Safety Instructions ........... 2, 3
Operating h_O'uctions
Comrols_kmtrol Fmobs ..... 6, 7
Comrols_I'ouch Pads ........ 4, 5
Care and Cleanir_
Air Filter . ..................... 8
Bait( rics ...................... 8
(;rille and (_se ................ 8
Outdoor Coils ................. 8
Installation Instructions
Insmllation--O[)tional ......... 15
Window Installation ......... 9-14
7)+oubleshootirN Tips ......... 16
N<mnal Op( rating Sounds ..... 16
A& 114"
A S1,l8
Consun_r Support
(kmsum( r Support ............ 20
Product Registration ....... 17, 18
Warramy ..................... 19
*ENERGY ST2d_ _ label(d produ(t
.ks +ill ENERGY STAR _0 p_wtllcl ", GE h_ls
determined that this produ(t meets
the ENERGYSTAR_'guidelines for
el'm rgT eflicienc>
Write themodeland serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find tilt+st+tmmbt, rs on a l_d)el on the
side ,.)fthe air o.)nditionel:
49-7582 11-07JR

For your safeW, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock
or personal injury
?;2Use this appliance only tor its intended
ptupose as described ill this ()wn(r's
_; This air conditioner must be properly
installed ill all ordan/e with tile his(alia(ion
Instructions before it is tts(d.
_; Never unphtg your air conditioner by pulling
on th( power cord. _Mways grip plug firtnly
and pull straight out fi'onl the re(epm(le.
;;2Ilepktce itnniediat<'ly all electric selwi(:e
cords that have becoln<: fl_ayed or other,rise
dalnaged. A dalnaged ltower supply cord
nlust be replaced with a new power SUl)ply
cord ol)tained ti-oln the mantdimtm-(r and
not lepair<:d. Do not us( a cord that shows
crocks or abl_lsion /]anlage along its length
or at either the phtg or connecU)r end.
_'2If'tile rl'cepmcle does not nlatch th( phtg,
_; Turn th( unit OFFand tnlplttg your air
{_;For your safetv...do not stor( or use
{_;All air conditioners contain refl-igemnts,
th<: r(cepmcle ntust b( chang<'d out l)y a
qttalifled <4<!ctrician.
conditiolmr belbt ("nlaking ally t ('l)ails
or cleaning.
NOTE: Westrongly recommendthatanyservicing
be performedbya quafifiedindividual
(onibustible tnat( l_ials, _lsolille or other
flamtnable w_pors or liquids in tit<! vicinity
of this or ally oth(r altpliance.
whilh till(let fbd< ml law IIIllSt })e reHloved
prior to prodtu t disposal. [t 7,ou art getting
lid ot an old product with r(fiqgciwnts, ch(ck
with the / ompany handling disposal about
what to do.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove
the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For
personal safeW,this appliance must be properly
DONOTuse an adapter plug with this appliance.
Th( power cord of this altpliance is (quil)ped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug whi/:h mates
with a standard ?.prong (grounding) _ll
outl(t to minilnize tile possibility ot ele(tri(
sllock hazard fi-om this applian(e,
Power lord illchldes a ( IllIX!Ill ititelTtl})t< I"
device. A rest and reset button is provided on
the plug (as<:. The devi(e should be t< st_ d on a
p(lJodic ltasis by filst pr(ssing th( TESgbtlt_Oll
and (lien th( HESETbutton while phlggcd into
th<! otttlet. If die rESTbutton d/)es not u-ip
or it die RESgTbtmon will no_ stay (ngagt d,
dis(ontimle use of tile air (onditioner and
contact a qualified ser,ice t_chnician.
tLtve tile wall outlet and citx:uit checked by a
qualified ele( tti(ian to make sure the outlet is
properly grounded.
"_\]lere a 2-prong _ntll outl(t is en/:otnlt_ r(d,
it is your personal responsibility and obli_,tion
to have it rel)laced with a properly groltnded
3-prollg _tll oudet.
The air condition(r should ab_tvs lie
plugged into its own individual electrical
outlet which has a vohage rating that nlatches
the lating plato.
This provides file best p(rlolntanc( and also
prevents oxerloading house wiring ( ircuits
which could cause a fire hazard tiwtn
ovelhealed wit( s.
Set the his(alia(ion [nsttttctions, Electrical
Requirements sc(tion tor spe(iti( eh'(tl'i(al
( onne(tion rcquirelncnts.

Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of an extension cord.
[/ow¢xet, if you mus{ use all extension cord,
it is absohm ly ne cessat T that it be a 1JL-lismd,
14 gauge, _wire grounding _3pe applian_ _
extension cord having a gromlding type plug
and outlet and dmt the elecu'ical rating of the
co_*l be 15 amperes (minimum) and 125 vohs.
DO NOT usean extension cord with any of the
230/208 voltmodels.

Aboutthecontrolsontheair conditioner--modelswith touchpads.
Features and appearance wil! varg
Air ConditionerControls RemoteControl
O On/Off
Tunis air (onditi(mer on and ofl_
@ Display
Displaysthe s(t IOHII)eI'_IIHFI_I01"tiIll_'
renlaining on timeL
O Mode
[s_ 1o s(t tim air (ondilioner 1o Cooler Fae
Increase •/Decrease • Pads
[ S( I0 S([ I(!lll[)eFaltll-( whel] h l Coolll]od(L
Us( Io s(t Ihe fhn spe(d at Low, Medor High.
O Cireulaire (onsomemodels)
r]'Hlll Oil [0 pFovid( (onlinuous sid( 4o-sid(
air circulalion.
For fixed side4o_ide air dir( el]on, turn On
until lh( desired air dir( (lion is obtained,
then lllFII it 01_
EnergySaver-Conm:4s th_ fan.
Oe_I'he fan and compressor Qcle oll mid
off'. This results in wider vmiations el teen1
tempeF, mlre and humid] b. Normally used
when the room is unoccupied. Note: The fan
will continue to run for a short time after the
compressor cycles off.
On--When the air conditioner is off', it can b(
s(t to automatically mm on in l to 24 hours
at ils pr(vious setting. Each 1ouch will set the
lime in hour_.
Off--When the airconditioneris on, il can
be set IO automalically II/FII offill 1 I024
hours. Each touch will set the lime in houl_s.
To cancel the tilnm; press the Timerpad
until file displa? time disappe_lrs.
Sleep (onsomemodels)
Press to set the air (onditioncr to run for
8 hours bel;_re it automat]call) shuts otE
One hour after lhe aloe l) timer is set, th( s(t
mmperamre will auumlaticallv increase 2°E
To cancel th_ sl(ep too&, pr(ss Ihe Sleep pad
_1 se(olld []Ill(,
Note:Thesleep timer willbe cancelledif the
Timer,EnergySaveror Modepad ispresse&
Remote ControlSignal Receiver
Off_I'he fhn runs all the time, while die
comprc_sor cycles on and off\
rI'his _,wil(h nlust be set at Oftin order to use
the fhn settings (on the mrxle control).
Remote Control
To ensure prol)( r Ol)(mtion, aim th(
1-011]o[(!(ontrol al Ill( signal F(?C(iV( 1-
011 [h( ail- (Olldi[ioll(E
;, 1 he remote control signal has a rang( of
up to Ol fleet.
i!i:"Make sure nothing is betw(en the air conditioner
and the remote colin-el that could [)lock the
i!i:"Make sure l)attelies arc fl-esh and installed
corr(,ctlv--_ee the Care and Cleaning section.

