GE Appliances GSC3200, GSC3230, GSC3400, GSC3430 Owner's Manual

Safety Infin_nat ion ....... 4-8
Operating Instructions
Connecting Elect_icitv ..... 12
Control Panels ........... 13
Control Settings .......... 14
Dial Cycles ........... 15, 16
I,oading the
Dishwasher Racks ...... 19, 20
Optional Accessories ...... 22
Unicouple ............. 9-1 l
Using the Dishwasher . .17, 18
7)_rmbleshooting Tips
Befiwe You Call
tot Service ............ 23-27
Customer So'vice
Product Registration ...... 29
Service Telephone
Numbe_ ...... 3, Back Cover
_'a rra ntv ................ 31
GSC3200 GSC3230
GSC3400 GSC3430 165D4700P334 49-55014 11-05JR
iii iiiiiii
GE& You,A ServicePartnership.
Two easy ways to register your appliance!
_! Through the interne{ at _e.(on_
_ (',Oml)lete alld mail the _!II(Ios(x] P£odtl(t R(!gistt'_tioll (_1£([
Write themodel andserial numbershere.
Youcan find them on the tub wall just insido the door.
Staple sales slip orcancelled check here.
Proof of the original purchase date is needed to obtain
service under the warran_
h_side you will fi_(t many hell)tiff hints (m how 1o use and maim_dn
_x)ur dishwa_,her t)rol)erl_..Jt_st a little t)r('v('nti_e care ol} yore" l)art
can s_\'e you a gTeat deal of time a_d money o\'('r the lilt' of your
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, and to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater thathas notbeen used for two weeks or
If die ho[ water has not been used ]()r two weeks or n/ore, prevent the possibilil 7 of damage or iqjury tU turning on all hot water
/imcets m_d allow them to _tm t_)r several minutes. I)o this be/_)re using any' ele( trical appliance which is colmected to the hot water
sy_'qem. This siml)le procedure will allow any built-u l) h}_trogen g_ls to escape. Since the ga_, is flammable, do not smoke or use all open flame or appliance dm:ing this process.
Thisdishwasher must be properly installed and located in
accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used.
If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with your dishwasher, youcan receive one by visiting our website
J) Connect to a grotmdcd
metal, ])crmm_cnt widng s}:_,tcm; or rtm an cquipn_cnt- gr(mnding ( ondmtor with
the (it'(t+it conductors and c(mnect to the equipment-
gro/mding termin_d or lead of file applim_ce.
_: Improper conne(tion of
the equipment-gromlding condu( tot (ma restflt in _1risk
of ele(tric sho(k. Check with _ qu_dified electfi(ian or
servi(e rcl)resemafi_' i] yrou are in doubt wheOler the
appliance is properly gromlded.
N Dispose of discarded
appliances and shipping or packing material properly:
_: I)o not attempt to repair
or replace any t)art of your dishwasher mfless it is
N_ecilically recommended in this mamlal. All other
ser\'icing should be rct_'rred to _ quail/led te(hni(imL
i_i;To minimize the possibility of
electric shock, (tisc(mnect this appliance/i'om the power
supply 1)e/brc attempting any maintenm_ce. NOTE:'Ihrning
the dishwasher off does not dis(onnect the appliance
/i'om the power suppl_'. Wc recommend having a qualified teclmicim_ service
_)ur appliance.
Toprevent minor injury or property damage
_: Contents washed in
Anti-bacterkfl mode, if m'ail_fl)le, may be hot to
the touch. Use care betbre handling.
detergent @_
that is not spedtk al b
designed tor dish_a_,her_, will cause tile dishwasher to fill
with suds.
_!/f your dishwasher
is (onne( te(t to a
wall swit(h, ellS[ll?e that the s'witdl is
on prior to use.
N ()n dishwashers with
electronic controls, ifym €hoose to [[IFII tile ,,,witch
off between wash (ycles, allow 5-10 seconds a/ier
tm:ning tile switch on belore touching S'I_\RT!I@]SET to
allow tile control to reboot.
i_i;Non-Dishware hems: Do not
wa_.,h items such as electronic air cleaner tilters, fin:nace filters mid l/aint brushes ill
y(mr dishwashel; [)amage to
dishwasher and discoloration or staining of dishwa_,her
mm result.
s;?Close sui/er\4sion is necessary
if this al/t)lian( e is used 1)'_or near ( hildren.
I,oad light, plastic items so they will not t/econ/e
dislodged and drop to tile botton/ of tile dishwashetm
they might come into conta(t with tile heating
element and be damaged.
.]mlked or abandoned
dishwashers atv dangctxms... cvcn if flley will sit tbr '_just a /('w dm:s." If you are getting rid of _x)m: old dishwashel; please
/()llow the instructions bdow to
help prevent _c(idents.
