GE AGV12DCG1, AGV12ACG1, AGV10ABG1, AGP12ACG1, AGP10ABG1 Owner’s Manual

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A G 07 - 7,O00 BTU *_zo(l_L_ A G 08 - & 000 BTU modd,_ AG IO - 10,000 BTUmodd,_ A (; 12- 12, OOOBTU _o(ld,_ 3828,4300360 Pub. No. 49-7390 JR 10-99
SafetyPrecautions........... 3
HowtoConnectElectricir} ..... 3
UseofExtensionCords........ 4
UseofAdapterPlugs .......... 4
GE& You,A Service Partnership.
Fill out tile Consumer Product Registration Card.
Twoeasyways toregisteryourappliance!
Through the internet at
Complete and mail the enclosed Product Registration Card
Operating Instructions
Controls .................. 5.6
CareandOeaning.......... 6,7
Write the model and serial numbershere:
# #
You can find them on a label on the side of the air conditioner.
Installation Instructions
Preparingto Installthe
Air Conditioner............... 8
WindowInstallation........ 9--13
Troubleshooting 71ps
CallForService.............. 14
NormalOperatingSounds..... 14
Customer Service
ProductRegistration....... 17,18
Warran¢................... I9
Numbers....... BackCover
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here.
Proof of the original purchase date is needed to obtain service under the warranty.
Inside you will find many helpfifl hires on how to use and maintain
your air conditioner properly.Just a little preventive cme on your
part can save you a great deal of time and money over the life of
your air conditioner.
You'll find many answers to common problems in tile Before You
Call For Service section. If you review our chart of Troubleshooting Tipsfirst, you may not need to call fi)r ser_4ce at all.
If you do need service, you can rebLx knowing help is only a phone call away. A list of u)ll-tiee (ustomer service numbers is included in the back section. Or, you can always call the GE Answer Center " at
800.626.2000, 24 hours a dW, 7 days a week.
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be foflowed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock
or personal injury.
iJhi::Use fllis appliance only fi)r its intended
purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
iJ_i:;This air conditioner **lustbe properly
installed in accordance widr dm Installation Instructions befbr,e it is used.
iJhi:_Nex>r unplug your air conditioner by pulling
on the power coi,l. Always gTip plug firmly and pull suaiglrt out fl_m the receptacle.
_; Repair or replace immediately all electric
service corxls tlrat lrave become fiayed or
otlrerwise damaged. Do not use a cord tlrat
slrows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either tim ping or connector end.
iJhi:;Turn dre nrode conux)l to 0R:and unplug
iJhi:_For 3_)nr satiety...(lo not store or use
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove
the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For personal safety, this appliance must be properly grounded.
Tire air conditioner slrould ahvays be plugged into its own indivi(hml elecuical outlet wlriclr has a voltage rating that matches tire rating plate.
your air conditioner befbre making any repairs or cleaning.
NOTE:WesUongly r,ecommend flrat any serxicing be peitbrmed by a qualified
combustible materials, gasoline or otlrer flammable vapors or liquids in tim vicinity of this or any other appliance.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped witlr a B-prong (gTounding) plug wlriclr mates witlr a standai,13-prong (g_xmnding) wall outlet u) minimize tim possibility of electric shock hazai,l from this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit clrecked by a qualified electrician to make sure tile oudet is propeiiy gTounded.
V_qrer,ea 2-prong x_vtlloutlet is encountered, it is _x)ur personal r,esponsibility mid obligation to have it replaced with a propeiiy g_mnded 3-prying wall outlet.
Tlris provides tire best peitbrmance and also prevents overloading lrouse wiring circuits
wlriclr could cause a fir,e hazai,l tiara1
overlreated wires. See fire hlstallation Instructions, Electrical
Requirements section for specific electrical connection r,equir,emenLs.
Becauseofpotentialsafetyhazardsundercertain conditions,we stronglyrecommendagainstthe _ CAUTION:
useof an extensioncord.
