GasSecure GS01, GS01-01A, GS01-02A User Manual

GasSecure GS01 and GS01-EA
Wireless Infrared Hydrocarbon
Gas Detector
(For firmware version 3.3)
Document ID: 112464 Contact info
Release: 9 GasSecure AS Version: 145 Hoffsveien 70 C Doc. Status: APPROVED N-0377 Oslo Last modified: 26.04.2017 Norway
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
Those who have or will have the responsibility for the operation or maintenance of this product must carefully read this manual. The product may not perform as designed if it is not used and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Please read the complete manual and particularly note the paragraphs having an exclamation mark in the margin.
This manual covers installation, operation and maintenance of the GS01 wireless hydrocarbon detector and its battery pack.
The product warranty issued by GasSecure is voided if the product is not used and maintained as described in this manual.
Please read also the safety instructions in Section 6.
GasSecure AS, all rights reserved.
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
Manufacturer GasSecure AS Country of origin Norway Models GS01, GS01-EA Gases Hydrocarbons Range Methane configuration 0 – 100% LEL Range Propane configuration 0 – 80% LEL Environmental conditions Operating temperature -30oC to +55oC Humidity 0 to 90 RH1 non-condensing Pressure influence, 700 – 1300 hPa2 0.15% of reading per hPa
(at 50% LEL) Protection classification IP 66 and IP 67 3 Storage temperature -40oC to +65oC Storage pressure 700 to 1300 hPa Electrical
RF output power GS01 12 dBm EIRP RF output power GS01-EA 16 dBm EIRP
Battery type Lithium-Thionyl Chloride Battery cells Tadiran SL-2780/S or TL-5930/S Average power 5 mW Explosion Protection II 2G Ex ib IIC T4 Gb -30oC to +55oC Intrinsic safety temperature -40oC to +65oC Gas performance temperature -30oC to +55oC
The manufacturer verified conditions are 0-100% RH and condensing.
Applies only for Methane configuration and outside the pressure range 850 – 1150 hPa: The process value (PV) must be replaced with the adjusted process value PVadj. PVadj is calc ulated by the controller with the measured atmospheric pressure as input according to
( )
, where p is the measured pressure and p0 is the standard atmospheric
pressure (101 kPa). Pressure p must be measured with +/-10 kPa accuracy.
IP ratings do not imply that the equipment will detect gas during exposure to those conditions.
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................5
1.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................5
1.2 MEASURING PRINCIP LE .............................................................................................................5
1.3 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTI O N ........................................................................................................6
1.4 BATTERY ..................................................................................................................................6
1.5 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS ...............................................................................................................6
2. INSTALLATION ..........................................................................................................................9
2.1 TOOLS .....................................................................................................................................9
2.2 MOUNTING ...............................................................................................................................9
2.3 GROUNDING ...........................................................................................................................10
2.4 SUN SHADE / WEATHER PROTECTION .......................................................................................10
2.5 EXTERNAL ANTENNA (APPLIES ONLY FOR GS01-EA) ................................................................10
3. COMMISSIONING ....................................................................................................................12
3.1 COMMUNICATION ....................................................................................................................12
3.2 ISA100 WIRELESS STANDARD .............................................................................................12
3.3 ISA100 OBJECTS ....................................................................................................................12
3.4 GS01 DATA FORMAT DETAILS ..................................................................................................14
3.5 MODIFICATION OF LEL ............................................................................................................14
3.6 COMMUNICATION MONITORING ................................................................................................15
3.7 GS01 DETECTOR PROVISIONING .............................................................................................15
3.8 MODIFICATIONS TO AN EXISTING NETWORK ..............................................................................18
3.9 VISUAL AND FUNCTIONAL CHECK .............................................................................................19
4. OPERATION .............................................................................................................................20
4.1 NORMAL OPERATION ...............................................................................................................20
4.2 PROOF TEST (VALIDATION)......................................................................................................20
5. MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................22
5.1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ..........................................................................................................22
5.2 SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ............................................................................................22
5.3 CLEANING ..............................................................................................................................23
5.4 BATTERY PACK .......................................................................................................................23
5.5 STORAGE ...............................................................................................................................26
5.6 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................26
5.7 CONTACT GASSECURE FOR SUP PORT .....................................................................................27
6. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................29
7. CERTIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS ....................................................................................30
