Thelight abovetheselected pad will be ON to indicate which OPTIONhasbeen selected.
HI TEMP Turnsonthe heaterin all postrinseandfinal rinsecyclesto helppreventspotting
RINSE ondishware.Thisoptionmaybeturned ONor OFFduringthewash cycle.
HI TEMP Energizesthe heaterto boostwatertemperaturein all prewashandmainwashfill
WASH cycles.Recommendedfor usewith heavilysoileddishes.Optionmaybeturned ON
or OFFduringthe wash cycle.
HEATEDDRY Shutsoff the dryingheatoption.Dishesairdrynaturallyandenergyissaved.You
OFF canpropthe dooropenafterthe CLEANlightilluminates.
HEATEDDRY Turnsthe heater onfor fast drying.Thiscyclewill extendthe timeto your wash
ON cycleby30 minutes.NOTE:Cannotbeselectedwith RINSE ONLYcycle.
LOCK WhentheLOCKpadistouchedtwicewithin3seconds,allpadsbecomeinoperative.
STARTisnot interrupted
Children cannot accidentafly start dishwasher by touching pads with this
option selected.
Tounlockthedishwasherafterit hasbeenlocked,touchtheLOCKpadtwicewithin
3seconds.ThelightabovetheLOCKpadwill turnoff.
Youcandelaythe start of awash cyclefor upto 8 hours.Pressthe DELAYSTART
padto choosethenumberof hoursyouwantto delaythe start of thecycle.The
machinewill countdownandstartautomaticallyatthe correcttime. Pressing the
START/RESETbuttonwill cancel theDELAYSTARTselection,
NOTE:If youforget to latchthe doora remindersignalwill beepuntilyou doso.
RESET Tochangea cycleafter washing starts,touchtheSTART/RESETpadto cancel
thecycle.After water is pumpedoutand the motorstops,you canreprogramand
restartthe dishwasher.Thiswill take approximately90seconds.
li ii
Close and latch the door. Touch the START/RESETpadto begin the cycle. Water
fill begins and approximamly 40 seconds later the wash action begins.
NOTE.'The dishwasher remembers your last cycle so you don't have to reprogTam
each time. When the dishwasher is loaded and the door latch is in the locked
position, the conuol panel lights will be 0N and displ W the last settings you
If you don't want to change any of the settings, simply touch the START/RESET
pad to begin thecycle.
Also, ira power t_dlure occurs, NORMALand HEATEDDRYwill automatically be
programmed. Make any new selections and l,)uch the START/RESETpad_,_be_n
the cycle.
This light isilluminamd when awash c}vleis complete. The lightwillstay ON
until the door is opened.