GE AZ39H15EADM1, AZ39H15EABM1, AZ39H15DADM1, AZ39H15DACM1, AZ39H15DABM1 Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions ........... 2
Operating It_truc_iot_
Air [)ire_ tion ................. 4
Auxilia W (:ontrols ........... 5-9
Controls ..................... 3
+I_)Remove the Room Cabinet . .4
Heat/Cool Modal 2900
Heat Pump Modal 3900
Care and Cleaning
Air Filters ................... 11
Base Pan ................... 10
()utd oor Coils ............... 10
Rooln Cabin<l and (;as<: ....... 10
Vtnt Fih<r . ................. tO
h_stallation IrL_tructions
Ele( tri(al C_onnet tim: ...... 14-17
Installing the Zoneline ..... 18, 19
()ptional Drain Kit ........... 20
Preltaration ................. 12
Replacing at: Existing Unit? . . . 13
'lroubleshooltng "lips ...... 1, 22
Normal Operating Sounds ..... 23
Consumer Support
(:onsumer Sttpport .... Bark Cover
Product Registration ...... 25, 26
Warranty ................... 27
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_vw.elec t roln ellage rsge.< a+
Writethe modelandserial
numbershere: Model # Serial #
Find these hum|): rs on _1label behind th¢ room cabinet on th¢
base pan.
TINSEA530JBRZ 49-7592 02-08dR
Foryour safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
This Zonelin(' must be prOp(T[y installed in a_ordanc(' with the
Installation Instructions betbr_ it is used. See the Installation Instructions in the back of this manual.
R< place imm( diat(ly all (le(tric service cords tha_ have becom( h-,,yed or otherwise damag( d. A damag( d [)(>_t_*" supply cord must be tel)laced with a new pow(r supply coI*l obtained ti-om the manufhcmrer and not repaired.
Do no{ use a cord Hint shows cm(ks or abrasion damage along its length
or at either the plug or (onnector end. Utq)lug or disconnect the Zoneline at
the fklse box or cir(uh breaker b(fbre making any repairs.
NOTE:We strongly r< commend that any
servking be performed b?, a qualified
itldix idual.
Replach)g an existing unit?
For details, see th(: hlsmllation
[tlStl'UCIiOI]S itl lhis manual.
Aboutthe controlsonyourZoneline. go.corn
r-Q r-_.,] IAOTO i HEAT
-.0w --FA.
| Temp Control
Gr The t_m l) conlrol is used lo maintain lhe
FOOIll lellll)el'_llllFe. The COllll)l-(SSOl-will
(7,'c1¢on and off to ke(l) lll( l-O(>ln_1[Ihe
S_/lll( level of COIII[})I-I.
Press the + pad Io caise the tempemtnr(. Prtss the - pad to lower the temperatu re.
3900 Series only
When lbe outdoor tempel-atme is lower thml 25"F. heat is provided by the elecuic hearer ill the air (onditioner instead of b}
tile heat pump.
Pr(ss t,.)s(t the air (,.)ndition( r t,.)run fbr 8 houps belbre it m_tomaticallv returns to
the pr( vi(>tB setting. 10r]lell in the cooling mode and the
sleep timer is set, the set mml)eramre will mltomaticall} increase 2°F ati{r the second
hour then l <>17each hour (>,,'el tile next two houps. Nso, tile fan speed will change to
low. When ill th_ heating mode, the s(t tempecature will decrease in the stone
To canc(l th_ skep mode, press Ihe MODEpad or
file SLEEPl)adase(ond lim_.
@Fan, Mode & Operation Control
FAN---_etslhe t_m operation fi:>rHIGH, LOWer AUTO sp_<d. When s_l al AUTO,
it automati(allv _,wil(hes between LOW and HIGH as r(>om tenll)eratur( (hanges.
MODE--COOL.or cooling
FAN--For rim-only operation HEAT--D)r healing
OPERATION--ON/STOP--I'ums tile unit on or off. I)o_er remains (olmetted to the Zoneline. The Fr_ eze Semin(l tbamre still
flmctions it s;'_itch 6 is enabled (UP). See
tile Freeze Sentinel section.
NOTE:7hetemperaturedisplaywill flashto ladlaateapossibleunitmaltanctionSet
operationcentre/to STOPandthenrestart theuni_/f the flashinglightreappearswithin 30mlaute&carlforservice
Quick Heat Recovery
.\ctivatcs (uch time thu thermostat is _wit(b(d fi-om STOP or _ COOLmode lo _1HEATm<_le.
Elcctri( heatec, arc energiz(d until tilt'
themlostat set point is reached. On heat pmnp models, tile heal pump opel'4tion will resume at
the next (:all for heat.
About YourHeat Pump(3900Series only)
Ileat i)umps can save mone) by relnoving heat from the outside air--even when the outsi(le
leml)eF, mn-e is 1)elow fi-eezing-- and releasing thai heat indoors.
"['_)get the best performance from }our heat pump, don't change the room them_ostat velw
ol:tt,n. Raising the heat setting 2-3 degrees wili cause the Zonelin( to use its electric heating
elements ill ol_(]el- 1o reach the lieN telnpel_dtllle
setting quiekl>
There is a three minute nfinimmn c()ml)ressor
mn time at any setting to l)r(,venI shol_ (3'(ling.
The indoor fan motor starts befbr( the
COIIIDIX'SSOI" all(1 slops ;J_l( r the Colnpressof
cycks oft The electric heating el{ m{ nls use nmcb
more electricit} than heat pmnps an(I cost lllole It) opel_ll('.
Ventilation Control
The ventilation control lever is located at the
upper left side of file Zoneline unit, behind file room cabinet.
When set at the closed position, only the air
inside the room is circulate(1 and fihered.
When set at the open position, some outdoor
nil-will be &-mvn into the room. This will reduc( the heating or cooling dlicien_x.
Energy 77p:Keep the vent conn-ol at the closed position. The room air will be filmrcd and
ventdoorbeforeuse Seetbefl}stallation/nstructinns
in thebackofthismanua_
ToRemove the Room Cabinet
Additionul ( ontrols arc lo(ut(d behind thu
l-OOln cabinet.
Toromove:Pull out at the bottom to rcleas( it
from the tabs (1). Then lift up (9).
Open position
To replace: Pla(( th( labs ov(r tile lop rail (l). Push imvard at the bottom umil it snaps into
[)lace (2).
Air Direction
'Ib a(!iust the air direction, remo_e the room
cabinet. R_move lhe 7 louv_r scruws that hold
Removethe room cabinet and flip the louver
insert to change the air direction.
the lomer insert in place. Flip lhe louvcr insert
180°, replace the screws and the room ca/)inet.
Auxiliary ControlsonyourZoneline. go.corn
Auxiliary Controls---DipSwitches
The allxiIial T dip switch colm-ols arc located behind tile room cal)inet, through all opening
in tile control panel. Remove tile room cabinet. See tile To Remove the
The owner is responsible fbr checking switches and ensuring they are in the (lesir_ d po@ion.
ALLFR(All EbctricHeat)_
(3900Seriesm0dels0nly) ] I / I
D:FANDN{CoolingSmartFan/ I I I
H:FANCY(HeatingSrnartFan) J ]
L;% S0d2m0de's0n','
TL2{H)(Temp.Limit2-Heat} TL3(HI(Temp.Limit3 Heat)
TL1{C}(Temp.Limitf-Cool} TL2(C}(Temp.Limit2-Cod}
All Electric Heat
This electric heat option filnctions only on tile
39!)0 SmJes models. When this switch is enabled
(UP),heat pump operation is locked out, causing
d_e unit to provide onl3 electric resistance heat.
When tills swiwh is enabled (UP), it allows flit' indoor fhn to rs"cle on/off with the c()mpressol;
When this switch is disabk d (DOWN), it allows th( indoor thn m mn COllfilltlOtlsl}c
Heating---Smart Fan
When this switdl is _nabkd (UP), it _lllows the
indoor I'_LIIto lun (ontinuousb,: _,Vh('n this switch is disabled (DOWN), it allows th( indoor
fhn 1o cycle on/ofl'wilh the heat pump or heater operation.
L ALLFR(AllElectricHeat)
oqEa aaaaNaNIIBaaaaaaEaloo,'o
L-- C:FANCN(Cooling-SmartFan)
oqam mmmmmllmmmmmmmml
_-- H:FANCY(Heating-SmartFan)
Auxiliary controlsonyourZoneline.
Remote Thermostat--Class 2
When this _wilch is cnabh'd (UP), it allows the
unit to opecate with a Class 2 Remote Control
Wall TheHnostat. The unit controls ar( disabled. oqBB qe qaB qllBB qB qBB qlo* ,
Load Shedding (Central Desk Control)
This fk'aturu is al tivc old 7,it the refit is ill
CDC m<xle. When this switch is <nabled (liPS, the indoor fhn can be turned ON or OFF with
the unit controls.
When this swilch is enabled (UP),it turns OFF
lhe f}eeze sentinel protection fi,amre. With the switch disabled (OOWN},th_ freeze sentinel is
activated, which amomalically provides heat
without riser interi3_ e. This helps 1opruvent
plumbing damage by turning the hearer and indoor tim ON at 41"F and OFF at 46"K
L._ CLASS2 (RemoteThermostat}
oqaaaa aaEallawaEaEaaawl° °
oqaaaaw allaaaaaaa alo °
Constant ON Fan
When this swit(h is enabh'd (UP), it allows tht"
indoor fhn u) lanl continuously, at high speed, even it the unit is in the STOP p<Mtion.
"Ik,mpemrnr( limiting can reduce energy" cost', by limiting tile lowesl tempel_l.ture that {an be
set fk)l-cooling and the highest tenlpel-aru re that can be set fbr heating. "IbmpeF4mre limiting is
controlled b) the second six auxilial y _witches.