Additional controls and important information.
DoNot OperateinFreezingOutdoorConditions
This (eel-only air (onditioncr was not (h,_ign(,d tor
fi-(czing ol/tdoof conditions. It I]]llSt l]Ot l)c lls(d ila
fi-eezing outdoor conditions.
When the air conditioner is turned on, it will
automatically start in the setting last used.
Power Outage Recovery Feature
In the c_lst"ota power outage or interruption, the Sleepfbamrcs _ill reset 1(7tim origin_d setting.
unit will automatically re,tart in the settings lasl You ma? ne(d to set a new time it desired.
used after the power is reslore(l. The rlmerand
Cool Mode
l_se the Coolmode with High(3),Med (2)or
Low(1)fhn for cooling. Lse lhe Increase• /
DecreaseV pa(Is 1o set the desired temperature
between 64°F and 86'F in l°F incl-enlents.
ForNormalCooling--Sele(t tim Coolmode
and High(3)or Med (2)thn with a mid(lk set
temp_ l'ature.
.k [hL!FIIIOSl_I[ is tls(_d H) lllailltaill the 1£)oI11
t_mperamrc. The compressor will iTcle on and off
to keep the room at th{ set level of comlort. Set the
therlllOStat at a lox_er lltllllbel all(1 the ill(Ioof air
will become coolel; Set the thermosta* a*a high{ r
number and the indoor air will become waun(m
NOTE:If theair conditioneris off andis then turnedon
whiteset to Cool,it wilt take approximately3minutesfor
thecompressorto start andcoolingtobegin.
ForMaximumCooling--Sele(t the Coolrood(
and High(3)fhnwith a lower set wmpcc, mlre.
For Quieter & NighttimeCooling--Selecl the
Cool mode and Low (1)fhn with a middle set
NOTE:If you switch from a Coolse_ing to Offor to
a fan sorting wait at least 3 minutes before switching
back to a Coolsetting.
Fan Mode
I sc the Fanat High(3),Med(2)or Low(1)to provide Sine( tm only st'ltings do not plox idc (ooling,
_dr cir(ulalion mvI filt('ling without cooling, a tcm[)(,ramr(, setting will not be displayed.
Vent Control (onsome models)
The vent control is localed on the inside of the !
air louvel_, ill Ill(! lox_ r right cornel; [
!_ql(:ll £(I HI CLOSE,Italy IlK air inside the l'OOln _!
will b( circular( d and conditioned. Wh(n set ;at /
OPEN,some inside air is (xhausl(d outsid(.
Toopen the vent, push the lever to the Toopen the vent, push the
right, Toclose it, push it to the left lever to the right Toclose
it, push it to tt_eleft.
Air Direction--Up and Dowu (onsomemodels)
Fing*qtip prcasur( on the horizontal louvcra a(!justs
lhe air direclion lip or down.
Air Directiou--Side-to-Side (onsomemodels)
On some mo(lels, the si(le-t_>si(/e air direction is
a(ljusted b} the lomer levers or by grasping and
lnoving lhe inner xeltical lotlxel-s.

Aboutthecontrolsontheairconditioner--modelswith controlknob(s).
Features and appearance may va_
Controls modelssoequipped)
O ON/OFFSwitch
Turns ai_ conditkme_ (m and off,
NOTE:If theairconditionerisoffandis thenturnedonwhile
FanSwitch (onsomemodels)
Use to set the t_mspeed to LOor HI.
O Mode/Temp Control
Use to set the air conditione[ to tile FanOnlyor a
Cool mode.
Use FanOnlyat HI or LOFanto provkle air
drculatkm arm fi]tering_dthout cooling.
tJsea Coolsetting with HIo_ LOFanfb_ c(_ding.
Turn the knob c]ock_ise,towalxltile largerblue
ar_m,fb_the indoor area to become coolen Turn
the knob cotmtelvlock_dse, toward the smaller b]ue
High A_ LOW
Fen On]_
area, _b_file indoor air to become wam_e_;
The Mode/Temp conuo] isused to maintain the
room temperature. When set in a CoMmode, the
compressor willc)_:leon and off m keep the morn
at file stone ](we]of comfolt.
ForNormalCooling_%lect a Coolmode _dth the
ModeiTemp knob set tt the midpoint.
ForMaximumCooling-_Selecta Coolmodewith
the ModeiTemp knob set tow,ud tilt"Imge_
bhle area.
ForQuieter& NighttimeCooling--Select a Coolmode _dth
the ModeiTemp knob _t tos_ard the smaller blue area.
NOTE:Ifyou move the ModeiTemp control knob fi'om a
Coolsettingto the FanOnlysetting, waitat least 3 minutes
before s_dtching back to a Coolsetting.
Controls(o,,models so equipped)
off 5 6
coo,'_ _'io
Ned Co0J Thermostut
HiCool,MedCooland LowCoolpro@l( cooling
_dth dttf;erentfansl)eeds.
LowFanor HiFanproddes all circulation and
fill(ring _ithout cooling.
The flaermostat control is used to maintain the
room mmpelvltute. The compressor willc}de on
and off m keel) the room at file same levelof
comfort. When }ou tuln the hl()b to a higher
mlmbm; the indoor ai__dll become coolen Tmn
the knob to a lower mlmber and the indoor air
_ill become xval///ell
NOTE"Ifyoumovetheswitchfroma coolsetbegtoOFFer
ForNormalCooling-&,lectHiCoolor MedCool_ith the
thermostat (ontrol at midpoint.
ForMaximumCoolino-Se]ectHiCool_dth the thermostat
control at the highest number av,filableon )_)tlrknob.
thermostat control atmidpoint.

Additional controls and important information.
Do Nut Operate in Freezing Outdoor Conditions
This reel-only air ronditioner was not designed tor
freezing outdoor conditions. It nmst not b( used ill
fre(zing outdoor conditions.
Vent Control (ol7some models)
The vcnt control is localcd on tile inside of tile air
louvel-_ in th( lower right cornel:
When set at CLOSE, only the air inside tile room
will be circulated and conditioned. When set at
OPEN,sortie inside air is (xhausled outsi(k.
Air Direction--Side-to-Side
On some modds, the sMe-lo-side air direction is
a({justed by tile louver levers or by grasping and
moving the inner xeltieal louvers.
Toopenthe vent,pushtheleverto the
right,Tocloseit,pushit tothe left
Toopen the vent, push the
lever to the right. Toclose
it, push it to ttle lefL
" OR
Air Direction--Up and Down (o, somemodels)
Fin_el-tip I)l'esStll-e Oil the horizontal louvers a(!justs
Ill(: air dir(clion up or down.

Careand cleaning ofthe air conditioner.
How to Insert the Batteries
] P.(mov( Ihe /)a11('17¢ (ov(r I)y sliding it
a((ording Io th( arrow dir((tion.
] hls(rl n('_v I)alteries, makillg Slll-t _ I11;11 th(,
(+) alld (-) of/)alteQ' are installed (orr((ll};
] ]'_.eattach the cover by sliding it back
into position.
Grille and Case
"[_lrn the air (ondilioner of'[ and r(lnOV(, lh(
l)hlg tl'olll the x_all outlet I)ef;:n-e (leaning.
Outdoor Coils
The coils on the outdoor side of the air conditioner
should be checked regularl?c If"thQ: m-e clogged
witll dirt or soot, they may be protbssionally
!2_Use 2 AAA (1.5 volt) baueries. Do not use
l*:chargeable batteries.
!_ Remove the batteries fl-om the remol( control if
the _ystem is not going to be used for a long time.
"l'o clean, us( water and a mild delerg(nl.
Do 11o1 [IS( ble_R(h or 21br21sives.
Air Filter
The _lir filter Iwhind tht" front glill_ should b_
(hcl kcd and clcmlcd at l(ast cve_} 3() clays or
more of10n if ne(essal 3.
Clean the filmr with wmm, soapy walen Rinse and
let the filter dlT b(fbrc replacing it.
Toremove (on somemodels):
A CAUTlON: oNoroperatetbea,r
conditioner without a filter becausedirt and lint will
clogit andreduceperformance
Toremove (on some models):
] ()p_n the inlet grille upward by pulling oul
lhe boltonl ()[' Ill(! inlet grille.
] l sing I11( tab, pull up slightly on th( flh(r
to rek ase it and l)ull it down.
&ab the tabson

