GE Appliances GSD4410, GSD4425, GSD4420, GSD4430, GSD4435 Owner's Manual

GSD4410 GSD4420 GSD4425 GSD4430 GSD4435 GSD4910 GSD4920
Part NO. 165D4700P162 Pub NO 495,8Z9
YouAre Now Part of the GEFamily.
Welcome to tile GE family. We're proud of our quality
products and we are committed to providing
dependable sepAce. You'll
see it in this easy-to-use C",vner's Manual and you'll Ileal it in the friendly voices
()tone customer smwice
department. Best of all, you'll expmience
these values each time yotl
use your dishwasher. That's
important, because your itew disbwasher _dll be pmt
of your family for many years. And we hope yo'd will
be part of ours tbr a long lime to come•
We Oaank you _L)Ibuying GE. We appreciate your
purchase, and bope you
_11 continue to rely on us _henever you need quality
appliances for yore" home.
Staple sales slip or cancelled
check here.
Proof of the original purchase date is needed to obtain service under
the warrant_
Write the model and serial
numbers here.
Youcan find them on the tub wall just
inside the doo_
GE& You,
A Service Partnership.
Ask any GEappllance owner and they will
tefl you we stand behind our products with
unmatched quality service. However, did
you know that most questions result from
simple problems that you can easily fix
yourseff in just a few minutes? This Owner's Manual can tell you how
In,kit '.)u _ili find n_am
hc]l)_u] hint_ {)It h<m to tlS_ ;111(I
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/f YouNeedService
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Safety Info _mmtion .4-7 .....
Operating Instructions
ControlPanel ............... 8
ControlSett_bgs........... 8,9 D= !
_i_play................lo,_ _",!
D_#gnost/cCodes ....... 12-!4 _; i
Soil SenserSystem ......... 15 _ "_,_,
LoadingtheRacks ....... 18,19
Opt_ooalAccessories........ 20 _ 1
CareandC/eanlng ..21 i
Troubleshooting tips
CarlForService........ 22-26
Customer Service
Warranty ............... 27
Numbers ........ BackCover
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury,
or loss of life.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been used for two weeks or
more. Hydrogen gas can be explosive under these circumstances.
If the hot water has not been used [i)r two weeks or more, prevent the possibility of damage or injtn T by turning on all hot water
tlmcets and allow them to nm for seventl n/inu(es. Do tills befote using any elecuical appliance which is connected to tl_e hot water
system. This simple procedure xdll allow any builvup hydrogen gas to escape. Since dm gas is t]ammahle, do t/or smoke or use an open flalne or appliance during ttlis process.
Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
This dishwasher must be properly instafled and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used.
ff you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with your dishwasher, you can receive one by cafling us toil-free
at the GEAnswer CenteP,800.626.2000.
Connect to agrounded
metal, pmlnanen t _fing
system; or run im equipment-
gTounding conductor wifll the circuit conductors trod
colmect to the equipment- _ounding terminal or lead ofdae appliance.
_'_Improper connecUon of dm
equipment-g-ounding conductor can result ii1 a risk
of elecu-lc shock. Check _th a qualified elecu ician or
sei_'ice representative ifvou are in doubt whether tile
appliance is properly grounded.
_"Dispose of discarded
appliances and shipping or packing matmdal properly.
_,_Do not attempt to repair or
replace any part of your dishwasher unless it is
specifically recommended in this manual. All odmr
selxqcing should be referred to a qualified technician.
_-.1To minimize the possibility of
electric shock, disconnect lhis appliance trom d)e
power supply beh)re attempting any maintenance. IVOrE: Tuming the
dishwasher offdoes not disconnect dm appliance
ti'om die power supply. We rt'{ Olllnleiid ha_ng a qualified techm(ian scp,'k e
}q )fir applian_, e.
!i Do not tamper _dth controls.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand
on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher.
Do not allow children to play inside, on or with this
appliance or any discarded appliance.
