GE 25, 23 Series, 25 Series Owner's Manual And Installation

Safety Instructions. ........... 2-4
Operating Instructions
Additional Features ............ 10
Automatic Icemaker ............ 12
Care and Cleaning .......... 14, 15
Crispers and Pans .............. 11
Ice and Water Dispenser ..... 13, 14
Refrigerator Doors .......... 10, 11
Replacing the i,ight Bulbs ....... 16
Shelves and Bins .............. 8, 9
Temperature Controls ........... 5
TurboCool'" .................... 6
Water Filter .................... 7
Installation Instructions
Preparing to Install
Removing and
Water Line Installation ....... 26-28
Troubleshooting Tips ....... 30-32
Normal Operating Sounds ....... 29
C6te fiC6te
La section fran_aise commence a la page 42
Lado a Lado
La seccidn en espa_ol empieza en la pagina 76
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Cover
Performance Data Sheet ........ 38
Product Registration
(Canadian) ................ 35, 36
Product Registration
(U.S.) ..................... '.43, '.44
State of California Water
Treatment Device Certificate ..... 39
Warranty (Canadian) ........... 40
Warranty (U.S.) ................ 41
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Find these numbers on a label inside the refrigerator compartment at the
top on the right side.
2001)8074['004 49-60413-1 02-08JR
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
This refligerator must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Inst_fllation
Instructions before it is used.
Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang on the shelves in the reffigeramI: They could
&mmge the refrigerator and seriously i_jure themseNes.
{{Do not touch the cold surfaces in the fleezer
compamnent when hands are damp or wet. Skin may stick to these extremely cold surfaces.
{{Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
In refl_igeramrs wit1 automatic icemakers, avoid contact with the moving parts of the
ejector mechanism, or with the heating element locamd on the bottom of the icemake_.
Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic icemaking mechanism while the refligeramr
is plugged in.
Keep fingers out of the "pinch point" areas; clearances between the doors and between
the dooIs and cabinet are necessarily small. Be careflfl closing doors when children are
in the area.
Unplug file refligemmr before cleaning and making repai,_.
NOTE:Westrong/}/recommendthatan}/servicingbe performedbyaquafifiedindividual
{{Setting either or both controls to 0FFdoes not
remove power to the light circuit.
{{Do not refleeze flozen foods which have
thawed completel):
2 .............
GhiM entrapment and suffbcadon are not problems CFCDisposal of tile past. Junked or abandoned refligeratoI_ are
still _l)mgerous...even if they will sit for "just a few Your old refl-igerator may have a cooling syst days. If you are getting _q_dof your old refl_igeratoi, that used CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). ,uc
please follow the instructions below to help prevent believed to harm stratospheric ozone. _} accidents. If you are throwing away your old refligemto_; make
BeforeYouThrowAway YourOldRefrigerator surethe GFGrefligerantisremovedfor proper
Freezer: disposal by a qualified serviceL If you intentionally _,
lke off the doors, fines and imprisonment under provisions of I,eave the shelves in place so that children may enviromnenml legislation. '_'a
not easily climb inside.
release this CFC refl-igerant, you can be subject to q
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an extension cord. -_"
However, if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessaD_ that it be a UIAisted (in the United _' States) or a GSA-listed (in Ganada), _gwire grounding type appliance extension cord having a grounding
type plug and outlet and that the electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 volts. _"
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For personal safety, this appliance must beproperly grounded.
The power cord of dlis appliance is equipped with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates wifll a standard 3-prong (grounding) waU outlet
to minimize the possibilil 0, of electric shock hazard
fiom this appliance.
Have the wall oudet and circuit checked by
a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet
is properly grounded.
If die oudet is a standard 2-prong oudet, it is
your personal responsibility and obligation m
have it replaced with a properly grounded
3-prong waU oudet.
The refligerator should ahvays be plugged into
its own indMdual electrical oudet which has
a voltage rating that matches the rating plate.
This provides the best performance and also prevents overloading house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire hazard flom overheated wires. Never unplug your refligerator by pulling on
the power cord. Ahvays grip plug firefly and pull straight out flom the outlet.
Repair or replace immediamly aU power cords dlat have become flayed or otherwise damaged. Do not
use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either end.
x_qlen moving the refligerator away flom the waU, be careflfl not to roll over or damage the
power cord.
Aboutthe temperaturecontrols, geoom
The temperature controls are preset in the factory at5 for both the refrigerator and freezer compartments. Allow 24 hours for the temperature to stabilize to the preset recommended settings.
Several adjustments may be required. Each time you adjust controls, allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach the setting you have selected.
Setting either or both controls to 0 stops cooling in both the freezer and refrigerator compartments, but does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator.
Control settings will vary based on personal preferences, usage and operating conditions and may require more than one adjustment.
NOTE: The refrigerator is shipped with protective film covering the temperature controls. If this film was not removed during installation,
remove it now.
