GCC Printers Elite 12ppm User Manual

1: Introduction and Installation
Using this manual ...........................................................................1-1
Elite 12ppm highlights ................................................................... 1-1
How to set up your Elite 12ppm ...................................................1-3
Overview ......................................................................................... 1-3
Why would I install PPD files or configure the control panel, printer
driver, or ports? ..............................................................................1-3
Setting up the Elite 12ppm .............................................................1-5
Choosing a location for the printer .............................................. 1-5
Removing packing ..........................................................................1-6
The Elite 12ppm Configuration Page ............................................1-7
Installing or replacing the toner cartridge ...................................1-7
Connecting power to the Elite 12ppm ........................................1-10
Using the paper tray .................................................................... 1-10
Using the Multipurpose feeder ...................................................1-12
Elite 12ppm interface connections .............................................. 1-14
Supported network protocols ...................................................... 1-17
2: The Elite 12ppm control panel
Control panel (LCD) display window ............................................. 2-1
Control panel status LEDs ..............................................................2-1
Control panel function keys ...........................................................2-2
The Elite 12ppm menu system ........................................................2-5
Do I need to change control panel menus? .................................. 2-5
Language .........................................................................................2-5
Print Help Page .............................................................................. 2-6
Print (1) Sample Page (s) .................................................................2-6
Printer Info ...................................................................................... 2-6
Paper Handling .............................................................................. 2-7
Emulations .......................................................................................2-8
Interfaces ....................................................................................... 2-11
Info Pages ..................................................................................... 2-12
Print Control ..................................................................................2-12
3: Using a Macintosh
Software Installation ......................................................................3-1
Selecting the LaserWriter 8 printer driver .....................................3-3
Printing documents using the LaserWriter 8 printer driver ..........3-5
Selecting Page Setup options .........................................................3-5
Page Attributes ..............................................................................3-6
Selecting Print options .................................................................... 3-7
Manual feed printing ................................................................... 3-12
Naming the Elite 12ppm ...............................................................3-13
4: Using Windows 3.1
Setting Windows 3.1 printing options ...........................................4-3
Advanced Options ..........................................................................4-5
Port assignment- Windows 3.1 ...................................................... 4-5
Installing printer description files .................................................. 4-7
Printing from Windows 3.1 applications ...................................... 4-7
5: Using Windows 95
Windows 95 printing software overview ...................................... 5-1
Plug and Play installation .............................................................5-1
Using Add Printer ..........................................................................5-1
Solutions to possible software installation problems .................. 5-7
Exploring the Properties dialog box ............................................. 5-9
The Device Options page ..............................................................5-9
Updating printer memory ........................................................... 5-10
The Details page ............................................................................5-11
The Paper page ............................................................................5-11
The Graphics page ....................................................................... 5-12
The Fonts page ............................................................................ 5-12
The PostScript page ...................................................................... 5-12
Installing printer description files ............................................... 5-13
Installing printer description files using Windows Explorer ...... 5-13
Installing printer description files using an MS-DOS window ....5-15
Printing from Windows 95 applications ..................................... 5-16
Selecting print options ................................................................ 5-16
The Print Properties dialog box ................................................... 5-17
6: Using Windows NT 3.51
Windows NT printing software overview ..................................... 6-1
Select and configure a communications port ............................... 6-4
Selecting Page Setup and Print options ......................................... 6-6
Print Setup options ........................................................................6-6
Print options ....................................................................................6-7
7: Using Windows NT 4.0
Windows NT 4.0 printing software overview .............................. 7-1
Exploring the Properties and Document Defaults dialog boxes 7-5
The Properties dialog box ..............................................................7-5
The Device Settings page ...............................................................7-5
Updating the printer driver ........................................................... 7-6
Other general items in the Device Settings .................................... 7-7
Other GCC-specific items in the Device Settings ............................ 7-7
The Document Defaults dialog box ................................................7-7
Opening the Document Defaults dialog box ................................. 7-7
GCC-specific items .........................................................................7-8
Other items in the Advanced page ................................................. 7-8
Installing printer description files ................................................... 7-9
Installing printer description files using Windows Explorer ..........7-9
Installing printer description files using MS-DOS window .......... 7-11
Printing from Windows 4.0 applications ...................................... 7-12
Selecting print options ................................................................ 7-13
The Print Properties dialog box ................................................... 7-13
8: Using DOS
Overview of setup and printing from a DOS application ............. 8-1
Overview and setup and printing from DOS command line ........ 8-1
Port configuration – DOS ................................................................8-2
Selecting a printer driver ................................................................8-3
Using the Copy command ..............................................................8-4
9: Fonts
Introduction ....................................................................................9-1
Resident PostScript fonts ................................................................ 9-1
PCL resident font catalog ..............................................................9-4
Font compatibility .......................................................................... 9-5
Downloading fonts from a Macintosh .......................................... 9-6
Additional LaserWriter Utility functions ....................................... 9-8
Downloading fonts from Windows ...............................................9-9
Using an external hard disk with the Elite 12ppm ....................... 9-9
Initializing an external hard disk ................................................. 9-11
10: Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Cleaning the rollers every 12,000 pages ..................................... 10-1
Handling and storing toner cartridges ......................................... 10-1
Toner spills ..................................................................................... 10-1
Packing the printer to transport it .............................................. 10-2
Printing Problems ........................................................................10-2
Detailed Troubleshooting ............................................................ 10-5
Diagnosing errors from print output .......................................10-11
Service and Support ...................................................................10-14
GCC’s World Wide Web site ....................................................... 10-14
Dealer and Service Center support ...........................................10-14
Extended warranties .................................................................. 10-14
Software upgrades ..................................................................... 10-14
Transporting your printer ........................................................... 10-14
Consumables, accessories, and upgrades .................................. 10-14
11: Adobe Acrobat
Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader ................................................. 11-1
Opening Documents with Acrobat Reader ................................. 11-2
Understanding the Acrobat Screen ............................................. 11-2
Moving Through Pages ................................................................ 11-2
Finding Text .................................................................................11-3
What’s on this CD-ROM ................................................................ 11-3
A: Printer specifications ................................................................. A-1
B: Paper specifications and recommendations ..............................B-1
C: Adding memory to your printer ............................................. C-1
D: Adding and configuring optional paper trays ......................... D-1
E: QuickDraw GX ............................................................................ E-1
F: PCL ............................................................................................... F-1
G: Interface connector pinouts .................................................... G-1
H: Radio and television interference ............................................ H-1
I: Elite 12ppm consumables and optional accessories .................. I-1
J: Glossary ....................................................................................... J-1
K: Warranties and Licenses ............................................................ K-1

