Safety Ins_cqio_z_ ........... 2, 3
Operating lnsO_uctions
(;onu'ols_Contvol F,haobs ..... 6, 7
Conu'ols Tou(h Pads ........ 4, 5
Care and Cleaning
Air Fiber . ..................... 8
gaueri_s ...................... 8
Grille and (;as_ ................ 8
Outdoor (kills ................. S
Installation Ins_ctions
[nsudladon--Optiot_al ......... 15
Window Insudlatkm ......... 9-14
Troubleshooting Tips ......... 1(;
Normal ()p_ rating Sounds ..... 16
A SI) 06 *
Com'un_+ Support
Consumer Support ............ 20
Produ(t Registration ....... 17, 18
Wa nma I3..................... 19
*ENERGY• STAR _ labeled l)l-°(hlcl
._, an ENERGY STAR (_ [)artn_ 1; GE has
determined that this product meets
the ENERGYSTAR°°guidelines t;,_r
energy etfi_ iencv.
Write themodelandserial
Model #
Find lhese mnnl)ers on a l_lt)('l on
the side of tile air conditionm:
49-7581 11-07JR
For your safeW, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock
or personal injury
?;2Use dlis appliance only tor its intended
ptupose as described ill this ()wn(r's
_; This air conditioner must be properly
installed ill all ordan/e with tile Insmllati/:m
Instructions before it is tts(d.
_; Never unphtg yl/ltr air Collditil/ner by pulling
on da( power cord. _Mwaysgrip plug firtnly
and pull straight/)ut fi'onl the re(epm(le.
;;2Ilepktce itnniediately all electric selwi(:e
cords that have becoln<: fl_ayed or othei_wise
dalnaged. A dalnaged ltower supply cord
nlust be replaced wida a new power stq[)ply
cord ol)tained ti-oln the mantdimtm-(r and
not lepair<:d. Do not us( a cord that shows
crocks or abl_lsion dalnage along its length
or at eidter the phtg or c/mnecU)r end.
_'2If'tile rl'cepmcle does not nlatch th< phtg,
_; Turn all( unit OFFand ttnplttg your air
{_;For your safetv...do not slot( or use
{_;All air conditioners contain refl-igemnts,
the r(cepmcle ntust b( chang<'d out l)y a
qttalifled <4<!ctrician.
conditiolmr belbt (" tnaking ally t el)alis
or cleaning.
NOTE: We stronglyrecommendthat anyservicflTg
be performedby a qualified individual
(onibusfible tnat< l_ials,_lsolille or other
flamtnable w_pors or liquids in tit<!vicinity
of flits or ally odl(r altpliance.
whilh till(let fb(t< ml law IIIllSt })e l-eI*loved
pri/)r to prodtu t disposal. [t 7,ou art getting
lid ot an old product with r(fiqgciwnts, ch(ck
with the / ompany handling disposal about
what to do.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove
the third (ground) prong from the power cord, For
personal safety, this appliance must be properly
DONOTuse an adapterplug with this appliance.
The pow(r cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-1)rong (grounding) phlg which mates
widl a standard ?)-prong (grotmding) _tll
outlet t<)nlinimiz< the possibili b" of ele( ttic
shock hazard tioni this appliance.
Power cord includes a currcllt intetTupter
device. A test and r(s(t lttlt_on is provided on
the plug case. The devic< should be tested on a
periodic basis by illSt pressing the gESTbutmn
and th(n _he RESETbutton whil( plugged into
the or(tier. If tile TESTbuttlm does not trip
or if tile RESETbutton will not stay engaged,
dis(on(time use ot the air conditioner and
(on(a( t a/lualified service tel hnilian.
[][ave the wall outl( t and circuit ch(cked l)y a
qualified electrician t/) nlake sm-e the Olttlet is
properly grounded.
Where a 2-prong wall outlet is encountered,
it is your pel>onal rcsltonsibility and obligiHioll
to have it rcpla( cd with a properly grounded
?,-prong _v_ll outlet.
The air conditioner should ah_v_ys1)<
ltlltgged into its ()x_r_individual (l(/:tri(al
outh't whilh has a voltage rating that inat(hes
tile lafing plato.
