This guide includes information and maintenance instructions
that are specific to your model of Gateway notebook. For all
other notebook information, see your online User Gui de.
Acces sing your online Us er
In addition to this guide, your online User Guide has been
included on your hard drive. Your User Guide is an in-depth,
easy-to-read manual that includes information on the
foll o wi ng to pi c s:
•Help and technical support
•Using and customizing Windows and other software
•Using the Internet
•Protecting your files
•Playing and rec ording media
To access your online User G uide:
•Click (Start), All Programs, then click Gateway
Gate wa y contac t infor mation
The labels shown in this sec tion ar e for informational purposes onl y. Label
information varies by model, features ordered, and location.
Gate w ay mo del and ser ial number
The label on the bot tom of y our notebook contains inf ormation
that identifies your notebook model and its featur es. Gateway
Customer Care will need this information if you call for
Online Support:
Tech Support Phone:
Micr osof t Cer tificate of
The Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity label found on the
bottom of your notebook includes the product key code for
you r op er at in g sys tem .
For more information
For more information about your notebook, visit Gateway’s
Support page at
on your notebook’s label. The Support page also has links to
additional Gatew a y documentation and de tailed specifications.
or the Web addre ss sho wn
CHAPTER 1: About This Reference
Checking Out Y our Not ebook
• Front
• Left
• Right
• Back
• Bottom
• Keyboard area
• LC D panel
CHAPTER2: Checking Out Your Notebook
Batter y ch arg e i n di c a tor
Power i ndic ator
Headphone jack
Microphone jack
Microphone jackPlug a microphone into this jack.
Headphone jackPlug amplified s peak ers or he adphones int o this
jack. The built-in speakers are turned off when
speakers or headphones are plugged into this
Powe r in d i ca to r
Battery charge
LED on - Notebo ok is on.
LED blinking - Notebook is in Sleep or Hybrid
Sleep mode.
LED off - Notebook is off.
LED blue - Battery is fully charged.
LED purple - Battery is charging.
LED blinking red - Battery charge is very low.
LED solid red - Battery is malfunctioning.
Important: This LED only lights up when your
notebook is connected to AC power or the
battery charge is very low.
Ethernet jack
Optional HDMI out jack
USB p o r ts
Ventilation fan
Memo ry ca rd re ad er
Wireless network switch
Express Card slot
Ethernet jackPlug an Ethernet network cable into this jack.
Memory card
Plug the other end of the cable into a cable
modem, DSL modem, or an Ethe rnet network
jack. For more inf or mation , see “Conne ct ing t o a
broadband modem or network” on page20.
Insert a memory card from a digital camera,
MP3 player, PDA, or cellular tele phon e into the
memory card reader. For more information, see
“Using the memory card read er” on page 55.
The memory card reader supports Memory
Stick®, Mem ory St ick Pro®, M ini Se cure
Digital®, MultiMediaCard™,
RS-MultiMediaCard™, Secure Digital™, and
xD-Picture Card™cards.
Important: RS-Multimedia Car d an d Mini Sec ur e
Digital ca rds re qu ire t he use of an ada pter tha t
is available with the med ia.
HDMI out jack
USB portsPlug USB devices (such as a diskette drive, flash
HDMIPlug an HDMI device, such as a high definition
television, into this optional jack. For more
information, see “Viewing the display on a
projector, monito r, or televisio n” on page 59.
drive, printer, scanner, camera, keyboard, or
mouse) into these ports.
CHAPTER2: Checking Out Your Notebook
Ventilation fanHelps cool internal components.
ExpressCard slotInsert one T y pe 54 ExpressCard into this slot . For
Wire le ss n et wo rk
Warning: Do not wo rk with t he notebook re sting
on your lap. If the air vents are blocked, the
notebook may become hot enough to harm your
Caution: Do not bloc k or inser t objects i nto the se
slots. If these slots are blocked, your notebook
may ov erheat res ulting in unexpec ted shutdo wn
or permanent damage to the notebook.
Caution: Provide adequate space around your
notebook s o air v ent s are not ob struc t ed. D o not
use the notebook on a bed, sofa, rug, or other
similar surface.
more inf ormation, see “ Adding an d remo ving an
Express Card” on pa ge 57.
