GE 68K User Manual

GE Energy Systems
68K System Monitor
Document Number : SWM0023
Version : 1.00
Revision : 2
Date : 20-Mar-2002
Classification : General, Full Release
© 2002, General Electric Canada Inc. All rights reserved.
The contents of this manual are the property of General Electric Canada Inc. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, except as permitted in written license agreement with General Electric Canada Inc.
General Electric Canada Inc. has made every reasonable attempt to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this document. However, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of General Electric Canada Inc.
Any attached hardware schematics and technical descriptions, or software listings that disclose source code, are for information purposes only. Reproduction in whole or in part to create working hardware or software for other than General Electric Canada Inc. products is strictly prohibited, except as permitted by written license agreement with General Electric Canada Inc.
WESDAC is a registered trademark of General Electric Company, General Electric Canada Inc. and/or GE Harris Energy Control Systems Canada, Inc. All other brand and product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
Full Release
68K System Monitor User's Guide

Modification Record

1 28-Feb-2002 RFN Created1.00
2 20-Mar-2002 RFN Corrected errors as per review
GE Energy Services
General SWM0023-1.00 -2
Full Release
GE Energy Services
68K System Monitor
User's Guide
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
Full Release

Table of Contents

About This Document
Purpose and Audience of this User’s Guide................................................................................. viii
Support Services and Training ........................................................................................................ix
Chapter 1: Connecting and Using the 68K Monitor
Connecting to the 68K Monitor ...................................................................................................1-2
Command Input and Response..................................................................................................... 1-3
68K Monitor Display ................................................................................................................... 1-6
Error Messages ........................................................................................................................ 1-7
Chapter 2: Command Grouping
General System Commands .........................................................................................................2-2
Diagnostic Commands ................................................................................................................. 2-3
Memory Commands..................................................................................................................... 2-4
Process Commands ...................................................................................................................... 2-5
Exchange Commands................................................................................................................... 2-6
Breakpoint Commands................................................................................................................. 2-7
Configuration Maintenance Commands....................................................................................... 2-8
Chapter 3: 68K Monitor Commands
Section 1: Command / Platform Cross-Reference ........................................................................... 3-2
Platform-Specific Commands ......................................................................................................3-2
Section 2: Monitor Commands ........................................................................................................ 3-4
AL - Change Auto-logout Timer.......................................................................... 3-4
BAUD - Set Baud Rate .............................................................................................. 3-5
BOOT - Startup.......................................................................................................... 3-7
CACHE - Control Cache.............................................................................................. 3-8
CAL - Calibrate KI ................................................................................................. 3-9
CB - Clear Breakpoint........................................................................................ 3-10
CCA - Change Configuration File Attributes ....................................................... 3-11
CCB - Create Configuration Storage Block.......................................................... 3-12
CCF - Clear Configuration File............................................................................ 3-14
CF - Copy File ................................................................................................... 3-15
CLS - Clear Screen............................................................................................... 3-16
CP - Change Priority.......................................................................................... 3-17
CS - Check Sum................................................................................................. 3-18
D - Dump Memory .......................................................................................... 3-19
DB - Define Breakpoint ..................................................................................... 3-21
DEBUG - Debug Mode .............................................................................................. 3-22
DF - Display File Data ....................................................................................... 3-23
DHW - Display Hardware Data ............................................................................. 3-24
DIR - Directory.................................................................................................... 3-25
DL - Download .................................................................................................. 3-27
DM - Debug Mode .............................................................................................. 3-28
General SWM0023-1.00 -2
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GE Energy Services
DSTAT - Decompression Status ............................................................................... 3-29
E - Edit Memory.............................................................................................. 3-30
ECHO - Echo Toggle............................................................................................... 3-32
EL - Error Log ................................................................................................... 3-33
ERASE - Flash Erase................................................................................................. 3-34
ETH - Ethernet Address ....................................................................................... 3-35
EXIT - Exit ............................................................................................................ 3-36
F - Fill Memory............................................................................................... 3-37
FT - Find Table.................................................................................................. 3-38
HE or HELP - Help ........................................................................................................... 3-39
HT - HDLC Test ................................................................................................ 3-40
IMG - Display Image Information........................................................................ 3-41
JTF - Jump To Flash ........................................................................................... 3-42
JX - Jam Exchange............................................................................................ 3-43
KIM - KI Metrics.................................................................................................. 3-44
M - Move Memory........................................................................................... 3-45
PB - Print Breakpoint......................................................................................... 3-46
PR - Profile ........................................................................................................ 3-47
PRG - Program Flash............................................................................................ 3-49
QC - Query Configuration Storage Parameters.................................................. 3-50
QP - Query Process ............................................................................................ 3-51
QR - Query RAM ............................................................................................... 3-53
QX - Query Exchange ........................................................................................ 3-54
RB - Resume Breakpoint ................................................................................... 3-56
RP - Resume Process......................................................................................... 3-57
RR - Report RAM Partitions.............................................................................. 3-58
RT - RAM Test .................................................................................................. 3-59
RTB - Return To BootROM ................................................................................. 3-61
RTC - Test CCU RTC .......................................................................................... 3-62
RX - Request Exchange ..................................................................................... 3-63
RZ - ZMODEM Download................................................................................ 3-64
SA - Serial Analyzer .......................................................................................... 3-66
SB - Step Breakpoint ......................................................................................... 3-68
SC - Select Active Configuration ...................................................................... 3-69
SET - Set System Parameters .............................................................................. 3-70
SI - Display System Information...................................................................... 3-71
SP - Suspend Process ........................................................................................ 3-72
ST - Serial Test .................................................................................................. 3-74
SX - Send Exchange .......................................................................................... 3-76
SYSC - System ....................................................................................................... 3-77
TEST - Invoke Test Tool........................................................................................ 3-78
TR - Trace .......................................................................................................... 3-79
UL - Upload ....................................................................................................... 3-81
VER - Version ...................................................................................................... 3-82
VP - Signal Process............................................................................................ 3-83
WINM - WIN Metrics.............................................................................................. 3-84
68K System Monitor
User's Guide
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
Full Release