1: Introduction and Installation

Congratulations on your purchase of a GCC Technologies Elite 12ppm laser printer. You now have a fast, high-quality, versatile solution for all your printing needs.

Using this manual

This manual has all the text of the Quick Install (printed) guide, along with further infor­mation about configuring your printer and computer. To navigate around the manual, see the section “Using Adobe Acrobat with the Elite 12ppm CD-ROM” either in this manual or in the Quick Install guide. You’ll also find the Networking Guide, various installation guides, and printer specifications. Elsewhere on this CD-ROM you’ll find printing software for your computer.

Elite 12ppm highlights

Note: GCC makes several models of the Elite 12ppm. Your model may not incorporate all these features.

True 1200 dots per inch printing

All Elite 12ppm models print at 600 or 300 dpi. The Elite 1212 also prints at a true 1200 dots per inch (dpi). All models give you razor-sharp text and detailed graphics.

Fast processing power

The AMD 29040 50 MHz RISC processor gives you faster printing of complex pages.

Full support for mixed-platform printing

The Elite 12ppm accepts jobs in PostScript Level 2 and PCL 5 formats from Macintosh, Windows, MS-DOS, and UNIX based computers.

Low operational costs

The Elite 12ppm is an Energy Star compliant low power consumption printer, and its one-piece microfine toner cartridge prints an average of 6,000 pages.

Full network capability

The Elite 12ppm comes with Ethernet to allow connection to an Ethernet network. It also has LocalTalk as standard, and supports NetWare and TCP/IP.

WebAdmin remote printer management

If you have an Ethernet network that supports TCP/IP, you can remotely view and config­ure any Elite 12ppm using a World Wide Web browser.

Better halftones with AccuGray

GCC’s exclusive AccuGray software ensures that halftones reproduce with consistent brightness, regardless of the screen frequencies used, making for more detailed photo­graphs.

Edge to edge printing

The Elite 12ppm can print an area right up to the edge of the paper for full bleeds.

All ports active feature

The Elite 12ppm can accept print jobs from a Bidirectional Parallel port and LocalTalk/ Serial and Ethernet networks at the same time.

Flexible paper handling

The Elite 12ppm has a 250-sheet paper tray that can accept paper up to legal size (8.5 x 14 inch, 215.9 x 355.6 mm), and also includes an additional paper feed source for envelopes and postcards.