PerformanceAir FlowSystem
The Performance Air Flow Sysmm is designed to maximize mmperaulre conuol in file iefligerator and fleezei compartments. This unique special feaulre consists of the Air Tower along the back waU of the
refligerator and the Air Tunnel on the bottom portion of the fieezer rear wall. Placing food in fiont of the louvers on these components will not aftbct perfommnce. Although the Air Tower and the Air Tunnel can
be removed, doing so will aft>ct temperature pe_foimance. (Fox removal insuucfions, on-line, contact us at o, call 800.GE.(;ARES. In (;anada, contact us at or call 1.800.561.3344.)
About TurboCooLTM (onsome models)
How it Works
TurboCoolral)idly cools file refligermor
compamnent in order m more quickly cool foods. Use rurboCoolwhenadding a
large amount of food to the refrigerator
compartment, putting away foods after they have been sitting out at room temperature
or when putdng away warn1 leftovers. It can
also be used if the refligeramr has been without power for an exmnded period.
Once activamd, the compressor will mrn on immediately and the fans will cycle on and
off at high speed as needed for eight horns.
The compressor will continue m run until
the reflJgerator compartment cools m
approximately 34°F (1°C), then it will cycle
on and off to maintain this setting. Afker 8 hours, or if rur/JoCoolis pressed again, the
refligeramr compartment will return m tile original set6ng.
Howto Use
Press TurboCool.The refligemtor mmpemmre display will show 9 (die coldest
AtXerTurboCooliscomplete, the
refligeramr compartment will return m the origdnal setting.
NOTES:The refligeramr mmperamre
cannot be changed during
The fleezer mmperamre is not affbcmd dining TurboCool.
When opening the refrigerator
door during TurboCootthe f.ns
will continue to run if they have
cycled on.
Aboutthe water filter.(onsome models)
On some models
Water Filter Cartridge
The water filter cartridge is located in the back upper fight corner of the reflJgerator compartment.
When to Replace the Filter on Models With a
Replacement Indicator Light
There is a replacement indicator light for the water filter cartridge on the dispenser. This light will utrn orange to roll
you that you need m replace the filmr soon.
The filter cartridge should be replaced when the replacement indicator light turns red or if the flow of water
to the dispenser or icemaker decreases.
When to Replace the Filter on Models Without a
Replacement Indicator Light
The filter cartridge should be replaced evecy six months or earlier if the flow ofwamr m the wamr dispenser or
icemaker decreases.
Removing the Filter Cartridge
If you are replacing the cartridge, first remove the old one by slowly unning it m the left. DOnotpull down on the
cartridge. A small amount of water mW drip down.
Installing the Filter Cartridge
O Slowly turn it to the fight until the filter cartridge stops.
DONOTOVERTIGHTEN.As you unn the cartridge, it will atttomafically raise itself into position. The cartridge will move about 1/2 turn.
O Run water from the dispenser for 3 minutes (about
1-1/2 gallons) to clear the system and prevent
sputtering. Press and
(on some
;) on
HOLD3SECS lot" ,_ seconds.
O If you are replacing a SmartWatercartrklge with an
adapter, the adapter illttst be removed before installing the cartridge. To remove the adapter; turn it to the left about 1l/4 unn.
If you are replacing a Waterby Cu/figancartridge, leave the adapter in place. This adapter will stay in the
refligerator when you replace future camidges.
i _ _i i i _ii
,, r -,
With adapter Withoutadapter
(appearance may vary)
On models without a replacement indicator light, apply the month and ),eat sticker to the new caruidge
to remind you to replace the filter in six months.
Fill the replacement cartridge with water flom the mp to allow for better flow flom the dispenser immediately
after installation.
O IJne tap the arrow on the cartridge and the cartridge
holder. Place the top of the new cartridge up inside the holder. Donot push it up into the holder.
NOTE:A newly-installed water filter cartridge may cause
Filter B! ,,,,,
waterto sourtfl-o_e_,_,, dispensel_
Youmus _ L_J] ssi:, --_--_ ' relent
_,......... _Filter/ .JI ,-." LHter/" _ _ tl.o
n:tc/ _a_ _ _ _ xc. B,,n_ee _ ....
icemake, _uPgass _ irt,, PlYu_g"°° ; :r
bypass pl
SmartWater WaterbyCulligan
To use the filter bypass plug on WaterbyCulliganmodels, yott IIlttst f]pstremove the filter adapter flom the cartridge
hoMer by unning it to the left.
ffyou have questions--visit our Website at,
or call 1.800.GE.CARES 11.800.432.2737).
Replacementfilters: Toorderadditionalfiltercartridgesin theUnitedStates,,orcall GEPartsandAccessories,
,mla4 ,,,w=,|
Not all features are on all models.
' Refrigerator Door Bins
The refligerator door bins are adjusmble.
Toremove:I,iff the fiont of the bin straight
up, then lift up and out.
Toreplaceorrelocate:Engage file back side
of the bin in file molded supports of the dooL Then push down on the flont of the
Refrigerator bin
bin. Bin will lock in place.
Deep Door Shelves
Thesnugger helps prevent tipping, spilling
or sliding of small items stored on the door shelf. Place a finger on either side of the snugger near the rear and move it back
and forth m fit your needs.
Press tab andpull shelf forward to remove
Detachable shelf exmnders deepen and
enclose fixed door shelves, providing
more sm_ge room and greater storage flexibility.
