GE A166-0CG User Manual

Serial Status DCA
Configuration Guide
GE Energy Services
Document Number : A166-0CG
Version : 1.00
Revision : 2
Classification: Restricted Full
GE Energy Services
© 2002, General Electric Canada Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this manual are the property of General Electric Canada Inc. No part of this work may be reproduc ed or tr a nsm itted in any form or b y an y me a ns , except as permitted in wr i tt en license agreement with General Electric Canada Inc. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Any attached hardware schematics and technical descript ions, or software listin gs that discl ose source code, are for i nf or m a ti o n purposes only. Re production in whole or i n part to create workin g hardware or software for other than General Electric Canada Inc. products is strictly prohibited, except as permitted by written license agreement with General Electric Canada Inc.
Serial Status DCA
Configuration Guide
GE and g are trademarks and service marks of General Electric Company.
WESDAC is a registered trademark of General Electric Company, General Electric Canada Inc. All other brand and product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
A166-0CG-1.00-2 Restricted
Serial Status DCA Configuration Guide
Table of Contents
About this Guide
GE Energy Services
Purpose of this Guide.................................................................................................................ix
Who Should Use this Guide.......................................................................................................ix
Additional Documentation.........................................................................................................ix
Product Perspective....................................................................................................................xi
Chapter 1: Configuring Tables
1.1 Serial Status DCA Configuration Tables........................................................................1
1.2 Configuration Sequence..................................................................................................1
Chapter 2: Configuring the Main Application Table (A166APPL) Chapter 3: Configuring the Port Table (A166PORT): Chapter 4: Configuring Win for the Serial Status DCA
4.1 WESDAC Point Allocation.............................................................................................7
Appendix A: Messages Logged by the Serial Status DCA
A.1 Fatal Error Messages.......................................................................................................9
A.2 Non-Fatal Error Messages.............................................................................................12
A.3 Warning Messages ........................................................................................................15
A.4 Information Messages...................................................................................................15
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GE Energy Services
Serial Status DCA
Configuration Guide
A166-0CG-1.00-2 Restricted
Serial Status DCA Configuration Guide
GE Energy Services
List of Figures
Figure 1 System Overview...........................................................................................................xii
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GE Energy Services
Serial Status DCA
Configuration Guide
A166-0CG-1.00-2 Restricted
Serial Status DCA Configuration Guide
GE Energy Services
List of Tables
Table 1 Serial Status DCA Configuration Tables..........................................................................1
Table 2 Main Application Configuration Table Parameters..........................................................3
Table 3 Port Configuration Table Parameters................................................................................5
Table 4 WESDAC Point Types.....................................................................................................10
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GE Energy Services
Serial Status DCA
Configuration Guide
A166-0CG-1.00-2 Restricted

About this Guide

This guide describes how to configure the Serial Status (Serial Status Protocol) Data Collection Application (DCA).
Purpose of this Guide
This document describes the purpose and use of each of the configuration parameters of the Serial Status DCA. This document makes no attempt to explain how the configuration process operates, it is limited to describing the format and content of the DCA configuration only.
Who Should Use this Guide
This document is intended for use by individuals responsible for the configuration of the Serial Status DCA in GE Energy Services RTUs. These people should be familiar with the operation and maintenance of RTUs in general, but may not be familiar with the GE Energy Services family of products. Before reading this document, you should have a basic understanding of the GE Energy Services hardware environment, the configuration system, and the Serial Status DCA.
Additional Documentation
The following supporting texts are available:
Serial Status DCA Functional Specification (A166-0FS.WES)
WESMAINT II Maintenance Facility Configuration Guide (B014-0CG.700)
WESMAINT II+ Configuration Guide (B014-1CG.CCU)
WIN User's Configuration Guide for the WESDAC D20 (B008-0CG.D20)
WIN User's Configuration Guide for the CCU (B008-1CG.CCU)
Config Pro Configuration System User’s Guide (P012-0UG
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