Full featured front panel display

The font panel display of the Elite 12ppm displays messages that make it easy to configure and control the printer; you get continuous information as jobs print.
SCSI interface (1200 dpi model only)
The Elite 1212 has a SCSI interface that allows you to connect an external SCSI hard drive for additional font storage and faster printing.
Novell NEST Support (1200 dpi model only)
The Elite 1212 supports Novell’s NEST system which allows you to connect an Elite 12ppm to a Novell network without needing to dedicate a computer as print server.

Environmentally friendly

The Elite 12ppm emits extremely small amounts of ozone, well within the safety limits, and is engineered to reduce dust emissions for a healthier work area.

Optional equipment

A 500-sheet paper tray and an envelope feeder are available options to make the Elite 12ppm the printer you need.

Fast and easy ordering of upgrades and consumables

Replacement toner cartridges and optional equipment are available from your GCC dis­tributor or direct from GCC at 1-800-422-7777. Visit our web store at www.gccdirect.com.

How to set up your Elite 12ppm


You’ll carry out these steps to get your printer up and running:
• Selecting a location for the printer.
• Unpacking the printer and connecting it to a power outlet.
• Installing the toner cartridge.
• Connecting the printer to a computer or network.
The detailed instructions for these steps are in this section of the manual.
Once you have the printer physically set up, you’ll install software on every computer that will use it. This includes:
• Installing the printer driver on a Macintosh or Windows computer.
• Installing PPD (PostScript Printer Description) and other files, if necessary.
• Configuring the control panel, driver, and ports, if necessary.
The detailed instructions for these steps are in the appropriate section of this manual, according to which type of computer or operating system you use.

Why would I install PPD files or configure the control panel, printer driver, or ports?

Installing PPD files

Although the standard software install gives the computer all the details of the printer, a few software applications need you to install special files. If you don’t have any of these applications on your computer, you don’t need to install the files. GCC supplies PPD files for these applications:
• Adobe Illustrator® for Windows, versions 4.0 and 4.1.
• Adobe PageMaker® for Windows, versions 5.0 and 6.0.
• Aldus FreeHand® for Windows, all versions up to 4.0.
• MacroMedia FreeHand® for Windows, version 5.0.
• QuarkXPress® for Windows.
• Aldus FreeHand for Macintosh, versions 3.0 and 3.1.
• Aldus PageMaker for Macintosh, version 4.2.
• Adobe Separator for Macintosh, versions up to 3.2.
• Deneba Canvas® for Macintosh, versions 3.0 and later.
• QuarkXPress for Macintosh, versions 3.1 and later.
• Ready, Set, Go!® for Macintosh, versions 5.0 or later.
You may need to install these files for certain other applications. If this is the case, you’ll find details in your application’s manuals.
Instructions on how to install these files are in the sections for Macintosh or Windows.

Configuring the control panel, printer driver, and ports

Your Elite 12ppm printer has numerous settings you can adjust to make it meet your printing needs. However, many users are satisfied with the settings as supplied.
The sections of this manual on Macintosh and Windows list the steps you must take to configure the computer to print. The rest of each section covers the optional changes you can make. If you’re not aware of any special circumstances in your printing it’s unlikely that you’ll need to make any optional changes.
However, if you need to make changes, there are three ways you can do this:
• Using the printer’s control panel menus (or GCC’s WebAdmin tool).
• Using the Printer Setup dialog box on your computer.
• In the Page Setup and Print dialog boxes of many applications.
The place where you make changes affects how widespread those changes will be.
• If you change settings in the Elite 12ppm’s control panel, this sets the default for all computers using the printer. If you don’t make any control panel changes, the factory defaults will be the default settings. If you make changes with GCC’s WebAdmin utility, this has the same effect as if you made them at the printer’s control panel.
• If you change settings in the Printer Setup dialog boxes on a computer, the new settings are now the defaults for all applications on the computer. If you change something from “Printer’s Default,” this overrides the printer control panel defaults for this computer only.
• If you change settings in the Page Setup or Print dialog boxes in an application, this overrides any other settings for that feature.
Some changes that you make revert to the defaults as soon as you’ve printed
the document.
Other changes become the defaults every time you print that document.Some will become the defaults every time you print from that application.
Different applications treat these changes in different ways.
GCC recommends that you make changes in the application’s Page Setup or Print dialog boxes. If you find that you are making the same changes for every print job, use the Printer Setup dialog boxes or the Elite 12ppm control panel menus to make these settings the default.
You’ll find instructions on changing the settings through the control panel menus (or GCC’s WebAdmin tool) elsewhere in the manual. The instructions for changing the set­tings in the Printer Setup dialog boxes are in the sections on each type of computer or operating system.
Page Setup and Print dialog boxes vary from application to application. You’ll find details in your application’s manuals.