This provides the best perfi)tniance and also
pr(*( ms ()v( rlllading hous( wiling cir(uits
which could cattse a fire hazard flotn
overheated wires.
See tile Installation Instructions, Electrical
Requirements section tot specitic electrical
COllnectioIl rcquirelncnts.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of an extension cord.
[Iow(_c*,if'yoll must use an extension cord,
it is al)solmcly nec(ssa_ dlat it be a UL-listed,
14 gauge, _wire gromlding type appliance
extensi,.)n cord having a grotmding type [)lug
and otttlet and fllat the electlical _ting of" ill(
cord be 15 aml)ercs (mi_fimmn) and 125 volts.
DO NOTuse an extension cord with any ofthe
230/208 voltmodels.
Aboutthecontrolsontheair conditioner--modelswithtouchpads.
Features and appearance wil! varg
Air ConditionerControls
O On/Off 0
'Ftnns air (ondilioner on and elk
Displays Ill(! sel lemperalure or lira(
Felxxail]in_ oxx [iHXell
O Mode
[ s_ to s_t tl_( air (on(lifioner 1o Cooler Fall
O Increase •/Decrease • Pads
[ ;st to s_t t( ml)( ratu re when in Cool nxo(le.
Lse 1o set lhe t_nlspeed at Low, Med or High.
O Circulaire (onsomemodels)
'finn on to l)rovi(Ic (ontinuous side-to-side
air cir(ulalion.
For iix{d side-reside air direction, turn 0,'1
tmtil Iht d{sired air (/ir((lion is obtained,
then lurn il 0_.
EnergySaver-Conwols the fan.
Oll_Fhe thn and compressor cycle on and
otE This resuhs in wider wniadons of room
temperature and humidity. Normally used
when the room is tmo((upied. Note: The fan
will continue to run for a short time after the
compressor cycles off.
O[f_I'he iiln runs all the time, while tile
compres+,or (Tcl(s on and off.
This +,wilth musl be set at Ol_in order to use
the fire seuings (on the m<_le conu-ol).
0 0
0 0
OllIWhen tile air con(lition( r is ell; it can b(
s(t to automati(ally mm on in l to 24 hours
at ils previous setting. Each loudl will set the
time in hours.
OffIWhen th( air <onditioner is on, il can
be set 1o automati(ally turn off in 1 1o 24
hour_. Each lotl(h will set Ill{ lilxR! ill holllX,.
"[\_cancel th( timex; prtss the Timerpad
until the displa? time (lisappeap<
Sleep (onsome models)
Press to st'l tile air conditioner to run for
8 h(mr_ betore it automatically shuts off.
One hour aflcr lhe sleep timer is set, the set
temper, ran> will automatically increase 2E
"[b cancel the sleq) mode, press th{ Sleep pad
a SeCOlld tillle.
Note:Thesleep timer willbe cancelledif the
Timer,EnergySaveror Mode pad ispressed.
Remote ControlSignal Receiver
Remote Control
{;)_ "1}3 ( IISllY( J)l'Ol)( Y oJ)el}x[iOll , ailn the
FelXxote COXl[l-ol a[ 1he sigXl_ll Fe(_eiveF
on the air conditionex:
_57The 1"( llXOle (Oil[x-el sigllal has a lHllg( (If'
up to 21 ti'(t.
)'2 Make sure nothing is betw(en the air conditioner
and the remote COlXtrol that (ould block file
)'_ Make sul-_ batt_ lies arc frcsh an(I installed
correctly--see the Care and Cleaning section.
Additional controls and important information.
Do Not Operate in Freezing OutdoorConditions
This (eel<rely air (onditioner was not dcsign(+(l tbr
fl-eezing outdoor con(litions. It must not be used ill
fl-eezing outdoor conditions.
When the air conditioner is turned on, it wil!
automatically start in the setting last used,
Power Outage Recovery Feature
In the _ase of a power Otltage or interruption, the Sleepfbamres will res(t 1o tile original selling.
unit will amomaticall} re_mrt in tile s(tfing_ last You may n(ed to s(t a new time if desil>d.
used after tile power is restored. The Timerand
Cool Mode
tse tile Cool mode with High(3),Mud (2)or
Low (1)fSmfk_rcooling. Lse lhe Increase • /
Decrease• pads 1o set tile desired temperature
between 64°F and 86°F ill l°F increments.
