Safety Instruc_tions ........ 2, 3
Operating Instructions
Control Knob Models ...... 6, 7
Touch Pad Models ......... 4, 5
A GM06
A GM08
A GM 12
Care and Cleaning
Air Fil ter .................. 8
Grille and Case ............. 8
Outdoor Coils .............. 8
Installation Instruc_tions
Preparing to Install the
Air Conditioner ............. 9
Window Installation ...... 10-14
Troubleshooting Tips ...... 15
Normal Operating Sounds . . .16
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ......... 20
Product Registration ..... 17, 18
_¢\.wranty ................. 19
A G V08
A GM l 0
A(z)j o
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these ntm_bers on a label on the
side of the air conditione_:
3828A2fO31E 49-7521 11-05JR
For your safeN the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock
or personal injury.
_{_:Use this appliance only %r its intended
i)mj)ose as described in tilts )wner s
_{::This air conditioner must be properly
installed in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used.
_::Nexer unplug your air conditioner by pulling
on the power cord. Always grip plug firmly
and pull straight out flom the receptacle.
_: Replace immediamlv all electric service
cords dmt haw become flaved or odlerwise
damaged. A damaged power supply cord
must be replaced with a new power supply
cord obtained flom the manufi_CtUler and
not repaired. Do not use a cord that shows
cracks or abrasion damage along its length
or at either die plug or connector end.
qT{_:Turn the unit OFFand unplug your air
_:;For your safety...do not store or use
E:,:All air conditioners contain refl_igerants,
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove
the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For
personal safe_ this appliance must be properly
The power cord of dfis appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates
with a standard 3-piong (grounding) wall
outlet m minimize the possibility of electric
shock hazard flom this appliance.
Power cord includes a ctlnent intenupter
device. A test and reset button is provided on
the plug case. The device should be tested on a
periodic basis by first pressing the rESrbutton
and then the RESErbutton. If the TESrbutton
does not uip or if file RESErbutton will not
stay engaged, discontinue use of the air
conditioner and contact a qualified
service technician.
VO_ere a 9-prong wall outlet is encountered,
it is your persona] responsibility and obligation
to have it replaced with a properly grounded
3-prong wall outlet.
The air conditioner should always be
plugged into its own individual electrical
outlet which has a xoltage rating that matches
the rating plate.
This proxqdes the best perfommnce and also
prexents overloading house wiring circuits
which could cause a fire hazard flom
oxerheated wires.
See the Installation Instructions, Electrical
Requirements section for specific electfica]
connection requirements.
conditioner before making any repairs
or cleaning.
NOTE,"Westronglyrecommendthat anyservicing
be performedby a qualified individual.
combustible materials, gasoline or other
flammable vapors or liquids in the vicinity
of this or any other appliance.
which under federal law must be removed
prior to product disposal. If you are g>tfing
rid of an old product with refl-igerants, check
with the company handling disposal about
what to do.
Hme the wall out]et and circuit checked by a
qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is
properly grounded.
Because ofpotential safety hazards under certain..ACAUTION:
conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of an extension cord.
Howexei; if you must use an exmnsion cord,
it is absolutely necessai T that it be a UiAismd,
14 gauge, 3-wire grounding type appliance
extension cord having a grounding type plug
and outlet and that the elecuJcal rating of file
cord be 15 amperes (nfinimum) and 195 x_lts.
DO NOT use an extension cord with any of the
230/208 voltmodels.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the use
of an adapter plug.
Howe\>i; if yon must use an adaptei; where
local codes i)ermit, a temporaryconnectionmay
be made to a i)roperly grounded 21)rong wall
on0et 1)yuse of a UiAismd adaptor available
at nlost local hardware stores.
Tile larger slot ill tile adaptor must be alig_led
x_4thfile larger slot in tile wall outlet to provide
proper polarity ill the connection of the
power cord.
When disconnecting fl)e power cold flom tile
adaptei; alwws hold the adapter ill place with
one hand while I)ulling tile I)ower cord I)lug
with the other hand. If this is not done, tile
adaptor ground ml_ninal is x_U liken to bleak
with rei)eated use.
If tile adapter ground tem_inal breaks, DO NOT
USEtile air conditioner until a proper ground
has been established.
Attachingthe adaptergroundterminalto a waftoutlet
coverscrewdoesnotgroundthe applianceunlessthe
coverscrewis metal, andnotlesulated,andthe waft
outlet is groundedthrough the housewiring. Youshould
havethecircuitcheckedby a quafifiedelectricianto
makesuretheoutletis properlygrounded.
Aboutthe controlsonthe air conditionermmodels with touchpads.
Features and appearance will vary.
Coolon -
Air ConditionerControls Remote Control
TtlFIIS air coilditioilei" oi1 aIld ()_.
Shows tile set temperature or time remaining
011 tiIlleI:
Use to set tile air conditioner to COOLor
/:AN mode.
Increase •/Decrease • Pads
Use to set temperature when in COOLmode.
Use to set the fire speed to LOW(FI), MED (F2)
or HIGH (F3).
O ENERGYSAVER(on some models)
Controls tile tim.