Setting up the Elite 12ppm

Choosing a location for the printer

Place the printer on a flat level surface in a well ventilated area away from direct sunlight and areas where the air temperature and humidity can vary. Do not obstruct the fan vent on the right side of the printer, and make sure that the fan vent does not blow air directly onto someone’s face.
Use the diagram below to determine where to put your printer.
12.4 inches (310mm)
without Duplex
10.8 inches (270mm)
7.2 inches (180mm)
1 inch
8 inches (200mm) minimum overhead clearance.
21.8 inches (545mm)
with Duplex

Removing the printer from the shipping box

Warning: The printer weighs about 30 pounds (about 14 kilograms).
Note: Save the packing materials inside the shipping box and put the box in a safe place; you will be able to repack the printer should you need to move it again.
1. Take the printer out of the of the box and remove the packing material.
2. Take the printer out of the plastic bag.
3. Take the documentation and CD-ROM out of the plastic bag.
4. Check that you have all of the following:
Configuration Page
Printer Information
Paper Handling
Language: English
Print Darkness: Normal
AppleTalk Name: Model
Default Source: Upper Tray
Page Count: 20
Default Size: Letter
RAM Installed: 8MB
Jam Recovery: Disabled
Hard disk: No disk
Paper Reserve: Enabled
OS Version: 2.3
Manual Feed Timeoutt: 5 Minutes PostScript Level 2 Version: 2.3 ROM Version: 2.3 H/W Version: 1.0 AccuGray: Enabled
8-pin Serial: LocalTalk
PS/PCL Sensing: PostScript Only RS422 Serial (Inactive)
Port Emulation
Baude Rate: 9600
Parallel Port: Auto Switch
Data Bits: 8
RS232 Port: Auto Switch
Stop Bits: 1
RS422 Port: Auto Switch
Parity: None
LocalTalk Port: PostScript Only
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
Toner cartridge
(in box)
AC power cord
RS232 Serial (Active)
Parallel Port (Active)
Configuration page
Baude Rate: 9600 Data Bits: 8 Stop Bits: 1 Parity: None Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
Default Resolution: 800 Job Cancel: Enabled Start Page: Disabled Wait Timeout: 300 Seconds
Resolution: 600 Copies: 1 Font Source: Internal Font Number: 1 Pitch: 10.0 Point Size: 12.0 Orientation: Portrait Page Length: 60 Symbol Set: Roman-8 Wait Timeout: 120 Seconds Line Wrap: Disabled Line Termination: Normal
Installation guide Elite 12ppm CD-ROM Universal paper tray
If any of these items are missing, contact your dealer or GCC Technical Support (781-276-
8620) immediately.
You will need to provide a cable to connect your computer or network to the printer.
Warning: If you use the parallel port interface, the cable you use must be suitable for bi-directional transmission (IEEE 1284). Standard (unidirectional) parallel cables can cause errors in printing.

Removing additional packing

1. Remove the tape from the printer’s top cover.
2. Press the release button on the top right of the printer.
3. Lift open the printer cover.
4. Remove the plastic foam block. Save it with the other packing materials.

The Elite 12ppm Configuration Page

Each Elite 12ppm package includes a configuration page. It was printed on your printer, at GCC’s manufacturing facility. The page shows the hardware and software versions of the printer, factory default settings, and the hardware configuration of your Elite 12ppm.

Installing or replacing the toner cartridge

The toner cartridge contains a microfine plastic powder that is fused to paper during the print process. If your pages have an average of five percent coverage, you should expect to print about 6,000 pages with each toner cartridge; if you print graphics images you should expect to change the cartridge more often.
Warning: Do not touch the area toward the back of the inside of the printer (behind the toner cartridge). This area has a yellow warning label. It’s unlikely that you would touch this area when changing a toner cartridge, but you may want to leave the cover open for a few minutes to let the area cool down.
1. Press the release button on the top of the printer to open it.
2. Lift open the printer cover.
3. Move the yellow plastic slider from left to right a few times to remove dust and
toner from any previous cartridges.
4. If you are replacing a cartridge, remove the old cartridge by lifting it up and out of the printer; otherwise, go to the next step.
5. Take the new toner cartridge out of its box and wrappings.
6. Distribute the toner evenly by gently rocking the cartridge a few times.
7. Pull the seal on the cartridge gently but
firmly to remove it completely. Do not tug sharply or pull the seal at an angle.
8. There is an arrow on the left side of the cartridge. There is a similar arrow on the left side of the printer. Align these two arrows and insert the cartridge down and into the printer completely.
9. Close the top cover so that it latches. If the top cover does not close and latch, you may not have fully inserted the toner cartridge. Open the cover and carry out step 8 again.
If you have replaced a used toner cartridge, you can resume printing when the printer warms up.