About This Document

In This Section
The 68K Monitor is a feature of all GE Energy Services products that use a variant of the Motorola 68000 series of microprocessor.
Since the introduction of the first D20 products, the commands that are available in the 68K Monitor have changed, been added to, and enhanced to address the requirements of the newer products and their software components.
This guide summarizes all of the commands that you will find in any of GE Energy Services’ products to-date. You will see in the next chapters that not all commands are available in all products. Some commands exist only for product and software development, and are not found in end-user products.
This section of the document contains the following topics
Topic See Page
Purpose and Audience of this User’s Guide viii
Support Services and Training ix
General SWM0023-1.00 -2
Full Release
GE Energy Services

Purpose and Audience of this User’s Guide

68K System Monitor
User's Guide
Job Titles
Experience & Abilities
What This Document Provides
While only experienced programmers should use many of the commands found in this guide, maintenance technicians and other support personnel will also find this guide useful.
GE Energy Services’ customers and employees who wish to view detailed information about the software and hardware should use this guide.
This document assumes that you are familiar with software and programming terminology and practices, and have some knowledge of both the hardware and software.
This guide covers the commands found in the 68K Monitors that run on these platforms:
CPM running CPM Base
D20 running D20 Base software
D20 with D20 ME running D20 Base software
D20 and D200 using CCU Base software
D20 and D200 with D20 ME processors running CCU Base
Notes will show where a command or feature is unique to a specific platform.
What This Document Does Not Provide.
Document Style and Convention Rules
This guide is a user reference for the 68K Monitor. It describes in detail the contents and usage for each available user command. These commands are useful for testing and debugging hardware and software as they provide a means for controlling the system environment at a very low level.
The functions provided by 68K Monitors enable you to alter and manipulate the system at a very low level. At this low level, it is easy to seriously disrupt an operational system.
You must be aware of this possibility at all times.
There are no procedures in this document as users should already be familiar with accessing and using GE Energy Services’ WESMAINT and monitor maintenance facilities.
This manual uses the Systeme International (SI) and the Microsoft Manual of Style as a basis for styles and conventions.
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
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68K System Monitor User's Guide