A thermostat is used to mailmlin tile room
tempet-,mn-e. The conlpressor will (3cle on and off
to kee l) tile room at tile set level ot (x)mfi_rt. Set the
thermostat at a lower mnnber and tl_e indoor air
will become coolel; Set tile thermostat at a higher
number and the indoor air will be(ome wannel;
NOTE:If theairconditioneris offandis thenturnedon
wlfiteset to Cool,it wilt take approximately3minutesfor
thecompressorto start andcoolingtobeghT.
Cooling Descriptions
ForNormal Coo/ing--Sde(t Ill( Cool mo(le
mM High (3) or Med (2)lim with a middle set
tempel-_tu re.
ForMaximum Cooling--Select tile Cool mode
mM High (3) tim with a lower s(,t temperature.
For Quieter & Nighttime Coolinff--Select th(
Cool mode mid Low (1) f_m with _ lni(/dlt" s('t
telllpel-Htll l-e.
NOTE"If you switch from a Cool setting to Off or to
a fan setting wait at least 3 mh?utesbefore switching
back to a Cool setting.
Fan Mode
I sc the Fan at High (3), Med (2) or Low (1) to provide Sinre t;m only st'ldngs do not l)rOxi(/e (ooling,
air cir(ulafion an(I filtering without cooling, a telnpemture setting will not be displayed.
Vent Control (onsomemodels)
The yen1 colin-el is Iocaled on 1he inside of the (
air louv( p+in file lo_('r righl (orn(t; //
Wh(n sol at CLOSE,only the air insid( Ill(! room _
will be circulated and conditioned. When set at I1[ II
OPEN,some insi& air is exhausted outside. Toopentile vent`pushthelevertothe
right TocloseiT,pushftreftTeleft
Toopen the vent, push tl?e
lever to the right. Toclose
it, push ft re the left
Air Direction--Up and Down (onsome models)
FingvJtip pressure on tflu horizontal louvers a({justs
the air dir(cfion up or down.
Air Direction--Side-to-Side (onsomemodels)
On some models, tilt' side-to-side air dire(tion is
a(ljusted b} the louxer h,xers or by grasping mid
lnoving file inner veltical louvers.
Aboutthecontrolsontheairconditioner--modelswith controlknob(s).
Features and appearance may va_
Controls modelssoequipped)
O ON/OFFSwitch
Turns ai_ conditkme_ (m and off,
NOTE:If theairconditionerisoffandisthenturnedonwhile
FanSwitch (onsomemodels)
Use to set the t_mspeed to LOor HI.
O Mode/Temp Control
Use to set the air conditione[ to tile FanOnlyor a
Cool mode.
Use FanOnlyat HI or LOFanto provkle air
drculatkm arm fi]tering_dthout cooling.
tJsea Coolsettingwith HIo_ LOFanfb_c(_ding.
Turn the knob c]ock_ise,towalxltile largerblue
ar_m,fb_the indoor area to become coolen Turn
the knob cotmtelvlock_dse, toward the smaller b]ue
High A_ LOW
Fen On]_
area, _b_file indoor air to become wam_e_;
The Mode/Temp conuo] is used to maintain the
room temperature. When set in a CoMmode, the
compressor willc)_:leon and off m keep the morn
at file stone ](we]of comfolt.
ForNormalCooling_%lect a Coolmode _dth the
ModeiTemp knobset tt the midpoint.
ForMaximumCooling-_Selecta Coolmode with
the ModeiTemp knob set tow,ud tilt"Imge_
bhle area.
ForQuieter& NighttimeCooling--Select a Coolmode _dth
the ModeiTemp knob _t tos_ard the smaller blue area.
NOTE:Ifyou move the ModeiTemp control knob fi'om a
Coolsetting to the FanOnsetting, wait at least 3 minutes
befi:)re s_dtching back to a Coolsetting.
Controls(o,,models so equipped)
LOW _._ Hi _
HiCool,MedCooland LowCoolpro@l( cooling
_dth dttf;erentfro;sl)eeds.
LowFanor HiFanproddes all circulation and
fill(ring _ithout cooling.