Connecting power to the Elite 12ppm

Plug the power cord into the socket located on the back of the printer, then plug the cord into an AC power outlet. Switch on the printer using the ON/OFF switch located on the right side of the printer.
Warning: Do not attempt to use an adapter to plug the power cord into a 2-pin socket. The third pin is for your protection; it grounds the printer. If you use a printer (or any electronic or electrical equipment) that has no ground connection, you run the risk of electric shock. If necessary, have a licensed electrician replace the socket.

Using the paper tray

The universal (standard) paper tray holds up to 250 sheets of 20 lb. (75 g/m2) copier-type paper up to 8.5 x 14 inches (215.9 x 355.6 mm). It can handle the following paper sizes:
• Letter
• Legal 13"
• Legal 14"
• Executive
You can use smaller sizes of paper and envelopes in the Multipurpose feeder—see the next section for details. The standard paper tray will also handle up to 50 transparency or label sheets in Letter or A4 size.

Loading paper into the tray

Note: Place letterhead paper face down and with the letterhead toward the front of the tray.
1. Remove the paper tray from the printer. Pull firmly using the handle at the front of the tray.
2. Adjust the guides at the rear of the paper tray to accommodate the length of the paper you intend to use. Adjust the smaller guide at the left (A) to accommodate paper up to A4 size. For sizes larger than A4, extend both of the guides (B).
8.5 X 11"
7 1/4 X 10.5"
8.5 X 13"
8.5 X 14"
3. Make sure that the paper fits underneath the plastic tab at the rear of the tray and under the metal bracket at the front (C).
4. Place the paper in the paper tray and move the paper width guide (D) so that it lies next to the paper. Don’t move the guide so close that it holds the paper tightly, because this may cause jams.
5. Replace the tray in the printer. Make sure you push it all the way in, so that the control panel displays the “ready” message.

Using the multipurpose feeder

The multipurpose feeder holds up to an extra 80 sheets of 20 lb. copier-style paper, 40 transparencies, 40 sheets of labels, 10 envelopes or 25 postcards. You can also manually feed single sheets of paper or other media. The multipurpose feeder handles the following paper and envelope sizes:
• Letter • Legal 13" • Legal 14"
• Executive • A4 • B5
• Postcard • Commercial #10 • Monarch
•DL • C5
Exact measurements of these paper sizes is in the appendix “Specifications.”
You have to select the multipurpose feeder from a computer’s Print dialog box (assuming you specified the main paper tray as the default paper source). See “Paper Source” in the sections on Macintosh and Windows for information on how to select the multipurpose feeder.

Loading Paper in the Multipurpose Feeder

1. Open the cover of the multipurpose feeder; it folds down to a 45º angle. If one side of the cover doesn’t unlatch, push the cover gently toward that side.
2. Pull the tab to slide out the extension.
3. When the extension is fully extended, lift the tab up and toward you so that the folding part of the extension is in place.
4. Insert paper (or other media). If necessary, slide the paper guide so that it lies against the edge of the paper. Insert letterhead face up with the top toward the printer, and envelopes face up with the flap down and to the right.
Note: The Elite 12ppm does not check the size of the media you insert in the multipurpose feeder (unlike the paper trays). Make sure you’re using the paper size you specified in your application.
B5 A4
Note: If you are using legal-size paper, you may need to support the stack to help it feed
When you close the multipurpose feeder, first move the paper guide back to the right side. Then fold the extension and slide it back into the main part of the feeder. Now close the cover; this lifts the feeder back to the upright position.

Optional paper handling accessories

Optional on the Elite 12ppm is a face-up paper tray that attaches to the rear of the printer. This gives you a straight-through paper path (which you may need for thicker media) in conjunction with the multipurpose feeder.
Other optional units include a 500-sheet feeder and paper tray, and a 50-envelope tray that fits inside the 500-sheet feeder.