Support Services and Training

GE Energy Services
Need Help?
Technical Support
Contacting Us
GE Energy Services provides professional assistance in the use of all of its software and hardware products.
If you feel that the information provided in this document is unclear or in error, please contact GE Energy Services for assistance.
Unlimited access is available to a wide variety of information and company services including:
product information
training and,
technical services.
Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time.
GE Energy Services 2728 Hopewell Place NE Calgary, Alberta Canada T1Y 7J7
Toll-Free: + 1.800.518.2303 Phone: + 1.403.214.4600 Fax: + 1.403.243.1815 email:
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GE Energy Services
68K System Monitor
User's Guide
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Full Release
Chapter 1: Connecting and Using the 68K
Connect Defined
In This Chapter
An application interface provides an input to and output from the 68K Monitor. This allows the 68K Monitor to ‘connect’ to any application or subsystem, and to any type of hardware (capable of stream or block transfers).
As examples:
WESMAINT or the Login Process can connect the 68K Monitor to a serial port.
WESMAINT and the TELNET application can connect it to the TELNET
The 68K Monitor can also be ‘connected’ to a file system to receive (read) commands from a file and send (write) responses to another file.
This Chapter of the document contains the following topics
Topic See Page
Connecting to the 68K Monitor 1-2
Command Input and Response 1-3
68K Monitor Display 1-6
Error Messages 1-7
General SWM0023-1.00 -2
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GE Energy Services

Connecting to the 68K Monitor

68K System Monitor
User's Guide
One 68K Monitor At-A­Time
68K Monitor Prompts
While any application running in the system can activate the 68K Monitor, only one instance of the monitor can be active at any one time.
If a second application attempts to start the 68K Monitor, it will refuse the second application’s request.
The prompt produced by the 68K Monitor depends on the hardware platform and the mode the device is in.
As examples:
The table below shows examples of the prompts that you may see on various devices in different modes of operation.
When this
BootROM (this is known as the System
is operating out of… you will see this
FLASH (this is known as the Application
Service Mode D20MES>D20 ME
(CCU Base)
Active Mode D20MEA>
Terminating a 68K Monitor TELNET Session
Auto-Logout Timer
CPM or
Any Mode D20M>
The 68K Monitor will detect a loss of connection in a TELNET session and will end the monitor session, allowing a new connection to be established.
The 68K Monitor itself never terminates or initiates a TELNET session. Whatever process starts the 68K Monitor handles this functionality.
Since only one 68K Monitor session is allowed at a time, it automatically terminates a session if no input is received for 5 minutes (default) or after a user-programmed interval.
Refer to: Page 3-4, AL - Change Auto-logout Timer for details about how this timer
can be changed.
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
Full Release
68K System Monitor User's Guide