Slide-Out Spillproof Shelf
The slide-out spillproof shelf aUows you
m reach imms stored behind others. The
special edges are designed m help prevent spills flom dripping to lower sheNes.
Slide the shelf out until it reaches the stop, then press down on the tab and slide the
shelf smdgbt out.
I,ine the shelf up with the supports and slide it into place. The shelf can be
reposidoned when the door is at 90 ° or
more. To reposidon the shelf, slide the shelf
past the stops and angle downward. Slide shelf down m the desired position, line up with the supports and slide into place.
Makesureyoupushtheshelvesall thewayback
in beforeyoudose thedoor.
Toremove:I,ift the shelf extender straight
up then pull out.
Toreplace:Engage the shelf extender in the
molded supports on the door and push in. It will lock in place.
Not all features are on all models.
This shelf splits in half and slides under
itself for storage of tall items on the shelf
OuickSpace TM Shelf
This shelf can be removed and replaced
or relocatedj ust like Slide-.Out Spillproof Shelves.
Slide-Out Freezer Shelves
Toremove, slide out to the stop position,
lift the fiont past the stop position, and slide out.
Fixed Freezer Shelves
Toremove, lift the shelf up at the left side
and then bring the shelf out.
On some models, this shelf can not be used in the lowest position.
Makesureyoupushtheshelvesall the wayback in beforeyouclosethe door.
Abouttheadditional features.
Not all features are on all models.
ShelfSaver TM Rack
Use this rack to store
beverage cans for easy
It can also hoM a 9" x 13"
baking dish.
Removable Beverage Rack
The beverage rock is designed to hold a bottle on its side. It can be attached
to any slide-.out shel£
Door Can Rack
This door rack holds up to 9 cans.
NOTE:Thisrackcanonlybe mountedin thetopposition
O I,ine up the huge part of the slots on
the top of the rack with the robs under the shelf.
O Then slide the rack back to lock it
in place.
Refrigerator Doors
The refligerator doors may feel diffbrent
fllan die ones you are used to. The special
door opening/closing feature makes sure
the doors close all the way and are securely sealed.
When opening and closing die door you will notice a stop position. If the door is
opened past this stop point, the door will
remain open m allow you m load and
unload food more easily.When the door is only partially open, it will automatically
When the door is only partially open,
it will automatically close. Beyond this stop the door will
stay open.
The resistance you feel at the stop position will be reduced as the door
is loaded with food.
Door Alignment
If (loots are uneven, adjust tile refrigerator
O Using a 7/16" wrench, utrn tlle (loot
adjusting screw to the dght to raise the
door; to the left m lower it.
(A nylon plug, imbedded in the
threads of the pin, prevents the pin
from utrning unless a wrench is used.)
Aboutthe crispersandpans.
Not all features are on all models.
Fruit and Vegetable Crispers
Excess water dmt may accumulate in the bottom of the drawers should be wiped dry.
0 At_er one or two turns of tile wrench,
open and close the refligerator door and check the aligmment at the top
of the doors.
Adjustable Humidity Crispers
Slide the control all tile way to tlle H/setting to provide high humidil),
recommended for illost vegetables.
Not all features are on all models.
Crisper Removal
Crispers can easily be removed by pulling tlle drawer straight out and lifting tile
drawer tap and over tile stop location.
Slide the control all the way to the LOsetting to provide lower humidity
levels recommended for most fluits.
If die door prevents you flom taking out the drawers, first try m remove the door
bins. If this does not oflbr enough clearance, the refligerator will need m
be rolled forward until the door opens enough to slide the drawet_ out. In some
cases, when you roll the refligeramr out,
you will need m move the refligerator
m the left or right as you roll it out.
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12to 24 hours to begin making ice.
Switch ]erArm
Ice Drawer
Pull the upper freezer sheff straight out to access the icemaker. Always be sure to replace the shelf. The shelf can be used for storage.
Automatic Icemaker
The icemaker will produce seven cubes per cycle--approximately 100-1,30 cubes
in a 24-hour pedod, depending on fleezer
comparmlent temperature, room
mmperamre, number of door openings and other use conditions.
If the refligerator is operated before the water connection is made to the icemake_,
set the power switch in the OFFposition.
_qlen the refligemtor has been connected
to the water suppl}; set the power switch to
the 0N position. The icemaker will fill wifll water when it
cools to 15°F (-10°C). A newly4nstalled
reflJgemtor m W take 12 m 24 horns m begin making ice cubes.
Throw away the first few batches of ice
to allow the water line to cleaL
Be sure nothing interferes with the sweep
of the feeler arm.
X_rhenfile bin fills to file level of file feeler
arm, file icemaker will stop producing ice. It is normal for several cubes m be joined
mgetheL If ice is not used flequently, old ice cubes
will become cloudy, tasm stole and shrink.
Ice Storage Drawer
Toaccessice, pull the drawer forward.
Toremove the drawer, pull it smdght out and
lift it past the stop location.
Aboutthe ice and water dispenser.(onsome models)
On some mode/s
To Use the Dispenser
or WATER_.
Press the ,glass gently against the top of the
dispenser cradle.
