKpad once for multi-rack convection
baking. Thismode isusedfor cooking food
items on more than one rack (i.e.,2, 3 or
more racks)at the same time in
convection bake. Seethe Multi-Rack
Bakingsection for more information.
RACKpad twice for one rack convection
baking. Thismode isusedfor cooking food
items on only one rack in convection bake.
Touch the CONVECTIONROASTpad for
convection roasting.
Touchthe number pads to set the desired
oven temperature.
Touchthe COOKINGTIME pad.
NOTE:Ifyour recipe requires preheating,you
may needto add additional time to the length of
the cooking time.
Touchthe number pads to set the desired
cooking time.
NOTE:Ifyour recipe requires preheating, you
may need to add additional time to the length of
the cooking time.
[] Touch the number pads to set the desired
length of cooking time. The minimum
cooking time you can set is 1 minute.
The oven temperature that you set and the
cooking time that you entered will be in the
[] Touch the START pad.
The display shows the oven temperature that
you set and the cooking time countdown. The
display starts changing once the temperature
reaches IO0°F.
r_ Atthe end of timed convection bake the
oven will turn off.Theend of cycle tone will
sound.Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad to clear
the display if necessary.
[-_ Removethe food from the oven.
Remember,foods that are left in the oven
continue cooking after the controls are off.
Touchthe DELAYSTARTpad.
r_ Touchthe number pads to set the time of
day you want the oven to turn on and
start cooking.
Ifyou would liketo check the times you have
set,touch the DELAYSTARTpad to checkthe
start time you have set or touch the COOKING
TINE pad to check the length of cooking time
you have set.
[] Touchthe STARTpad.
NOTE:An attention tone will sound ifyou are
using timed baking and do not touch the START
pad after entering the baking temperature.
When the oven turns on at the time of day you
have set,the display will show the changing
temperature (starting at IO0°F)and the cooking
time countdown.
At the end of timed convection bake the oven
will turn off.Theend of cycle tone will sound.
[-9-] Touchthe CLEAR/OFFpadto clear the
display if necessary.When baking is
finished,remove the food from the oven.
Remember,even though the oven shuts
off automatically, foods continue cooking
after the controls are off. 23

Using the convection oven.consomemode s
How to Set the Oven for Convection Roasting when Using the Probe
CAUTION Iburns,dOn°t meat reaches the number you have
For best results when roasting
large turkeys and roasts, we
recommend using the probe
included in the convection oven.
To change the oven temperature
during the Convection Roast cycle,
pad and then touch the number
pads to set the new desired
IA j To prevent r_ When the internal temperature ofthe
probe from the oven outlet until the oven
has cooled.
Placethe oven rack in the position
that centers the food between the top
and bottom of the oven.Insertthe
probe into the meat. Hake sure it is
pushed all the way in.
Plugthe probe into the outlet in the
oven. Hake sure it is pushed all the
way in. Closethe oven door.
Touch the PROBEpad.
Touch the number pads to set the
desired internal meat temperature.
NOTE:Themaximum internaltemperature
for the food that you can set is 200°F.
[] Touch the CONVECTIONCOOKpad.
[_] Touch the number pads to set the
desired oventemperature.
Thedisplay will flash PROBEand the oven
control will signal if the probe isinserted
intotheoutlet,and you havenot seta probe
temperature and pressedthe STARTpad.
F-Z-]Touch the STARTpad.
When the oven starts to heat,the word
LO will be in the display.
After the internal temperature of the meat
reaches 100°F,the changing internal
temperature will be shown inthe display.
lunplug the set,the probe and the oven turn off
and the oven control signals.Tostop
the signal, touch the CLEAR/OFFpad.
Usehot pads to remove the probe
from the food. Do not usetongs to pull
on it-they might damage it.
NOTE:Ifthe probe is removed from the
oven while probe cooking, the oven will not
automatically turn off.
