Safety Instruotions ........... 2, 3
Operating Instruc_tions
About the Controls
on the Air Conditioner . ....... 4, 5
Drain Hose .................. 6
Remora Control ............. 4-6
*Ahter Bucket .................. 6
Care and Cleaning
Air Filter . .................... 7
Cleaning the Coil .............. 7
Grille and Case ................ 7
_\hter Bucket .................. 7
Installation Ins*ruc_ions ..... 8-13
Troubleshooting Tips ......... 14
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ............. 16
Warranty .................... 15
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can lind them on a label on
the back of the air conditioner.
66126283 49-7538 11-05JR

For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock
or personal injury.
When using thisportable air conditioner, always follow basic safety precautions, including the following:
[] Use this appliance only for its intended [] Turn tile portable air conditioner OFFand
purpose as described in this Owner's
This portable air conditioner must be
properly installed as described in this
manual before it is used.
Never unplug your portable air
conditioner by pulling on die power cord.
Always grip plug firmly attd pull straight
out f_om the receptacle.
Replace immediately all elecf_dc service
cords that hm_e become flayed or oflterwise
damaged. A damaged pov_r supply cord
must be replaced with a new power supply
cord obtained from the manufi_cntrer and
not repaired. Do not use a cord that shows
cracks or abrasion damage along its length
or at eiflter rite plug or connector end.
unplug it be%re cleaning.
GE does not support any servicing of the
air conditioner. _\_ strongly reconmlend
that volt do not attempt to service the air
con({ifioner yourself.
For wmr safety, do not store or use
combustible materials, gasoline or other
flammable vapors or liquids in the vicinity'
of this or arty other appliance.
All air conditioners contain refrigerants,
which trader fbderal law must be removed
prior to product disposal. If you are g>tfing
rid of an old product wifll refrigerants,
check with the company handling disposal
about what to do.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove
the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safety, this appliance must be
properly grounded.
Use a ] 5 amp time delay fltse or circuit breaker.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates
with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall
outlet to minimize tile possibility of electric
shock hazard flom this appliance.
Power cord includes a cunent intetTupter
device. A test and reset button is provided on
the plug case. The device should be tested on a
periodic basis by first touching tile rESrbutton
and then the RESKl'button. If the TESTbutton
does not trip or if file RESETbutton will not
stay engaged, discontinue use of the air
conditioner and contact a qualified
service technician.
Haxe the wall outlet and circuit checked by a
qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is
properly grounded.
_4]lere a 2-piong wall outlet is encountered,
it is your personal responsibility and obligation
to haxe it tei)laced with a properly grounded
3-prong wall outlet,
The air conditioner should always be
plugged into its own individual electrical
outlet, which has a xoltag> rating matching
the rating plate.
This provides the best per%m/ance and also
piexents oxerloading house wiring circuits,
which could cause a fire hazard from
oxerheated wires.

Because of potential safety hazards under
certain conditions, we strongly recommend
against the use of an extension cord.
Because of potential safety hazards under
certain conditions, we strongly recommend
against the use of an adapter plug.
However, if yon must use an adapter,
where local codes permit, a temporary
connection may be made to a properly
grounded 9-prong wall outlet by use of
a Ui,-lismd adapter available at most
local hardware stores.
The larg>r slot in the adapter must be
aligned with the larger slot in tile wall
outlet to provide proper polarity in tile
connection of tile power cord.
However, if you must use an extension
cord, it is absolumly necessa_ T that it be
a Ui,-listed, 14 gauge, 3-wire grounding
type appliance extension cord having a
grounding type plug and outlet and that
the electrical rating of tile cord be
15 amperes (minimum) and 195 volts.
When disconnecting the power cord flom
tile adaptor, always hold the adaptor in place
with one hand while pulling the power cord
ping with the other hand. If this is not done,
the adapter ground terminal is very likely to
break with repeamd use.
If the adapter ground terminal breaks,
DO NOTUSE the air conditioner until a
proper ground has been established.
Attaching the adapter gmund terminal to a waft
outlet cover screw doesnot groundthe appfiance
unless the cover screw is metal, not insulated, and
the wall outlet is groundedthrough the house wiring.
Youshould have the circuit checkedby a qualified
electrician to make sure the outlet is properly