The spill shelf is not self-draining. To
reduce water spotting, the shelf and its
grille shouM be cleaned regularly.
If no wateris dispensedwhen therefrigeratoris first installed,theremaybe air in thewaterline
system.Pressthedispenserarmforat least two minutesto removetrappedairfromthewater
line andtofill the watersystem.Toflushout impuritiesin the waterline, throwawaythe first
sixglassfulsof water. CAUTION:Neverputfingersoranyother
objectsinto theicecrusherdischargeopening.
Locking the Dispenser
,__ padfor 3seconds to
:, unlock, press and
HOLD3SEeS hold the pad again
lock the dispenser and control panel. To
for 3 seconds.
Dispenser Light
This pad turns the night light in the dispenser on
and off: The light also comes on when the
LIGHT dispenser cradle is
pressed. If tiffs light burns out, it should be
replaced with a 6 watt
12 V maximum bulb.
@ _rhen you need ice
..... in a hurry, press this
pad to speed lap ice production. This will
Door Alarm
increase ice production for the following
48 hours or until you press the pad again.
To set die alarm, press tiffs pad until die
indicator light comes on. This alarm will
sound if either door is open for more than
3 minums. The light goes out and the
beeping stops when you close the dooL
Important Facts About Your Dispenser
Do not add ice flom trays or bags to the storage draweL It may not crush or
dispense well.
Avoid overfilling glass Mill ice and use
of narrow glasses. Backed-up ice can jam the chum or cause the door in the chute
m freeze strut. If ice is blocking the clmm, poke it through with a wooden spoon.
Beverages and foods should not be quick-chilled in file ice storage draweL
Cans, bottles or food packages in the storage drawer may cause the icemaker
or attger to jam. To keep dispensed ice flom missing
the glass, put the ,glass close to, but not touching, the dispenser opening.
Some crushed ice may be dispensed even fllough you selected CUBEDICE.This
happens occasionally when a few cubes accidentally get direcmd m the cmsheL
AfYer crushed ice is dispensed, some water may drip flom the clmte.
Sometimes a small mound of snow will form on fl_e door in d_e ice chute. This
condition is nomml and usually occurs
when you have dispensed crushed ice
repeatedly: The snow Mll eventuMly evaporate.
Aboutthe ice and water dispenser.
Ice Storage Drawer on Dispenser Models
Set the icemaker power switch to the OFFposidon. Pull tlle drawer straight out
and then lift past the stop position.
When replacing the drawe_, be sure to
press it fimdy into place. If it does not go
all the way back, remove it and romm the
drNe mechanism 1/4 turn. Then push the drawer back again.
Careand cleaning of therefrigerator.
i( ¸ : / (J
Dispenser drip area.
Cleaning the Outside
Thedispenserdriparea,(on some models)
beneath file glille, should be wiped dD_.Water left in this area mW leave deposits. Remove
the deposits by adding undilumd vinegar m
the well. Soak until the deposits disappear
or become loose enough m _Jnse away.
Thedispensercradle(on some models).
Before cleaning, lock file dispenser by
pressing and holding the LOCKCOIVTROt
pad for 3 seconds. Clean with warn1 wamr and baking soda solution--about
a tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda to a quart (1 liter) ofwamL Rinse thoroughly and wipe dxT.
Thedoorhandlesandtrim.Clean with
a cloth dampened with soap}, wateL Dry with a soft cloth.
Drive Mechanism
(on some models) can be cleaned Mttl a commercially available stainless steel cleaner such as Stainless Sted M(_ic'"
Stainless StealM(_ic is available at Ace, True
Value, Servismx; H1_I and other leading
stores. It is also available duougb GE Parts and Accessories, 800.626.2002. Order part
number _rX] OX] 5.
Do not use appliance wax or polish on the stainless steel.
Keep the outside clean, gripe Mtb a clean clod1 lighdy dampened Mill kitchen
appliance wax or mild liquid dish detergent. DU and polish wkh a clean, soft cloth.
Donotwipetherefrigeratorwithasoileddish clothor wet towel Thesemayleavea residue
thatcanerodethepaint.Donot usescouring pads,powderedcleaners,bleachorcleaners
containingbleachbecausetheseproductscan scratchandweakenthepaintfinish.
Cleaning the Inside
Tohelp prevent odors, leave an open box
of baking soda in the flesh food and fleezer compamnents.
Unplugtherefrigeratorbeforecleaning.If dds is not practical, wlJng excess moisane out of sponge or cloth when cleaning around
switches, lights or conuols.
Use warm wamr and baking soda solution-- about a tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda
to a quart (1 liter) ofwateL Tiffs bodl cleans
and neutralizes odors. Rinse and wipe d_y.
Useof anycleaningsolution otherthanthat
which isrecommended,especiallythosethat
containpetroleumdistillates,can crackor damagetheinterioroftherefrigerator.
Avoidcleaningcoldglassshelveswith hotwater becausetheextremetemperaturedifference
maycausethemto break.Handleglassshelves carefully.Bumpingtemperedglasscancause it toshatter.
