Warming Tray
Model 1G9048
Important Safeguards 2
Parts and Ferres
How to Use Your Warming Tray....... 4
for Ctatomer A$tístanc* Pl9»$9 CaU: 1-977-
Cleaning Your Warmlag Tray
Customer Assistance
NVheo clcarkal ippUaocc». task oTecy prtcautkKU «bouki аЫзр be foOowed
tnduding (he foUcw^ng:
1» Read all tmmicbofu.
t. Do iKA touch boC яжЬсся. Uae handle»
or knob».
S. To protect щшт electhcad »hock, do not
iniaenc €04^ phigi, or the apphanoe la
water or other hquki.
4* Qoec fupcrvtsk» U Dcocsary when utcd
by or E>ear childm.
& Cophig from outlet when not in uie
and before dcaning. Allow to cool
before putting oo or taking off part»,
and before cleaning the appliance.
e. Do not operate any ^>plaoce %dth a
damaged cord or or after the
appliance nulfuncdoo», or baa been
damaged in any manner. Cali our
tolkbre cuuomer аииеапгг number Cor
Infonnabon on eaaminabon, repair or
7» The uie of acoeaaory auachmenta
not rccommeoded by ibe apphance
manx^Kturer may саше injuriea.
8. Do not ШС outdoors.
9. Do not k< <x»d hang ow edge of
table or counter, or touch hoc surface».
I(k Do not place on or near hot ga» or an
electric bumo; or in a heated oven.
11* Extreme cautioo must be uwd %vben
moring an concaink^ hoc
IL Todiseocmect warming tny, ture
control switch to Off, teraove plug
IS» This appliance ш for 1 louaebold Use
Only. Do not ше applxaoce for ocher
than its intended use.
14. Ik> not kavc unic unanended while to
Consumer Safety Information
Ihb product k toiended for hourohoki
This appliance k equipped with a grouxiding
plug. ph^ has (wo blade» and one pin.
Hu» feature k uwd to he^> reduce the rkk
of electric »hock If the plug doe» not fit fully
miotbe eleuikad outlet, contact a qualified
electrician. Do not modiiy (he plug in any
way or use an adaptor.
CAUITCM •Tomnnr coottoued protecdoo
agatosi rkk of riectric ihodt, connect (o
property grounded oudets only.
A short powenfupply cord k peprided to
reduce the risk resutong firotn becoming
entangled to or crippingover a longer cord.
Iwonger detachable power-supply cords or
eauecutoo cords are avaiLabk aisd may be
used if care b exerdsed to (heir use. If an
eatenrion cord k used, thè marked «lectrial
radog cf (he attextoon cord ahoukl bc ai
toast a» greai as thè electrkai ratk^ of (he
apphaace. Tìic cord sbould be arranged io
ti^ il will noe drape over thè countenop or
tsbletop where il can be pcdlcd 00 by
childreQ or (ripped over untotentkwially.
Tbe extcniioa cord sbould be a grounding*
type Swkeconl
To avoid an dectrical circuii overtoad. do
Dot use a wattage applkoce <m (he
sanse drcult ai thesvaming uay.
Wet qx>nge or do(h used tò wipe ^)iUs on
a hotcooktogam, will nvuitin posrible
»team bum. Some deaoen can produce
noxkHttÌiiiDes ifapphed (oaboCfurtoce.
Ahrxys IciappUancc eoo! before cleaning.
Parts and Features
U] OoAWSwitcii
2 { Uglil- *RMd|r' Light it on whoo tht hooting ii«Mnl it fonctioning tnd it it
ofl whtt 4it proMt tonptnturt it roochtd.
[4] StoinloitStnel Hotting Sorltco
[5] Htndit
Before Hrst Use
Wipe (he sui€>ce of the Wanning Tray Mith a damp ckxb; dry (horoughly.
How to Use Your Warming Tray
1* Plug into S wire groundii^ cmilet
And (oggie switch to ON.
2. WanwngTnywiU requireSto 10
minuto to heatup to temperature
for use.
Note: Warimng Tray will reach a maximum temperature of 24ST. 120^0.
1* Porodain and china dishes may cause
scratches. Place dishes carefully on
the stainkss steel heating surface so
they do not scratch.
2* Never touch stainless steel hot Affface
before cooling down.
S. Do not place dishes at the edge of the
tray to dishes foiling.
Helpful Hints
1* Ensure that the Warming Tray b
ahva>s pbced on a flatarm stitfdy
2* Cmered shallow baking dbhes with
flat baacs keeps food the warmest
4. It boot recommended to place more
than 22 lbs. (10kg) on the Warming Tray.
5. Not rocoounended for use more than