The flaermostat control is used to maintain the
room mmpelvltute. The compressor willc}de on
and off m keel) the room at file same levelof
comfort. When }ou tuln the hl()b to a higher
mlmbm; the indoor ai__dll become coolec Tmn
the knob to a lower mlmber and the indoor air
_ill become xval///ell
off 5 6
Ned CooJ The_mostut
NOTE"Ifyoumovetheswitchfroma coolsetbegtoOFFer
ForNormalCooling-&,lectHiCoolor MedCool_ith the
thermostat (ontrol at midpoint.
ForMaximumCoolino-Se]ectHiCool_dth the thermostat
control at the highest number av,filableon )_)tlrknob.
ForQuieter&NighttimeCoolinouSelectLowCoolwith the
thermostat control atmidpoint.
Additional controls and important information.
DoNot Operatein FreezingOutdoorConditions
This cool4mly air conditioner was not designed tor
fl(ezing outdooF conditions. It must not l)e us(d in
fi-eezing outdoor conditions.
Vent Control (onsome models)
Th_ vent control is located on the inside otthe air
louver_ in th( lower right cornel:
When set at CLOSE,only the air inside the r,oom
will be cilvulated and conditioned. When set at
OPEN,some inside air is (xllatlsl(!d Otltsi(l( .
Air Direction--Side-to-Side
On sore(' modds, the sMe-lo-side air direction is
a({justed by the louvcr levers or by grasping and
moving the inner xeltical louvers.
Toopen the vent, push the lever to fl_e
right, To close it, push it to the left
Toopen the vent, push the
lever to the right. Toclose
it, push it to ttle lefL
-" OR
Air Direction--Up and Down (onsomemodels)
Fingmtip pr_ssur_ on Ih_ horizontal louv{ rsa(!jusls
the air dire( lion up or (Iown.
Careand cleaningof theair conditioner.
How to Insert the Batteries
] R,._mo_,ethe batt_ly ,.over by sliding it
a((ol'dill_ 1o lh_ aFrow dir_ ([iolL
] Insert new I)aueri(s, making sure that the (+)
and (-) oJ I)attety are inslall( d corre(tly.
] Realt_ch lh{ cox<r I)ysli(ling il back
into posilion.
Grille and Case
Turn lhe air _onditioner off and r_move th_
phlg from lh( wall oull(t I){for(: cleaning.
Outdoor Coils
The coils on the outdoor side o1"the air conditioner
should be checked regulm'l?; It they arc clogged
with dilt or soot, thc'_' may b< professionally
Air Filter
The air filter behind 1he fl-ont rille should be
checked and cleaned al l<ast evel?, 30 (la?,-, or
mor_ often il necessal).
Clean Ihe Áiller with Walln, soap} walel: ]_inse and
lel the fiher (ha' b_ fore tel)lacing il.
}'_Ise 2 "._¥\" (1.5 voh) batteries. Do not use
rechargeal)le batteries.
}!i_,Remove the l)all_ ties from the remote control if
the _,)stem is not going to be used f_l- a long time.
To cl_ an, use waist and a mild (ht_ rgent.
l)o not us{ bleach or al)rasixcs.
Grabthe tabs on
the filter andpull
it up and out
widTeutafilterbecausedirtandlint willclogit andreduce
Air Conditioner
1_'1 Questions? Call 80O.GE.CARES (800.432.2737) or Visit our Website at: ge.com
Read these instructions completely
and carefully.
• IMPORTANT - Savethese
instructions for local inspector's use.
• IMPORTANT - Observeall
governing codes and ordinances.
• Note to Installer- Be sure to leave these
instructions with the Consumer.
• Note to Consumer- Keep these
instructions for future reference.
• Skill level - Installation of this appliance
requires basic mechanical skills.
• Completion time- Approximately 1 hour
• We recommend that two people install
this product.
• Proper installation is the responsibility
of the installer.
• Product failure due to improper installation
is not covered under the Warranty.
• You MUST use all supplied parts and use
proper installation procedures as described
in these instructions, and any separate kit
instructions, when installing this air
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or
remove the third (ground) prong from the
power cord.
Do not change the plug on the power cord
of this air conditioner.
Aluminum house wiring may present special
problems--consult a qualified electrician.
