TABLE OF FIGURES. .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
SDDOWNLOAD KIT PLUS A .................................................................................................................................................... 9
SDDOWNLOAD KIT PLUS B .................................................................................................................................................... 9
SYSTEM OVERVIEW. ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
FRONT VIEW .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
MOUNTING THE SYSTEM.................................................................................................................................................... 12
MOUNT IN BULKHEAD. ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
POWER CONNECTOR (CAB000309) ..................................................................................................................................... 14
INSERTING THE CARD INTO AREADER. ................................................................................................................................. 18
USING THE REMOTE CONTROL........................................................................................................................................ 19
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................................. 20
VEHICLE NUMBER .................................................................................................................................................................. 20
CAMERA NAME ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
SHUT DOWN DELAY ............................................................................................................................................................... 21
FORMAT CARD ....................................................................................................................................................................... 23
RECORDED VIDEO. .............................................................................................................................................................. 24
ALL FILES. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
FORMAT .............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
RECORD ................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
OTHER SETTING .................................................................................................................................................................... 33
SERVER .............................................................................................................................................................................. 34
LOCAL .................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
MOBILE NETWORK ................................................................................................................................................................. 36
TEMPERATURE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 38
CAMERA ................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
VOLTAGE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 39
INFO ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
VERSION ................................................................................................................................................................................ 40
HISTORY INFO. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 40
TIME BAR. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 46
CALENDAR OR PLAYBACK INTERFACE. .................................................................................................................................. 46
SYSTEM SETTINGS. ............................................................................................................................................................... 47
PLAYING BACK A VIDEO FILE........................................................................................................................................... 47
WORKING WITH CLIPS. ....................................................................................................................................................... 49
SAVING A CLIP ....................................................................................................................................................................... 49
EXPORTING A CLIP. ............................................................................................................................................................... 51
EXPORT TO AN AVIFILE. ....................................................................................................................................................... 51
BLURRING AN IMAGE. ............................................................................................................................................................. 52
CAMERA MOUNTING AND CONNECTIONS. .............................................................................................................................. 53
CAMERA INSTALLATION.......................................................................................................................................................... 53
SUGGESTED CAMERA LOCATIONS. ........................................................................................................................................ 54
VIDEO ALIGNMENT CABLE:CAB000157 ............................................................................................................................... 56
FIGURE 11: INSERTING A SD CARD INTO A READER. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
FIGURE 12: DATE TIME WINDOW. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
FIGURE 21: RECORD OPTIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
FIGURE 22: CAMERA NAME / CHANNEL NUMBER. ................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
FIGURE 23: RECORD SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
FIGURE 24: LOCAL NETWORK SETTINGS. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
FIGURE 25: EXAMPLE WI-FI CONFIGURATION. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
FIGURE 38: AVI CONVERSION........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
FIGURE 39: DEFINING A BLUR. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
TABLE 1: LED STATUS INDICATORS. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
TABLE 8: LED STATUS (RECORD MODE) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Digital Video Recorder; A DVR functions similarly to a VCR, except it uses a disk to record, as
opposed to video-tapes.
H.264 contains a number of features that allow it to compress video much more effectively than
older standards and offers up to twice the compression of the current standards.
On Screen Display; Is an image superimposed on a screen picture commonly used to display
information such as volume; channel; time; status, etc. and can be used to change the specific
values for all configurable options.
SD Card
Secure Digital Card is a non-volatile memory card format for use in mobile devices.
Coordinated Universal Time is a time standard based on International Atomic Time with leap
seconds added at irregular intervals to compensate for the Earth's slowing rotation.
Congratulations on the purchase of the Gatekeeper Systems 304-SD DVR. This Solid State Digital Video Recorder offers
H.264 compression, the same compression technique as used in Blue Ray disk players, which produces crystal clear, best in
class, video imagery.
In place of a spinning hard drive the 304-SD records to a removable SD memory card. Utilizing state of the art surface mount
components the 304-SD is built to withstand the shock and vibration of vehicle operation. In order to play back the recorded
video the 304-SD utilizes custom video viewing software, the “G4 Viewer”, a very easy to use application which allows users to
quickly find the video of interest and save a clip. With the press of a button users can print images and then send them to
qualified staff.
The battery should be disconnected from the vehicle before working on the electrical system of the vehicle when installing,
servicing or removing Gatekeeper products.
