GE ASV08FLS1, ASV06LLS1, ASQ06LLS1, ASM06LLS1, ASM05LLS1 Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions ........... 2, 3
Operah_g Instru_'ons
Comrols--Conu-ol Knobs ..... 6, 7
Controls--Touch Pads ....... 4, 5
Care and Cleanir N
Air Filter . ..................... 8
Grill( and Case ................ 8
Omdoor Coils ................. 8
b_Callation Ins_ctiom" .... 9-12
A SMO ) '
AS l'O 5
A5 \106"
A Sl 08
Troubleshootir g Tips ......... 13
Normal Opemfit N Sotlllds ..... 13
Consun_- Support
WarF, mty ..................... 17
*ENERGY STAR *>labeled product
.\', aIl ENERGY STAR _9 13al-tll('l; (;E h_ls
determined that this product meets
the ENERGYSTAR_'°guid(lin(s for en_ Igy etf'icienc).
Write the model and serial
numbershere: Model # Serial#
Find these numbers on a Iabvl on the sid( el the air condifione_;
49-7579 11-07JR
For your safeS/,the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock or personal injury
_;2Use dlis appliance only ti)r its intended
ptul)ose as desctil)ed ill this ()wn(r's Manual.
{_;This air conditioner must be prop( rly
installed ill ac( or*lance with tile Installation hlstrllCfions ltefol-c it is ttsed.
{_;Never ttnphtg y/lln air Col)diti/lner lty pulling
on tl)( p/)wer COl*t. _Mwa}s grip plug {]ltllly and pull straight out fi'onl the receptacle.
_2 Rel)lace itlnne/liately fill electric service
cords that have becoln<: fi-ayed or otheI_,ds<! dalnaged. A damaged lt/)wcr sup[)ly cord must be replaced widr a new power supply
cord ol)tained fi*lln the niantdi_ctrlr(r and
not leltaircd. Do not us( a cllr/l lhat sllows
cracks or ablvlsion /]alnage along its length or at eitlter the phtg or connecU)r end,
_2 If tile receptacle does not match th< phtg,
{_;Turn all( unit OFFand tnlplttg your air
{_;For your not stilt( or use
{_;_kll air conditioners contain refiigelmlts,
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For personal safety, this appliance must be properly grounded.
DONOT use an adapter plug with this appliance.
Ttl( power cord of tl)is appliance is (qttiltl)ed widl a 3-1)tong (grounding) plug whi( fi mates widl a standard 3-i)r/)ng (gr/)unding) _tll
outl( t to lninitnize the possibility of electric shock llazard fi-l)tn this apl)liance.
Power cord inchldes a Cul'r('llt intelrupter device. A test and reset 1)tttton is provi/t(d on th( plug (:as<:.The device should be t_st_d on a petio/tic basis 1)yfirst pressing the
and fll(n the RESETbuttl)n whil( plugged into
the ottflet. If the TEST1)utton does not trip or it"fire _ESETbtlttOl) will IlOt st;ly engaged,
discontinue use of tile air (:onditioner and contact a qttalified selwice t< chnician.
[tave the wall outl(t and circui_ ch(cked lty a qualifi(d ele/:trician t/) make sltrc die Oil<let is
properly grounded.
Where a 2-1)l'ong wall outlet is encountered
it is your personal rcsponsil)ility and obligatton U) llaxe it rcl)lac(d with a properly glot reded 3-prong x_rll outlet.
Th< air conditioner shotdd ahvays be
l)lugged into its OWl)individual el(ctrical
outlet which has a vohag( rating that matches
tile rating plate.
This provides the best perfi)t niance an/] also
ltr(xents ov( rloading hot<s( x_iting circttits
which (ould cause a fire tlazard fiXlln
(:)verl)ealcd wires.
See tile Installation Instructions, Electrical
Requirements secdon for spe(ifi( ele(trkal
('()nile(lion leqrlireIlt<'Ilt_,
the r(cept_tcle lltrlst b( ctlanged ()tit 1)ya qttalified electrician.
( onditioller befit< e making ally tel)airs or cleaning.
NOTE: We stronglyrecommendthat any servicing beperformedby a qualifiedindividual
( Olnl)rtsfible tnatetials, _lsoline or other flallmlable vapors or liquids in tit<! vicinity of flits or ally ()<her appliance.
whi/h tlllder tbd< Ivtllaw tllllSt be reirloved prior to l)rodtt< t disposal. 1t 7,ou ar< getting
lid ot an old l)rodrt(t with r(fi-ig-cI_UltS, <fi(('k wifll the company handling disposal about
what to do.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of an extension cord.
[/ow¢xet, if you mus{ use all extension cord,
it is absohm ly ne cessat T that it be a 1JL-lismd,
14 gauge, _wire grounding _3pe applian_ _
extension cord having a gromlding type plug and outlet and dmt the elecu'ical rating of the
co_*l be 15 amperes (minimum) and 125 vohs.