Donotwashany.plastic refrigeratorparts in
Behind the Refrigerator
Be careflll when moving file refligemtor away from file wall. All Wpes of floor
coverings can be damaged, particularly cushioned coverings and fllose Mtb
embossed stnTaces.
Pull the reflq_gerator straight out and return
it to position by pushing it smdght in.
Moving the reflJgeramr in a side direction
m W result in damage m the floor covering or refligeratoL
Preparing for Vacation
For long vacations or absences, remove food and unplug file refligemtoL Clean
the interior with a baking soda solution of one tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda m one quart (1 limr) ofwateL I,eave the
doo,s open.
Set the icemaker power switch to the OFFposifion and strut off the water supply
to the reflJgeratoL
youdon't roll overthepowercordor icemaker supplyline (onsomemodels).
If die mmperamre can drop below fleezing, have a qualified servicer drain the wamr
supply system (on some models) m prevent serious property damage due m flooding.
Preparing to Move
Secure all loose items such as shelves and drawers by roping them securely in place
to prevent damage.
When using a hand track m move die
reflq_geramI;do not rest file flont or back of the refligeramr against the hand track.
This could damage the refligeramL Handle
only flom the sides of the refligeramL
Be sure the refrigerator stays in an upright
position during moving.
Replacingthe lightbulbs.
Setting either or both controls to 0 does not remove power to the light circuit.
_ _ Refrigerator Compartment--Upper Light
0 Unplug the refligeratoL
0 The bulb is located at file top of file
compartment, inside file dome light shield. To remove file shield, place your
finger in file pocket at file back of file shield. Pull file shield forward and down.
Refrigerator Compartment--Lower Light
After replacing the bulb with an appliance bulb of the same or lower
wattage, replace the light shield.
Plug the refrigerator back in.
This light is located above the top drawer.
O Unplug the refrigeratoL 0 I,ift the light shield up and pull it out.
Freezer Compartment
Unplug the refl_igeratoL
Remove file shelf just above the light
shield. (The shelfMll be easier m remove if it is emptied fi_st.) On some
models, a screw at the mp of the light shield will need m be removed.
To remove file light shield, press in on
file sides, and lift up and out. On some models, lift the light shield up and pull
it out.
MYer replacing the bulb with an
appliance bulb of the same or lower
wattage, replace the shield.
Plug the refligerator back in.
Replace the bulb with an appliance bulb of the same or lower wattage,
and reinstall the light shield. When reinstalling the light shield, make sure the top robs snap securely
into place. Replace the screw (on some models).
O Reinstall the shelf and plug the
refligerator back in.
0 Unplug the reffigeratoL O The bulb is located on the
dispenser under the control panel. Remove the light bulb by turning
it counterclockwise.
0 Replace the bulb with a bulb of the
same size and wattage.
Plug the refligerator back in.
Questions? Call 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737) or Visit our Website at:
In Canada, call 1.800.561.3344 or Visit our Website at:
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
IMPORTANT - Savethese
instructions for local inspector's use.
IMPORTANT - Observeall
governing codes and ordinances.
Note to Installer- Be sure to leave these instructions with the Consumer.
Note to Consumer- Keep these instructions for future reference.
Skill level - Installation of this appliance requires basic mechanical skills.
Completion time- Refrigerator Installation
30 minutes Water Line Installation
30 minutes
If the refrigerator has an icemaker, it will have to be connected to a cold water line. AGE
water supply kit (containing tubing, shutoff valve, fittings and instructions) is available at extra cost from your dealer, by visiting our Website at (in Canada at or from Parts and
Accessories, 800.626.2002 (in Canada
Models 23 & 25
Proper installation is the responsibility of
the installer.
Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty.
If the refrigerator has already been installed, remove the base grille (see Step 2 in Moving
the Refrigerator), then skip to Step 5 in Installing the Refrigerator.
3/8" and 5/16" Socket 1/2" and 7/16" Wrench
Plastic Putty Knife
Phillips Head Screwdriver
Installation Instructions
Leave all tape and door pads on doors until the refrigerator is in its final location.
To move the refrigerator, use a padded
hand truck. Center the refrigerator on the hand truck and secure the strap around
If the refrigerator must go through any entrance that is less than 38" wide, the doors must be removed.
Proceed to Step 3.
DO NOT remove the handles.
If all entrances are more than 38" wide, skip to Installing
the Refrigerator.
COUPLING (on some models)
If the refrigerator has a water dispenser,
there is a water line from the cabinet into the bottom hinge on the freezer door that
must be disconnected. To disconnect, push in on the white collar
of the coupling and pull out the tubing.
White collar
Remove the grille by removing the two Phillips head screws.
Installation Instructions
COUPLING (on some models)
If the refrigerator has a water dispenser,
there is a power line (harness) from the cabinet into the bottom hinge on the
freezer door that must be disconnected. To disconnect, pull apart at the coupling.
CONNECTORS (on some models)
If the refrigerator has a refreshment center, there are electrical connectors
(harnesses) from the cabinet into the bottom hinge on the refrigerator door
that must be disconnected. To disconnect, pull apart each connector.
[_] Remove the freezer door top hinge cover
by either squeezing it and pulling it up or by prying it off with a plastic putty knife.