You will hear a fan while cooking with
this feature. Thefan will stop when the
door is opened, but the heat will not turn
You can use the Kitchen Timer even
though you cannot usetimed oven
Never leave your probe insidethe oven
during a self-cleaning cycle.
Do not store the probe in the oven.
Probeisnot for usein BroilorSelf-Clean
Fanonly rotates inone direction.
Convection Rousting Guide
Meat Oven Temp.
*Stuffed birds generally require 30 /45 minutes additional roasting time_ Shield legs and breast with foil to
prevent overbrowning and drying of skin_
Rib Roast (4 to 8 Ibs.) Rare 525°F
Bone-In and Boneless IV]edium 325°F
Beef Tenderloin (4 to 6 Ibs.) Rare 425°F
Beef Tenderloin (2 to 3 Ibs.) Rare 425°F
Bone-In, Boneless (3 to 5 Ib';.) 325°F
Bone-In (5 to 9 Ibs.) IV]edium 325°F
Boneless (4to 7 Ibs.) IV]edium 375°F
Whole Chicken (Sto 7 Ibs.) 3SO°F
Turkey, Whole*
Unstuffed (10 to 16 ]bs.) 325°F
Unstuffed (18 to 24 Ibs.) 325°F
Turkey Breast 14to 6 Ibs.) 325°F
Internal Temp.

Special features ofyour oven control. GEApp,ancescom
Your new touch pad control has additional features that you may choose to use. The following are the features and how
you may activate them.
The special feature modes can only be activated while the display is showing the time of day. They remain in the control's
memory until the steps are repeated.
To enter a special feature for either oven, you must first touch the upper oven BROIL HgLO and BAKE pads at the same
time. The lower oven BROIL HI/LO and BAKE pads will not activate special features.
When the display shows your choice, touch the START pod. The special features will remain in memory after a power
failure, except for the Sabbath feature, which will have to be reset.
12-Hour Shutdown
With this feature, should you forget and leave
the oven on,the control will automatically
turn off the oven after 12 hours during baking
functions or after 3 hours during a broil
If you wish to turn OFF this feature, follow the
steps below.
[Z] Touch the upper oven BROILHI/LO and
BAKE pads at the same time until the
display shows SF.
Fahrenheit or Celsius Temperature Selection
Your oven control isset to usethe Fahrenheit
temperature selections,but you may change
this to use the Celsiusselections.
[_ Touch the DELAYSTARTpad until no shdn
(no shut-off) appears inthe display.
I-_ Touch the STARTpad to activate the no
shut-off and leavethe control set in this
special features mode.
pads at the same time. The display will
show F (Fahrenheit).
! i !
i ! iI
(on some models)
(on some models)
[Z] Touch the upper oven BROIL HI/LO and
BAKE pads at the same time until the
display shows SF.
Tones at the End of a Timed Cycle
At the end of a timed cycle, 3 short beepswill
sound followed by one beep every 6 seconds
until the CLEAR/OFFpad is touched. This
continual 6-second beep may be cancelled.
Tocancel the 5-second beep:
[Z] Touch the upper oven BROIL HI/LO and
BAKE pads at the same time until the
display shows SF.
Touchthe BROILpad.Thedisplay shows
BROILpad again. The displayshows
SINGLEBEER(Thiscancelsthe one beep
every 6 seconds.)
pads again at the same time. Thedisplay
will show C (Celsius).
[] Touch the START pad.
Thedisplay shows CONBEEP(continual
pad again. The display shows BEER(This
cancelsthe one beep every 6 seconds.)
[] Touch the START pad.

Special features of your oven control.
Tone Volume (on some models)
I cooKI
i_i _ _ _ i ii_i _
iii !
Thisfeature allowsyou to adjust the tone
volumes to a more acceptable volume. There
are three possiblevolume levels.
Touch the upper oven BROILHI/LO and
BAKEpadsat the same time until the
display shows SF.
