GE Oil & Gas
Technical Specifications
72000 Series Control Valve
Large Mass Flow Energy Management
Control Valves

Table of Contents
Introduction ...............................................................................................................3
Product Features .....................................................................................................3
General Data .............................................................................................................5
Numbering System ................................................................................................6
Temperature Range / Seat Leakage ..............................................................6
Rated CV Table .........................................................................................................7
General Arrangement and Parts Description .............................................8
Masoneilan’s 72000 Series energy management and low noise
products by GE are specifically designed for applications with
large mass flow rates and high differential pressures. Typical
installations may be found in compressor surge control, gas
to flare, atmospheric vent, or other applications where the
ratio of inlet/outlet pressures require substantial levels of noise
attenuation and large valve sizes. A variety of options and
configurations are available to create effective solutions for our
customers’ specific applications.
Hydrocarbon Service Material Options ......................................................10
Steam Service Material Options .................................................................... 11
Selection Instructions .........................................................................................12
Typical Dimensions .............................................................................................12
Approximate Shipping Weights .....................................................................13
Accessories and Options ..................................................................................13
The 72000 Series is a valve solution engineered to meet a client’s
need. As such, the exact product configuration may differ from
the general specifications, dependent upon the application. For
additional information contact your local GE Sales representative.
The 72000 Series Control Valve may be custom engineered to fit
an application. The data within this catalog is representative of
typical configurations and does not include all potential design
Product Features
Engineered – Best Fit – Solutions
At GE we believe our customers deserve the Best Fit solution for
their severe service valve applications. Our broad product portfolio
and valve trim technologies allow an uncompromising approach
in addressing a client’s need, and therefore, each 72000 Series
valve is engineered to meet a customer’s exact specifications and
application conditions. This allows us to offer the most technically
advanced and cost-effective solution to your energy management
and noise control applications.
Low Noise Trim
Our Best Fit approach allows for the widest range of noise
attenuation options, providing the desired noise level at the lowest
cost of ownership. These attenuation products range from single
and double stage Lo-dB
3-dimensional V-LOG
is always custom engineered to provide best results for each
unique application.
Single and double stage Lo-dB trim is selected in most low to
moderate pressure drop ratio applications. This technology is
customized by modifying the size and spacing of each hole drilled
into the cage to provide a minimal sound pressure level at the trim
trim or up to as many as 40 stages of
tortuous path trim. The selected trim option
The 3-dimensional tortuous path design of Masoneilan’s V-LOG
trim controls pressure reduction through the management of the
process fluid energy. This is accomplished by directing the gas
through discrete flow channels that are designed with multiple
stages consisting of 90-degree turns along with the intermediate
contractions and expansions in the flow area. The enhanced flow
geometry of the V-LOG trim creates a series of kinetic energy
losses, followed by partial energy recoveries at each stage. This
gradual letdown process is highly effective for noise attenuation
due to the staged reduction of the fluid’s pressure.
Large Pressure Drop – Energy
Process applications that require the 72000 Series design often
experience extremely high pressure drop ratios (P1/P2). These
high ratios release large amounts of energy as the process fluid’s
pressure is reduced. This energy release can lead to excessive
noise and vibration if not properly addressed in the valve design.
The 3-dimensional tortuous path design of Masoneilan’s V-LOG
Trim controls pressure reduction through the management of
process fluid energy. This is accomplished by directing the gas
through discrete flow channels.
72000 Series Large Mass Flow Energy Management Control Valves | 3

Product Features (cont.)
The labyrinth flow path of the V-LOG Trim subjects the gas to a
high level of friction as it is redirected through each turn in the
flow path. V-LOG’s patented flow contractions produce maximum
flow resistance.
The enhanced flow geometry of the V-LOG trim creates a series of
kinetic energy losses, followed by partial energy recoveries at each
state. This gradual letdown process is highly effective for noise
attenuation due to the staged reduction of the fluid pressure.
Each stage of the V-LOG trim is designed with an expansion in
flow area, which is essential for managing fluid velocity that would
otherwise increase as the pressure is reduced across each stage.
The expanding area is designed to compensate for the volumetric
expansion of the gas, preventing any increase in the kinetic energy
as the pressure is reduced.
Trim velocity control is important for maintaining low aerodynamic
noise levels within the valve body and trim. High velocity trim exit
flow will yield high magnitude sound waves, which lead to valve
body vibration in high-pressure letdown applications.
As a gas experiences a large reduction in pressure, the volume
of the gas expands. This phenomenon will yield a higher
downstream velocity if the piping is designed without considering
this volumetric expansion. Masoneilan’s 72000 Series is designed
with expanded outlet areas to accommodate this expansion, and
minimize the overall system noise level.
* GE considers both outlet mach number and the outlet expansion
ratio for system noise calculation, per the IEC International Noise
Predication Standard (IEC-60534-8-3).
High Capacity
GE has developed flexible, automated design tools for the 72000
Series line, allowing “ground up” fabrication of custom engineered
valve solutions in very short lead times. High capacities and
custom Cvs are met through a wide range of valve plug diameters,
stroke lengths, and body gallery diameters to suit any application
within standard product lead times.
Balanced Plug
Balanced plug designs deliver stability with smaller actuator thrust
requirements, as compared to unbalanced designs. Normally, the
72000 Series valves are installed in a flow-to-open configuration
allowing radial expansion from the smaller diameter cage to
the expanded area of the valve body. The free expansion of the
fluid and precise separation of the trim exit flow jets, maximize
trim noise attenuation and minimizes vibration within the valve
body. For installations that require flow-to-close configurations,
an auxiliary pilot plug may be supplied to reduce actuator thrust
Ease of Maintenance
Top entry trim allows easy access to the valve internals for lower
life cycle costs and easier maintenance activity. GE provides
ample padeyes and tapped holes for standard lifting and handling
equipment, eliminating the need for special fixtures or tooling.
All trim components are cage guided, with ample clearance at
the body, bonnet, and bridge regions for ease of removal and
replacement. The 72000 Series design employs a minimum
number of gaskets and soft goods, making outage planning and
stocking requirements easier.
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General Data
Operating Data
Flow Direction
Flow to Open (Standard)
Flow to Close (Auxiliary Pilot Plug Option Only)
Flow Direction
Flow-to-Open (Standard)
Flow-to-Close (Optional)
Body, Bonnet & Bonnet Flange; Fabricated or Cast
Styles: Angle (Figures 1, 2, and 3)
Materials: Body
Carbon Steel
Low Temperature Carbon Steel
316 Stainless Steel
Chrome Moly Steels
Other materials available on request
Sizes: Inlet 4” – 30” (DN 100-750)
Outlet 6” – 36” (DN 150-900)
Larger sizes available on request
Connections: End Types
ANSI Flanges
Printed or Through Bolted
RTJ Flanges
Printed or Through Bolted
Pressure Rating: Inlet Ratings: ANSI Class 150# – 2500#
Outlet Ratings: ANSI Class 150# – 600#
Others available upon request
Plug: Balanced
Auxiliary Pilot
Cage or Stack: Ported Cage
Single Stage Lo-dB
Double Stage Lo-dB
V-LOG Stack
Partial Stack
Seat Ring: Quick Change
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