All Gatekeeper employees or contractors who preform electrical work (install, service or remove a DVR, installing a backup
camera system for example) on a customer vehicle shall ensure that the battery in the vehicle is disconnected before work
Customers shall be responsible for addressing any systems on the bus which require attention as a result of disconnecting
the bus battery. This includes, but is not limited to, entering a radio theft code, programing radio stations etc.
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Remove Main Power Fuse or Disconnect Vehicle Batteries Prior To Any Electrical Work Or
Jump Starting The Vehicle.
Firmware updates (available from when released) are system specific, firmware
updates must only be applied to the 304-SD system. If this firmware is applied to any other Gatekeeper Systems
DVR warranty will be void.
The 304-SD has an operating temperature range of -40° C to +65° C. It is good practice to ensure that the 304SD is mounted in an area in which acceptable temperature ranges are experienced.
Do not remove the cover of the 304--SD series as this will void any warranty.
When a system has shipped with a GPS antenna, ensure that the GPS antenna is mounted externally on the roof
of the bus, magnetic side down.
Important Safeguards and Warnings.
The battery should be disconnected from the vehicle before working on the electrical system of the vehicle when
installing, servicing or removing Gatekeeper products.
All Gatekeeper employees or contractors who preform electrical work (install, service or remove a DVR, installing a
backup camera system for example) on a customer vehicle shall ensure that the battery in the vehicle is
disconnected before work commences.
Customers shall be responsible for addressing any systems on the bus which require attention as a result of
disconnecting the bus battery. This includes, but is not limited to, entering a radio theft code, programing radio
stations etc.
If at any time there is a question about how to proceed, contact Gatekeeper Systems Inc. at 1-888-666-4833 or 604864-6187 immediately for directions.
Review all installation documentation, including technical bulletins. Additional
Technical Bulletins and Product Tutorials can be found in the Gate section of
- 7 -
304-SD Mobile Digital Video Recorder.
Sensor Cable: P/N: CAB000323
Power Cable: P/N: CAB000309
Power Line Fuse
Ignition Line Fuse
Fastening Screws
Package Check List.
Ensure all system components are accounted for prior to installation. Contact Gatekeeper Systems, Inc. if any components
are missing or if they appear defective.
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Download Kits
Gatekeeper Systems offers additional Download Kits which enhance the usability of the 304SD. These download kits have
been designed to assist in the management; configuration and maintenance of the 304SD.
SD Download Kit
Part Number = G4SDDLK
remote control
SD card reader
CD with G4 Viewer
RC150 Cable (single RCA male to male)
CAB 000157 ((Video Alignment Cable) See Appendix)
SD Download Kit Plus A
Part Number = G4SDDLKA
Plus a 7” battery powered monitor
SD Download Kit Plus B
Part Number = G4SDDLKB
Plus an ICD = Interactive control display and cable.
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Figure 1: Front View
1. LED Status Indicators. (See Table 1)
2. V OUT. Connects to External Display
3. USB. Used for Saving/Uploading configurations and
updating the system firmware.
4. Lock. Allows access to the SD Card Slot (5) and can
start & stop recording of video.
5. SD Card. Houses the SD Card used for recording Video.
Video Out
Video output to an external display, e.g. TV / Portable DVD Player.
The various LED’s
are status
Flashes to indicate 304SD is recording
Illuminated when GPS signal is present
Displays Network activity
Illuminated when power present
Normal Recording
A Physical Hardware error, or, no SD Card.
Signifies the 304SD has received an Alarm input.
Flashes if Video Loss has occurred.
IR receiver
For receiving signals from the Remote Control.
USB Interface
Use to backup recorded video files; download/upload configurations and firmware
The SD card slot needs to be locked before booting up the system, otherwise, the boot
sequence will be unsuccessful. The 304SD will be in standby mode anytime the SD slot
is unlocked.
System Overview.
Front View
Table 1: LED Status Indicators.
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1. Camera Inputs. The 304SD accommodates up to four video channels. Use CAB GSWHC2N-XX (Where XX = Length in
Feet, e.g. GSWHC2N-15 for a 15 foot cable.
2. Sensor Connector. CAB000323, Connects to Stop Arm; Warning Lights, etc.
3. Power Connector. CAB000309, has keyed connection to eliminate incorrect installation.
4. Interactive Control Display. Optional accessory for configuration.
5. RJ45 Connection. Used when the 304SD requires a connection to an external Router/Radio.
6. GPS. Optional GPS module accessory.
7. 2G/3G. Optional Cellular accessory.