Remove the two 5/16" hex head screws, then lift the hinge straight up to free the hinge pin.
5/16" Hex Head
Bottom refrigerator
Open the freezer door to 90.°
90 °
Installation Instructions
[] As one person slowly lifts the freezer door
up and off the bottom hinge, the second person should carefully guide the water line and power line (harness) through the bottom hinge.
['_ Set the door on a non-scratching surface
with the inside up.
[] Remove the two 5/16" hex head screws,
then lift the hinge straight up to free the hinge pin.
5/16" Hex Head
[_] Open the refrigerator door to 90. °
i i
[_] Remove the refrigerator door top hinge
cover by either squeezing it and pulling
it up or by prying it off with a plastic putty knife.
90 °
Installation Instructions
[] Lift the refrigerator door up and off the
bottom hinge.
If the refrigerator has a refreshment center, one person should slowly lift the
door up and off the bottom hinge and the second person should carefully guide the electrical lines (harnesses) through the
bottom hinge.
To replace the doors, simply reverse steps 3 through 8.
However, please note the following:
When lowering the doors onto the
bottom hinges, make sure the second person carefully guides the tube and harnesses through the holes in the hinges.
When connecting the water line, make sure you insert the tubing all the way
to the mark.
Refreshment Center Models only
[] Set the door on a non-scratching surface
with the inside up.
Do not pinch the tubing and harnesses
when placing the doors on the bottom
When connecting the power line and
the electrical lines (refreshment center
models only), be sure that the connectors are seated together fully.
Installation Instructions
Do not install the refrigerator where the temperature will go below 60°F (16°C)
because it will not run often enough to maintain proper temperatures.
Do not install the refrigerator where the temperature will go above 100°F (37°C)
because it will not perform properly.
Install it on a floor strong enough to support it fully loaded.
Allow the following clearances for ease of installation, proper air circulation and plumbing and electrical connections:
23' and 25'
Sides 1/8" (4 mm) Top 1" (25 mm)
Back 1" (25 mm)
Installation Instructions
(icemaker and dispenser models)
A cold water supply is required for automatic icemaker and dispenser operation. If there is not a cold water supply, you will need to provide one. See "Installing the Water Line" section.
Before making the connection to the refrigerator, be sure the refrigerator power cord is not plugged into the wall
If your refrigerator does not have a
water filter, we recommend installing
one if your water supply has sand or particles that could clog the screen of
the refrigerator's water valve. Install it
in the water line near the refrigerator. If using GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator
Tubing Kit, you will need an additional tube (WX08X10002) to connect the filter.
Do not cut plastic tube to install filter.
[_] If you are using copper tubing, place a
compression nut and ferrule (sleeve) onto the end of the tubing coming from the
house cold water supply.
If you are using the GE SmartConnect TM tubing, the nuts are already assembled to
the tubing.
[_] If you are using copper tubing, insert
the end of the tubing into the refrigerator connection, at the back of the refrigerator, as far as possible. While holding the tubing, tighten the fitting.
If you are using GE SmartConnect TM tubing, insert the molded end of the
tubing into the refrigerator connection, at the back of the refrigerator, and tighten the compression nut until it is hand tight. Then tighten one additional turn with a wrench. Overtightening may cause leaks.
rc--] Fasten the tubing into the clamp provided
to hold it in position. You may need to pry open the clamp.
Tubing Clamp 1/4" Tubing
Compression Nu
Ferrule (sleeve)
Refrigerator Connection
SmartConnect TMTubing
Turn the water on at the shutoff valve (house water supply) and check for
any leaks.
Before plugging in the refrigerator, make sure the icemaker power switch is set to the OFF position.
See the grounding information attached to the power cord.
Installation Instructions
Move the refrigerator to its final location.
The refrigerator can be leveled by adjusting the rollers located near the
bottom hinges.
Adjust the refrigerator door to make the doors even at the top.
To align:
Using a 7/16" wrench, turn the door adjusting screw to the right to raise the door, to the left to lower it.
A nylon plug, imbedded in the threads of the pin, prevents the pin from turning
unless a wrench is used.
After one or two turns of the wrench, open and close the refrigerator door and check the alignment at the top of the doors.
Doors should be even at top
Rollers have three purposes:
Rollers adjust so the door closes easily
when opened about halfway. (Raise the front about 5/8" [16 mm] from the floor.)
Rollers adjust so the refrigerator is
firmly positioned on the floor and does
not wobble. Rollers allow you to move the
refrigerator away from the wall for
To adjust the rollers on 23' and 25' models:
Turn the roller II
adjusting screws S
clockwise to
raise the _.
counterclockwise to lower it. Use a 3/8" hex socket
or wrench, or an adjustable
Roller adjusting screw
Installation Instructions
Replace the grille by installing the two Phillips head screws.
Set the icemaker power switch to the ON position. The icemaker will not begin to operate until it reaches its operating temperature of 15°F (-9°C) or below. It will then begin operation automatically. It will take 2-3 days to fill the ice bin.
Power_" '-- .........!
Set the controls to the recommended setting.