Enable or disable the optional IEEE 802.11
wireless network radio and optional Bluetooth
radio. The switch must be in the enable position
to turn either radio on o r of f u sing th e FN+F2 or FN+F6 buttons. Fo r more i nformat ion, s ee
“Turning your wireless radio on or off” on
page 4 7.
Warning: Radio frequency wireless
communication can in terfe re with eq uipment on
commercial aircraft. Current aviation regulations
require wireless devices to be turned off while
traveling in an airplane. IEEE 802.11 and
Bluetooth communication devices are examples
of devices that provide wireless communication.
DVD d rive
USB por t
DVD d riveInsert CDs or DVDs into this drive. For more
USB portPlug a USB device (such as a diskette drive, flash
information, see “Using the DVD drive” on
page 5 2. To determine the type of drive in your
notebook, e x amine th e dri v e tray’s plastic co v er
and compare the logo to those listed in
“Identifying drive types” on page 52.
drive, printer, scanner, camera, keyboard, or
mouse) into this port.
CHAPTER2: Checking Out Your Notebook
Optional modem ja ck
Kensington lock slot
Power connector
Monitor port
Modem jack
lock slot
Monitor portPlug an analog V GA monit or or project or into this
Power conne ctorPlug the AC adapter c abl e in to this conn ector.
Plug a dial-up modem cable into this optional
jack. For more information, see “Connecting the
optional dial-up modem” on page21.
Secure your notebook to an object by
connecting a Kensington cable lock to this slot.
port. For mo re informat ion, see “Viewing the
display on a projector, monitor, or television” on
page 59.
care lab el
Online Support:
Tech Support Phone:
Hard drive bay
Batter y l ock
Care label
Battery latchSlide to release the battery. For more information, see
BatteryProvide s powe r when the not ebook is not plugged int o
Battery lockSlide to unlock the battery. For more information, see
Includes the Customer Care contact information. For
more information, see “Gateway contact information”
on page2.
“Changing batteries” on page67.
AC power.
“Changing batteries” on page67.
Memory bayMemory modules are located in this bay. For more
information, see “Adding or replacing memory
modules” on page103.
Hard drive
The hard drive is located in this bay. For more
information, see “Replacing the hard drive kit” on
page 107.
CHAPTER2: Checking Out Your Notebook
Keyboard area
Optional multimedia panel
Status indicators
Optional fingerprint
KeyboardProvides all the features of a full-sized, computer
keyboard. For more information, see “Using the
keybo ard ” on pa ge 26.
Powe r buttonPress to turn the p ower on or off . Y ou can als o configur e
SpeakersProvide audio output when headphones or amplified
TouchpadProvides all the functionality of a mouse. For more
the power button for Sleep/Resume mode. For more
information on configuring the power button mode,
see “Changing advanced settings” on page74.
speakers are not plugged in.
Use to control playback of CDs and DVDs. The panel
includes a capacitive volume control. For more
informat ion, see “Us ing the optio nal multimedia pa nel”
on page40.
information, see “Using the EZ Pad touchpad” on
page 37.
Provi des enhanced secur ity. For more information, s e e
“Using the optional fingerprint reader” on page 31.
Inform you when a driv e is in use or when a butt on has
been press ed that af f ects ho w the k e ybo ard is us ed. Fo r
more information, see “Using the status indicators” on
page 25.
CHAPTER2: Checking Out Your Notebook
L CD panel
Optional microphone
Optional webcam
Optional webcam s tatus indic ator
Use to talk through when making Voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP) calls.
Important: The optional microphone is only available
when purchased with the op tional web cam.
Use to le t othe rs see w ho the y ar e communic ating w ith
when making VoIP calls. For more information, see
“Using the optional webcam” on page 41.
Important: The optional webcam is only available
when purchased with the optional microphone.
Turns on when the webcam is turned on.
Setting Up and Getting Star ted
• Working saf ely and comf ort ably
• Connecting t he AC adapter
• Connecting to a br oadband modem or
• Connecting the optional dial-up modem
• Starting your not ebook
• T urning of f yo ur notebook
• Rest arting (rebooting) y our notebook
• Using the status indicators
• Using the keyboard
• Using t he opti onal f ingerpr int re ader
• Using the EZPad t ouchpad
• Using the optional multimedia panel
• Using the optional webcam
• Adjusting the brightness
• Adjusting the volume
• T urning y our wirele ss radio on or of f
CHAPTER3 : Setting Up and Getting Started
Wo rking safel y and
Before using your notebook, follow these general guidelines
for setting up a safe and comfortable work area and avoiding
discomfort and strain:
•Keep hands and arms parallel to the floor.