Rear View
Figure 2: Rear View
- 11 -
Mounting the System.
Installation / Environmental Requirements.
The 304-SD has an operating temperature range of -40° C to +65° C. It is good practice to ensure that the 304-SD is
mounted in an area in which acceptable temperature ranges are experienced.
Please fully read and understand the following conditions to ensure the Warranty will not be voided.
1. The 304-SD operates between 8V ~ 36V. Please ensure a regulated, consistent power source is available for the 304-
2. DO NOT remove any enclosures/covers associated with the 304-SD as this will void the warranty.
3. Remove the In-Line Power fuse prior to jump starting the vehicle.
4. Select a solid ground connection for the 304-SD.
5. Do Not use any third party accessories, unless approved by Gatekeeper Systems.
6. The 304-SD is designed for interior use only. Do not install in areas which are exposed to excessive moisture / wetness.
7. Mount 304-SD in a location which has good air-flow and is not subject to excessive heat/cold variations. Allow at least 6”
of clearance all round for effective cooling of the system.
8. Ensure that the 304-SD is mounted where it is not easily accessible by non-authorized personnel.
9. Ensure that ALL provided Split Looms are used around exposed cables. Grommets are to be used as directed by install
sheet. Failure to use provided Split Looms and Grommets will void the warranty.
10. Gatekeeper Systems provides Tek Screws with which to mount the 304-SD, these have been tested and are approved
for mounting.
Power Connection.
The supplied fuses MUST be used, failure to protect the system with the correct value fuse may lead to the warranty being
The 1AMP fuse must be installed as close as possible to the source on the Yellow Ignition wire on CAB000309
The 15AMP fuse must be installed as close as possible to the source on the Red (+12V) wire on CAB000309
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Standard Mount
Right Side Mount
Left Side Mount
Mount In Bulkhead.
Gatekeeper Systems understands that mounting the 304-SD DVR in the bulkhead above the front windshield is often
employed. As the bulkhead area is not heated or cooled it is subject to temperature extremes. In order to implement best
practices Gatekeeper Systems recommends that the 304-SD mounted in the passenger compartment that is heated and
cooled. By avoiding temperature extremes (hot and cold) the components in the 304-SD DVR will be subject to less
temperature stress.
Figure 3: Acceptable Mounting.
- 13 -
Connection Bundles.
Cable Length (Nominal)
SENSORS IN : 1- 6 (see for configuration)
16 ½ Feet
SENSORS IN : 7 – 8 (Currently not used)
8 Inches
8 Inches
SPEED + / - (not supported)
7.8 Inches
7.8 Inches
+12V OUT
7.8 Inches
232-1 (COM connection, Not Supported)
6.3 Inches
232-2 (COM connection, Not Supported)
6.3 Inches
485-3 (Connect to the Driver Alert Button)
7 Inches
485-4 (Connect to the G, Inertia, Sensor)
7 Inches
GND (A) Input (Black): Connect to the negative terminal of the battery, -12V.
Ignition (B) (Yellow): Connect to vehicle ignition. +12V signal required to activate the 304SD. Ensure that the provided 1
AMP In-Line fuse is used
Positive (C) (Red): Connect to the positive terminal of the battery, +12V. Ensure that the provided 15AMP In-Line fuse is
Table 2: CAB000323 Definitions.
Power Connector (CAB000309)
Figure 4: 304-SD Wiring, Including Optional Accessories.
Figure 5: Power Connections.
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Figure 6: Sensor Connection Example
SENSOR’S 1-6 are inputs. In the example on the
right S1 has been set up for Brakes; S2 for
Warning Lights; see Table 2 for remaining
Using the On-Screen menu go to SETUP EVENT
SENSOR, enable the required sensors for the
install, make sure the alarm switch is ON for each
required sensor. In Figure 7, only S4 “DOOR” has
been enabled.
Once Sensor’s have been set, Click SAVE.
Sensor Wire and Color
OSD Name
Warning Lights
Stop Arm
Left Turn
Right Turn
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
The 304-SD allows for up to six sensor inputs, all of which are user configurable, with Sensor 1, 2 and 3 being pre-configured
in the DVR, see table below. The wire from these Six sensor connections are approximately Five meters long.