Touch the COOKTIHEpad. Thedisplay will
show 2 BEEP.This isthe middlevolume
Touch the COOKTIHEpad again.The
display will show 3 BEEP.This isthe loudest
volume level.
12-Hour, 24-Hour or Clock Blackout
Your control isset to use a 12-hour clock.
If you would prefer to have a 24-hour military
time clock or black out the clock display,follow
the steps below.
I-_ Touchthe upper oven BROILHI/LO and
BAKEpadsat the same time until the
display shows SF.
Touch the CLOCKpad once.Thedisplay
will show !2 hr. Ifthis isthe choice you
want, touch the STARTpad.
Touch the COOK TIHE pod again. The
display will show 1 BEEP.This is the
quietest volume level.
Foreachtime the level is changed, a tone
will sound to provide an indication of the
volume level.
[-_ Choosethe desired sound level (1BEEP,2
[] Touch the STARTpad to activate the level
Touch the CLOCKpad again to change to the
24-hour military time clock.Thedisplay will
show 24 hr. If this isthe choice you want, touch
the STARTpad.
Touch the CLOCKpad again to black out the
clock display.The display will show OFF.If this is
the choice you want, touch the STARTpad.
NOTE:Ifthe clockisin the black-out mode,you
will not beable to usetheDelayStart function.

Auto Recipe'" Conversion
You can use your favorite recipes in the
convection oven.
When using Convection Bake, the oven can
automatically convert the oven temperature
from regular baking to Convection Bake
To activate the feature:
FT] Touch the lower oven Warm and Bake
pad at the same time until the display
shows SF.
[] Touch the Convection Bake pad. The
display will show Con OFF.Touch the
Convection Bake pad again. The display
will show Con On.
r_ Touch the Start pad.
[] Using the number pads, enter the
temperature recommended in the recipe.
r_ Touch the Start pad.
The display will show the actual
converted (reduced)temperature. For
example, ifyou enter a regular recipe
temperature of 350°F (177°@and touch
the Start pad, the display will show CON
and the converted temperature of 325°F
NOTE:Thisfeature only converts cooking
temperatures, not cooking times.
When convection roosting, the oven
temperature will not auto convert.
[] Touch the Clear/Off pad when baking is
Usepan sizerecommended in the recipe.
_,Some package instructions for frozen
casseroles,main dishes or baked goods
have been developed using commercial
convection ovens. For best resultsin
this oven,preheat the ovenand use the
temperature, for regular baking, on the
To deactivate the feature:
Touch the lower oven Worm and Bake
pad at the same time until the display
shows SF.
Touch the Convection Bake pad. The
display will show Con On. Touch the
Convection Bake pad again.The display
will show Con OFF.
[] Touch the Start pad.
Range Lockout
i i ii i I:II i ii
Yourcontrol will allow you to lockout the
surface units,oven burners and control panel so
they cannot be activated.
To lock/unlock the controls:
E]_] Turn all surface units off.
Touch the RANGELOCKOUTpad and
then the STARTpad.
Tounlock the control, touch the RANGE
LOCKOUTpadand then the STARTpad.
When this feature ison and the touch pads are
touched, the control will beep and the display
will show LOC.
}_Thecontrol lock-out mode affects all
controls. No controls will work when this
feature is activated.
}_Theadjustment will be retained in memory
after a power failure.

Using the Sabbath feature. (u erand/owerovensl
(Designedfor useon theJewish Sabbathand Holidays)(onsome models)
TheSabbath feature can be used for baking/roasting only. It cannot be usedfor convection,broiling,self-cleaningor
DelayStart cooking.
theOvenLightReplacementsection.Onmodelswitha lightswitchonthecontrolpanel,theovenlightmaybeturnedonandIdt on.
How to Set for Regular Baking/Roasting
When the display shows D, the
oven is set in Sabbath. When the
display shows De, the oven is
Makesure the clock shows the correct time ofday
and the oven is off.
