GE AZ38H15DABM2, AZ38H12DABM2, AZ38H09DABM3, AZ28E12EABM2, AZ28E12DABM3 Owner’s Manual

Safety Instruc_tions ........... 2
Operating Instructions
Air Direction ................ 4
Auxiliary Controls .......... 5-9
To Remo_e the Room Cabinet . .4
Care and Cleaning
Air Filters .................. 11
Base Pan .................. 10
Outdoor Coils .............. 10
Room Cabinet and Case ...... 10
Vent Filter ................. 10
Installation Instruc_tions
Electrical Connection ..... 14-17
Installing the Zoneline .... 18, 19
Optional Drain Kit .......... 20
Preparation ................ 12
Replacing an Existing Unit? . . .13
Troubleshooting Tips .... 21,22
Normal Operating Sounds .... 23
Heat/Cool Modal 2800
Heat Pump Model 3800
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Pour une version flangaise de
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Consumer Support
Consumer Support . . .Back Cover
Product Registration ...... 25, 26
V\arranty .................. 27
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label
behind the room cabinet on the base pan.
TINSEA471JBRZ 49-7559 10-08Jfl
Foryour safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
This Zoneline l_ltlst be properly installed in accordance with tile
Installation Instructions be%re it is used. See the Installation Instructions in tile back of this manual.
Replace immediately all electric service cords that have 1)ecome flayed o1 otherwise damaged. A damaged power supply cord must be replaced with a new power supply cord ol)tained flom the mamffacturer and not repaired.
Do not use a cord that shows cracks or al)rasion damage along its length
or at either the plug or connector end.
Unplug or disconnect the Zoneline at the fllse box or circuit breaker before
making any repairs.
NOTE;¼:e strongly recommend that any
servicing be performed 1)v a qualified individual.
Replacing an existing un#?
For details, see the Installation
Instructions in this manual.
Aboutthe controlsonyourZoneline.
The temp control is used to maintain the
Co trols
I'00111 telllpei'attli'e. The coi/li)i'essoi" will
c_cle on and off to kee I) the room at the same comfort level. _]_en you tm'n the
knob to COOLER(blue), the indoor air will become coole_: Tm'n the knob to
WARMER (red) and the indoor air will
become wai_nlei:
3900Series only
_]_en the outdoor temperatm'e is lower than 90°E heat is provided b)' the electric
heater in the air conditioner insmad of bv the heat I)ump.
About YourHeat Pump (3800 Series only)
Heat l)mnps can save money by removing heat fl'om the outside ai_e\'en when the outside
temperature is below fl'eezing--and releasing that heat indom_,
To get the best pex_bmmnce fl'om your heat I)mnp, don't change the room them/ostat ve_T
often. Raising the heat setting 2-3 degrees will cause the Zoneline to use its electric heating
elements in order to reach the new temperatm'e setting quickly.
Mode Control
HIGH COOLand LOW COOLpr_vi(le cooling
with different tim speeds.
HIGHHEATand tOW HEATprovide heating
with different tim speeds.
LOWFAN or HIGH FAN provides air circulation and filtering without cooling
or heating.
NOTE:If youmove the switch from a cool orheat setting to STOPorto a fan setting, the unit hasan automatic3-minute delaybefore a//owlbg the compressortorestart in thecool or heat mode.
There is a three minute minimum compressor run time at any setting to prevent short cycling.
The indoor tim motor stm*s beli)re the compressor and stops after the compressor
cycles off.
The electric headng elements use much more electricit_ than heat pmnps and cost
II/OI'e to operate.
Quick Heat Recovery
Activates each time the them_ostat is
switched fl'om STOP or a COOLmode U) a HEAT
mode. Electric heatex_ are energized until the them_ostat set point is reached. On heat pump
models, the heat pump operation will resume at the next call for heat.
Otherfeaturesof yourZoneline.
Ventilation Control
The xentilation control lexer is located at the upper lett side of the Zoneline unit, behind
the room cabinet.
_,_q_en set at the closed position, onE' the air inside the room is circulated and filtered.
X,_]_en set at the open position, some outdoor air will be drawn into the room. This will
reduce the heating or cooling efficiency.