DO NOT usean extension cord with any of the
230/208 voltmodels.
Aboutthecontrolsontheair conditioner---modelswithtouchpads.
Features and appearance will vary,
AirConditionerControls RemoteControl
O On/Off , , 0
Turns air c :mditi,. nor on and off.
Displays th( s(t telnp(ratur_ or tim(
l(_lllahlhlg OH [illleE
lse to s(t th_ air (ozldifioner to Cooler Eae
ll]o(l( .
@ @
On--_Vhen the air conditioner is off, it can be
set to mltomaticallv tmn on in 1 to 24 hotuz,
at its previous setting. Each touch will set the time in hours.
Off--Wh( 11Ihe air conditioner is on, it can be set to atllOlllaticallv IIlFH ell'in l to 24
hours. Each touch xdll sol th( lillle ill hours.
k Increase •/Decrease Pads
Gr [se to sel tenq)emtm-( _dmn in Cool rood(.
) Fan
Lse m set t]_ lm sl)eed al Low, Med or High.
O Circulaire (onsomemodels)
"[ilrn on Io })rovide (ontinuous sid(4o_ide
air dr( uladon. For fixcd side4(>side air dircttion, turn On
until the desired air dirc(tion is ol)tain(d, th_n tm'n it Off..
S Energy Saver-Controls tl_ tin.
0n_l'he [hn and compr_ ssor cycle on and
otE This re_ulls in wider x_llialions of room mmper4m re and humidib: Normally used
when the room is tmo((upied. Note: The fan
will continue to run for a short time after the compressor cycles oK
0ff_l'he f_lll IHl]s all the tim(, while lhe
(olnpressor (ycles on and oil This switch must l)e set at 0flirt order to use
lhe fhn seuings (on the mode (onn-ol).
Remote Control
To cancel the timel; press the Timerpad
umil th( diN)la ) time disappcaps. Sleep (on some mode/s)
th-cs_ to s_t the air conditioner to mn tbr 8 hotu,'s bd'oru it at]tomaticallv shuts ofl
On( hour after th< sl(([) tim(r is set, the set temp( mture will automali(ally in(r( ase 2"E
To cancel lhe sleep mode, press th( Sleep pad
a second time.
Note:Thesleep timer will be cancelledif the timer, EnergySaveror Modepad is pressed.
RemoteControlSignal Receiver
_i'lb ensure l)roperolx:ralion, aim lhe
l-elllOle control at Ihe sigllal l-(_ceivel- on the air conditionel:
_,,,1he FelllOle COIIII-olsignal has a l_lllg(_0['
up to 21 l_?et.
i¢i'Make sure nothing is belween the air conditioner
and tile rt mote control that could blo(k th_ signal.
i!i_.Make _,tll-e balteries are h-csh and installed
corre( tly--se( tile Care and Cleaning settion.
Additional controls and important information.
DoNot OperateinFreezingOutdoorConditions
This (ool<ml) air con(litioncr was not dcsigne(1 tbr fl-eezing out(lear conditions. Itmust not be use(I ill fl-eezing outdoor conditions.
l/I/hen the air conditioner is turned on, it will
automatically start in the setting last used.
Power Outage Recovery Feature
Ill lhe case o[' a l)o_er otllage or illlel-ltl[)li()ll , the Sleep f( HltlleS will resel to tll(, origillal settillg.
unit will automatically l-(,-stal-t ill the settings, last '_):mmay n(ed to set a new time ifdesired. used after the power is r(,stor(,d. Th< Timerand
Lse the Coolrood( with High(3),IVied(2)or
Low (1)fire for (ooling. Lse the Increase •/
Decrease pads to set tile desired lempeF, ml re betw(en 64°F and 86°F in 1°F increments.
A thermostat is used to maintain the room t_mp_ l-_mn-e.The compr(-,_or will cycle on and off
to ke(p the roonl at tile set l(vel at comfbrt. Set the
thellnOStal al a lower llllllRbel" alld the illdool" air
will beconle coolm; Sel the lhemmsmt at a higher number an(/lhe indoor air will become x_vmnel;
NOTE,"If theair conditioneris offandis then turned on while set toCool,it wilt takeapproximately3 mhmtesfor
the compressorto start and coolingtobeghT.
Fan Mode
[ s( the Fanat High(3),Med(2)or Low(1)lo lm M(k
air cir(ul_ltion and filt('ring without (ooling. Sin<(
Vent Control (onsomemodels)
The vent control is located on tile inside of tile air louvers ill the lower right (ornm:
When set at CLOSE,only the air inside the room
will be circulated and con(litioned. When set at
OPEN,some insi& air is exhatlsl(d outsi&.
