USB PC Camera
User’s Manual
Table of Contents
1 How To Install and Use The PC Camera .................................................... 2
1.1 Use Installer to install camera driver.................................................. 2
1.2 How to Use Your PC Camera............................................................. 2
1.3 Special Effects and Face Tracking..................................................... 4
1.4 Anti-Flicker Setting................................................................................ 7
2 Getting Started With VideoImpression....................................................... 9
3 Getting Started With PhotoImpression..................................................... 15
4 Getting Started with MSN® Messenger .................................................... 17
5 Minimum System Requirements................................................................ 17

1 How To Install and Use The PC Camera
There are two ways to install Camera Driver:
1.1 Use Installer to install camera driver (Recommended)
Don’t connect the camera to your computer yet!
1.1.1 Install Driver
Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive; the installer screen will automatically come
up. Click the "Install Device Driver" button to start installing.
Note #1: If the installer screen does not come up automatically, click Start,then Run
and execute the file “launch.exe” on the CD to start theinstaller program.
1.1.2 Install Application Software
Check the box in front of the Software you would like to install, then click the
"Install Application Software" button to start installing, follow the instructions
to proceed installation.
When installation completes, the Application Software group will appear as a
folder on the Programs Menu. To start the Application software, click "Start", point
to "Programs", and then click the Application software.
1.2 How to Use Your PC Camera
1.2.1 Plug Webcam’s cable to the USB port on your computer.

1.2.2 Set the Focus
(1) Start VideoImpression.
(2) Select “Capture Video”
(3) Turn the focus ring until image becomes sharp.
1.2.3 Video Recording:
(1) Start VideoImpression.
(2) Select “Capture Video”
(3) To start video recording, click on “Record ” .
(4) To stop video recording, click on “Stop ”.
(5) To save captured video, Produce → Drive → Microsoft AVI file, type filename
and press ”Start” button

1.3 Special Effects and Face Tracking
1.3.1 Activate your Webcam and open the Property page.
1.3.2 Open the Property page (take Arcsoft VideoImpression as an example):
(1) Close any active video browsing software
(2) Open Arcsoft VideoImpression
(3) Select->Create a new image->Capture from video device and the
following figure appears:
(4) Click “Settings” to open the Property page for adjustment.

1.3.3 Select the “Effects” page to add special effects.
1.3.4 Select the “Frame” page to add a favorite video frame.

1.3.5 Select the “Face Tracking” page to enable face tracking.