Command Input and Response

GE Energy Services
Input to the 68K Monitor
Command Line Limitations
Command Format
Common Command Syntax
Input to the 68K Monitor is read from the ‘connected’ application / subsystem. The input takes the form of user-entered commands.
The 68K Monitor accepts a command line:
that is no longer than 80 characters, and
consists of no more than 16 separate words or symbols.
The definition of a word or string is one or more characters separated by one
or more spaces.
Input may be either upper or lower case, except where noted.
Input may be either upper- or lower-case.
The format of all commands is as follows:
<command_name> < parameters arguments>
command_name is one of the recognized commands, and
parameter arguments are an optional list of command parameters.
You must format these commands in a definite way or syntax. You must understand command syntax to understand detailed command descriptions in the following chapters.
List of Characters
This tables lists some of the characters used in command syntax:
Character Name Description
/ switch identifies that the character following it affects
the type of processing performed by the command
[ ] square brackets any arguments listed within them are optional
parameters that the command may use but does not require
| OR symbol only one of several consecutive arguments listed
within parenthesis “( )” is to be used
( ) multiple
when not separated by the OR “|” character means that if one of the arguments is used, they must all be used
Continued on next page
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GE Energy Services
Command Input and Response, Continued
68K System Monitor
User's Guide
Possible Responses
An Example, the EDIT Command:
By entering a command at the prompt and pressing ENTER, one of the following responses will happen.
If you enter and then
a recognized command
a recognized command
a recognized command
it does not require special parameters
required parameters are provided
parameters are missing or invalid
the system will execute the command.
the system will execute the command.
a reminder line showing the correct command syntax will appear, including required and optional parameters.
an unrecognizable command
-- a general error will be issued indicating that the command was not recognized.
If you type:
e [/(b | w | l | f | d)] address
According to the syntax conventions:
The first field, e, must be entered as is, because it has no special characters
around it.
If you press
ENTER after typing just the e, the line above appears to show you
the command parameter syntax.
The second field, [/(b | w | l | f | d)], because it is enclosed in [ ], is optional.
Select one of the valid switches within the parenthesis ( ) or leave it blank.
The last field, address, is required.
Entering Commands
Regular Keyboard Input
The 68K Monitor allows editing of the command line by using regular keyboard input as well as a few special key combinations.
In addition to entering any printable ASCII character onto the command line, the following characters can be used:
This key… performs this function
ESC deletes all current data on the command line and returns to the first
character position. (except D20 base and CPM)
ENTER executes any command that has been entered on the command line.
BACKSPACE removes the last character from the end of the current command
line and moves the cursor one character position to the left.
Continued on next page
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68K System Monitor User's Guide
Command Input and Response, Continued
Regular Keyboard Input (continued)
GE Energy Services
Special Control Characters
You can use these special control characters to perform advanced editing and screen navigation functions.
Command Characters Description
Abort CTRL-C returns the Monitor to the command line prompt
and aborts most commands being processed.
Note: a
CTRL-C command does not work in
a TELNET connection.
Delete CTRL-D deletes the current character of the previous
command line.
Insert CTRL-I or
toggles the current mode to/from overwrite or insert. The monitor always starts in overwrite mode.
Advance CTRL-A causes the monitor to copy the character from
the previous command buffer reference location to the current location in the input command buffer.
This character also returns the monitor to overwrite mode.
Repeat CTRL-R allows editing and re-execution of the previous
command by copying the previous command line from the character at the previous command reference location (up to the end of the previous command buffer) into the current input command buffer
Note: D20ME and D25 have a 5-line
command buffer.
Execute CTRL-X copies the most previously used command to
the command line and executes it.
Xoff, Xon CTRL-S
and CTRL-Q
the combination of CTRL-S (Xoff) and CTRL-Q (Xon) stops and starts scrolling of the monitor’s display.
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68K Monitor Display

68K System Monitor
User's Guide
Output from the 68K Monitor
Display Output
An Example:
The 68K Monitor’s output is a stream of ASCII characters written back to the ‘connected’ application / subsystem. The command executed determines the exact contents of the output.
When encountering a system exception error, or a defined breakpoint, exception and breakpoint handling routines will generate additional output.
While most output to the monitor port is a direct result of command input, some occurs asynchronously of the command input.
This requires the use of two methods of output display.
The first method uses the monitor-input process, which formats the output into
a common buffer and signals the output process that data is available.
All output that occurs synchronously with the input uses this method,
including command data and input line display.
The second method uses exception-handling routines to display data that may
or may not occur as the result of a monitor command, but cannot be expected to occur synchronously with the input.
A pSOS exchange sends this data (including unassigned exception and
breakpoint data displays) to the output process.
Once a breakpoint is set, the monitor cannot control when or if the system encounters the breakpoint.
The exception and breakpoint display output may occur at any time, and this output has priority over monitor input process output. This may cause occasional interruption of a command or input in progress, or the lack of a prompt re-appearing after displaying the data, but does not affect these functions in any way
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
Full Release
68K System Monitor User's Guide

