Aboutthe contro/and settings, ge.co,,
The controls give you three setting options.
RED WINE--Use hn" the storage ot red wines.
This setting will provide a storage teillperattli'e
of 55°F (l 3°C), which is optinnun for the
storage of red wine.
WHITEWINE--Use for the storage of white
wines. This setting will provide a storage
temperatm'e of 45°F (7°C), which is optimum
for the storage of white wine.
CUSTOM TEMP--This setting allows you to
customize the temperature when storing both
red and white wines. The custom temperature
can be set anywhere between 40 ° to 65°F
(4 ° to 18°C). The recommended temperature
when storing half red wine and half white
wine is 50°F (10°C).
Press the CUSTOMTEMPpad. This will convert
the RED WlNE and WHITE WlNE pads into temp
up and temp down pads. Short taps to these pads
will change the temperature setting slowly. To
change the temperature setting more quickl>
press and hold the pad.
When you make your selection (WHITE WINE
RED WINEor CUSTOMTEMP)you will see the set
temperature show up in the display. However,
shortly alter the selection has been made, the
display will show the actual temperatm'e of the
wine chiller. You will then see the temperatm'e
in the display change as the actual temperattu'e
of the wine chiller reaches the set temperature.
NOTE; In the event of a power taihu'e, when the
power is restored, the controls automatically are
set to the RED WINE setting, If needed, reset the
controls to the desired setting.
. j/i
Suggested bottle arrangement
Loading the Wine
_s with any refrigeration l)rodu(t, there is
a slight temperature variance at (litterent
locations within the cabinet. In this wine
chille_; the lower shelves provide a slightly
cooler temperature than the ul)per shelves.
X_]_en storing both red and white wines,
it is best to store the white wine on the
lower shelves where the temperature is
slightly coole_:
When the Wine Chiller is Plugged In
After I)lugging in the wine chiller and making
your selection (WHITE WINE, RED WINE or
CUSTOM TEMP), allow the wine chiller to reach
the set teml)eramre before hmding y(mr wine.
This may take up to 12 horn's to completely
After loading the wine, you may notice the
actual temperature rise. The ac!justment of
the actual temperature reaching the set
temperatm'e will be reflected in the display:
This mav take up to 12 horn's to completely