GE Transportation
Stationary Power
V228 and 250 Series Diesel
Generator Sets
Powerful in any environment
GE imagination at work

V228 and 250 Series Diesel Generator Sets
Deliver dependable power for diverse applications
As a world leader in high-performance medium-speed diesel engine design and manufacture, GE Transportation makes
engines that power locomotives on the tracks and tugboats on the water. While these products help move people and goods
safely and eciently around the globe, GE Transportation also produces powerful engines for products that don’t move an
inch — stationary diesel gensets.
When applied to stationary power, GE Transportation’s experience and proven technology deliver dependable, ecient,
cost-eective power solutions in some of the world’s harshest operating environments. GE Transportation’s V228 and 250 Se-
ries Diesel Generator Sets oer continuous and standby power worldwide, powering factories in Indonesia, providing backup
power in New Orleans and generating power for the Baghdad International Airport.
Fuel-ecient, easy-to-maintain and reliable
Oered in both enclosed and unenclosed units, the V228 and 250 Series Diesel Generator Sets are
a medium-speed alternative to high-cost power with high fuel eciency and low life-cycle costs.
As energy prices rise, cities, airports, utilities and manufacturing
facilities are challenged to nd more economical power
sources. GE Transportation’s gensets are a fuel-ecient
solution when compared to other mid-sized engines and
high-speed alternatives. In fact, GE Transportation’s V228
and 250 Series Engines deliver a fuel savings of 3 to 5%,
saving fuel and reducing overall operating costs.
Quick delivery
With industry delivery times averaging more than one
year, GE Transportation’s four- to 12-month delivery
timeframe is one of the fastest in the industry. Additionally,
GE Transportation’s service centers provide packaging,
installation and commission and its expansive global parts-
supplier network ensures customers receive replacement
parts quickly.
Longer life-cycles and service intervals
Due to their unique engineering features, the V228 and 250
Series Engines allow individual parts to be replaced quickly
and eciently, resulting in longer service intervals, reduced
maintenance and labor costs and longer life-cycles.
Life-cycle costs by kW
GE - 16V228 Leading Competitor
Other (includes First cost, installation, shipping, maintenance, and lube oil)Fuel