7] Touch and hold both the upper oven BROILHI/
LOand BAKEpads, at the same time, until the
display shows SF.
NOTE:tf bake orbroil appears in the display, the
BROILHI/LO and BAKEpads were not touched
at the same time. Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad
and begin again.
[] Tap the DELAYSTARTpad until SAbbAtH
appears in the display.
[] Touch the STARTpad and D will appear in the
display. Both ovens are now in Sabbath mode.
[-_ Touchthe BAKEpad on the upper or lower
oven.No signal will be given.
[-_-] Using the number pads, enter the desired
temperature between !70°F and 550°F.No
signal or temperature will begiven. There is no
default temperature.
F-_ Touch the STARTpad on the corresponding
F-7--]After a random delay period of approximately
30 seconds to ! minute, D C will appear in the
displayindicatingthat the oven isbaking/
roasting. IfD C doesn't appear in the display,
start again at Step4.
[] To bake in the other oven, start at Step 4 (on
some models).
Toadjust the oventemperature, touch the BAKEpad,
enter the new temperature using the number pads
and touch the STARTpad.
active during the Sabbath feature.
i ii i
i iii ii !ii i iiiIIII
When the display sho_ ,the
oven is set in Sabbath. When the
displa_Z]s_ws ,the oven is
ik ii _iii_: _xxxxxi_ iii iiii_ii
How to Set for Timed Baking/Roasting--Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
Hake surethe clock shows the correct time of day [77 Touch the BAKEpad. No signal will be given.
and the oven isoff.
77 Touch and hold both the upper oven BROILHI/
LOand BAKEpads, at the same time, until the
display shows SF.
NOTE:tf bake or broil appears in the display, the
BROILHI/LO and BAKEpads were not touched
at the same time. Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad
and begin again.
r_ Tapthe DELAYSTARTpad until SAbbAtH
appears in the display.
Touch the STARTpad and D will appear in the
display. Both ovens are now in Sabbath mode.
r_ Touch the COOKTIlE pad on the upper or
lower oven. No signal will be given.
[-5-1 Touch the number pads to set the desired
length of cooking time between ! minute and 9
hours and 99 minutes.
r_ Touch the STARTpad.
[-_] Using the number pads,enter the desired
temperature. No signal or temperature will be
given.There isno default temperature.
F_ Touch the STARTpad on the corresponding
After a random delay period of approximately
[_30 secondsto ! minute, DC willappear in the
display indicating that the oven isbaking/
roasting.If DC doesn't appear in the display,
start again at Step 7.
Toadjust the oventemperature, touch the BAKEpad,
enter the new temperature using the number pads
and touch the bi pad.
When cooking is finished, the display will change
from _ to D and 0:00will appear, indicating that
the oven hasturned OFFbut is still set in Sabbath.
Removethe cooked food.
How to Exit the Sabbath Feature
[] Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad.
Ifthe oven is cooking, wait for a random delay
period of approximately 30 seconds to !
minute, until only D isin the display.
Touch and hold both the BROILHI/LO and
BAKEpads,at the same time, until the display
shows SF.
[-4-1 Tapthe DELAYSTARTpad until 12shdn or no
shdn appears inthe display.
[-5-J Choose 12 shdn, indicating that the oven will
automatically turn off after 12 hours or no
shdn,indicating that the ovenwill not
automatically turn off after 12 hours.
F_ pressSTARTwhen the option that you want is
in the display (22shdn or no shdn).
NOTE:If a power outage occurred whilethe oven
was in Sabbath,the oven will automatically turn off
and stay off even when the power returns.The oven
control must be reset.Some models will resume
Sabbath mode; however,opening the door will
activate the oven light.

Usin the sdf-deanin u eroven. GEAppliances.com
Before a Clean Cycle
Donot cleanthegasket.Thefiberglassmaterialof
theovendoorgasketcannotwithstandabrasion,it is
essentialfor the gasketto remainintact,tfyou notice
it becomingwornorfrayed,replaceit.