Error Messages

GE Energy Services
Message Summary
68K Monitor returns several general error messages resulting from input or syntax
errors in the command input, or system or test failures during execution.
These error messages are identified below:
The most general error is an incorrect number of arguments for the command defined. This error causes a display of the correct use of the specified function.
Other possible error messages are listed below:
This Message is displayed when…
Application which activated the monitor has been deleted! (or
a process or user requests an exit command, but the process that called 68K Monitor is suspended or deleted.
Breakpoint defined! the specified address is already defined as a breakpoint,
the monitor will display this message when defining a new breakpoint (DB).
Breakpoint not suspended!
Cannot post to exchange!
a breakpoint was not encountered when attempting a resume (RB) or step (SB) breakpoint command.
a send (SX) or jam (JX) exchange command encounters an error in sending the message to the specified exchange.
Command aborted! the user replied NO when asked to verify a Return to
BootROM (RTB) command.
Command not found! the specified command is not located within 68K
Monitor’s command list.
FLASH invalid! a directory (DIR) command on a FLASH default
database fails (i.e., no default database could be detected).
Invalid ID! the monitor cannot find the specified identification, or it
is incorrect. The ID can be a breakpoint number, communications port, table name, or process or exchange ID
Invalid switch! the user does not specify the mode for the chosen
No free breakpoints! the define breakpoint (DB) command is attempted when
all available breakpoints are in use.
Numeric input error! a numeric field contains non-numeric characters.
Continued on next page
General SWM0023-1.00 -2
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GE Energy Services
Error Messages, Continued
Message Summary (continued)
This Message is displayed when…
NVRAM invalid! the query RAM (QR) command specified NVRAM is
Protected process! attempting to suspend (SP) a critical system process.
Record error! an invalid record is detected during the download
68K System Monitor
User's Guide
but it is corrupt.
function (DL).
If You Find Yourself in Serious Trouble...
Suspend all processes first!
attempting a download without suspending all processes first.
Test failed! a system error is detected.
Using the 68K Monitor it is possible to modify or change something in a device’s system that can seriously disrupt the operation of the device
Use this procedure to restore the RTU to its former state, before you used the 68K
Monitor facility to make changes.
Step Action
1. Suspend all processes in the RTU.
2. Fill the NVRAM memory with zeros.
3. Re-download your configurations and/or Flash code.
4. Reboot the RTU.
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
Full Release

Chapter 2: Command Grouping

Seven Groups
In This Chapter
The 68K Monitor commands are grouped into seven groups.
The following pages list the commands in each of the groups, and provide a functional cross-reference to help you locate them in this guide.
This Chapter of the document contains the following topics
Topic See Page
General System Commands 2-2
Diagnostic Commands 2-3
Memory Commands 2-4
Process Commands 2-5
Exchange Commands 2-6
Breakpoint Commands 2-7
Configuration Maintenance Commands 2-8
General SWM0023-1.00 -2
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GE Energy Services

General System Commands

68K System Monitor
User's Guide
List of Commands
This group of commands is essentially a list of unrelated commands that do not logically fit into the other command groups.
This list shows the General System commands, in alphabetical order:
Command Description See Page
AL Change Auto-logout Timer 3-4
BAUD Set Baud Rate 3-5
BOOT Boot 3-7
CF Copy File 3-15
CLS Clear Screen 3-16
DF Display File Data 3-23
DHW Display Hardware Data 3-24
DIR Directory 3-25
DL Download 3-27
ECHO Echo Toggle 3-32
EXIT Exit 3-36
FT Find Table 3-38
HE or HELP Help 3-39
IMG Display Image Information 3-41
JTF Jump to Flash 3-42
RR Report PAM Partitions 3-58
RTB Return to BootROM 3-61
RZ ZModem Download 3-64
SI System Information 3-71
UL Upload 3-81
VER Version 3-82
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
Full Release
68K System Monitor User's Guide

Diagnostic Commands

GE Energy Services
List of Commands
You can use these diagnostic commands for debugging, performance analysis and hardware system testing.
This list shows the Diagnostic commands, in alphabetical order:
Command Description See Page
CACHE Control Cache 3-8
CAL Calibrate Kernel Interface 3-9
CS Check Sum 3-18
DEBUG Debug 3-22
DM Debug Mode 3-28
EL Error Log 3-33
ETH Ethernet Address 3-35
HT HDLC Test 3-40
KIM Kernel Interface Metrics 3-44
PR Profile 3-47
QR Query RAM 3-53
RT RAM Test 3-59
RTC Test CCU Real Time Clock 3-62
SA Serial Analyzer 3-66
ST Serial Test 3-74
SYSC System 3-77
TEST Invoke Test Tool 3-78
TR Trace 3-79
WINM WIN Metrics 3-84
General SWM0023-1.00 -2
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GE Energy Services

Memory Commands

68K System Monitor
User's Guide
List of Commands
Use these memory commands to identify or change the contents of memory in the system.
This list shows the Memory commands, in alphabetical order:
Command Description See Page
D Dump Memory 3-19
E Edit Memory 3-28
ERASE Flash Erase 3-34
F Fill Memory 3-37
M Move Memory 3-44
PRG Program Flash 3-49
Because executing these commands modifies the memory of your system, they can disrupt operation.
Use caution before proceeding.
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
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68K System Monitor User's Guide

