Safety Instructions .......... 2, 3
Operating Instru_¢ions
Controls--Control ga_obs ..... 6, 7
Controls--Touch Pads ....... 4, 5
Care and Cleaning
Air Fiher ..................... 8
Batteries ..................... 8
Grille and Case ............... 8
Outdoor Coils ................ 8
Installation Instru_¢ions
Th rough-the-_A_dl
Installation--Optional ........ 15
Window Installation ......... 9-14
Troubleshooting Tips ........ 16
Normal ()perating Sounds ..... 16
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ........... 20
*Aarranty' .................... 19
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label on
the side ot the air con(litione_:
DB98-26702A 49-7566 02-07JR

For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock
or personal injury.
Use dfis appliance only %r its intended
pull)ose as described in this Owner's
This air conditioner must be properly
installed in accordance with the Installation
Instructions befbre it is used.
Nexex unplng your air conditioner by pulling
on the power cord. Always grip plug firefly
and pull straigtlt out flom the receptacle.
Replace immediately all electric service
cords flint haxe become flayed or otherwise
damaged. A damaged power supply cord
nmst be replaced with a new power supply
cord obtained flom the manutZacun_er and
not repaired. Do not use a cord that shows
cracks or abrasion damage along its length
or at eiflter the ping or connector end.
_{_:If file receptacle does not match the plug,
the receptacle must be changed out by a
qualified electrician,
_?{:_Tm_ d_e unit OFFand unplug your air
conditioner before cleaning.
_{:_(;E does not support any servicing of dm air
conditioner V_>strongly recommend that
you do not attempt to service the air
(:ondifioner yourself.
_{_For your safety...do not store or use
combustible materials, gasoline or other
flammable vapors or liquids in the vicinity
of this or any other appliance.
E:,:All air condiuoners contain refrigerants,
which under federal law must be remoxed
prior to product disposal. If you are getting
rid of an old product with refligerants, check
with the company handling disposal about
what to do.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove
the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safety, this appliance must be
properly grounded.
DONOT use an adapterplug with this appliance.
The power cord of fllis appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) ping which mates
with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall
outlet m minimize the possibility of electric
shock hazard flom this appliance.
Power cord includes a cmTent intenupmr
device. A rest and reset button is provided on
the plug case. The device should be tesmd on a
periodic basis by first pressing the rESrbutton
and then tile RESErbutton. If the TESTbutmn
does not trip or if the RESETbutton will not
stay eng_ged, discontinue use of the air
conditioner and contact a qualified
service mchnician.
Haxe the wall outlet and circuit checked by
a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet
is properly grounded.
Where a 9q)rong wall oudet is encountered,
it is your personal responsibility and obligation
to haxe it replaced with a properly grounded
3-prong wall oudet.
The air conditioner should always be plugged
into its own indi_qdual electrical outlet which
has a xoltage rating that matches tile rating
This provides the best perfommnce and also
prments oxerloading house wiring circuits
which could cause a fire hazard flom
oxerheated wires.
See the Installation Instructions, Electrical
Requirementssection for specific electrical
connection requirements.

Because ofpotential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of an extension cord.
Howex>t; if you must use an extension cord,
it is absolutely necessary that it be a UiAismd,
14 gauge, 3-wire grounding type appliance
extension cord having a grounding type plug
and outlet and flint tim electrical rating of file
cord be ] 5 amperes (minimum) and 195 x_lts.
DO NOTuse an extension cord with any ofthe
230/208 voltmodels.

Aboutthe controlsonthe air conditionermmodels with touchpads.
Features and appearance will vary.
Air ConditionerControls Remote Control
O On/Off
Turns air conditioner on and off.
@ Display
Displays the set telni)erature or tilne
remaining oil fimei:
Use to set the air conditioner to Cool or Fan
Increase •/Decrease • Pads
Use to set telni)erature when in Coolmode.
Use to set the fire speed at Low,Medor High.
O Circulaire (onsomemodels)
Turn on to provide continuous side-to-side
air circulation.
For fixed side-to-side air direction, turn On
until the desired air direction is obtained,
then turn it 0_.
O EnergySaver-Coxmols the tim.
0n--The lilll aim comI)x'essox" cycle oil aim
off. This results in wider \miations (4 room
temperature and hunfidit,i. Normally used
when the rooln is unoccul)ied. Note:Thefan
will continueto runfor a short timeafterthe
Of/JThe filll rtlns all the dine, while the
COlili)i'essoi" cycles on and ()lJ.
This sMtch xnust be set at Offin order to use
the tim settings (oil the mode control).
O Timer
0niWhen the air conditioner is off; it can be
set to autolnatically turn on ill 1 to 24 houI_
at its I)revious setting. Each touch will set the
time in houls.
0f[J_{ hen the air conditioner is on, it can
be set to aUtolnafically turn off ill 1 to 24
hours. Each touch will set the dine ill houI_.
To cancel the tilneI; press the Timerpad
until the display time disappeaxs.
Sleep (on some models)
Press to set tile air conditioner to rtln fi)r
8 houI_ befin'e it autolnaticallv shuts off'.
One hour after the sleep tilner is set, the set
temi)erature will autolnaticallv increase 9°F.
To cancel the sleep inode, press the Sleep pad
a second tilne.
Note: Thesleeptimerwill be cancelledffthe
Timer,Energy Saver orMode padis pressed.
RemoteControlSignal Receiver
Remote Control
!i_:To ensure proper operation, aim the
remote control at the signal receixer
on the air conditioner
!i?:The remote control signal has a range of
up to 21 teet.
?_:Make sux'e xlothing is between the aix" conditioner
and the remote control that could block the
_: Make sure batteries are fl'esh and installed
correctly--see the Care and gleaning section.