Elite 12ppm interface connections

The Elite 12ppm includes Ethernet, LocalTalk, RS-422 serial, and bidirectional parallel interfaces; the LocalTalk and RS-422 serial interfaces share the same 8-pin mini-DIN port.
With your printer’s all ports active feature, all the interfaces are simultaneously active, which means you can print through more than one interface at a time. You don’t have to select a port; this feature works automatically.
Note: If you are connecting through the parallel interface, insert this plug before you make any other interface connections. If other plugs are inserted it’s difficult to connect the
parallel plug.
• The 8-pin DIN connector (A) can be used as either a
LocalTalk network interface or an RS-422 serial interface. LocalTalk is the default setting. If you want to use this as a serial interface, you’ll have to change settings in the printer’s control panel menus.
(1200 dpi model only) You can add an external hard disk for
font storage using the SCSI interface (B). It is not used for communication between the printer and computer.
• If you want to connect your printer to a single PC-compat-
ible computer, use the parallel interface (C). Alternatively, you can connect the RS-422 serial interface port to the PC’s serial port, but the serial port transmits data much slower than a parallel port or network.
• The Ethernet network interface (D) is used to connect the printer to an Ethernet
network. The interface contains one or two connectors: an RJ-45 connector (upper) for connecting to 10BASE-T networks and (1200 dpi model only) a BNC connector (lower) for connecting to 10BASE-2 networks.
Note: Some interfaces have specific settings that you must select through the printer’s control panel Interfaces submenu.

Connecting cables correctly

Most cables come with some kind of mechanical locking device. Be sure to use these locking devices, otherwise you may experience intermittent errors or the printer will fail to operate altogether.
• There is no locking device on LocalTalk or RS-422 Serial connectors. Make the plug is pushed all the way into the socket.
• When you have inserted a Parallel port plug, lift up the wire clips at either end of the socket so that they fit into the slots on the sides of the plug.
• 10BASE-T plugs have a locking tab similar to plugs on telephone cords. When the plug is fully inserted the tab clicks into place.
• 10BASE-2 plugs have a rotating collar. Plug the cable onto the socket, then rotate the collar clockwise to lock it.
Improperly inserted cables are the cause of many networking and printer-related problems.

LocalTalk connection

The Elite 12ppm uses the LocalTalk cable system to connect to AppleTalk-compatible networks. This connection forms a chain; do not connect devices so that it forms a circle.
Important: You need a connector kit for each device on the network. Therefore, you need two
Connector box
connector kits to connect the printer to one computer, and so forth.
To plug in LocalTalk cables:
1. Switch off the printer.
2. Connect one LocalTalk connector box to the LocalTalk port on the printer.
3. Connect one LocalTalk connector box to the printer port (identified by a printer icon) on the back of the Macintosh.
4. Connect the LocalTalk boxes together with one of the LocalTalk cables. You will only need one of the LocalTalk cables (for one Macintosh and one printer).
5. Insert resistors. (Depending on the type of cables you are using, terminating resistors may be needed. Please refer to the documentation included with your cable kit for instructions.)
6. Switch on the printer.
7. Verify the printer’s LocalTalk setting. The 8-pin serial submenu, accessed from the printer’s control panel, should be set to LocalTalk. LocalTalk is the factory default, so you should not need to change the setting.

Bi-directional (parallel) connection

The bi-directional parallel connection between the printer and a PC requires a standard 36-pin bi-directional cable (to IEEE 1284 standards). The length of a bi-directional cable can be up to 10 meters or 30 feet. This interface offers the fastest communication between a PC and the printer (unless the PC and printer support Ethernet).

Serial connections

You can connect a PC to the printer by using the RS-422 connection and the computer’s serial port. In general, this is not recommended, because data is transmitted more slowly than if you connect the parallel port on the PC to the parallel port on the printer, or use a network. Therefore, printers connected through the serial port take longer to print.
RS-422 serial enables data to travel in either direction between the printer and a single computer. For an RS-422 serial connection, use an 8-pin serial cable. The RS-422 interface allows a cable length of up to 300 feet.
Note: You need to set the printer for Serial communication. The 8-pin serial submenu, accessed from the printer’s control panel, should be set to RS422. LocalTalk is the factory default, so you will need to change the setting. Configure the serial interface settings. In order for successful serial communications between the printer and the PC to take place, the configuration of the serial interface of each device must match.

Ethernet network connection

The Elite 12ppm printer includes an Ethernet network interface. The Ethernet interface on your printer lets you connect to an Ethernet network via one or two types of Ethernet cables: 10BASE-T and 10BASE-2 (1200 dpi model only).
• 10BASE-T (Unshielded Twisted-Pair or UTP)
Your printer connects to 10BASE-T Ethernet via the 10BASE-T (RJ-45) connector on the network card. The cabling used is Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP).
(1200 dpi model only) 10BASE-2 (RG-58, Thin Coax, or Thinnet)
Your printer connects to 10BASE-2 Ethernet via the 10BASE-2 (BNC) connector on the network card. The cabling used is called RG-58 or Thin Coax.