CoolingDescriptions ForNormalCoolingISele( I th( Coolm_le
and High(3)or Med(2)t_mv;itfl a mi(ldl_ set t_mperaturc.
ForMaximumCoolingISelect the Coolmode alld High(3)t_m with a lower set t_ml)cl-,mlrc.
ForQuieter& NighttimeCoolingISelect the Coolmode mid Low(1)fire with a middle set
[ellll)tq_tHI Fe.
NOTE:If youswitch froma Coolsettingto Offer to a fan setting, wait atleast 3minutesbeforeswitching
back to aCoolsetting.
fan only settings do not provide cooling, a
lelllpeFdltlFe seuing will liar/)e diq)la} ((f.
I lUl
Toopen the vent, push the lever to the right Toclose if, push if to the loft
A# Direction--Up and Down (onsome models)
Fingcltip l)l-Cssurc on the horizontal louvcl_sadjusts the air direction up or down.
Air Direction--Side-to-Side (onsomemodels)
The si(le-t_-_ide air direction is a(!iust('d by the
lotlx er level>,,
Aboutthecontrolsontheairconditioner--modelswith controlknob(s).
Features and appearance may va_
Tmns air conditioner on and ofl_
NOTE:If theairconditioneris offandis thentamedonwhi/e
setina Cad mode,it will takeapproximately3minutesfor thecompressorto startandcoolingtobegin.
FanSwitch (onsomemodels)
[st" to set the tim speed to LOot HI.
Is_ to set the air (onditkmer to the FanOnlyel a Cool mode.
Use FanOnlyat HI or LOFanto provide aft circulatkm al-ldfiltering_dthout cooling.
[Tse a C00/setting xdth HIor LOFan _br cc*_ling. Turn the knob clc<k_dse, to_rd the larger bhle
area, ti)r the indoor area to become coolel: Turn
the knob counterclock_dse, toward tile smaller bhle
area, tbr the indoor air m become _armen The Mode/Tamp conm)l is used m maintain the r(_om
temperatme. When set in a Coolmode, tile
c(mlptessor _fillcff'le on and off m keep the room at file same levelof c(mflort.
For Normal Cooling_%lect a Coolmode t_itll the
ModeiT(-mp knob set tt the midpoint.
For MaximumCooling-_qelect a Coolmode with the M(_leiTtm/p knob set toward the larger
blue area.
ForQuieter& NighttimeCooling--Selecta Coohnode_dth
the Mode/Tamp knob _'t to_ard the smaller blue area.
NOTE:If you move the ModeiTemp control knob [iom a
Coolsetting to tile FanOnlysetting, wait at least 3 minutes
before s_dt(:hing back to a Coolsetting.
Controls(o,,models so equipped)
off 5 6
Ned Cool Iflerm_st_t
HiCool,MedCoolandLowCoolprod& cooling _itll dNi-rent fan Sl)eeds.
LowFanor HiFanproddcs all circulation and filt_ring _ithout coolir_g.
The fl_ermostat control is used to maintain the room mmperdtute. The compressor will c)cle on
and off m keel) the room at file same level of comfort. When )ou ttlHI the Ml()b u_a higher nurnbe_; the indoor air will become coolm: Turn
the knob to a lower mlmber and the indoor air
willbecome Wall/lOll
NOTE:Ifyoumovetheswitchfroma coolsettingtoOFFer
toa fansetting,waitat least3minutesbeforeswitchingbacktoa
ForNormal Cooling-&,lectHiCoolor Med Cool_dth the thermostat (ontrol at ink/point.
ForMaximumCooling-SelectHiCool_dth the thermostat
control at the highest number av,til_dfle on )_)ur knob. For Quieter& NighttimeCooling-Select Low Cool with the
thermostat control at midpoint.
Additional controls and important information.
Do Not Operate in Freezing OutdoorConditions
This (ooI-onl} air (ondidoncr was not dcsign_ d t_._r fle(zing Otltdoof conditions. It nlust not be used in tie_ zing outdoor conditions.
Vent Control (on some models)
"File vent control is located on tile inside ot the air
louvers in the lower right corner.
When set at CLOSE,OIIIV the air insi(le lhe l-Onto will be circulat_ d and conditioned. When set at
OPEN,some insidc air is _xhaust_d oulsi(k.
Air Direction--Side-to-Side
The si(le4(_-_idc _lir dire_ tion is _l(/iust_ d b? the
lotlver levc r_.
Toopenthe vent,pushtheleverto theright, Tocloseit,pushit to thelef_
Air Direction--Up and Down (onsome models)
Fing_ _tip pr('-._ur( on the horizontal li:)uver_ a(!jtlc4S tile air dircclion up or down.
Careand cleaning ofthe air conditioner.
