Safety Instructions ........... 2
Operating Instructions
Air Direction ................ 4
Auxiliary Controls .......... 5-9
Controls ................... <'
Vent Control ................ 4
Care and Cleaning
Air Filters .................. 11
Base Pan .................. 10
Outdoor Coils .............. 10
Room Cabinet and Case ...... 10
Heat P_m_[J Modal _500
Installation Instruotions
Electrical Supply' ......... 14-16
Installing the Zoneline .... 17, 18
Preparation ................ 12
Replacing an Existing Unit? . . .13
Troubleshooting Tips ....... 19
Normal Operating Sounds .... 20
Consumer Support
Consumer Support . . .Back Cover
Product Registration ...... 21,22
V\hrranty .................. 23
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label
behind the room cabinet on the
base pan.
4g-7416-1 JR 06-01

For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
_y_ • This Zoneline must be properly
installed ira accordance with tile
Installation Instructions before it is
used. See the Installation Instructions
ira tile back of this manual.
• hnmediately repair or replace all
electric service cords that have become
frayed or otherwise damaged.
• Unplug or disconnect tim Zoneline at
tile filse box or circuit breaker before
making any repairs.
NOTE: ¼:e strongly recommend that any
servicing be performed by a qualified
Replacing an existing un#?
For details, see the Installation
Instructions ira this manual.

Aboutthe controlsonyourZoneline. ._.GE4..lia.ces.com
O 0
Tile temp control is used to maintain the
I'OOIIl telilpei'attli'e. Tile COIIlpI'eSSOI" will
cxcle on and off to keep tile room at tile
saI/le level of COillfoFt,
Press tile + pad to raise tile temperature.
Press tile - pad to lower tile temperature.
_A]/en tile outdoor temperature is lower than
25°K heat is provided by tile electric hearer in tile
air conditioner instead _ff by tile heat pump.
-,,,,, FAN
Fan, Mode & Operation Control
FAN--sets tile fire operation for HIGH, LOW
or AUTO speed. When set at AUTO,it
automatically switches between LOW and
HIGHas room temperature changes.
MODE--COOL--For cooling
FAN--For tim-only operation
HEAT--For heating
OPERATION--ON/STOP--Turnstile unit on
or off. Power Feillains connected to tile
Zoneline. Tile Freeze Sentinel teatm'e still
fimctions if switch 6 is enabled (UP). See
tile Freeze Sentinel section.
NOTE: Thetemperaturedlspiay will flash to
l)_dicateapossl#ieunit maifunction. See the
Before you call for service section.
About YourHeatPump
Heat pmnps can save money by removing heat
ti'om tile outside ai_e\'en when tile outside
temperature is below ti'eezing-- and releasing
that heat indoms.
To get tile best pex_imnance fl'om your heat
pmnp, don't change tile room themlostat ve_T
often. Raising the heat setting 2-3 degrees will
cause the Zoneline to use its electric heating
elements in order to reach tile new temperatm'e
setting quickly.
There is a three minute minimum compressor
run time at any setting to prevent short cycling.
Tile indoor tim motor starts before tile
COlllpI'eSSOI" and stops aJ[teI" tile COlllpI'essoI"
cycles off'.
Tile electric heating elements use much
more electricit_ than heat immps and cost
II/OI'e to operate.

OtherfeaturesyourZoneline may have.
Ventilation Control
The xentilation control lexer is located at the
lower lett side of the Zoneline unit, behind the
I'OOIll cabinet,
NOTE:Thevent doorshippinghardware must be
removedbeforeusingthevent control lever.
See the InstallationInstructionsinthis manual.
_,_q_en set at CLOSE, only the air inside the room
is circulated and filtered,
_,_q_en set at OPEN, some outdoor air will be
drawn into the room, This will reduce the
heating or cooling efficiency,
Enenjy Tip: Keep the vent control at CLOSE.
The room air will be filtered and circulated.
ToRemovethe RoomCabinet
Additional controls are located behind the
I'OOIll cabinet,
To remove: Ptfll out at the bottom to release it
from the tnbs (l), Then lift up (2),
To replace: Place the tnbs o_er the top rail ( l ).
Push imvard at the bottom tmtil it snaps into
place (2),
Air Direction
To a(!iust the air direction, remove the room
cabinet, Remove the 7 louver scre_:s that hold
the louver insert in place, Flip the louver insert
180_ replace the scre_:s and the room cabinet,
4Z Louverscrews
Removethe room cabinet and flip the louver
insert to change flTeair direction.

Auxiliary ControlsonyourZoneline. _.CEA,,,ia.ces.com
Auxiliary Controls- Dip Switches
The au_lim y dip switch controls are located
behind tile room cabinet, through an opening
below the control panel.
Remove tile room cabinet. See tile ToRemove the
Room Cabinet section.
Tile ti_ctoxy settings will be in tile DOWNposition.
Tile owner is responsible for checking switches
and ensm_ing tile) are in tile desired position.
All ElectricHeat
X,_hen this switch is enabled (UP), heat pump
operation is locked out, causing tile trait to
proxide only electric resistance heat.
Cooling-Smart Fan
_]/en this switch is enabled (UP), it allows tile
indoor lira to cycle on/off with tile compresso_:
X4]mn this switch is disabled (DOWN), it allows
the indoor tim to mn continuously.
L DIAGNOS(DiagnosticCheck)
7 t_
L ALLPR(All ElectricHeat)
°a_°B[BI_81_88B8888888B8i °°%°
L C:FANCN(Cooling-SmartFan)
rL1(H)(Temp.Limit 1-Heat)
Heating-Smart Fan
When this switch is enabled (UP), it allo_vs tile
indoor tim to run continuousl); When this
switch is disabled (DOWN), it allows tile indoor
tim to cycle on/off with tile heat I)ump or
heater oi)eration.
o ,iaa,aaaiaa ?,
L H: FANCY(Heating-SmartFan)