Aboutthe controlsontheair conditioner.
Appearance and features may vary.
Air ConditionerDisplayandControls
O owerPad
Turns the air conditioner on and off. (_Mter
installing batteries in the remote control,
touch Power to operate air conditioner
O Mode
Use to set the air conditioner to FAN, COOL,
DRYand AUTOm()de.
NOTE: If you have a Cool only model, heat
settings will not be active on your model even
though HEAYappeax5 in the remote control
O Fan SpeedPad
Llseto set the tim speed to LOW,MIDor HIGH.
O TempIncrease •/Decrease • Pads
Use to set temperatm'e when in COOL mode.
0 77merIncrease •/Decrease • Pads
ONi\'_q/ell the air conditioner is off, it can be
set to automatically come on in 1/2-24 hom_
(or 1/9-18 hom_ if setting with the remote
control) at its previous setting. Touch the
Timer Increase •/Decrease • pads to
set the timer in increments.
OfF--When the air conditioner is on, it can
be set to automatically mrn off in l/2-24
hom_. Touch the Timer Increase •/
Decrease• pads to set the timer
in increments.
Tocancelthetimer,touch the Timerlncrease
•/Decrease • pads until the display does
not show a time.
_i Sleep
WTouch to set the air conditioner to run fi)r
1/9 to 94 hums (or 1-7 hums if setting with
the remote control) beflwe it automatically
shuts ofl_ Touch the TimerIncrease• /
Decrease • pads to set the timer
in increments.
Adter the sleep timer is set, the set
temperature will automatically increase in
intervals to provide a comfortable sleeping
teml) eratm'e.
To cancel the sleep mode, touch the Sleep pad
a second time or touch the Timerlncrease •/
Decrease • pads until the display does not
show a tin/e.
NOTE: The sleep timer will be cancelled if the
air conditioner is turned off or the Timer ON
pad is touched on the remote control.
O Display
Shows the selected mode, tim speed, set
temperature or time remaining on timer.
The display will also show E4 and the refit
will signal when the water bucket is fifll.
The dehumidification (DRY or COOL mode)
process will stop but the tim motor will
continue to operate.
O TimerOn
Use on the remote control to turn the Timeron.
Then use the Time Increase •/Decrease •
pads to set the timer in increments. Touch
Timer On again to send time setting to refit.
O TimerOff
Lrse on the remote control to turn the Timerofl.
O CIock
Use to set the time of day on the remote
control disl)la,v. Touch Clock pad and then
the TimeIncrease•/Decrease • pads
to set. Touch Clock again to actix Ke.

When the air conditioner is turned on, # will
automatically start in the default setting.
Remote Control
::Ji::To ensure proper operation, aim the
remote control at the signal receiver on
the air conditioner.
::Ji::The remote control signal has a range of up to
21 tibet.
FAN Mode
Use the FAN at HIGH,MID or LOW to provide air
drculation and filtering without cooling, Since tim
Olfly settings do not provide cooling, a temi)eramre
setting will not be displayed.
Use the COOLmode with HIGH,MID or LOWfim
fin" cooling. Use the TempINCREASEA/DECREASEV
pads to set the desired temperatm'e between 61°F
and 86°F in 1°F increments.
A them_ostat is used to maintain the room
temperature. The compressor will cycle on and off
to kee I) the room at the set level of comtort. Set the
them_ostat at a lower numl)er and the indoor air
will become coole_; Set the them_ostat at a higher
number and the indoor air will become wam_e_;
NOTE:ffthe air conditioneris off andisthenturned on
whileset toa Coolsettingorif turnedfroma fansetting
toa Coolsetting,#will takeapproximately3minutes for
thecompressorto startand coolingto begin.
::Ji::Make sm'e nothing is between the air conditioner
and the remote control that could block the
::Ji::Make sm'e batteries are fl'esh and installed
correctl}_see the Using the portableair conditioner
For Normal Cooling--Select the COOL mode and
HIGH or MIDtim Mth a middle set temperature.
For Maximum Cooling--Select the COOL mode
and HIGHIan with a lower set temperature.
ForQuieter& NighttimeCooling--Select the
COOLmode and LOWflm with a middle
set temperatm'e.
NOTE:If youswitch from a COOLsettingto OFForto
a fan setting,war at least3 minutesbefore switching
back to a COOLsetting.
DRY Mode
Use the DRYmode to provide dehumidification
only: The tim will run at a low fixed speed at this
setting. Kee I) windows and do(n_ closed fi)r the best
dehumidit)'ing effects. When using the ORYmode,
detach the exhaust hose fl'om the refit and remove
the window slider or seal the opening in the
window exhaust adapte_;
Set to AUTOfor the temperature and tim speed to
automatically provide optimum comfi)rt settings.
If you sMtch fl'om a DRYsetting to OFFor to a tim
setting, wait at least 3 minutes beflwe switching back
to a DRYsetting.
The compressor runs in this mode.
NOTE:DRYwill also appearin the displaywhen using