GE 106620 User Manual [en, es]

20" Box Fan with Thermostat User's Guide


Important Safety Instructions

This f4Ji is for residential irsa only. It is not intanded to be used in commercial or industrial
Atiflch feet before operating.
Do not operate with feet missing.
1 Break apart the two pJ&slit ■feet, es showri
5 Siide feet inlo slots In hoUnm of fnn until ihey snap Into postHon
3. Never inserì rrngers. pencils, or other foreltin objects thfoogh the grill 4 Disconnect isn Virften rrioving It frorm^rre tocallon \o ?*nolhei­5 Be sure that the fan \ò on a stable surface when operating to fivoid
the chance of it overturrting.
6 Do not tfse thii fgri in a window. Rairr may cause an electrical fire
For Voiit Safety
The AC power plug is polaifiieo (one Wide is wiOei lhan
the DC her] and only irta into AC po wor outlets ofWi •way
irthe plug won't goJntolhe outJet completely, turn the plug over and try to insert it the other wj^y. If it aiSI won't rtn cantaci a qs,mlirl^j elemriwan to change the qui lei. or use Ò differer^L one
Do not attempt to bypa» this safety feature.
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To prevent fire or eteidricai
shock hazard,
do not expose this product
to rain or moisture.
bacSi fan
hnivt \<v^
'• Bf5 sure fan is In Of F po?iCidn-
2 Fiug fan into any stanrtafd 120v Ac
housEhdd ouilet.
3 Turn Thermostat to the highest MltHig
4 Turn Fan ixi ID diisiTixJ speed high [III],
med [II) or low (b.
6 When a desired temporal ur« has l>feen reached. adjust the thermo siac
until the r&n stops. Your fan will now tixn on grr \o rnalntoin the desired comfort level. As in added safety TeaturQ. the thermostat light will detme on to let you know that your fan rs still in the on position and the fan can turn itself beck on.
IMPORTANT: "VtiUf 20 ' Box Fin with Thermostat is etjuipped with a climate COriUOt thermostat This Ihermostai furK:tions by sensing the LemperaLure In ihe room end will turn the fan on or off AI.ITOMATICALLY as the lomperature r.hsngei?


Always irnprug cord before deanirig or dfsnsembly.
Cleaning: IMPDRTANTI DO NOT imn'i^rseelectrical parts in-watcrl
Disassembiftd grills may be iimmersed to be dcflned wHh a miW detergent and water. Wipe all othfir p-irts with soft doth rnoisteoed with water arwl mild dewf^L only DRY ALL PARTS COMPLETELV BEFORE REASSEMBLING AND RECONNEC NNG TO ROWER SOURCE,
tubricaiion: Motor is permanendy hibricaied

Troubleshooting Guide

1. Fan will not 5ian
Probable Cause
V Th^rmstat knot} turned to lew
2. Fuse or cinsill breaker blown or off
1. ГшЦШ^.«П1Ш#1й1^'
1, Far stays tm


What do&s your warranty cover?
' Any Oefeci In matarial or warltmanship,
For how long after the onginol pun;hd^t
* 1 year.
What will ihi* rla7
■ Provide you with a new pf odutt or refurid ofiQinal purchase price * The exchange unitts wacranTed for the rcfnainder of yoin product's
original йпс'уеаг werranty period.
How do you ГПЭ1М 9 Wi^rranty claim?
* Properly pack your unit. Include all parti, which were oric^miiiy prcMpad
w>th the pfcxiuct, We recommend using tho ori^nal carton and packing
■ Include in the package a copy Ы Che safes receipt or othor ovMJence of
date of or iginal pur chase Also print your патле and address 3rxf a description of thoiiefect. Weturn produce lo your nearest Wal-Mart stare for replicement {И refund .
' For product sarvicQ or replacement parts, cail cuStonneT service at 877-
?07 0923
Whai does your warranty not cover?
' Customor inslrxjction. Your Owner’s Мзпия! pf ouides informatiDn
тедагЛг^д operating instructions and user conPois. For eddilionil information, ask your deatef.
* InstaHaliofi and set-up servtce adjustments.
- Damage from rriisuse or ncgfccL. ^ Products whrch have been imodified or incorporated mio tjther products ' Product purchased or seiwced ouis+tte the USA, * Acts of God. such as but not limned to lightning damage
How does stale law relate to this wdiTaittyf
■ This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary irom state eb state
What vf you purchased your product outside the United States?
* This warfanty does not appay See your dealer for details
1. .1)i&int$SEitlie?№echeddeslr^
IsmpefetiiO ■ '
t. ThenngisiatItrublstsjirim(chlgFi
(cdoiei^ pceltion
Suggested Remedy
1. Adjust themioslal knoh to hicFier
Mtiing [Mwards (wiit}
2. CItkIi main ard branch fuse or
oirtuiL Dceaiier
1. Cftartgeth^TBEat sating mvards.
■ сой'бгКг fart tûcame«la^ir :
1 Mjiist tnefitiDsuit клоп (ill (an
goes ail
for product sorvtce, calf coscomcr service at a77 ZO7-092J
r llVHIl Piir^iiilin USA
ij IS a trademark of the General Electric ^ Company used under license 10
Wal'Mart ¿cces. Inc,. BerjcoeviHe. AR
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