Surge Protectiw Indicator
Indicates surge protectm
components are working.
Eocraspas a Indicador da Ptotaccioo
Integral Sliding Safety Covers
Protects children; keeps dust and
debris from unused outlets.
Saitof mtagraota t)ua Das kza Cobra
HeavyDtnyPower Cord
Sit., 14 gauge cord with space
saving right-angle plug.
l0 Caerda patado dal Padar
Power Switch
Includes integrated circuit
breaker fc^ additional safety.
El htampm dal poda t
Internal Protection Features
2145 Joule Rating Premium protection for
Home Theater components.
• Automatic Shutdown Technology In the event
of a catastrophic occurrence or if the surge
components expire, thermal fuses shut power
down, protecting all connected equipment.
• Clean Power Feature Electrical noise and
interference can cause data disturbances and
may harm sensitive electronic components.
High frequency capacitors are used to filter out
these harmful disturbances and provide clean
power to your valued Home Theater/computer
Jssco Products Company warrants this product bo froe from manufacturing dofocts rogardloss of how long you own it This warranty is timitad to tho
roplacomont of this product only and doos not extend ttconsequontial or incidontal damage ttothar products thatmay bo usodwiththis unit Thiswarranty
Is in lieu of all other warranties express or Implied. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an Implied warranty lasts or permit the exclusion or
Hmltationof incidental or consequential damages, sothe above limitations may not applytoyou. Thiswarranty gives you specific rights, and you may also i
have otherrights which varyfrom state to state. See details of Limited lifetime Product Warrantyand Connecttd Equipment Guarantee inside, orvisitour
website www.jascoproducts.com.
Electrical Rating: 125V, 15A, 1875 Watts
Maximum Energy Dissipation: 2145 Joules
MaximumSu^e Voltage:6000Volts
Maximum Spike Current: 75,000 Amps
UL1449 Clam ping Voltage: 330 Volts
Response Tima: Less than 1 nanosecond