Installation Instructions
Recommended copper water supply kits are
WX8X2, WX8X3 or WX8X4, depending on the
amount of tubing you need. Approved plastic
water supply lines are GE SmartConnect TM
Refrigerator Tubing (WX08X10002,
WX08X10006, WX08X10015 and WX08X10025).
When connecting your refrigerator to a GE
Reverse Osmosis Water System, the only approved installation is with a GE RVKit. For other reverse osmosis water systems, follow
the manufacturer's recommendations.
If the water supply to the refrigerator is from a Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System
AND the refrigerator also has a water filter,
use the refrigerator's filter bypass plug. Using
the refrigerator's water filtration cartridge in
conjunction with the RO filter can result in hollow ice cubes and slower water flow from
the water dispenser. This water line installation is not warranted
by the refrigerator or icemaker manufacturer. Follow these instructions carefully to minimize the risk of expensive water damage.
Water hammer (water banging in the pipes)
in house plumbing can cause damage to refrigerator parts and lead to water leakage or flooding. Call a qualified plumber to correct
water hammer before installing the water
supply line to the refrigerator.
To prevent burns and product damage, do not
hook up the water line to the hot water line. If you use your refrigerator before connecting
the water line, make sure the icemaker power
switch is in the OFF position. Do not install the icemaker tubing in areas
where temperatures fall below freezing. When using any electrical device (such as a
power drill) during installation, be sure the device is double insulated or grounded in a manner to prevent the hazard of electric shock, or is battery powered.
All installations must be in accordance with
local plumbing code requirements.
Copper or GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator Tubing kit, 1/4" outer diameter to connect the refrigerator to the water supply. If using copper, be sure both ends of the tubing are
cut square.
To determine how much tubing you need: measure the distance from the water valve on
the back of the refrigerator to the water supply pipe. Then add 8' (2.4 m). Be sure there is sufficient extra tubing (about 8' [2.4 m]
coiled into 3 turns of about 10" [25 cm] diameter) to allow the refrigerator to move
out from the wall after installation. GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator Tubing Kits
are available in the following lengths: 2' (0.6 m) -WX08X10002 6' (1.8 m) -WX08X10006
15' (4.6 m) -WX08X10015
25' (7.6 m) -WX08X10025
Be sure that the kit you select allows at least
8' (2.4 m) as described above.
Installation Instructions
NOTE: The only GE approved plastic tubing is that supplied in GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator Tubing kits. Do not use any other plastic water supply line because the line is under pressure at all times. Certain
types of plastic will crack or rupture with age
and cause water damage to your home.
AGE water supply kit (containing tubing, shutoff valve and fittings listed below) is available at extra cost from your dealer or
from Parts and Accessories, 800.626.2002
(in Canada 1.800.661.1616).
A cold water supply. The water pressure must be between 20 and 120 p.s.i. (1.4-8.1 bar).
Power drill.
I12" or adjustable wrench.
Straight and Phillips blade screwdriver.
Install the shutoff valve on the nearest
frequently used drinking water line.
Turn on the nearest faucet long enough to clear the line of water.
Choose a location for the valve that is
easily accessible. It is best to connect into
the side of a vertical water pipe. When it is
necessary to connect into a horizontal water pipe, make the connection to the top or side, rather than at the bottom, to avoid drawing off any sediment from the water pipe.
Two 1/4" outer diameter compression nuts and 2 ferrules (sleeves)into connect the
copper tubing to the shutoff valve and the refrigerator water valve.
If you are using a GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator Tubing kit, the necessary
fittings are preassembled to the tubing.
If your existing copper water line has a
flared fitting at the end, you will need an
adapter (available at plumbing supply stores) to connect the water line to the
refrigerator OR you can cut off the flared
fitting with a tube cutter and then use a
compression fitting. Do not cut formed end
from GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator tubing.
Shutoff valve to connect to the cold water line. The shutoff valve should have a water inlet with a minimum inside diameter of
5/32" at the point of connection to the COLD
WATER LINE. Saddle-type shutoff valves are
included in many water supply kits. Before purchasing, make sure a saddle-type valve complies with your local plumbing codes.
Drill a 1/4" hole in the water pipe (even if using a self-piercing valve), using a sharp bit. Remove any burrs resulting from drilling the hole in the pipe.
Take care not to allow water to drain into the drill.
Failure to drill a 1/4" hole may result in reduced ice production or smaller cubes.
Installation Instructions
Fasten the shutoff valve to the cold water
pipe with the pipe clamp.
Pipe Clamp
Saddle-Type Shutoff Valve
NOTE: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing Codes 248CMR shall be adhered
to. Saddle valves are illegal and use is not permitted in Massachusetts. Consult with your licensed plumber.
Vertical Cold Water Pipe
Tighten the clamp screws until the sealing washer begins to swell.
NOTE: Do not overtighten or you may crush the tubing.
Clamp Screw
Inlet End
Place the compression nut and ferrule (sleeve) for copper tubing onto the end of the tubing and connect it to the
shutoff valve.
Make sure the tubing is fully inserted into the valve. Tighten the compression nut securely.