•Adjust the screen so it is perpendicular to your line of
•Place your feet flat on the floor or on a footrest.
•Although notebooks are so meti mes c alled “l aptop s,” do
not use your note book while it rests on your unprotected
lap. Notebook operating temperature s can become quite
high, increasing the risk of burns to your legs. Instead,
use a laptop desk to protect your legs.
•Do not use the notebook on any soft, conforming
surface, such as your lap, a blanket, carpet, or a sofa. Soft
surfaces ca n block your not ebook’s v entilation openings,
leading to overheating, permanent damage to your
notebook, and fire danger. Instead, place your notebook
on a rigid, hard surface, and make sure that you keep the
ventilation openings on the sides clear.
Do not use your notebook on a soft surface, such as your lap, a
blanket, carpet, or a sofa. You must keep your notebook’s ventilation
openings clear of obstructions, or your notebook may overheat,
increasing the risk of fire and personal injury.
Reduc ing e y e strain
Sunlight or bright indoor lighting should not reflect on the
screen or shine directly into your eyes.
•Position the comput er desk and screen so you can avoid
glare on your screen and light shining directly into your
eyes. Reduce glare by installing shades or curtains on
windows, and by installing a glare screen filte r.
•Use soft, indirect lighting in your work area. Do not use
your notebook in a dark room.
•Avoid f ocusing y our eye s on your screen f or long periods
of time. Every 10 or 15 minutes, look around the room,
and try to focus on distant objects.
•Where feasible, keep your head vertical while looking at
the screen. If you use an external keyboard, raise the
notebook so the top of its screen is no higher than eye
Setting up your comp uter de sk and chair
When you are setting up your computer desk and chair, make
sure that the desk is the appropriat e height and the chair helps
you maintain good posture.
•Select a flat surface for your computer desk.
•Adjust the height of the computer desk so your hands
and arms are positioned parallel to the floor when you
use the keyboard and touchpad. If the desk is not
adjustable or is too tall, consider using an adjustable
chair to control your arm’s height above the keyboard.
•Use an adjustable chair that is comfortable, distributes
your weight evenly, and keeps your body relaxed.
•Position y our chair s o the k ey board is at or slig htly below
the lev el of y our elbow . Thi s position lets y our s houlders
relax while you type.
•Adjust the chair height, adjust the f orward tilt of the s eat,
or use a footrest to distribute your weight evenl y on the
chair and relieve pressure on the back of your thighs.
•Adjust the back of the chair so it supports the lower
curve of your spine. You can use a pillow or cushion to
provide extra back support.
Sitting a t your not ebook
•Avoid bending, arching, or angling your wrists. Make
sure that they are in a relaxed position when you type.
•Do not slouch forward or lean far back. Sit with your back
straight so your knees, hips, and elbows form right
angles when you work.
•Take breaks to stand and stretch your legs.
•Avoid twisting your torso or neck.
Av oiding discomf or t and injury fr om r epetitiv e
•Vary your activities to avoid excessive repetition.
•Take breaks to change your position, stretch your
muscles, and relieve your eyes.
•Find ways to break up the work day, and schedule a
variety of tasks.
CHAPTER3 : Setting Up and Getting Started
Connec ting the A C adapter
You can run your notebook using an AC adapter or your
noteb oo k’s batte ry. Th e batte ry was sh ipp ed to yo u pa rtia lly
charged. You should use the ACadapter right away to fully
charge the battery. Allow three hours for the battery to fully
Do not attempt to disassemble the AC adapter. The AC adapter has no
user-replaceable or user-serviceable parts inside. The AC adapter has dangerous
voltages t hat can cau se seriou s injury or deat h. C ontac t Gat ew a y about retu rning
defective AC adapters.
Make su re th a t you use th e AC ad ap te r th a t c a me w ith yo ur n ote bo o k o r
one of the same type purchased from Gateway. Replace the power cord if it
becomes damaged. T h e r eplac eme nt cor d must be of the same type and v ol tag e
rating as the original cord or your notebook may be damaged.