N Do not discard a dishwasher
_thout first removing the door of the washing
compartment. Do not store or use
conthustible matmials, gasoline or other flammable vapors and liqukls in the "dcinity of this or any other
1.Js_, only powder or liquid Do not umth the heating detergenL_ or wetting agents element during or
recommended for use in a immediately ,after use. dishwasher.
Locate shmqp items so that
hey' u e not likely to damage
the door seal.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are propm ly
in place.
: Load shaq) knives with the Close super,ision is necessa U
handles up to reduce the risk if this applimlce is used by or of cut4)qae injuries, near children.
Do not wash plastic items unless marked dishwasher
safe or the equivalent. For
plastic items not so n_arked, check the roanufacturer's
sa Load light plastic items so
they _dll not become
dislodged and drop to dae bottom of tile dishwasher-
they might come into conu_ct
with the heating element and
be damaged.
Yourcontinued health and safety are important to us.
Please read and follow this Safety Information carefully.
We want you to remain a happy and healthy part of our
About the dishwasher control panel
Youcan locate your model number on the tub wall just inside the doo_ Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
_. The Display
This display tellsyou what is happening in 1he
dishwasher and can alert you to some possible
problems. It also remembers your last cycle so you don't
have to reprogvam each time. See the Aboutthe display section.
Information displayed:
When the dishwasher is sensing the amount of soil in
the load.
I Cycle phase, such as WASHING, RINSING or DRYING.
I Diagmostic codes to alert you to possible problems.
Time lemaining in the _)cle _ill be displayed approx.
I1_ 15 minutes at)er cTOe has started.
11 The alllOtlllt ol'soiI in the load.
Set' the Know the displayse{tion Ibr Cxl)lamation oI displays and _odes.
The Active Velzt_lhc \mill will ell )so duri]lg washing to
ze_ain heat and icduce tloisc. Atit:l washing i_will open to \cnI ]l:oisIute mid help th(' (lishcs tlC, tilxtcl.
_._ .... LoadSelection
Forloads ofeverydaydishes,glassesand cookwarewith
mediumsoils NOTE:Manydisheshavelightersoilthan normal ChoosingacycleotherthanNORMAL will save energyandwater
POTSPANS Forheavilysoileddishesorcookwarewith dried onor
bakedonsoils.Everydaydishesmay beincluded This
cyclewill notremoveburnedonfoods
CHINACRYSTALForlightlysogedchina andcrystal Water is aeratedfor a
RINSE HOLD Forrinsingpartial loadsthat will bewashedlater Make
sureENERGYSAVERDRY isselected Donetuse
detergentor OELAYSTARTwdhthis cycle
_:_,_ Options
ENERGYSAVER Shutsoff thedryingheatoptions.Dishesairdrynaturally
DRYON andenergyissaved.Youcan propthedoor openafterthe
word CLEANappearsinthedisplay
ENERGYSAVERTurnsthe dryingheateronfor fast drying Thiscyclewill
DRYOFF extendthe braetoyourwashcycle
DELAYSTART Youcandelaythestart of a wash cyclefor upto 14 hours
Tapor pressandhold [heDELAYSTARTpad tochoose thenumberof hoursyouwant to delay the startof lhe
cycle Themachinewill countdownandstart
automaticallyat thecorrecttime. NOTE."If youforget to latchthedooraremindersignalwill beepuntil youdoso
RESET Tochangeacycleafterwashing starts,touchtheRESET
padto cancelcycle After water ispumpedoutandmotor stops,youcan reprogramand restart the dishwashe£
LOCK WhentheLOCKpadistouchedtwicewithin3seconds.all
tnlernlpte_ ThewordLOCKEDappearsin thedisplay
Children cannot accidentallystart dishwasher
by touching pads.
Tounlockthedishwasherafterd hasbeenlocked,touchthe LOCKpadnice within3seconds]he wordLOCKEDwill disappearfromthe display
_ Start
Iatth the do<>r and mud+ the STARTpad to begin the o'cle.
l'ht+le is a timt +(lelay between sL'trt+u p and _at er fill _x_you
will not hem imy \_,,tsh action right il_,ay.
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