However, if you must use an extension t:o[,l, it is absolutely necessa U that it be a UIAisted,
14 gauge, 3-wi,e g_mnding type appliance extension co,d having a g_.)nnding t}_-)eplug and outlet and that the electrical rating of tile co_,l be 15 ampe,es (minimum) and 125 volts.
DONOT use an extension cord with any of the230/208 voltmodels.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the use
of an adapter plug.
However, if}x_u must use an adapter, where
local codes pemfit, a temporary connectionm W
be made to a properly g_mn(led 2-prong wall outlet by use of a UIAisted adapter available at
most local hardware stores.
Tire larger slot in tire adapter must be aligned with the larger slot in tire wall outlet to provide proper polarity in the connection ofthe power
V_qmn disconnecting tire power cord from tire adapter, ahvays hoM tire adapter in place with one hand while pulling tire power corvl plug
witlr tire otlmr band. If dfis is not done, tire adapter g_nmd temfinal is very likely to break
witlr repeated use.
If tim adapter gTound terminal breaks, DONOT
USEtire air conditioner until a proper gTound
has been established.
Attaching the adaptergroundterminalto a wa#outlet
coverscrewdoesnot groundtheapplianceunlessthe coverscrewis metal,andnot bsulated, and the waft
outlet isgroundedthroughthe housewiring. Youshould havethe circuit checkedbya quafifiedelectricianto makesuretheoutlet isproperlygrounded.
Readandfollow thb SafetyInformationcarefully.
Aboutthe controlsontheair conditioner.
Features and appearance will vary.
Yourmodel will have one of the above type controls.
Yourmodel will have one of the above type controls.
o Mode Controls
(ooling with (lifl_'rent fan speeds. LOWFANor HIGHFANprovides air circulation
and fihering wifl_out cooling.
NOTE:IfyoumovetheswitchfromacoolsettlbgtoOFFerto a fansetting,waitat/east3minutesbeforeswitchingbackto
a coo/settlbg.
Cooling Descriptions
ForNormal Cooling-Select HIGHCOOLor MED
COOLxdth the temp (ontrol at midpoint.
ForMaximum Cooling-Select HIGHCOOLxdtl_ tl_e temp (ontrol at the highest number available on
your knob.
ForQuieter& NighttimeCooling-Select LOWCOOL
with the temp (ontrol at midpoint.
The temp conuol is used to m_fintain the room temperature. The compressor will
tycle on and olf/o keep the room at the same level ofcomtint. When you turn the
knob to a higher number the indoor air will become cooler. Turn the knob to a
lower number and the indoor air will become wanner.
Aboutthe controlsontheair conditioner.
Additional controls and important information.
Energy Saver (on some models)
The energy saver sxdtch connols the tim.
0N-The tim and compressor _ycle on and off
together. This results in xfider wuiations of room temperature and humidib. Normally used when
the room is unoccupied.
Vent Control
The vent control is located ab_xvethe control knobs. When set at CLOSE,only the air inside the room will
be drculated and conditioned. When set at OPEN, some inside air is exhm_sted outside.
OFF-The tim runs all the time, while the
compressor (ycles on and off. This s_a_itchmust be set at OFFinorder to use the
tm_settings (on the mode conuol).
Toopen the vent, pull the lever toward you. Toclose it, push it hT.
Air Direction - Side-to-Side
On some models, the side-/o-side air (fireclion is a({justed by m_wing the lever to the left or right.
Air Direction - Up and Down
Fingertip pressure on the horizon/al louvers a(!jusls the air direction up or dox_l_.
Fox fixed side-to-side air dire(fion, set the Circulaire s_xitchto 0Nunfil the desired air
direction is oblained, then move it to OFF. Fox"continu{)us side-to-side air drculafion (cool
settings only), set the Circulaire s_a_itchto ON.
o.]1I. o.
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