7.1 STANDARDS ...........................................................................................................................30
7.2 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE OF RADIO FOR GS01 .....................................................................31
7.3 MARKING ...............................................................................................................................31
8. TECHNICAL DATA ..................................................................................................................35
8.1 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS ..........................................................................................35
8.2 CROSS SENSITIVITIES .............................................................................................................36
9. REFERENCES .........................................................................................................................38
10. APPENDIX ...........................................................................................................................39
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
FIGURE 1-1: GS01 DETECTOR LAYOUT................................................................................................................ 6
FIGURE 1-2: GS01 DETECTOR WITH DIMENSIONS IN [MM] ................................................................................... 7
FIGURE 1-3: GS01-EA DETECTOR WITH DIMENSIONS IN [MM] ............................................................................ 8
FIGURE 1-4: GS01 MEASURING CELL DETAILS ..................................................................................................... 8
FIGURE 2-2: GS01-EA LAYOUT WITH ANTENNA CONNECTIONS ........................................................................ 11
FIGURE 3-1: GS01 CONFIGURATOR ................................................................................................................... 17
FIGURE 5-1: BATTERY PACK W ARNING LABEL ................................................................................................... 24
FIGURE 5-2: BATTERY PACK BOTTOM VIEW ...................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 5-3: BATTERY PACK TOP AND BOTTOM ................................................................................................. 25
FIGURE 7-1: GS01 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PLATE ......................................................................................... 31
FIGURE 7-2: GS01-EA PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PLATE .................................................................................. 32
FIGURE 7-3: GS01 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PLATE FM APPROVED .............................................................. 32
FIGURE 7-4: GS01-EA PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PLATE FM APPROVED ....................................................... 32
FIGURE 7-5: FCC COMPLIANCE LABEL .............................................................................................................. 33
FIGURE 10-1: EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY FOR GS01 AND GS01-EA ................................................... 42
ABLE 2-1: PROPERTIES OF STANDARD ANTENNA CABLE FOR THE GS01-EA ................................................... 11
TABLE 3-1: ISA100 OBJECTS ............................................................................................................................ 13
TABLE 3-2: LEL VALUES IN [% VOL] ACCORDING TO IEC AND NIOSH ............................................................ 14
TABLE 3-3: PV GAS MEASUREMENT DATA INTEGRITY ...................................................................................... 15
TABLE 4-1: RECOMMENDED GAS CONCENTRATIONS FOR VALIDATION .............................................................. 21
TABLE 5-1: IMPORTANT SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR THE GS01 ......................................................... 22
TABLE 5-2: STATUS MESSAGES RETRIEVED FROM THE DIAG_STATUS ATTRIBUTE ............................................ 27
TABLE 7-1: LIST OF APPLICABLE STANDARDS FOR THE GS01 ............................................................................ 30
TABLE 8-1: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE GS01.......................................................................... 35
TABLE 8-2: LEL VALUES IN [% VOL] ACCORDING TO IEC60079-20. ................................................................ 36
TABLE 8-3: CROSS SENSITIVITIES FOR A GS01 METHANE DETECTOR. ............................................................... 36
TABLE 8-4: CROSS SENSITIVITIES FOR A GS01 PROPANE DETECTOR. ................................................................ 36
TABLE 8-5: LEL VALUES IN [% VOL] ACCORDING TO NIOSH. .......................................................................... 36
TABLE 8-6: CROSS SENSITIVITIES FOR A GS01 METHANE DETECTOR. ............................................................... 37
TABLE 8-7: CROSS SENSITIVITIES FOR A GS01 PROPANE DETECTOR. ................................................................ 37
TABLE 10-2: CONTENT OF THE DIAG_STATUS ATTRIBUTE ............................................................................ 39
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
1.1 General
The GS01 is a wireless, battery powered point detector that monitors the concentration of hydrocarbon gases. It uses a combination of two sensors:
1. An ultrasonic speed-of-sound sensor that continuously monitors changes in the ambient air composition.
2. An optical (infrared) absorption sensor that is used for accurate measurements of the hydrocarbon gas concentration.
The infrared sensor uses more power than the ultrasonic and is therefore kept in watch mode if the ultrasonic sensor does not detect any changes in the air composition. The infrared sensor applies optical MEMS (micro electromechanical system) technology to enable intermittent operation with fast start-up and measurement, and thus very low average battery consumption. The measured gas concentration is transmitted wireless using the ISA100 Wireless™ standard. This manual does not cover the wireless router or gateway and the connected control system (please refer to the list of references in Section 9 providing examples of relevant documentation). The detector is intrinsically safe, with equipment protection level Gb (Ex ib) (see Section 7) intended for use in zone 1 and 2 areas. Two models are available of this gas detector:
- GS01 with fixed antenna
- GS01-EA with extended antenna
All information in this manual for the GS01 also applies for the GS01-EA unless explicitly otherwise noted.