ON--The tim and compressor cycle on and
off. This results in wider \m'iations of room
temperature and humidity. Nommllv used
when the room is tmoccupied. NOTE"Thefan
will continue to run for a short t/me after the
OFF--The tim rtms all tile time, while tile
compressor cycles on and off.
This fi_atm'e must be set at O/:/:in order to
use tile tim settings (on tile mode control).
Coolon 0
NOTE"Onsomemodels,the ENERGY SAVERfeature
cannotbe set on the air conditioner /t mustbe setusing
theremote control.
O CIRCUIJllRE (on some models)
For EOlltiIltlOt/S side-to-side air circulation
(cool settings only), set tile Circulaire switch
to ON.
For fixed side-to-side air direction, mrn ON
tmtil tile desired air direction is obt;fined,
then turn it OFF.
ON--'_._hen tile air conditioner is off, it can be
set to automatically come on in 1 to 12 hours
or 1 to 24 hem's (depending on model) at its
previous setting. Each touch of tile TIMER pad
or tile INCREASE •/DECREASE• pads
(depending on model) will set tile timer
in hours.
OFFi\'_llen tile air conditioner is on, it can be
set to automatically tun_ off in 1 to 12 hem's or
1 to 24 hom_ (depending on model). Each
touch of tile TIMER pad or tile INCREASE• /
DECREASE• pads (depending on model) will
set tile till/er ill hotlI_.
Tocancel the timer, press tile 77MERpad /mfil
tile display time disappears.
O Remote Control Signal Receiver
Remote Control
::Ji::To ensm'e proper operation, aim tile remote
control at the signal receiver on tile air
iJi::Tile remote control signal has a range of
up to 21 feet.
::Ji::Make sure nothing is between tile air conditioner
and the remote control that could block the
::Ji::Make sure batteries are fl'esh and installed
correctly as indicated on tile remote control.
Lights next to the touch pads on the air conditioner
control panel indicate the selected settings.
[)se the COOL mode with HIGH(F3),MED(F2)or
LOW(FI) fm_fiw cooling. Use die/NCREASEA/
BECREASEVpads to settile desired temperature
between 60°F m_d 86°F in 1°F increments.
An electronic thennostnt is used to maintain the
room temperatm'e. The compressor will cyde on
and off to kee I) the room at the set level ot COl/l%II,
Set die theimostat at a lower number and the indoor
air will become coolel; Set the themlostat at a higher
number and the indoor air will become wm reel:
NOTE.."If the air conditioner/L_off and /L_then turnedon
whi/eset to a COOLsett/bg or if turnedfroma fan sett/bg
toa COOt sett/bg it wi// takeapprox/nTate/y3 m/butes
forthe compressortostart and coo//bgto beg/b,
FAN Mode
Use the FAN at HIGH (1:3),MED(F2)or LOW(FI)to Since tim only settings do not provide cooling,
provide air circulation and filtering without cooling, a temperature setting will not be displayed.
Cooling Descriptions
For Nonnal Cooling--Select tile COOL mode and
HIGH(F3)or MEO(F2)fimwith a middle set
For Maximum Cooling--Select the COOL mode
and HIGH(F3)tim with a lower set temperature.
For Quieter& Nighttime Coolftlg----Select the
COOL m ode and LOW (1:1} fire with a middle set
NOTE:IfyouswitchfromaCOOLsett/bgtoOFFertoa fan
sett/bg,waitat least3m/butesbeforeswitch/bgbacktoa
Power Outage Recovery Feature
In the case of a power outage or interruption, the
unit will automatically re-start in the settings last
used alter the power is restored. If the TIMER
Vent Control
The vent control is located above the control
When set at CLOSE, only the air inside the room
will be circulated and conditioned. _\'hen set at
OPEN,some inside air is exhausted outside.
Air Direction--Side-to-Side
The side-to-side air direction is a(!i usted by moving
the lever to the leli or right.
Air Direction--Up and Down
Fingertip pressure on the horizontal louvers
ac!iusts the air direction up or down.
teatm'e was set, it will resume its countdown.
_4:,t:lmay need to set a new time if' desired.
Toopen the vent, puff the lever toward you.
Toclose it, push it in.
(on some models)
Aboutthecontrolson theairconditionermmode/swith controlknobs.
Features and appearance will vary.
Yourmodel will have one of the above type controls.
3 98 2 7 2 5
Yourmodel will have one of the above type controls.
Mode Controls
provide cooling with different tim speeds.
FANsettings provide air circulation and
filtering without cooling.
NOTE: If you move the mode control from a cool settlbg
to OFF or to a fan setting,wait at least 3 mlbutes
before switchlbgback to a cool setting.
Cooling Descriptions
ForNormal Cooling--Select HIGH COOLor MED
COOLwith the temp control at midpoint.
For Maximum Cooling-Select HIGH COOL with the
temp control at the highest nmnber available on
VOIII" knob.
ForQuieter& NighttimeCooling--Select LOW COOL
with the temp control at midpoint.
The temp control is used to maim;fin the
room teml)eratm'e. The compressor will c)'cle
on and off to kee I) the room at the same level
of comfort. '_A]_en wm tuYn the knob to a
higher numbex; the indoor air will become
coole_: Tm'n the knob to a lower nmnber and
the indoor air will become wam_e_: