Safety Instrudions
Adapter Plugs ................. 3
( onnect Electrkity ............ 2
Extension Cords ............... 3
Saletv Precautions ........... 2, 3
AG_07 - 7,000 BTY? modds
A(;_O8 - & 000 BTU rt_odds
Operating Instructions
Contro! Knob Models ........ ),
Touch Pad Models ........... 4, 5
Care and Cleaning
Air Filter . .................... 8
Grille and Case ................ 8
Outdoor Coils ................. 8
Installation Instructions
Preparing to Install the
Air Conditioner . .............. 9
Window h_stallatioz_ ....... 10-14
Troubleshooti_ N Tips ... Ir.
Nomml ()perating Sounds ..... 16
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ...Back Cover
Product Regist_atiou ....... 17, I 8
Wan'anty .................... 19
..... )
A (_ t O - l O,O00 BTU model._
AG_12 - 12,000 BTU modd.s
AG_14 - 14,000 BTU modds
Write themodel andserial numbershere:
Model #
Serial #
Find Ihcse mmfl)_ rs on a label on Ihe
side ot fhe air condilioner.
3828A20060J 49-7402-2 01-01JR
For your safetg, thethformation in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock
or personal injury.
¢_[ Ysethis appliance only for its intended
purpose as descnhed in this (_rner's
_t¢This air conditioner must be properly
installed in accordance with the Installation
Instructions heti)re it is used.
i!!_Never unplug your air conditioner by pulling
on the power cord. Always grip plug tirmly
mid pull straight out ti-om the receptacle.
?_¢;_Repair or replace immediately all electric
set_dce cords that have become ti'ayed or
otherwise damaged. Do not use a cord that
shows oacks or abrasion damage along its
length or at either the plug or connector end.
¢}Turn the mode control to OFFand unph g
i!!_For }xmr satbty...do not store or use
Donot, under any circumstances, cut or remove
the third (ground) prow from the power cord For
personal safetg, this appliance must be properly
The air conditioner should always he
plugged into its own individual electrical
outlet which has a vohage rating dmt matches
the rating plate.
)x)ur air conditioner beff)re making any
repairs or cleaning.
NOTE:We strongly recommend that any
selvicing be performed hy a qualitied
combustible materials, gasoline o1"other
flammable vapors or liquids in the vidnity
ot this or any other appliance.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) ping which mates
with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall
outlet to minimize the possibility of electric
shock hazard ti-om this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and drcuit checked by a
qualitied electrician to make sure the outlet is
properly grounded.
"_\qmre a 2-prong wall outlet is encountered,
it is }xmr personal responsibility and obligation
to have it replaced with a properly grounded
3-prong wall outlet.
This pr(Mdes the best perfbrmance and also
prevents overloading house wiring circuits
which could cause a fire hazard ti-om
overheated wires.
See the Installation Insm_ctions, Electrical
Requirements set tion for spedtk' electrical
t onnettion requirenlents.
ww_t. GEA.ppliances.com
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of an extension cord.
However, if,vou inus[ t/se an extension cord,
it is absolutely necessaly that it be a UI.-listed,
14 gauge, 3-wire grounding type appliance
extension cord hax_ng a grounding type plug
and outlet and that the electrical sating of the
cord be 15 ampeles (minimum) and 125 volts.
DO NOTuse an extension cord with any of
the 230/208 voltmodels.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the use
of an adapter plug.
However, if,vou must use an adapter, where
local codes permit, a temporaryconnectionmay
he made to a properly grounded 9-prong wall
oudet by use of a [ YL-listed adapter available at
most local hardware stores.
Tile larger slot in tile adapter must be aligned
with the larger slot in the wall outlet to provide
proper polari b"in the connection of'the power
When disconnecting tile power cord fl'om the
adapter, alwa}s hold the adapter in place with
one hand xdfile pulling the power cord plug
with the other hand. It"this isnot done, the
adapter ground terminal is veU likely to break
with repeated use.
If tile adapter ground terminal breaks, DONOT
USEthe air conditioner until a proper ground
has heen established.
Attaching theadaptergroundterminal to a waft outlet
coverscrewdoesnot groundtheapplianceunlessthe
coverscrewis metal,andnot insulated,andthe waft
outlet isgroundedthroughthe housewiring Youshould
havethecircuitcheckedbya qualifiedelectricianto
makesuretheoutlet isproperlygrounded
Aboutthecontrolsontheair conditioner-modelswith touchpads.
Features and appearance will varg
Air ConditionerControls RemoteControl
_F 1;'(51-conlinuotlS side-lo-side air circulation
((o(51 _ Illnt_s onl}) st I I1-1_( AI (tl[,lli t swHdl
to ON.
Lse Io _1 {he [iraspeed Io LOW(FI),MED(F2)
or HIGH(F3).
O ENERGYSAVER-(Ionm4s Ihe l:an.
ON-The t_mand compressor ()cle on and oil.
This resuhs in wider varia dons of morn
k'mp_ raltn-e and humidil}. Normally used
when Ihe room is unoccupied. Note: The fat?
wiltconN?ue to rut?fora short time aCtorNo
compressorcycles ofL
OFF-The[hnruns all the time, while tim
con_pIeSS( )I Ocles on and oll
This s_ilch musl be set al OFFin order Io use
Ihe I_m,<.uings (on the mode omu-ol).
l'or lixed side-I<>-sideair direction, turn ON
unlil die d_sired air dir_(li( mis oblained,
{hen lurn it OFF.