Supported network protocols

• EtherTalk
EtherTalk is Apple’s name for the AppleTalk network protocol running over Ethernet cabling.
• NetWare
NetWare is Novell’s system for Ethernet connection.
TCP/IP is a networking protocol used by various vendors of network software.
If you need to know more about these protocols, refer to the Networking Guide on this CD-ROM. You’ll also see how to connect your printer to make it available on other net­works such as those running Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows 95, and Windows NT.

2: The Elite 12ppm Control panel

Introduction to the Elite 12ppm control panel
You use the Elite 12ppm’s control panel to get information about your printer and to adjust specific printer functions. It includes an LCD display window, four LEDs that show the status of the printer at all times, and eight pushbuttons.

Control panel (LCD) display window

The LCD display window has several functions. It shows:
• The current status of the printer.
• A more detailed explanation of errors.
• Prompts to complete tasks, like “Insert Paper.”
• The Elite 12ppm menus and submenus.
When the printer is not printing, you’ll see the printer’s name and “Ready” in the display window.
Status LEDs
On Line Comm
On Line
Menu Enter
Form Feed

Control panel status LEDs

The control panel status LEDs show you the following:
When the On Line LED is solid (lit and not flashing), the Elite 12ppm is ready to receive data and print. When you turn the printer on, this LED flashes while the printer is intializing.
When the Comm LED flashes, one of the Elite 12ppm’s interface ports is receiving or transmitting data.
Function keys
The Paper LED is solid in one of the following situations:
• The printer is out of paper
• The wrong size paper is loaded in the paper tray
• The printer is waiting for you to insert paper because you specified manual feed in
the paper source section of your application’s Print dialog box.
When the Service LED is flashing, you need to perform some type of simple service procedure in order to continue printing. If this LED is solid, the printer needs to be serviced by GCC authorized service personnel.
When a LED indicates that the printer needs attention, you’ll see a message explaining the situation in the display.

Control panel function keys

On Line key

You use the On Line key to set the printer either on line or off line. The printer is normally on line — that is, ready to receive data from computers and print it. If you need to use the control panel menu system, you must set the printer off line. Press the On Line key to set the printer off line. After you’ve finished using the menu system, press the On Line key again to set the printer back on line.
If you press the On Line key while a document is being printed, the On Line LED flashes. This indicates that the printer will finish processing this document and any other waiting documents, and then go off line.

Manual Feed key

You use the Manual Feed key:
• When you select manual feed as the paper source for the document in your application’s Print dialog box.
• When the control panel requests you to load a paper size that is not loaded in the printer’s paper trays.
In both cases, you load the multipurpose feeder with the correct size paper and press the Manual Feed key.
During the period when you can load paper, the printer displays a “Load Paper” message. Any jobs received while the printer is displaying this message will wait to print until you load paper and the current document finishes printing.
The amount of time that the printer will wait for you to load paper can be set throught the control panel. It’s located in the Manual Feed Timeout submenu of the Paper Handling menu. The default time is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
If you do not load paper within the specified time, the printer discards the job and carries on printing any other jobs that are pending.

Form Feed/Continue key

You use the Form Feed/Continue key:
• When the printer needs a Form Feed command for PCL5 print jobs from certain applications.
Some applications send data for a PCL 5 print job except the command to make the printer feed paper. In this case you should press the On Line key and then press the Form Feed/Continue key.
• When you want the printer to print on the paper in the paper trays, even though they do not hold the specified paper sizes.
The Form Feed/Continue key overrides the printer’s requests that you load a different size of paper or load paper through the multipurpose feeder. In both cases the printer will draw paper from the 250-sheet cassette, whatever size of paper it holds.