Additional controls and important information.
Do Not Operate in Freezing Outdoor Conditions
This cool-only air conditioner was not designed fi)r
fl'eezing outdoor conditions. It must not be used in
ti'eezing outdoor conditions.
When the air conditioner is turned on, # will
automatically start in the setting last used.
Power Outage Recovery Feature
In the case el a power outage or interrul)tion, the
refit will automatically re-start in the settings last
used atter the power is restored. The Timerand
Sleep ligatures will reset to the original setting.
_)u may need to set a new time if' desired.
Use the Cool mode with High (3),Med (2)or
Low (1)tma for cooling. Use the Increase • /
Decrease • pads to set the desired temperatm'e
between 64°F and 86°F in 1°F increments.
ForNormalCoolin#---Selectthe Coolmode
and High(3)(>rMed (2)tim with a middle set
A them/ostat is used to maintain the room
temperature. The compressor will cycle on and off
to kee I) the room at the set level of comfi)rt. Set the
them_ostat at a lower nmnber and the indoor air
will become cooler Set the them_ostat at a higher
nuinber and the indoor air will becoine warnlei:
NOTE:Ifthe ak conditioneris offandis thenturnedon
whileset to Coolit will take approximately3 minutes for
thecompressorto startand coolingto begin.
ForMaximumCoolin{p---Selectthe Coolmode
and High(3)tim with a lower set temperature.
ForQuieter& Nighttime Coolino--Select the
Coolmode and Low(1)tim with a middle set
NOTE:Ifyou switch from a Coolsettingto Offor to
a fan setting,wait at least3 minutesbefore switching
back to aCoolsetting.
Fan Mode
Use the Fan at High (3), Med (2) or t0w (1) t(>pr(>vide Since tim only settings do not provide cooling,
air drculafion and filtering without cooling, a temperature setting will not be displayed.
Vent Control (onsome models)
The vent control is located on the inside el the
air lot/\'ers in the lower right ('oi'nei-
_,_]_en set at CLOSE,only the air inside the room
will be circulated and conditioned. _,_q/en set at
OPEN,seine inside air is exhausted outside.
righLTocloseit,pushit to theleft.
Toopen the vent, push the
lever to the righL Toclose
it, push it to the left.
Air Direction--Up and Down (on somemodels)
Fingertip pressm'e on the horizontal lou\'e_ a(!iusts
the air direction up or down.
Air Direction--Side-to-Side (onsomemodels)
On some models, the side-to-side air direction is
a(!justed by the louver leve_s or by grasping and
moving the inner vertical lou\'e_.
J-" ----.

Features and appearance may vary.
Controls(o,models so equipped)
.,LLCLo ,o_i_m
Turns air conditioner on and off.
setinaCoolmode,it willtakeapproximately3minutesfor
o FanSwitch(onsomemodels)
Use to set the tim speed to LOor HI.
O Mode/TempControl
Use to set the air conditioner to the FanOnly(: "a
UseFanOnlyatHIor LOFanto provide air
circulation and filtering _dthout cooling.
Use a Coolsetting with HIor LOFantor cooling.
Turn the knob clock\qse, toward the larger Nile
area, ior the indoor ax_a to become coolex: Turn
file knob counterclock\_ise, toward the smaller blue
area, ti)r the indoor air to become _mnex:
T]_e Mode/Temp control is used to maintain the
room temperature. _,\l/en set in a Coolmode, the
compressor will (}cle on and off to keep the room
at the same le_.el of comtort.
ForNormalCooling--Select a Coolmode with the
Mode/Temp knob set at d_e midpoint.
ForMaximumCoolingiSelect a Coolmode with
the Mode/Temp knob set to_ard the larger
blue area.
ForOuieter& Nighttime CoolingISelect a Coolmode with
the Mode/Temp knob set toward the smaller blue area.
NOTE:If you mo_.e the Mode/Temp control knob ti'om a
Coolsetting to the Fan0nsetting, wait it le _st _)mm to,
befiwe s_dtching back to a Coolsetting.
) ' S,
o ModeControl
Hi Cool,Med Cooland LowCoolprovide coolino
with ditterent Jim speeds.
LowFanor HiFan proddes _dr circulation and
filtering without cooling.
The thermostat control is used to maintain the
room temperature. The compressor will ctcle on
and off to keep the room at the same level of
comfort. When you turn the knob to a higher
mm_be_; the in(ioor air will become cooler Turn
the knob to a lo_w" nm-nber and the indoor air
will become _u'rner
Off 5 6
Ned Cool Th÷rt_ o_tet
toa fansetting,waitat least3minutesbeforeswitchingbacktoa
ForNormalCooling_SdectHiCoolor Med Coolwith d_e
them_ostat control at midpoint.
ForMaximumCooling-Select Hi Coolwith the them_ostat
contxxd at the highest munber available on your knob.
ForQuieter& NighttimeCooling-Select Low Cool with the
thermostat control at midpoint.