Energy Tip: Kee I) the vent control at the closed position. The room air will be filtered and
NOTE:Twoshiww screwsmustberemovedfromthe
in thebackofthismanual
ToRemovethe RoomCabinet
Additional controls are located behind the
I'OOIll cabinet.
To remove:Pull out at the bottom to release it
fl'om the tabs (l). Then lift up (_2).
Open position
control Closed
(shownin position
To replace: Place the tabs oxer the top rail ( l ). Push imvard at the bottom tmtil it snaps into
place (2).
Air Direction
To a(!iust the air direction, remove the room cabinet. Remove the 7 louver screws that hold
the louver insert in place. Flip the louver insert
180°, replace the screws and the room cabinet.
Removethe room cabinet and flip the louver
insert to change the air direction.
Auxiliary Controls onyour Zone/ine.
Auxiliary Controls--Dip Switches
The au_liary dip switch controls are located behind the ro()m cabinet, through an opening
in the control panel. Remove the room cabinet. See the To Remove the
Room Cabinet section.
The owner is responsible for checking switches and ensuring they are in the desired position.
Access Cover
ALLI2R(All Electric Heat)--
(3800Series models only)
C:FAN CN(Cooling-Smart Fan) H:FAN CY(Heating-Smart Fan)
CLASS2(Remote Thermostat)
FREEZSen (FreezeSentinel)
CONSTFAN(Constant ON Fan)
No Function(Reservedfor future use)
All Electric Heat
This electric heat option flmcfions only on the 3800 Series models. X,_q_enthis switch is enabled
(UP), heat pump operation is locked out, causiw,,
the unit to provide only electric resistance heat.
Cooling--Smart Fan
_Al_en this switch is enabled (UP), it allo_vs the
indoor lira to cycle on/offwith the compresso_: \A]_en this switch is disabled (DOWN),it allows the indoor tilIl to I'tln contintlOtlslv.
-- _ [--HEAT BOOST (3800Series modelsonly)
--Heat Sentinel TL1(H)(Temp.Limit 1-Heat)
TL2(H)(Temp.Limit 2-Heat) TL3(H)(Temp.Limit 3-Heat)
TL1(C)(Temp.Limit 1-Cool) TL2(C)(Temp.Limit 2-Cool)
TL3(C)(Temp.Limit 3-Co01)
L ALLFR(All Electric Heat)
C: FAN CN (Cooling-Smart Fan)
Heating--Smart Fan
\_l_en this switch is enabled (UP), it allo_vs the indoor tim to run continuously. When this
switch is disabled (DOWN),it allo_:s the indoor lira to cycle on/off with the heat pump or heater opei'ation.
L__ H: FAN CY (Heating-SmartPan)
Auxi/iaq controlsonyourZoneline.
Remote Thermostat--Class 2
_._q_en this switch is enabled (UP}, it allows the unit to operate with a Class 2 Remote Control
Wall Them_ostat. The trait controls are disabled.
LoadShedding(CentralDesk Control)
This featm'e is active only if the trait is in CDC mode. When this switch is enabled (UP),
the indoor tim can be tin'ned ON or OFF with the trait controls.
Freeze Sentinel
_._l_en this switch is enabled (UP), it turns OFF the fl'eeze sentinel protection ieatm'e. With the
switch disabled (DOWN),the fl'eeze sentinel is acti\_ted, which automatically provides heat without user inte_ti_ce. This helps to prevent
plumbing damage by turning the heater and indoor tim ON at 41°F and OFF at 46°E
L CLASS 2 (Remote Thermostat)
t FREEZESen(Freeze Sentinel)
Constant ON Fan
"_._q_enthis switch is enabled (UP),it allows the indoor tim to run continuously at high speed,
exen if the trait is in the STOP position.
t DONST FAN(Constant
ON Fan)
Temperature Limiting
Temperature limiting can reduce energy' costs by limiting the lowest temperature that can be
set fl)r cooling and the highest temI)erature that can be set fin" heating, Temperature limiting is
controlled by the second six au_liarv switches,
The fit_t three switches are used to select tile
cooling limits, and the remaining three switches
are used to control the heating limits, This teatm'e is not available with the Remote
Them_ostat--Class 2.