Cancel/Reset key

You use the Cancel/Reset key:
• To cancel a PostScript job that is either processing or waiting to print. To cancel printing, press the On Line key and then hold down the Reset key for three
seconds. You’ll see “Cancelling job” in the display window. It’s possible that this feature has been disabled through the menu system; in this case, pressing these keys will have no effect.
If the Job Cancel feature has been disabled, you can enable it by going to the PostScript menu in the Control Panel and changing the setting in the Job Cancel submenu. The default setting for this feature is enabled.
• To reset the control panel menu and submenu settings to the factory settings (the printer must be off line).
If you want to reset all the menu items to their default settings, press the On Line key to take the Printer off line, then hold down the Cancel/Reset key for five seconds. You’ll be prompted to either press the Enter key to confirm that you want to reset all menu items, or to press the Cancel/Reset key again to leave menu items as they are.
If you want to reset all items in one menu to the default settings, navigate through the menu system until you see the menu you want to reset. Hold down the Cancel/Reset button for five seconds. You’ll be prompted to either press the Enter key to confirm that you want to reset all the items on this menu (including submenus), or to press the Cancel/Reset key again to leave these menu items as they are.
If you want to reset just one submenu to the default settings, navigate through the menu system until you see the submenu you want to reset. Hold down the Cancel/ Reset button for five seconds. Because you are resetting only one item, you won’t be prompted to confirm or cancel this change.
Note: Some items will not reset until you switch the printer off and on again.

Menu key

You use the Menu key to get to the menu system. First, you must press the On Line key.to take the printer off line. You can only get to the menu system when the printer is off line.
You’ll use the printer’s menus if you need to configure printer functions or get information about current settings.
Note: You’ll only need to change the settings on the menus if you have specialized printing or connection needs. The factory settings suit most users.
To see the menus, first press the On Line key to take the printer off line. Then press the Menu key. Each time you press the Menu key you’ll see one of the main items. There’s a full list of menu items later in this section.
When you are finished in the menu system, press the On Line key to leave the menu system and place the printer back on line and ready to print.

Enter key

You use the Enter key:
• To see submenus. “Press Enter…” appears in the display window to prompt you to press the Enter key
to see a submenu(s).
• To save changes when you change main menu or submenu settings. After you make a change to a main menu setting or submenu setting, press the Enter
key to save the new setting. An asterisk (*) will appear in the display window to the right of the setting to confirm that new setting has been saved.
• To find out which port is being used for the current print job. Press the Enter key when the Elite 12ppm is processing a job (when the Comm LED is
flashing). The LCD display window shows the name of the interface port that is receiving data.
+ and – keys
You use the + and – keys to move through main menu and submenu settings. You can use these keys only when the printer is off line.

The Elite 12ppm menu system

The menu system consists of a number of main menus. Some main menus contain sub­menus. Some menus only give you information, while others let you change settings.
Depending on your choices, some menus may not be available. For instance, the factory defaults set the PS/PCL Sensing menu to PostScript Only, and you cannot access the PCL menus. If you changed this menu setting to Auto Switch or PCL Only, the PCL menus would be accessible.
Note: Items that appear in bold in this section are the factory default settings.
Reminder: Press the Enter key to save a new setting. An asterisk (*) will appear next to the
new setting confirming that your changes have been saved.
The main menu items are:
1. Language 6. Emulations
2. Print Help Page 7. Interfaces
3. Print 1 Sample(s) 8. Print Info Pages
4. Printer Info 9. Print Control
5. Paper Handling

Do I need to change control panel menus?

The factory default menu settings suit most users. If you have specialized printing or connection needs, you may find that you need to change these settings.
We suggest that you read the remainder of this section to understand what the menu items can control. If you decide that you can usefully change some settings, we advise that you first print out a Help page (described below).
The Help page shows the current settings of all menus. Items in bold are the current set­tings. Menus which cannot be accessed in the current configuration are grayed out.
If you change settings, make a note on the Help page of the setting(s) that you’ve changed. This gives you a record of changes and may help you understand what needs to be done if your printer behaves in a way users don’t expect.

1. Language

This menu lets you change the language of the messages in the display window. Languages are English, Français, and Deutsch.

2. Print Help Page

This prints a chart of all the items on the menus. Press the Enter key to print this chart. You cannot print this chart if the PS/PCL Sensing submenu is set to PCL only.
The Help page shows the current settings of all menus. Menus which cannot be accessed in the currect configuration are grayed out.

3. Print (1) Sample Page(s)

You can print a sample page showing graphics and text. If you want to print more than one copy of this sample page, press the + and - keys to change the number of copies. Press the Enter key to print the page(s). You cannot print this page if the PS/PCL Sensing submenu is set to PCL only.

4. Printer Info

This menu has subitems which display general information about your printer. Press the Enter key to see the subitems.
• Ram Installed: The total amount of RAM in the printer.
• Ethernet Address: The Ethernet address.
• S/W Version: The version of the printer’s operating system.
• H/W Version: The version of the printer’s hardware.
• Page Count: The total number of pages printed.
+ 163 hidden pages