If the bat t ery is n ot fu ll y c har ged before yo u u se y our n ot eb ook on bat t e ry
powe r for the fir s t ti me, the ba ttery li fe may be mu ch s ho rte r tha n yo u e xp ect .
If the battery life seems short even after being charged fo r threehours, the
battery may need to be recali brate d. For inf orma tion on r ecali brating t he battery,
see “Recalibrating the battery” on page 68.
To connect the AC adapter:
1Connect the power cord to the AC adapter.
2Conn ect the AC adap ter to yo ur no tebo ok’s pow er
3Plug the powe r c ord in to a wal l ou tl et. The ba tter y
charge ind icator turn s on (see “Front” on page 6 for the
location of the b attery charge indica tor) . If the battery
charge indicator does not turn on, complete the
following steps until it turns on:
• Unpl ug the adapter from your notebook, then plug
it back in.
• Press FN+F1 to tog gle th e s ta tus li gh ts on a nd o ff.
• Ma ke sure the p ower cord i s firmly att ached to the
• P lug th e po wer cord i nto a di ffere nt wa ll ou tle t.
4When you finish using your notebook for the first time,
turn off your notebook and leave your notebook
connected to ACpower until the battery charge indicator
turns blue.
If the bat tery c har ge indica tor does n ot turn blue a ft er thr ee hours,
contact Gateway Customer Care at the location shown on the Customer
Care label. For more information, see “Gateway contact information” on
Prot ecting f rom power source pr oblems
During a power surge, the voltage level of electricity coming
into you r no teb oo k c an in crease to level s fa r a bove no rma l
levels and cause data loss or system damage. Protect your
CHAPTER3 : Setting Up and Getting Started
notebook and peripheral devices by connecting them to a
surge protector, which absorbs voltage surges a nd prevents
them from reaching your notebook.
High voltages can enter your notebook through both the power cord and
the modem conne ction. To protect your notebook and avoid electrical sh ock, use
a surge protector. If you ha ve a telephone modem, use a surge protector that has
a modem jack. If you have a cable modem, use a surge protector that has an
antenna/cable TV jack. During an electrical storm, unplug both the surge
protector and the mode m.
Connec ting to a br oadband
modem or netw ork
Y our notebook has a network jac k that you can use t o connect
to a cable or DSL modem or to a wired Ethernet network.
To connect to a cable or DSL modem or to a wir ed
Ethernet network:
1Insert one end of the network cable into the network
jackon your notebook.
When using a cable with a sleeve over the plug, pull the sleeve
back to ma ke su re th at the pl ug lo cks into the ja ck.
2Insert the other end of the network cable into a cable
modem, DSL modem, or Ethernet network jack.
Connec ting the optional dial-up
Your notebook may have a built-in 56K modem that you can
use to connect to a standard telephone line.
To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger (for example, No.
24 AWG) UL-listed or CSA-certified telecommunication line cord for your dialup
modem connection.
To connect the optional modem:
1Insert one end of the modem cable into the modem
jackon your notebook.
2Insert the other end of the modem cable into a telephone
wall jack.
The modem will not work with digital or PBX telephone lines.
Starting y our notebook
Do not work with the notebook resting on your lap. If the air vents are
blocked, the notebook may become hot enough to harm your skin.
Provide adequate space around your notebook so air vents are not
obstructed. Do not use the notebook on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface.
CHAPTER3 : Setting Up and Getting Started
To start your notebook:
1Lift the LCD panel.
2Press the powe r b utto n l oc ated ab ove t he keybo ard .
For more information about changing the power button mode,
see “Changing advanced settings” on page74.
3If you are starting your not ebook for the f irst time, f ollow
the on-screen instructions to select the language and
time zone and to create your first user account.
4Attach and turn on any peripheral devices, such as
printers, scanners, and speakers.
For more information about connecting peripheral devices, see
“Installing a printer or other peripheral device” on page 58.
See the documentation that came with each device for its setup
5To open the main menu, click (Start). From that
menu, you can run programs and search for files. For
more information on using Windows, see “Using
Windows” and “Customizing Windows” in your online
User Gu ide.
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