TL1/C)(Temp.Limit 1 Cool)"_'- TL2(C)(Temp.Limit2 Cool)
TL3(C)(Temp.Limit3 Cool)
Temperature limiting during COOLmode
(all temperatures shown in °F)
UP DOWN Minimum Maximum
NONE 1,2,3 60° 85°
1 2,3 64° 85°
1,2 3 66° 85°
2 1,3 68° 85°
2,3 1 70° 85°
1,2,3 NONE 72° 85°
1,3 2 74° 85°
3 1,2 76° 85°
Heat Sentinel
_,_]/eil this switch is enabled (UP), it turns ON
the heat sentinel protection teatm'e. _,_]th the switch disabled (DOWN), the heat sentinel is
de-actiw_ted. This teatm'e automatically provides cooling without user intedhce. This helps to prevent an excessively hot room by turning the
air conditioner ON at 85°F and OFF at 80°E
TL1(H)(Temp.Limit 1 Heat) TL2(H)(Temp.Limit2 Heat)
TL3(H}(Temp.Limit3 Heat)
Temperature limiting during HEATmode
(all temperatures shown in °F)
UP DOWN Minimum Maximum
NONE 4, 5,6 60° 85°
4 5,6 60° 80°
4,5 6 60° 78°
5 4,6 60° 76°
5,6 4 60° 74°
4,5,6 NONE 60° 72°
4,6 5 60° 70°
6 4,5 60° 65°
Heat Sentinel J
Heat Boost (AZ3800only)
_&]/en this switch is enabled (UP) and outdoor
teml)eratures are between 20°F and 46°E heat
pmnp only operation is locked out. This setting is
used to provide SUl)plementa_ T heat to tile heat pmnp operation in conditions where tile heat
pmnp only operation is not sufficient to maintain a consistent, coi//ti)rtable i'OOlil tei//l)ei'at/li'e.
NOTE."ThisisanauxilbryswitchforAZ2800modelsand mustremabb the(DOWN)position.
BOOST(Heat Boost Operation) J
Auxiliary controlsonyourZoneline.
Auxiliary Controls--Terminal Connections
Tile auMlim_' controls are h)cated behind tile rooiil cabinet beneath tile access coxei;
_] Remoxe tile room cabinet, See tile
ToRemove the Room Cabinet section.
_ Rei/loxe tile screw tl'Oill tile }l('('ess ('o_ei;
To make wiring, connections, insert tile wires
] ) ) 0 0 S o"
inU tile b( tt m f tile temfinal: and d_hten
screws securelx.
[_Mter all desired cmmections have been
Illade, replace tile access coxei" }lll(l rooi//
The owner is responsible fi)r making all
c(mnections and setting tile appropriate dip switches.
hnproper wiring may damage tile Zoneline electronics. No common busing is pemfitted.
Damage or erratic operation may result.
A separate wire pair illtlst be rtm from each separate controlling switch to each individual
I L- Common-Ground
_ White - Heater
Yellow- Compressor
Green-HighSpeedFan Green- LowSpeedFan
Red-24 V AConly
External Fan(Obtainedlocally)
_,_]/eIl connected, an auxiliary or external tim can be controlled with the indoor tim motor
on the Zoneline. (:om_ecfions provide 24 V AC to energize a remote relay, tm'ning on the
external tim.
Central Desk Control
_,_l_en connected, the unit can be tin'ned ON or OFF with a switch located at the Central
Control Panel, A separate wire pair must be run fl'om each separate controlling switch to
each individual Zoneline.
Remote Thermostat
TIExterna] Fan
L CentralDeskCentre[
_,_q_en connected, the unit _fill be controlled
b _, a i'eillote thermostat,
NOTE."The number 4 dip switch must be in the enabled (UP) position to activate the remote them_ostat. (See the installation instructions
supplied with the remote them_ostat).
The Zoneline them_ostat connections provide 24 V AC only:
If using a digital/electronic wall them/ostat,
vou must set it to the 24 V A(: setting.
See the Installation Instrtlctions for the wall them_ostat.
Red- 24 VAC only /
Green-Low SpeedFan --
Green-HighSpeedFan --
Black- Solenoid
Yellow- Compressor
White - Heater
Damage to a wall them_ostat or m the Zoneline electronics can result fl'om improper
connections. Spedal care must be used in com_ecting the wires. No line w)ltage
com_ections should be made to any circuit. Isolate all wires in building fi'om line wdtage.
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