The first three _witches are used 1o select tile
cooling limits, and tile remaining fln-ee switches are used to control tile heating limits. This
fbamre is not aw_ilable wilh the Remote
Thermostal Class 2.
TL1(C)(Temp.Limit 1-Cool) TL2(C)(Temp.Limit_Coo]) TL3(C)(Temp.Limit%Cool)
Temperature limiting during COOLmode
(all temperatures shown in °F)
UP DOWN Minimum
NONE 1,2,3 60°
1 2,3 64°
1,2 3 66°
2 1,3 68°
2,3 1 70°
1,2,3 NONE 72°
1,3 2 74°
3 1,2 76°
Heat Sentinel
When this switch is enabled (UP),it rams ON lhe heat senlinel protection f_ atm-_. With tile
switch disabled (DOWN),th_ heat sentinel is de-a_ti_lted. This f_amrc mlromati< ally provides cooling without user inmr{hce. This helps to
pFe'_elll all excessively hot F001n by tm-ning th(
air conditioner ON at 85°F and OFF at 80°E
65° 85° 65° 85° 85° 85° 85° 85°
TL1(H)(Temp.Limit I Heat) TL2(H)(TempLimit2-Heat) TL3(H)(Temp.Limit3-Heat)
Temperature limiting during HEATmode
(all temperatures shown in °F)
NONE 4,5,6
4 5,6
4,5 6
5 4,6
5,6 4
4,5,6 NONE
4,6 5
6 4,5
o qBBeaBaBallaaaaaeffalo .
60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60°
65° 80° 78° 76° 74° 72° 70° 65°
Heat Boost (AZ3900on/)/)
When this switch is enabled (UP)and outdoor mmperamres are between 25°F and 46<'F,heat
I)tnnp only operation is locked out. "Ellis setting is use(] to provide supplenlental T heat to tile heat
pump opel_/fion ill conditions where tile hea* l)unq) only opm-,ition is not sui}]cient 1o maintain
a consistent, coln_)ltable l-OOlll temperartll-e.
NOTE,"Thisisanauxiliaryawitdl forAZ2900tnodeband mustremainb the(DOWN)podtion
Auxiliary controlsonyourZoneline.
Auxiliary Controls--Terminal Connections
The auxiliary _ontrols are lo_at_d behind die
i-ooi_] cabinet ben_ ath the access (ovel;
[_ Rc move the room cabinct. See the
ToRemove the Room Cabinet section.
_]_.(lll(Ae t|l{ S(l(w[rOlll []l(t _l(((_;s (o\(111
[_'Ib mak( Mring connections, ins( rt the wires
into lh( [)ol[Olll ()f'lhe terminals aim tighten
SCI'(?'_ S S(?Cl Irely.
[_ A[ier all desired connections have been
ln_?(l(!, replace the access cover _111(Ii-(tOill cabinet.
=__1 _ I e__ _=o
The owner is resl)onsibl_ for maldng all
connections and s(tting the al)l)rol)rial(
di l) _,wil(:hes.
hnproper wiring may damage the Zoneline electronics. No common busing is permitt(d.
Dalllag( or erratic o])el_ttioll illay l-(*Sl/lt.
A separ, lte wire i)air must be mn ti-om each sei)arnm controlling _,wit_h to each individual
Yellow- Compressor Black- Solenoid
Green-HighSpeedFan Green- LowSpeedFan
Red-24 VAConly
External Fan (Obtained locally)
When connected, an anxilim) or external thn (an be controlled with the indoor fhn motor
oll the Zoneline. Connections provid( 24 V.\C 1o energize a FelllOle rt.lay, tlll'l]illg O11 the
exmrnal thn.
Central Desk Control
When (onne(ted, the unit (an be turned ON or OFF with _lswitdl lo(ated _Jt the (_entml
Conn-ol Panel. A separate wire pail- must be mn ti-om each separam controlling switch to
each individual Zoneline.
Remote Thermostat
[_J ExternalFan
[_ CentralDeskControl
When (onnected, the trait will b( controlled by a remote Ihennostat.
NOTE:The number 4 dip '_witch must be in tile enabled (UP) position to actiw_z( the remote
thermostat. (See the inslxlllafion instructions supplied with th( remote thel-most_lt).
The Zoll( lille Ihel-lllOS[_?I (olllle(liolls
l)rovide 24 V AC only.
If using a (/igiml/de(lroni( wall thermostat, you musl sel it to, lhe 24 V A(] selling.
S(e the Inslallation Instructions for the
_all Ihel-D]os[_][,
Black- Solenoid
Yellow- Compressor
White- Heater
Common- Ground
Damage to a wall flmrmostat ol- to the
Zoneline d_ ctronics can resuh t]-(tm imwoper
connections. Sp(cial c_lre nmst be used ill connecting tile wires. No line vohage
connections should be made to any circuit.
Isolate all wires in building fiom lin( voltage.
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