3 Plug the power cord into an AC power outlet. The battery charge
indicator turns on.
Battery charge indicator
If the battery charge indicator does not turn on:
•Unp l u g t h e a d a p te r fr om you r n o te b o o k , th e n p l u g i t b ack i n .
•Make sure the power cord is firmly attached to the AC adapter.
•Plug the power cord into a different wall outlet.
FN+F1 to togg le th e s ta tu s l ig ht s o n a nd of f.
Do no t a ttem p t to d isas se m bl e th e AC ad a p ter. Th e AC a d a pte r h as
no user-replaceable or user-serviceable parts inside. The AC adapter has
dangerous voltages that can cause serious injury or death. Contact Gatewa y
about returning defective AC adapters.
Replace the power cord if it becomes damaged. The replacement
cord must be of the s ame type a nd voltage rating as the original cord or
your notebook may be damaged.
2 Connect the ACadapter to your notebook’s power connector.
If the b a ttery ch a rge ind i c ator do es n ot tur n blue afte r th r e e ho u rs,
contact Gateway Customer Care at the Web address or telephone number
shown o n th e la bel on t he b ottom of you r n oteb ook .
Technical Support
See the label on the bottom of the notebook for Cu stomer Care Inf ormation. See
your Reference Guide for important safety, regulat ory, a nd legal information.
If your notebook is connected to AC power, you can replace the
batter y wh il e you r no tebo ok is tu rne d o n.
Locating C omponents
Danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly replaced.
Repla ce on ly w ith a b atte r y sp e cifi ca lly ma nu fact ur ed fo r yo ur no teb oo k.
Recycle or dispose of the battery as hazardous waste.
The battery used in this device may present a fire or chemical burn hazard
if mishandled. Do not disassemble, heat above 212°F (100°C), or incinerate.
Keep away fro m ch ild ren .
To repla ce the b atte ry:
1 If your notebook is on and is connected to AC power, go to Step 2.
-ORIf your not ebook is on and is not co nnect ed t o A C po w er, sa v e you r
work and turn off your notebook.
2 Turn your notebook over so the bottom is facing up.
3 Slide the battery lock to the unlocked position, then slide the
batte r y l atc h.
4 Slide the battery out of your notebook.
5 Slide a recharged battery into your notebook until it snaps into
6 Slide the ba ttery lock to the lo cked pos itio n.
7 Turn your notebook over.
8 Open the LCD panel.
Technical Support
See the label on the bottom of the notebook for Cu stomer Care Inf ormation. See
your Reference Guide for important safety, regulat ory, a nd legal information.
You need a small Phillips screwdriver to replace the DVD drive.
Locating C omponents
Prev enting static elec tric ity dischar ge
The components inside your notebook are extremely sensitive to static
electricity, also known as electrostatic discharge (ESD). ESD can
permanently damage electrostatic discharge-sensitive components in
your no te bo ok .
To replace the DVD drive:
1 Follow the guidelines under “Preventing static electricity
2 Make sure that the DVD drive is empty.
3 Turn off your notebook.
4 Close the LCD panel.
5 Disconnect the AC adapter, modem cable, and network cable.
6 Disconnec t all pe riphe ra l de v ice s conne c t ed t o y ou r not e book and
remove any Express and memory cards.
7 Turn your notebook over so the bottom is facing up.
8 Slide the battery lock to the unlocked position, then slide the
batte r y l atc h.
9 Slide the battery out of your notebook.
To avoid exposure to dangerous electrical voltages and moving
parts, turn off your notebook and unplug the AC adapter, modem cable,
and network cable and remove the battery before replacing a component.
Before working with notebook components, follow these guidelines:
•Avoid static-causing surfaces such as carpeted floors, plastic,
and packing foam.
•Remov e components from their antistatic bags only when you
are ready to use them. Do not lay components on the outside
of antistatic bags because only the inside of the bags provide
electrostatic protection.
•Always hold components by their edges. Avoid touching the
edge connectors. Never slide components over any surface.
•Wear a grounding wrist strap (available at most electronics
stores) and attach it to a bare metal part of your workbench
or other grounded connection.
•Touch a bare metal surface on your workbench or other
grounded object.
10 Remove the screw tha t secures th e DVD d rive to your n oteb ook.
Technical Support
See the label on the bottom of the notebook for Cu stomer Care Inf ormation. See
your Reference Guide for important safety, regulat ory, a nd legal information.
1 1 Carefully slide the drive out of the drive bay.12 Slide the ne w DVD driv e into t he drive ba y . Make sure t hat the driv e
fits secu rely i n the b ay.
13 Replace the screw removed in Step10.
14 Slide the battery into your notebook until it snaps into place.
15 Slide the battery lock to the locked position.
16 Turn your notebook over.
17 Connect the power adapter, modem cable, and network cable.
18 Reconnect all peripheral devices and replace any Express and
memory cards.
19 Turn on your notebook.
Technical Support
See the label on the bottom of the notebook for Cu stomer Care Inf ormation. See
your Reference Guide for important safety, regulat ory, a nd legal information.
You need a small Phillips screwdriver to replace the hard drive. You
also need the operating system disc that came with your n otebook.
Locating C omponents
2 Follow the guidelines under “Preventing static electricity
3 Turn off your notebook.
4 Close the LCD panel.
5 Disconnect the AC adapter, modem cable, and network cable.
6 Disconnect all peripheral devices connec t e d to y our notebook and
remove any Express and memory cards.
7 Turn your notebook over so the bottom is facing up.
8 Slid e the battery lock to the unlocked position, then slide the
batte r y l atc h.
9 Slide the battery out of your notebook.
Hard drive bay
Prev enting static elec tric ity dischar ge
The components inside your notebook are extremely sensitive to static
electricity, also known as electrostatic discharge (ESD). ESD can
permanently damage electrostatic discharge-sensitive components in
your no te bo ok .
To avoid exposure to dangerous electrical voltages and moving
parts, turn off your notebook and unplug the AC ada pter, modem cable,
and network cable and remove the battery before replacing a component.
Before working with notebook components, follow these guidelines:
•Avoid static-causing surfaces such as carpeted floors, plastic,
and packing foam.
•Remov e components from their antistatic bags only when you
are ready to use them. Do not lay components on the outside
of antistatic bags because only the inside of the bags provide
electrostatic protection.
•Always hold components by their edges. Avoid touching the
edge connectors. Never slide components over any surface.
•Wear a grounding wrist strap (available at most electronics
stores) and attach it to a bare metal part of your workbench
or other grounded connection.
•Touch a bare metal surface on your workbench or other
grounded object.
10 Loosen the thr ee hard dri ve ba y cov er scr ew s (thes e scre ws cannot
be removed).
11 Lift the hard drive bay cover using the thumb notch, then remove
To replace the hard drive:
1 If possible, create a Drivers and Applications Recovery disc. For
more informat ion , see “Prep ari ng for soft ware and device driver
recovery” in the Re feren ce Gu id e.
If you cannot create a Drivers and Applications Recovery disc,
Gateway may s end you a set of reco v ery discs or a replacement hard drive
with the drivers and applications already installed. Contact Gateway
Customer Care at the Web address or telephone number shown on the label
on the botto m of you r no tebo ok .
Technical Support
See the label on the bottom of the notebook for Cu stomer Care Inf ormation. See
your Reference Guide for important safety, regulat ory, a nd legal information.