GE 84000 Brochure

GE Oil & Gas
Masoneilan* Valves
84000 Series
Steam Conditioning Solutions
84000 Series SteamForm* Valve
GE’s Masoneilan* SteamForm* valve combines 15 years of proven pressure reduction performance with an advanced, patented desuperheating technology design. Available with a wide selection of performance enhancing configurations, Masoneilan* valves from GE offer the optimized solution for virtually every steam conditioning application:
• Thermally Compensated Trim for High Temperature Cycling
• High Performance Spray Nozzles for Accurate Temperature Control
• Multi-Stage Lo-dB* Trim for High Pressure Reduction
• Fast Stroking Speeds for Turbine Bypass Quick Response
• Patented Flow Profiler for Enhanced Desuperheating Performance
21000 Series
Spray Water
Control Valves
Full Range of Options for Spray Water Control
Masoneilan products from GE complement SteamForm* valve technology with a full line of spray water control valves ranging from the
single-stage pressure control of the 21000 Series valve, through the high-end, multi-stage LincolnLog* valve solution for anti-cavitation.
Anti-cavitation Control Valves
Instrumentation Technology for Improved Process Yields
GE’s Masoneilan* products provide leading micro-processor based field instrumentation technology that maximizes plant operating margins by improving process yields, while reducing plant operating and maintenance costs. Award winning HART* communicating Smart Valve Interface (SVI*) and Fieldbus Valve Positioner (FVP*) digital positioners from GE help users realize improved asset effectiveness resulting in higher returns on investment. These digital positioners deliver improved process yields through patented tuning algorithms that optimize valve control performance.
A High Degree of Application Flexibility
Steam conditioning requirements and plant operating practices
vary across every industry. Process plants require steady operation
and precise steam temperature control to improve the performance of downstream equipment such as paper machines or other
auxiliary equipment. Power plants rely on fast response and low
GE’s Masoneilan* FVP* - Foundation
Positioner Controller
noise performance to cycle their plants and manage turbine trips. Each of these environments calls for a specific range of operating criteria, including inlet and outlet pressures, temperature limits, thermal cycling of equipment, and operating rangeability.
GE’s Masoneilan* SVI* II AP
Advanced Performance Digital Positioner
2 | GE Oil & Gas
Because the SteamForm* valve has a wide range of options, it’s
compatible with all facets of process steam operation, from noise control to temperature control, fast opening operation to tight
shutoff, and daily start-stop to smooth continuous control. Each
SteamForm* valve solution is designed to meet specific customer
requirements for steam conditioning, ensuring a proper fit and long-
term success in operating performance.
84000 Series
SteamForm* Valve
SteamForm* Valves
Pressure Reducing Technology
Pressure reduction through a control valve is associated with a release of energy from the steam
in the form of noise and vibration. Eliminating these undesirable effects of pressure reduction is
the primary design objective of the SteamForm* valve. The design of the SteamForm* valve allows GE to offer a wide range of cost effective solutions, from single stage Lo-dB* trim to multi-stage management trim. Each individual valve solution is engineered for optimization , addressing specific
applications needs according to severity and customer specifications.
Lo-dB* Technology
Smooth control and process stability are key requirements of many process control applications.
Critical steam applications are found in pulp & paper mills, specialty chemical plants, oil refineries,
and other industries that use a steady steam supply to drive a downstream process. The challenges
of these applications, typically requiring low to moderate pressure drop control, are easily satisfied by
using drilled hole single stage or double stage low noise (Lo-dB*) trim.
Lo-dB* Cage
For more severe pressure drop applications, the SteamForm* valve can be equipped with a series of diffusers to provide additional stages of pressure
Outlet Area
reduction. These higher pressure drop applications typically include an expanded valve outlet to accommodate the volumetric expansion of the steam.
In addition to reducing noise, the diffuser design also provides a secondary
benefit as it disrupts the flow path of the high energy jet exiting the valve trim. This flow transition generates lower noise levels in the downstream pipe, and
produces benifical turbulence to assist with desuperheating.
Low Noise, Energy Management Technology
Single Stage Lo-dB* Trim
84000 Series SteamForm* Valve
Single Stage Lo-dB* with Diffuser
3-Stage Lo-dB* Trim
Higher pressure-drop applications, such as the “bypass-to-condenser”
operations found in power plants, may require a more sophisticated degree of
technology to manage high energy levels through the valve. The SteamForm* valve’s engineered design results in a valve that is optimized for the application.
So, when it has to handle high amounts of energy, the valve body and outlet
are custom-configured to ensure that flow velocities are acceptable through
the entire desuperheating system.
The management of pressure reduction and volumetric expansion required in high-energy steam flows is often accomplished with the use of multiple diffusers. This approach creates a series of gradual expansion areas as the steam transitions to outlet conditions. The additional diffusers create back pressure, reducing the amount of pressure drop that is taken across the controlling surfaces of the trim. This minimizes the amount of wear on the
controlling surfaces, which protects the shutoff integrity and further ensures
long- term, accurate control performance.
84000 Series SteamForm* Valve | 3
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