with Makeup air
Makeup air with the ptac
Now you can add the benefit of makeup air to the industry’s most trusted PTAC, with
GE Zoneline® Makeup Air. Factory-installed and tested, the makeup air module is a secondary
system that continuously provides outdoor air, with an adjustable intake of 25-50* CFM. It also
dehumidifies incoming outdoor air when humidity levels exceed 55% relative humidity.
Makeup air can assist if you need cost-effective alternatives to supplement rooftop units.
It is also a solution to lower construction costs of new builds.
there are Many reasons Zoneline ptac rises above the rest:
positive pressuriZed systeM
with 25-50 cFMs*
Includes dedicated fans in the Makeup air
system that are adjustable to 6 pre-set
fan speeds to meet your needs. This
design achieves makeup air without the
need of a constantly running exhaust fan
for proper system operation.*
The GE Zoneline makeup air system
provides added flexibility to building
ventilation designs.
*CFM leve ls tested a t zero stati c pressu re.
The system chara cteris tics are ro om neut ral.
autoMatic vent door & occupancy
sensinG technoloGy (optional)
The makeup air system is designed
to bring in outdoor air when the room
is occupied. An optional approved
occupancy system can be enabled.
Zoneline Makeup Air features a
motorized vent door. When paired with
an approved occupancy system and the
room is unoccupied, the vent door will
close and the makeup air system will
shut down.
This design saves energy and money by
running the makeup system only when
needed, while allowing the PTAC system
to operate independently.
Approved by leading hotel brands
optiMal rh oF 55%
Incoming outdoor air is dehumidified
when relative humidity is above 55% and
outdoor temperature is above 50°F.
This setting supports a healthy
environment and creates a comfortable
guest room setting.
trusted reliability
Ecient module operation results in
reduced wear and tear on the component.
coMMon speciFications
RH% Operation >=55%, At >50°F outdoor temperature
Dehumidification rate* 5 - 6 pints/24 hrs
MAkEup Air fAn
Watts 15
Amps 0.1
Motors 2 DC fan motors, in addition to PTAC fan motors
CFM Range 25-50 CFM at zero static pressure
CFM Configuration 6 stages pre-programmed: 25/30/35/40/45/50
Voltage 230/208 265
Refrigerant 134A 134A
Watts 205 205
Rated Load Amps 1.15/1.05 0.8
Added operational load 1.2A 1.0A
Psig (high) 220 220
Psig (low) 75 103
Occupancy Sensing Compatible YES**
CFM configuration control Adjustable via AUX setting on control panel
PTAC AHRI Certification YES
PTAC UL and cUL certification YES
*Dependant on CFM.
**RAKCDC accessory required.
AZ45 SERIES | coolinG & electric heat
230/208v Models
Cooling BTUh 9,100/9,100 11,800/11,700
EER (BTUh/Watt) 11.5/11.5 11.7/11.7
AZ65 SERIES | heat puMp
230/208v Models
Cooling BTUh 7,000/7,000 9,200/9,100 11,400/11,500
Heating BTUh 6,200/6,100 8,000/7,900 10,200/10,000
EER 12.5/12.5 11.3/11.3 11.2/11.2
COP 4.0/4.0 3.3/3.3 3.5/3.5
Cooling BTUh 6,900 9,200 11,700
Heating BTUh 6,000 8,100 10,400
EER 12.5 11.5 11.4
COP 3.9 3.6 3.5
aZ65h07dbM aZ65h09dbM aZ65h12dbM
265v Models
aZ65h07ebM aZ65h09ebM aZ65h12ebM
desiGn considerations:
• To avoid bringing salt/corrosive air into
living space, Makeup Air Systems are not
recommended for installations within
two miles of coastal areas
• The Makeup Air Module will increase
room load requirements for both heating
and cooling.
–Consult with your architect or engineer to
ensure proper sizing of the PTAC/PTHP
unit to accommodate this additional load.
–Due to additional heating and cooling
load, energy costs of the room will
increase with the use of makeup air.
–Because makeup air increases room
BTU load requirements and requires
additional PTAC cooling or heating,
the building's electrical needs may
be impacted.
• Install Makeup Air Models with wall
• With the additional dehumidication of
outside air, additional condensate will be
generated and therefore an internal or
external piped drain line is recommended.
• Consider noise levels before installing
around areas with high trac.
• It is the architect's/engineer's/
contractor's/customer's responsibility
to verify all state and local codes to ensure
product meets local code requirements.
• Ducted installations are not available with
makeup air models.
Each Zoneline Makeup Air unit has all the leading features of the base Zoneline unit—composite base pan, mastic sound barrier,
auto dimming LED controls and many others. The GE Zoneline with Makeup Air is also covered by the same warranty as all other
Zoneline models. Reference the GE Zoneline Architects & Engineering Manual for full system specifications.
GE ZONELINE | quietest ptac in the industry*
*Independ ent third -par ty testin g—12,0 00 hea t pump ver sus lea ding com petitors . Soun d levels for M akeup A ir models may vary.
For More inForMation | 1-888-231-2548 • •
Appliance Park
Louisvil le, KY 40225
Pub. No. 20-S0087 PC87866
GE is a trademark of the General Electr ic Company.
Manufactured under the trademark license.
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