ON-When Ihc air _ondili()ner is o11;il can bc
sel Io automatically come on in I I_) 12hours
al its pr(_ ious seuing. Each Iouch will se_ d}e
limer in h(>UFS.
OFF-When {he air c(mdifioner is on,it can be
sel Io aulomafically turn offin l {o12 hours.
Each Iouch will ,<'1{he Ihner in houis. Afim-
1he timer has been on lbr 30 minu{es, Ihe
lemperamr( will au{omalicflly ri_' 2°1i', and
aher anofl_er 30 minu{es, il will aul*)madcally
rise 2°1,`again. The I(lnperamre will Ihen slay
Ihe same unlil Ihe Umm goes OFF.
To cancel the {liner, press Ihe TIMERpad until
fl-_edisplay lime disappears.
RemoteControlSignal Receiver
Remote Control
_5T() ensuFe prol)el- (I5)el'dlion, aim Ih(
rem()le c(_nlr()l at {he si_lla[ receiver
on the air condilioner.
k!The remo{ec(m{rolsignal has a rang_ (51up
1(521 l_:el.
r4fMake sun' nolhing is between Ihe air
condili(mer and Ihe remole O)I}lI'O[
Iha{ could block {he signal.
_4_Make sure ba{Iwies art fl-csh and ins{ailed
correcll} see Ihe Care and Cleaningseclion.
When the air conditioner is turned on, it will Lights next to the touch pads on the air conditioner
automatically start h7the last cool and fan control panel indicate the selected settings,
settings used,
t;se 1heCOOLmode _dlh HIGH(F3),MED(F2) or
LOW(F1)fml tier cooling. [ 's('Ihe INCREASEA/
DECREASE• pads Io sel Ih_'desired temperature
1)e_ween60° 1"and 8i_°1_"in 1'_1_'incr,._m(,z'ds.
A [ht I'lI]( )slat is used tx) maintain die _oom
I_mperafl]_. The compressor will _cle on and {)ff
Io keep th_ _oom al tile set level el Q_mli)rl. St't tilt
th_'lmost}lt a! a lower ntlmber }llld the indoor }liI
will become cooler. N't fhe thermiist_ll at a higher
number and the indoor air willbecome _lrmer.
NOTE:If the air conditioneris off armis thenturnedo/7
whileset to COOL,it will takeapproximately3 minutes
forthe compressorto startand coolingto begin.
FAN Mode
t sethe FANal HIGH(F3),MED(F2)or LOW(F1)to
provide air circul_ltion and tihering wilhout cooling.
Since Iim only setdngs do not prox ide cooling,
a lemperamre setung will n{_lbe displayed.
Vent Control
Tilt vent conli1)[ is localed above {lie C{)ll{lO]
When set m CLOSE,only II_eair inside tile room
will be cir(ulaled and conditioned. \\'h,.'n set al
OPEN,some inside air isexhausled oulside.
ForNormalCooling=SelectIhe COOLmode and
HIGH(E3)or MED(P2)l_m wilh a middle set
ForMaximum Coaliog=Selt cl Ihe COOLmodt
and HIGH(P3)I_mwilh a lowm ,_'t femperamre.
ForQuieter & Nighttime Coolin#-Sclect die
COOLmode and LOW(F1)lira whh a middle set
NOTE:If youswitch from a COOLsetting to OFFor to
a fansetting, wait at least3 mhTutesbeforeswitching
back to a COOLsetting.
Toopen the vent, pull the lever reward you,
Toclose i_,push it in
Air Direction - Side-to-Side
The side-lo-side air di_ettii_n is _Jdiusled 137,moving
Ihe lever u) the left or rigill.
Air Direction - Up and Down
l ingertip pressure on Ihe horizontal louvers
adjusts tile air direction up or down.
(onsome models)
Aboutthe controlson theair conditioner-models with controlknobs.
Features and appearance will vail/.
Yourmode! will have one of the above type controls.
1+:o +1I @,11 o
Yourmodel will have one ofthe above type controls.
o Mode Controls
c{}{)litUgwi{h dillbr( m l_mspeeds .
LOWFAN<nHIGHFANpr{Mdes air (:irculati{ m
and tihering _d{hout ({}{}ling.
NOTE:If youmovedTeswitchfroma coolseizingtoOFFerto
a tansetting,waitat least3minutesbeforeswitcKngbackto
Cooling Descriptions
ForNormal Cooling-ScIecl HIGHCOOLor MED
COOL_ill_ II_, R'mp control _Jlmidpoim.
ForMaximum Cooling-Sd( cl HIGHCOOLwi{h {he
tcmp comrol _Jlthe highesl number _Jvailable {m
y{mr knob.
ForQuieter& Nighttime Cooiing-Sdc{ I LOWCOOL
wi{h {he {crop corm-ol _J(midp{)in(.
The R'mp (onu-ol is ustd 1omainl_dn the
1"{)OIll I('nlpcI?lP.11tL The L'{)l]]pl{ ssoy will
Qdc on and off I{}kctp {hefOOl]]:l{[hc
san]( levi1 ol ComtoYLWIIOIIT_)I1IllI-YI[hc
knob 1oa higher YIIIIIIb{ I', {he ilKloor _lii
will BCCOII1C L'{ )OIcY. Ttlrll Ih(' knob 1o a
lower number and Ihc indoor _drwill
b{'o m](' WHYI]](T.