Air Conditioner
1_'1 Questions? Call 80O.GE.CARES (800.432.2737) or Visit our Website at: ge.com
Read these instructions completely
and carefully.
• IMPORTANT - Savethese
instructions for local inspector's use.
• IMPORTANT - Observeall
governing codes and ordinances.
• Note to Installer- Be sure to leave these
instructions with the Consumer.
• Note to Consumer- Keep these
instructions for future reference.
• Skill level - Installation of this appliance
requires basic mechanical skills.
• Completion time- Approximately 1 hour
• We recommend that two people install
this product.
• Proper installation is the responsibility
of the installer.
• Product failure due to improper installation
is not covered under the Warranty.
• You MUST use all supplied parts and use
proper installation procedures as described
in these instructions, and any separate kit
instructions, when installing this air
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or
remove the third (ground) prong from the
power cord.
Do not change the plug on the power cord
of this air conditioner.
Aluminum house wiring may present special
problems--consult a qualified electrician.
If the sill support bolts do not contact the
window sill, or if you have a window
without a sill, you must order accessory kit
RAK87 to properly install this air conditioner.
Call 800.626.2002 or visit ge.com.
Phillips head screwdriver
Adjustable wrench
Ruler or tape measure
(_ Some models require a 115/120-volt a.c.,
The 3-prong grounding plug minimizes the
possibility of electric shock hazard. If the wall
outlet you plan to use is only a 2-prong outlet,
it is your responsibility to have it replaced with
a properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
(_ Some models require 230/208-volt a.c.,
(_ on their own single branch circuit forbest performance and to prevent
60 Hz grounded outlet protected with a
15-amp time delay fuse or circuit breaker.
protected with a time delay fuse or circuit
breaker. These models should be installed
overloading house or apartment wiring
circuits, which could cause a possible
fire hazard from overheating wires.
Power cord includes a current interrupter
device. A test and reset button is provided on
the plug case. The device should be tested on a
periodic basis by first pressing the TEST button
and then the RESET button while plugged into
the outlet. If the TEST button does not trip or
if the RESET button will not stay engaged,
discontinue use of the air conditioner and
contact a qualified service technician.
Scissors or knife

(appearance may vary)
Window Installation Instructions
Left accordion
Top mounting rail
sash seal
Bottom inner
case gasket
Sill support (2)
Type A (21) Type B (10) Type C
1/2" screws 3/4" screws bolt (2)
Security bracket (1)

Window Installation Instructions
• These instructions are for a standard
double-hung window. You will need to
modify them for other types of windows.
CAUTION: If the sill support
bolts do not contact the window sill,
or if you have a window without a sill,
you must order accessory kit RAK87 to
properly install this air conditioner. Call
800.626.2002 or visit ge.com.
• All supporting parts must be secured
to firm wood, masonry or metal.
• The electrical outlet must be within
reach of the power cord.
17W' rain.
281/2" to 39W"
(With accordion panels)
A storm window frame will not allow the
air conditioner to tilt toward the outside,
and will keep it from draining properly.
To adjust for this, attach a piece of wood
to the sill.
LENGTH: Long enough to fit inside the
window frame.
THICKNESS: To determine the thickness,
place a piece of wood on the sill to make
it 1/2" higher than the top of the storm
window frame or the vinyl frame.
Attach securely with nails or screws
provided by the installer.
1/2" higher
than vinyl frame
1/2" higher
than storm
_ _ (on some windows)
Storm window Vinyl frame
Remove shipping tape, if present.
On models with a
raise-up inlet grille,
lift it and remove
the screw behind it
(if present) that holds
the grille in place.
On models with a
slide-out air filter,
remove it and the
screw behind it
(if present) that holds
the grille in place.
[] Gently but firmly grasp
the lower grille corners,
press in on the case
sides and pull forward
to release.
NOTE: Do not pull the
bottom edge toward
you more than 3" or
you may damage the tabs of the grille.
[] Lift the grille up and off the top tabs.
• /,_i__

Window Installation Instructions
[] Remove the 4 screws on each side of
the case. Keep the 2 front-side screws for
later use.
[] Slide the air conditioner from the case by
gripping the base pan handle and pulling
forward while bracing the case.
[] Remove the backing from the top mounting
rail seal strip and attach it to the bottom of
the top mounting rail. Cut to size.
[] Install the top mounting rail with 5 type A
screws from the outside of the case.
Top mounting rail
Front of air conditioner
Remove packing cardboard and tape,
if present.
[] Insert the frames for the accordion panels
into the top and bottom mounting rails.
Attach the accordion panels to the side
of the case using 8 type A screws.
Top mounting rail
Bottom mounting rail