Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this
Owner's Manual
J? This l//iClX)wave OVOll is I101 at)t)l:()_,_'(t
o17 tested ]'OF lllarille ilse.
_: Do not mount this appliance oxer
a sink.
J? Do not let power cord hang over
edg-e of table or counter.
_: "Ib reduce tile risk of fire in tile
oven ( avit*<
_: Do I]Ot l//Otll]| the l//icrowave OVe]l
over or near ally portion of a heating
or cooking appliance.
J? Do not store anything dire(tly on top
of tile l//ic17owave ovel/sllrJitce whell
tile I//iC1;OW_IVe OVel] is ill operation.
_: Do not operam this appliance if it has
a damaged 1)o_*_'r cord or phlg, if it is
not working properb,; or if it liar, been
damaged or dropped.
_: 1)o not (o_er or block any openings
on tile appliance.
N Use this appliance only tot
its imended use as described ill this
nlanual. Do not use corrosive
chen/i(als or vapors ill dfis applian(e.
This mi( rowave oven is specifi( ally
desigaled to heat, dr} or cook t_)o(t,
and is not intended/_)r laboratory
or industri_d use.
_: Do not store this appliance outdoors.
Do not use this product near wate_
ti)r example, ill a wet basement, nero:
a s_,imming pool, near a sink or ill
similar locauons.
J? Keep power (ord _r_{_r_)_]] heamd
;_} Do liar ili/l/]erse powel7 cord or
phlg ill water.
--Do not overtook tbod. (;arefilllv
attend applian( e when paper, plastic
or other conflmsdble materials are
placed inside tile (l_vn while cooking.
--Remedy wire twist-ties and metal
handles ti'on/paper or plastic
containers betbre placing thenl ill
tile ovell.
--Do not use tile oven ti)r storage
purposes. Do not leave paper
pro(hi(is, cooking utensils or/_)od
ill the ()\'ell vchell llOt ill Hse.
--ff mawrials in.side tile o_en ig]lim,
keep tile oven door closed, turn tile
ovell ()11 and discolll/ect tile powel7
(ord, or shut off power at tile fllse or
circuit breaker panel. If tile door is
opened, tile fire may spread.
N See door sure_ce cleaning instructions
ill tile Care and cleaning of the
microwave oven s( orion of" this mmmal.
_: GE does not support any servicing
of tile microwmv. We strongly
FeCOlIllllelld that VOHdo I101attempt
to service the H/ic]?owa\'e VOlll'sel]_
J? As with any appliance, close
S/lp(W_,isiOll is lie( CSS_tFV vdlell
used l>v children.
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