Auxiliary controlsonyourZoneline.
Remote Thermostat-Class2
_4q_en this switch is enabled (UP), it allows the
unit to operate off of a Class 9 Remote Control
_4*all Them_ostat. The refit controls are disabled.
This ti_atm'e is active only if the refit is in
CDC mode. When this switch is enabled (UP),
the indoor lira can be turned ON or OET with
the mfit controls.
\,_l/en this switch is enabled (UP), it turns OFF
tile freeze sentinel protection featm'e. With tile
switch disabled (DOWN),the fl'eeze sentinel is
acti\_ted which automatically provides heat
without user inteiti_ce. This helps to prevent
plumbing damage by turning tile heater and
indoor tim ON at 41° F and OE1_"at 46°E
L CLASS2 (RemoteThermostat)
oX ,BI B881 BN 81 B881 I Noo%o
L__ FREEZESen(FreezeSentinel)
Constant ON Fan
X&q/en this switch is enabled (UP),it allows tile
indoor tim to rtm continuousl,_; at high speed,
exert if the refit is in the STOP position.
Occupancy Sensor
_,_l/en this switch is enabled (UP),it allows tile
refit to utilize an infl'ared motion sensor and a
door switch fin" oCC/lpanc}' demction. This teature
allov_:s an energy' management system to be
installed and operated in c(>qjuncti(m with
tile mfit.

Temperature Limiting
Temperature limiting can reduce energ 0' costs
by limiting the lowest temperature that can be
set fl)r cooling and the highest temI)eratm'e that
can be set fin" heating. Temperature limiting is
controlled by switches 1-6 on the second block
of au_lim y controls. Tile fi_t three switches are
used to select the cooling limits, The next three
switches are used to control the heating limits,
This teature is not awfilable with the Remote
Them_ostat-(:lass 2.
aa aa a B@@ aa al
Temperaturelimiting during COOLmode
(all temperatures shown in °F)
UP DOWN Minimum Maximum
NONE 1,2,3 60° 85°
1 2,3 64° 85°
1,2 3 66° 85°
2 1,3 68° 85°
2,3 1 70° 85°
1,2,3 NONE 72° 85°
1,3 2 74° 85°
3 1,2 76° 85°
Heat Boost
_,_]/eil this switch is enabled (UP) and outdoor
teml)eratures are between 25 ° F and 46 ° K heat
pumi) only operation is locked out, This setting is
used to provide sui)plementa_ y heat to the heat
pumi) operation in conditions where tile heat
i)ump only operation is not sufficient to maintain
a consistent, coillfi)i'table i'ooill teillpei'attli'e to
tile constlIlleY,
oo,,i aal oo ,
Temperature limiting during HEATmode
(all temperatures shown in °F)
UP DOWN Minimum Maximum
NONE 4,5,6 60° 85°
4 5,6 60° 80°
4, 5 6 60° 78°
5 4,6 60° 76°
5,6 4 60° 74°
4,5,6 NONE 60° 72°
4, 6 5 60° 70°
6 4, 5 60° 65°
oqBEaBBBEaBBllaBBaaB aloo%.
Diagnostics Check-For Technician's Use Only
\_]/en this switch is enal)led (UP), the unit will go
through an ol)erations check of all components,
which takes about 3 minutes (176 seconds).
This diagnostic tool is intended fiw use by
a qualified technidan.
oo%,BBBEaBBBBIlaBEaEaaEaB Ioo%

Auxiliary controlsonyourZoneline.
Auxiliary Controls-TerminalConnections
The au_lia_ T controls are located behind
the roon/cabinet below the control panel.
_] Remove the room cabinet. See the
ToRemove the Room Cabinet secdon.
_ Remoxe the screws fl'om the lower panel
fl'ont coxer and lift the panel off.
_]_Mier all desired settings haxe been made,
replace the panel and room cabinet b)
rex'e_ing the above steps.
The owner is responsible fi)r making all
com_ecfions and setting the appropriate
dip switches.
Insert the building hook-up wires into the
bottom ol the temfinal and tighten screw
secm'elv to make the desired connections.
Remove screws
and panel to access
terminal connections
hnproper wiring may damage the Zoneline
electronics. No common busing is pemfitted.
Damage or erratic operation may result.
A separate wire pair must be rtm fl'om
each separate controlling switch to each
individual Zoneline.
g o
Door Sensor
Motion Sensor_-J L_ L_ L_
External Fan
Central Desk Control
Motion Sensor(Obtainedlocally)
_,_]_en connected, the wall motmted motion
sensor will detect motion in the room and
automatically tm'n the trait ON or OFF.
The door and motion sensms work together
to automaticallv turn the trait ON or OET.
[-Common- Ground
White - Heater
-- Yellow - Compressor
Black- Solenoid
Green - High Speed Fan
Green- Low Speed Fan
Red- 24 V AC only
Motion Sensor