For plastic tubing from a GE
SmartConnect TM Refrigerator Tubing kit,
insert the molded end of the tubing into
the shutoff valve and tighten compression
nut until it is hand tight, then tighten one additional turn with a wrench.
Overtightening may cause leaks.
Saddle-Type Shutoff Valve
_t / SmartConneet TM
,. _ Tubing
Packing Nut
Outlet Valve
NOTE: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing Codes 248CMR shall be adhered
to. Saddle valves are illegal and use is not
permitted in Massachusetts. Consult with
your licensed plumber.
Ferrule (sleeve)
Compression Nut
Route the tubing between the cold water line and the refrigerator.
Route the tubing through a hole drilled in the wall or floor (behind the refrigerator or adjacent base cabinet) as close to the wall as possible.
NOTE: Be sure there is sufficient extra
tubing (about 8' [2.4 m] coiled into 3 turns
of about 10" [25 cm] diameter) to allow the refrigerator to move out from the wall after
Turn the main water supply on and flush
out the tubing until the water is clear. Shut the water off at the water valve after
about one quart (1 liter) of water has been
flushed through the tubing.
To complete the installation of the refrigerator,
go back to Step 1 in Installing the Refrigerator.
Normal operatingsounds, geoom
Newer refrigerators sound different from older refrigerators. Modem refrigerators have more features and use newer
Do you hear what I hear? These sounds are normal.
The new high efficiency compressor may run faster and longer than your old refligerator and you may
hear a high-pitched hum or pulsating sound while it is operating.
Sometimes the refligemtor runs for an extended period, especially when the doors are opened fiequently. This
means flint the Frost GuardTM feature is working to prevent fleezer burn and improve food preservation.
You mW hear a whooshing sound when the doors close. This is due to pressure equalizing within the refligeramL
You may hear cracking or popping sounds when the refligerator is first plugged in. This happens as the
refrigerator cools to the correct temperature.
Electronic dampers click open and closed to provide optimal cooling and energy savings.
The compressor may cause a clicking or chirping sound when attempting to restart (this could take
tap to 5 minutes).
The electronic conuol board may cause a clicking sound when relays activate to control refligerator
Expansion and conuacdon of cooling coils during and after deflost can cause a cracking or popping
On models with an icemaket; after an icemaking cycle, you may hear the ice cubes dropping into
the ice bucket.
You may hear the fans spinning at high speeds. This happens when the refligerator is first plugged
in, when the doors are opened flequenfly or when a large amount of food is added to the refrigerator
or fleezer compamnents. The fans are helping to maintain the correct temperatures.
If either door is open for over 3 minutes, you may hear the fans come on in order to cool the light
The fans change speeds in order to provide optimal cooling and energy savings.
The flow of refligerant through the fleezer cooling coils may make a gurgling noise like boiling watm.
X_rater dropping on the deflost heater can cause a sizzling, popping or buzzing sound during the
deflost cycle.
A water dripping noise may occur during the deflost cycle as ice melts flom the evaporator and flows into
the drain pan.
Closing the door m W cause a gmgling sound due to pressure equalization.
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Troubleshooting -tips Save time and money! Review the charts on the following pages first and you may not need to call for service.
Possible Causes What ToDo
Refrigerator does not Refrigerator in defrost cycle. * \_rait about 30 minutes for deflost cycle to end. operate Either or both controls set to O. * Set the controls to a temperature setting.
Refrigerator is unplugged. * Push the plug completely into the outlet. The fuse is blown/circuit Replace fl_se o1 reset the breakeL
breaker is tripped. Refrigerator is in the showroom Unplug the refligerator and plug it back in.
Vibration or rattling Rollers need adjusting. * See Rollers.
(slight vibration
is normal)
Motor operates for Normal when refrigerator * \_rait 24 hours for the refligerator to completely long periods or cycles is first plugged in. cool down.
on and offfrequently. (Modern refrigerators Often occurs when large " This is hernial.
with more storage
space and a larger placed in refrigerator.
freezer require more Door left open. Check to see if package is hoMing door open.
operating time. They
start and stop often Hot weather or frequent This is hernial. to maintain even door openings.
temperatures.! Temperature controls See About the controls.
Refrigerator orfreezer Temperature control not set See About the controls. compartment too warm cold enough.
Frostor ice crystals Door left open. * Gheck to see if package is holding door open. on frozen food
(frost within package is normal) door openings.
amotmts of food are
set at the coldest
Warm weather or frequent Set the temperature control one step coldeL
door openings. See About the controls. Door left open. Check to see if package is hoMing door open.
Too frequent or too long
Divider between Automatic energy saver This helps prevent condensation on the outside. refrigerator and freezer system circulates warm
compartments liquid arotmd front edge
feels warm of freezer compartment.
m m
Automaticicemaker Icemaker power switch Set the power switch to the ONposition.
does not work is in the OFFposition.
Water supply turned off or See Installing the water line.
not connected.
Freezer compartment \_rait 24 hours for the refligerator to completely too warm. cool down.
Piled up cubes in the storage 1,evel cubes by hand. bin cause the icemaker
to shut off. Ice cubes stuck in icemaker.
Turn off the icemake_; remove cubes and mrn the icemaker back on.
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