Before YouThrowAway
YourOld Dishwasher
"Ihkc oil the door ot the
w_ls]lil/g +col/ip_ll?tiiici/t OF
remo\e the door latch
O (onsome
ii+++ ii
When using your dishwasher, follow basic precautions, including the following:
_: [lse this appliance only/br
its intended puq)ose as desoJbed in this Owner's
J} Use only powdel; tabs, liquid
detergents or rinse agents reconnnended {or use in a
dishwasher and kee t) fl_em out of the reach of chiMren.
Cascade®, Cascade® Complete mid Electrasol ®_\HtOl//_tti(
Dishwitshi11_ [)t'teFgeltts, _il/(t
Jet-Dry ®and Cascade Rinse Aid® rinse agents have been
i_l)l)mved/br use in ifll GE dishwashers.
_: Ix)cate sharp items so that
they are not likely to damage the door seal.
J? I 1)_(t shin: t) knives with the
handles u l) to reduce the risk of cut-t}])e i_jufies.
_: Do not wash plastic items
mlless mm:ked dishwasher sat(' or the e(tuiv_dem. For
plastic items not so marked, check the lll_(l//iJilCHil?er's
J) Do not touch the heating
eh'mem during or
il//l//edii-iR'lv _dtt'r list'.
i_i;Do not operate your
dishwasher mfless all enclosure panels are
p_x)l)erly in place.
i_ Do hi){ romper with (Olltl:OlS. _i; Do not _d)use, sit on or stand
on the door or dish ratk of tile dishwasher.
ii::Do ni)t allow (hildren to
t)la} around dishw;Mler when opening or ch)sing door due to tile possibility of small lingers being t)int bed
in door.
i_i;Do not discard a (lishw_M/er
without fit'st renlovil/g +tilt' door of tile washing
i_i; [)o llOt stol'e or/Ise
con/t)ustible materials, gasoline or other flanml_ff)le
vapors _uld liquids in d_e
vi( initv of this or any other _t)t)limlce.
ii::Do not allow chiMren to play
with, on or inside this appliance or any discarded
Aboutthe unicouple.
Before Operating the Dishwasher the First -time
Attach the faucet adapter. "[]le sl)e(iM t:au(et ad;_l)ter
SUl)plicd wid/your (tish_sller must b(' _ss('mblcd to the sink Jimcet be/ore _x)u can use your (lishwa_ller.
The thucet adapter is (lesigl_e(t to fit stun(lard spouts having internal or external threads. You will find the
adapter and two washers in the faucet adapter packet in your dishwashe_
Toinstall faucet adapter, first rein(we the old aen_tor or
tlJl// l+illg on }_()/IF Jittl(t't S})()tlt+
If faucet has external threads: Insert the thim_er of the two washers into the Jimcet adapter m)d aHach it to the
t:au(et spout.
Tighten with 1)lier_. If faucet has internal threads:Insert t)oth of the washeJ_',
into tile/imcet a(lal)ter m_d atta(h it to the/imcet st)elm
Tighten with t)lier.s.
I["lilt? f:au(et adal)ter threads do n(lt match your f:au(et spore, y(mr lo(al hardware or 1)lmnt)ing supply store
normally has a(lditional fittings t() a(tat)t y)ur t:au(et st)out to the Sl)e(ial tiau(et a(tat)ter.
NOTE:A sink sprayattachment hose can burst ff it is installed on the samesink with yourdishwasher Wesuggest that you disconnect thesick spray attachmeet ff your sick hasoneand plug the hole.
!i ii,ii iiiiiii
ii+++ ii
Aboutthe unicouple.
How to Connect the Unicouple
__:_j_._ _ Pull klnkouple and its hoses compleu4v out lixm)
m_d atl:a(h it to the thu(el ada])ter.
_:_ _._ _Attach the Uuicoul)le com_eitor u) d)e lhu(et
_--._%_d_ adapter l D'de])ressiug the collm" at the o_ the
((.,uric( tor. When (hficou])le is al| the way ul) onto
lhe _ida|)leF+ re|e_-)se l]le (-oHar. It v,'J]l lheH Slla|) Jnlo
position to lock the ()_ficoul)le in ])lace.
The Unicouple's small hose carries water ti'om the /imcet to the dishwasher. Its large hose carries dndn
wamr to the sink. Be sure Llnicout)le is poindng toward the sink t)owl drain opening and tl/e sink
drain is open {or water that will drain from your dishwashe): [/your dishwasher drains into a
disposer+ ot)erate the disposer until it is ( ompletely empty be/6re starting tl/e (tisl_r_lsl_e)_
Turn hot _*¢_{terIiflly (m before starting the
How to Disconnect the Unicouple from Faucet Adapter
Turn off the hot water.
Release the xs'ater pressure 1)y depressing the pressure release button. This reliexes water pressure and prote(ts you, and the
r/)ol//, {t'01// se'_ere S])]as]lill_.
Rdease U,li( oupk, from i:au( et I))depressing the ( ollar at the
-- f
top of tlle [ ni(o/lple (()l/l/e(t()l;
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