Makesuretheovenlightbulbcoveris inplaceand
sensitivetothefumesgivenoff duringthe self-
cleaningcycleof any range.Hovebirdsto another
Wipe up heavy soil on the oven
ovenbottombeforeself-cleaning.Failureto dosomay
Werecommendventingyour kitchenwith anopen
windowor usinga ventilationfan or hoodduringthe
Removeany broilerpan,broilergrid,probe,all
tfyourovenisequippedwith shiny,silver-colored
losetheirlusterand becomehardto slide.
tfyourovenisequippedwith grayporcelain-
coatedovenracks,theymaybe leftintheoven
Soilonthe front frameofthe rangeandoutside
thegasketonthe doorwillneedto becleanedby
hand.Cleantheseareaswith hotwater,soap-filled
Rinsewellwith cleanwateranddry.
How to Set the Oven for Cleaning
[7] TouchtheSELFCLEANpad.
A 5-hourself-cleantime isrecommendedfor
self-cleantimeof 5hoursisrecommendedfor
a dirtieroven.
[] tfa timeotherthan5 hoursor3hoursis
Youcanchangethecleantimeto anytime between
3 hoursand 5hours,dependingonhowdirtyyour
I-_ TouchtheSTARTpad.
self-clean.Thedisplaywillshowthe cleantime
remaining,it willnotbe possibleto opentheoven
belowthe locktemperatureandLOCKED/DOOR
WhenLOCKED/DOOR_ goesoff,youwillbeable
ThewordLOCKED/DOOR_ willflashandthe
worddoorwilldisplayifyousetthe cleancycle
andforgetto closethe ovendoors.
Tostopa cleancycle,touchthe CLEAR/OFFpad.
WhenLOCKED/DOOR_ goesoff,indicatingthe
Youcansetacleancycleinbothovensat the
delayitsstart untiltheendofthefirstoven'sclean
Whenanovenissetto self-clean,both ovendoors
willlockandthecooktopcontrolswill lockout.The

Usingthe self-cleaning upper oven.
The oven doors must be closed and all controls set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
How to Delay the Start of Cleaning
FT] Touch the SELFCLEANpad.
A 3-hour self-cleantime is
recommended for usewhen cleaning
small, contained spills.A self-clean
time of 5 hours is recommended for a
dirtier oven.
r_ !f a time other than 5 hours or 3 hours
is needed,usethe number pads and
enter the desiredclean time,
Youcan change the clean time to any time
between 3 hours and Shours, depending
on how dirty your oven is.
r3] Touch the DELAYSTARTpad.
[] Usingthe number pads,enter the
time of day you want the cleancycle
to start.
After a Clean Cycle
You may notice some white ash in the
oven. Wipe it up with a damp cloth after
the oven cools.
If white spotsremain, remove them with
a soap-filled steel wool pad and rinse
thoroughly with a vinegar and water
Thesedepositsare usuallya saltresidue
that cannot be removed bythe clean cycle.
If the oven is not clean after one clean
cycle,repeat the cycle.
[] Touch the STARTpad.
Theupper and lower oven doors lock
automatically. The cooktop elements are
also locked out during self-clean.The
display will show the start time. It will not
be possible to open the oven doors or use
the cooktop until the temperature drops
below the lock temperature and LOCKED/
DOOR _ goesoff inthe control display.
When LOCKED/DOOR_ goes off,you will
be able to open the doors.
You cannot set the oven for cooking or
another self-clean cycle until the oven is
cool enough for the door to unlock.
While the oven isself-cleaning,you
can touch the CLOCKpad to display
the time of day.To return to the clean
countdown, touch the SELFCLEANpad.
If the racks become hard to slide,apply
a small amount of cooking oil to a paper
towel and wipe the edges of the oven
rackswith the paper towel.