If the sill support bolts do not contact the
window sill, or if you have a window
without a sill, you must order accessory kit
RAK87 to properly install this air conditioner.
Call 800.626.2002 or visit ge.com.
Phillips head screwdriver
Adjustable wrench
RuLer or tape measure
(_ Some models require a 115/120-volt a.c.,
The 3-prong grounding plug minimizes the
possibility of electric shock hazard. If the wall
outlet you plan to use is only a 2-prong outlet,
it is your responsibility to have it replaced with
a properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
(_ Some models require 230/208-volt a.c.,
(_ on their own single branch circuit forbest performance and to prevent
60 Hz grounded outlet protected with a
15-amp time delay fuse or circuit breaker.
protected with a time delay fuse or circuit
breaker. These models should be installed
overloading house or apartment wiring
circuits, which could cause a possible
fire hazard from overheating wires.
Power cord includes a current interrupter
device. A test and reset button is provided on
the plug case. The device should be tested on a
periodic basis by first pressing the TEST button
and then the RESET button while plugged into
the outlet. If the TEST button does not trip or
if the RESET button will not stay engaged,
discontinue use of the air conditioner and
contact a qualified service technician.
Scissors or knife
(appearance may vary)
Window Installation Instructions
Foam top
window gasket
p mounting rail
_ Window
mounting rail
seal strip
sash seal
_Bo_to m inner
Type A(18 or 19)
1/2" screws
Sill support (2)"_1;;_" case gasket
Type B (8) Type C
3/4" screws bolt (2)
Security bracket (1)
Window Installation Instructions
• These instructions are for a standard
double-hung window. You will need
to modify them for other types of
CAUTION: Ifthesillsupport
bolts do not contact the window sill,
or if you have a window without a sill,
you must order accessory kit RAK87 to
properly install this air conditioner. Call
800.626.2002 or visit ge.com.
• All supporting parts must be secured
to firm wood, masonry or metal.
• The electrical outlet must be within
reach of the power cord.
• Follow the dimensions in the table and
illustration for your model.
Models A B
ASD06, ASMO8, ASQ10, 14 3/4" min. 24 3/4"-36"
ASM10, ASQ12, ASV12 15 3/8" rain. 26"-39 1/2"
ASM12, ASQ14, ASV14 16 1/4" rain. 26"-39 1/2"
A storm window frame will not allow the
air conditioner to tilt toward the outside,
and will keep it from draining properly.
To adjust for this, attach a piece of wood
to the sill.
LENGTH: Long enough to fit inside the
window frame.
THICKNESS: To determine the thickness,
place a piece of wood on the sill to make
it 1/2" higher than the top of the storm
window frame or the vinyl frame.
Attach securely with nails or screws
provided by the installer.
1/2" higher
than vinyl frame
1/2" higher
than storm
Storm window
_ _ (on some windows)
Vinyl frame
With accordion panels) !|r
[] Remove shipping tape, if present.
On models with a
raise-up inlet grille,
lift it and remove
the screw behind it
(if present) that holds
the grille in place.
On models with a
slide-out air filter,
remove it and the
screw behind it
(if present) that holds
the grille in place.
[] Gently but firmly grasp
the lower grille corners,
press in on the case
sides and pull forward
to release.
NOTE: Do not pull the
bottom edge toward
you more than 3" or
you may damage the tabs of the grille.
[] Lift the grille up and off the top tabs.
Window Installation Instructions
[] Remove the 2 or 4 screws (depending on
model) on each side of the case. Keep the
2 front-side screws for later use.
[] Slide the air conditioner from the case by
gripping the base pan handle and pulling
forward while bracing the case.
[] Remove the backing from the top mounting
rail seal strip and attach it to the bottom of
the top mounting rail. Cut to size.
[] Install the top mounting rail with 4 or 5 type
Ascrews (depending on the number of
holes in the top mounting rail) from the
outside of the case.
Top mounting rail
Front of air conditioner
Remove packing cardboard and tape,
if present.
Bottom mounting rail
[] Insert the frames for the accordion panels
into the top and bottom mounting rails.
Attach the accordion panels to the side
of the case using 6 type A screws.
Top mounting rail
Type A_
Bottom mounting rail