Process Commands

GE Energy Services
List of Commands
Use these commands to examine and alter the state of pSOS processes.
Note: Some of these functions must only used for testing and debugging during
software development.
This list shows the Process commands, in alphabetical order:
Command Description See Page
CP Change Priority 3-16
QP Query Process 3-51
RP Resume Process 3-57
SP Suspend Process 3-72
VP Signal Process 3-83
General SWM0023-1.00 -2
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GE Energy Services

Exchange Commands

68K System Monitor
User's Guide
List of Commands
Use these commands to examine and alter pSOS exchange data in the system.
Note: Use these functions primarily for testing and debugging purposes during
software development.
This list shows the Exchange commands, in alphabetical order:
Command Description See Page
JX Jam Exchange 3-43
QX Query Exchange 3-54
RX Request Exchange 3-62
SX Send Exchange 3-76
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
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68K System Monitor User's Guide

Breakpoint Commands

GE Energy Services
List of Commands
Use these commands with the 68K Monitor for control and display of process breakpoints in the system.
The three restrictions with the definition of breakpoints are:
You must define breakpoints in code that is in RAM.
The program instruction changes to a 68000 family TRAP instruction.
You must define all program breakpoints at the beginning of an instruction.
Only define breakpoints in a process.
If the interrupt mask is non-zero when you enter the breakpoint handler, the
assumption is that the calling routine is an interrupt service procedure (ISP) and breakpoints are not valid.
Note: Diagnostic Commands are suspended in order to use breakpoints.
This list shows the Breakpoint commands, in alphabetical order:
Command Description See Page
CB Clear Breakpoint 3-9
DB Define Breakpoint 3-21
PB Print Breakpoint 3-46
RB Resume Breakpoint 3-54
SB Step Breakpoint 3-68
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Configuration Maintenance Commands

68K System Monitor
User's Guide
List of Commands
Use these commands to store and maintain configuration files.
This list shows the Configuration Maintenance commands, in alphabetical order:
Command Description See Page
CCA Change Configuration File Attributes 3-11
CCB Create Configuration Control Block 3-12
CCF Clear Configuration File 3-14
QC Query Configuration Storage Parameters 3-50
SC Select Active Configuration 3-69
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
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68K System Monitor User's Guide

Chapter 3: 68K Monitor Commands

GE Energy Services
In This Chapter
This Chapter is divided into two sections, the first providing a cross-reference table where you can see which platform support what commands.
The second section details each command, listed in alphabetical order.
This Chapter of the document contains the following Sections and topics
Topic See Page
Section 1: Command / Platform Cross-Reference 3-2
Platform-Specific Commands 3-2
Section 2: Monitor Commands 3-4
General SWM0023-1.00 -2
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68K System Monitor
GE Energy Services
User's Guide

Section 1: Command / Platform Cross-Reference

Platform-Specific Commands

List of Commands
This table lists all of the possible 68K Monitor commands in the left column, in alphabetical order. The columns to the right show the platforms where the commands will be available for you to use.
Command CPM/D20 D20ME CCU CCUME D25
** *
Continued on next page
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
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68K System Monitor User's Guide
Platform-Specific Commands, Continued
List of Commands (continued)
Command CPM/D20 D20ME CCU CCUME D25
** **
** **
GE Energy Services
Note K
This indicates that these commands are only available when specially built engineering or debugging software is running in the device.
If a product delivered to an end-user displays these commands, a mistake may have occurred. Contact GE Energy Services if in doubt.
General SWM0023-1.00 -2
Full Release
Some of the commands, such as CAL and KIM, are not checked-off for any platform.
GE Energy Services

Section 2: Monitor Commands

AL - Change Auto-logout Timer

68K System Monitor
User's Guide
Use this command to change the monitor’s auto-logout timer duration from the default of 5 minutes.
Below is usage and syntax information for this command
Command Format
Special Considerations
D20 D20 Base
al timout (minutes)
minutes = 0 to 32767 minutes. ‘0’ disables the timer.
Type al 15 and press ENTER.
Results: The monitor will log out after 15 minutes of
If the timer is disabled, (set to ‘0’) the monitor can be locked­out for any other user.
D20 ME
D20 Base
D20/200 CCU Base
D20/200 ME CCU Base
SWM0023 1.00 2 General
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+ 82 hidden pages