_ (se only pounder,robsor
liquid deiclgenis or _xciting
_lg('l 11S I eeollllll(-lld( (I ll)l"
US_" ill a (lishw_tsh_,l _llld
kccp Ihem Oulot th(, rt,a(h
Illchildren. Gas,.ade
I)etergem has been approved
tT)ruse in all (;E dishwash_rs.
}_ [ ,o(:ale shalTp ilenls so I]lal
lhe} are llot likel3to damage
lhe dool seal.
>>Ix_adsharp kniveswith Ihe
handles up IOreduce the risk
ot (:ut-typei]_juries.
!A;,1)0 11(11\_lsh plaslJe iWlllS
unless marked dishwasher
safeor the equiva]e]li, li_)17
plasii(i il_nis liot so marked,
cheek the nianulac/urel"s
i_conillielidallOl is.
}_ Noll-I)ishwal-e [lelliS: DO liO[
wa_l ilelliS such _ e]ectlonie
all-cleaner l]ltei s, ll]l-na_:e
tillers and paint bJxlshesin
your dishwashek I)amage lo
dishwashel7 all(] (lis( o101aiioli
or slaining el dishwash_q
may resuh
}_Do llot Ioueh the healing
elemenl during or
immediamly al)er use.
_;:_;Do not opel'ale }_)tll"
dishwasher tnfless all
enel()sure panels al_ pl_)per[y
in place.
_i_Close supe_xision is ne(essa_ 3
il Ibis appliance is used b} (tr
near (hil(hTen.
_',:Ix)adlighl plaslie ilems so
Ihe) will not be( onie
dislo(lged and drop IOlilt:
botlOIll ()lille dish\xashel _-
IJley nlighl eoli]e inlo (]OliiilCI
wilh Ihe heating element and
be damaged.
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