Table 3: Sensor Definitions.
Figure 7: Sensor Setup
- 15 -
A. GND connects to Black GND on cable set 485-4 on CAB000323
B. Green, 485B, connects to Blue/White on cable set 485-4 on CAB000323
C. White, 485A, connects to Blue on cable set 485-4 on CAB000323
D. Red connects to Red +5V on cable set 485-4 on CAB000323
If the 304-SD has an Inertia, G, Sensor this can be setup
with independent values for X, Y and Z axis, these can be
set to the requirements of the individual customer. The
Inertia sensor can be tested by accessing the Check
Button, System Sensor Acceleration. With the
Inertia sensor in your hand click on the Check button (B)
as you quickly move the sensor from left to right. As the
sensor is moved the values of X, Y and Z (C) will change.
After the Inertia sensor has been installed ensure it is
enabled by selecting ON from the Drop down menu (A).
Once selected click the SAVE button.
The 304-SD can be outfitted with an optional GPS module. For optimum results it is recommended that the GPS module be
exterior mounted utilizing the magnetic base with the cable protected by a suitable grommet.
If it is not possible/practical to have the GPS module exterior mounted, the GPS module must be mounted internally with a
direct line of sight vertically skyward.
Inertia, G, Sensor.
The Inertia, G, sensor can detect acceleration of the vehicle. The Inertia sensor can monitor driver behavior: Acceleration;
deceleration and abrupt stopping. The Inertia sensor can detect X/Y/Z axis. The Inertia sensor cable connects to
CAB000323 which has two bundles of 485 wires. Always connect the G-Sensor to the 485-4 of CAB000323. The G-Sensor
connection should always be orientated towards the rear of the vehicle.
Please Note: Only mount the G-Sensor Horizontally on the vehicle floor, if not, inaccurate and/or inconsistent data may occur.
Figure 8: Inertia, G- Sensor Wiring.
Figure 9: Inertia Sensor Configuration.
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The Driver Alert Panel is connected to CAB000323.
CAB000323 has two bundles of wires labeled 485–3 and 485-4.
Connect the Driver Alert Panel to bundle 485-3.
NONE (232-1)
NONE (232-2)
NONE (485-4)
Driver Alert Button.
A Driver Alert Panel is available as an optional accessory for the 304-SD. The Driver Alert Panel must be installed using the
provide Tek screws. The Driver Alert allows for the driver of the vehicle to press the button and mark the recorded video with
an Alert. This makes searching for Alerts far faster and easier as the G4 viewer can be set to display Alarms/Alerts.
Figure 10: Driver Alert Panel.
The Driver Alert Panel requires setting up in the configuration of the 304-SD. Navigate to Advanced Peripheral Ext.Com
Setup. Select the following options:
Table 4: Driver Alert Panel Configuration.
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SD Card Reader Slot
SD Card Edge View
SD Card – Overview.
The 304-SD utilizes a SD (Secure Digital) card for the storage of Video. SD cards are very simple to use, and very reliable. The
SD cards supplied by Gatekeeper Systems have been extensively tested and are the only approved SD cards for use in the
304-SD. SD cards from Gatekeeper Systems are available in 32GB and 64GB depending upon the product purchased.
Inserting the Card Into A Reader.
Please Note: When using a SD Card from a 304-SD in a Microsoft Windows based system, you will be prompted to format
the SD Card, Click CANCEL. If you choose to format the SD Card ALL VIDEO will be deleted from the SD.
If you are using a Notebook PC, or a recently purchased desktop, your system may have been supplied with a SD card reader.
Please check the documentation that came with your computer system, or, speak with your I.T. department staff to
determine if you have an internal SD reader and how to insert the SD card into your system.
If you are using and external SD card reader it is essential that the SD Card is inserted into the reader in the correct
orientation or permanent damage may occur to the SD card, the Card reader, or both.
1. Select the slot on the reader. Please check the documentation which came with your SD Card reader as to where
the SD Card slot can be found.
2. If your personal computer has an integral reader, select the appropriate slot on that system.
3. Carefully push the card into the slot, check the orientation (Figure 11). The edge which has this profile is the edge
which must be inserted into the reader.
4. Ensure that the SD Card is fully inserted.
Figure 11: Inserting a SD card into a Reader.
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