How to Insert the Batteries on the Remote Control (onsomemodels)
] R(_move the batt(ty cover/)y _,lkling it
a((ol'(]illg to lh( HFYO_,V(liY(([iol]+
] Insert n(wl)atleri(s, makingsure that the
(+) and (-) of l)attelT are i]]slalled con-ectly.
] Reallach lhe cov(r I))sliding it I)ack
into ])osilion.
Grille and Case
Turn lh( air (or_dition(r off and remox( the [)lug frona Ihe wall outlet I)efore cleaning.
The coils on tile outdoor side ot tile all-conditioner shoul(I be check( d regularl> If they are clogged
with dirt or soot, they may be profi,ssionally cleaned.
}!i_"[se 2 .LL\ (1.5 volt) batteries. I)o not use
recharg(able batmries.
}'_R(lnove the battelies from tile remot_ control it
the wstem is not going to be used f_)ra long time.
"I)) clear_, use >,aler and a mild d(tergent. Do not use l)l(a(h or al)rasives.
Air Filter
Th( air fillel I)(hind tile iiont g*ille should 1)e
(h(( ke(1 d (le, _((1, t le, sl e_,e -x _() da',s o
more oti(n if n_(( ssal_'. Clean tel( filter with warm, soapy waxel: Rinse and
let the fiher dlT before replacing it.
conditionerwid_ootafilterbecausedirtandlint will clogit andrMuceperformance
Grabthe tabs on the filter andpull
it upand out
1.Pullopenthe inlet grille atthe
bottomandrift off toremove
2.Puffthetop of thefilter
to remove
Air Conditioner
I[] Questions? Call 8O0.GE.CARES (800.432.2737) or Visit our Website at: I
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
IMPORTANT - Savethese
instructions for local inspector's use.
IMPORTANT - Observeall
governing codes and ordinances.
Note to Installer- Be sure to leave these instructions with the Consumer.
Note to Consumer- Keep these instructions for future reference.
Skill level- Installation of this appliance requires basic mechanical skills.
Completion time - Approximately 1 hour
We recommend that two people install
this product.
Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer.
Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty.
You MUST use all supplied parts and use proper installation procedures as described in these instructions when installing this air
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
Do not change the plug on the power cord of this air conditioner.
Aluminum house wiring may present special problems--consult a qualified electrician.
Phillips [lead screwdriver
Ruler or tape measure
60 Hz grounded outlet protected with a
Some models require a 115/120-volt a.c., 15-amp time delay fuse or circuit breaker.
The 3-prong grounding plug minimizes the
possibility of electric shock hazard. If the wall
outlet you plan to use is only a 2-prong outlet,
it is your responsibility to have it replaced with
a properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
Some models require 230/208-volt a.c.,
protected with a time delay fuse or circuit breaker. These models should be installed
on their own single branch circuit for
best performance and to prevent overloading house or apartment wiring circuits, which could cause a possible fire hazard from overheating wires.
Level Scissors or knife
Power cord includes a current interrupter device. A test and reset button is provided on the plug case. The device should be tested on a
periodic basis by first pressing the TEST button and then the RESET button while plugged into the outlet. If the TEST button does not trip or if the RESET button will not stay engaged,
discontinue use of the air conditioner and contact a qualified service technician.
(Appearance may vary)
Top mounting rail
Installation Instructions
Type A (9 or 10)
1/2" Screws
Type B (7)
3/4" Screws
Security bracket (3)
Installation Instructions
These instructions are for a standard double-hung window. You will need to modify
them for other types of windows.
All supporting parts must be secured to firm
wood, masonry or metal.
The electrical outlet must be within reach of the power cord.
Follow the dimensions in the table and illustration for your model.
Models A B ASQ05, ASS05, ASV05 11 3/4" min. 22"-36" ASQ06, ASV06 13" min. 22"-36" ASM05, ASM06 13 1/2" min. 22"-36" ASQ08, ASV08 13 1/2" min. 24 1/2"-36"
With accordion panels) m
A storm window frame will not allow the air conditioner to tilt toward the outside, and will keep it from draining properly. To adjust for
this, attach a piece of wood to the sill.
WIDTH: 2" LENGTH: Long enough to fit inside the
window frame. THICKNESS: To determine the thickness,
place a piece of wood on the sill to make
it 1/2" higher than the top of the storm window frame or the vinyl frame.
Attach securely with nails or screws
provided by the installer.
1/2" higher
than vinyl frame
(on some windows)
1/2" higher
than storm window
Vinyl frame
[] Remove the backing from the top
mounting rail seal strip and attach it
to the bottom of the top mounting rail. Cut to size.
[] Install the top mounting rail with 3 or 4
type A screws (depending on the number
of holes in the top mounting rail) from the outside of the case.
Top mountinc
Bottom mounting rail
i i
+ 25 hidden pages