1.2 Measuring principle
The GS01 detector utilises infrared absorption spectroscopy. The fundament is the Beer-Lambert Law, which relates the absorption of light to the properties of the material through which the light is travelling.
The internal radiation source emits infrared radiation through a lens and a sapphire window into the measuring cell (cf. Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-4). A mirror at the opposite end of this cell returns the beam back through the sapphire window into the internal volume of the detector and onto a filter that disperses, focuses, and modulates the incident light. This filter is a patented silicon MEMS component proprietary to GasSecure. By applying a control voltage to the MEMS chip it is switched between the so­called gas state and the reference state. In the gas state a wavelength where hydrocarbons do absorb light is focused onto the detector, whereas two
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
wavelengths where hydrocarbons do not absorb are focused onto the detector in the reference state. The GS01 detector uses the same light source, light path and photodetector for both measurements. This single beam, triple wavelength detection is unique to the GS01 from GasSecure.
1.3 Instrument description
The GS01 consists of the main housing (316L stainless steel) with mounting bracket, the measuring cell, an antenna (note that the GS01-EA features an antenna connector instead), and the battery compartment (cf. Figure 1-1). Attached to the main housing are the following detachable parts:
Weather cap (Polyamide 6)
Battery cap (Polyamide 6)
Battery package (Polyamide 6)
Except for these detachable parts, the user shall not disassemble the sensor any further. When the weather cap is removed, the infrared measuring cell with the sapphire window on the main housing and the mirror at the outer end, is open and accessible for cleaning. The ultrasonic sensor is protected by a perforated steel sheet, which shall not be removed.
1.4 Battery
The GS01 may only be used with the GasSecure battery pack (Part number
10055). The battery pack is designed for two Lithium-Thionyl Chloride size D cells in series, and has a nominal output voltage of 7.2V. The battery pack has an internal charge counter. The battery pack is intrinsically safe (see Section 7).
1.5 Outline dimensions
Figure 1-1 shows the sensor buildup with an exploded drawing. Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-3 depict the GS01 and GS01-EA dimensions, respectively.
Figure 1-1: GS01 detector layout with A) Weather cap, B) Measuring cell, C) Mounting bracket, D) Antenna, E)
Stainless steel housing, F) Battery compartment, G) Battery pack, H) Battery cap
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
Figure 1-2: GS01 detector with dimensions in [mm]
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
Figure 1-3: GS01-EA detector with dimensions in [mm]
Figure 1-4: GS01 measuring cell details showing A) External mirror, B) Infrared beam path, C) Sapphire window, D)
Ultrasonic sensor with protective sheet
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
Note: The GS01 gas detector certification must comply with the legal requirements following the area classification at the installation point.
The detector shall be installed where it is most likely to detect gas in the event of a leakage.
For battery pack installation see Section 5.4. In areas with significant exposure to direct sunlight and the risk of temperatures
beyond the operating temperature range, a sunshade should be considered (see list of spare parts in Table 5-1).
2.1 Tools
The following tools are needed to install the instrument:
Open-end spanner for M8 bolts (alternatively 5/16” bolts)
Face spanner with two pins in size 75x6 (distance x pin diameter) as
optional tool to remove the battery cap
Torx screwdriver T10 for battery cell replacement (cf. Section 5.4.2)
2.2 Mounting
The detector is mounted with its long axis horizontally. For the standard GS01 make sure, to the extent possible, that the antenna is vertical (pointing up or down) and that local radio shadowing is kept at a minimum. The GS01-EA may be mounted in any horizontal orientation. Two M8 bolts (alternatively 5/16” bolts) with washers under the head are used to attach the bracket. The bolts should be spaced f rom 85 to 95 mm to easily fit the slots when mounting the detector.
The weather cap must be mounted with the arrow on the cap pointing upwards, regardless if the antenna is pointing up or down (cf. Figure 2-1). If possible, mount the GS01 with the weather cap oriented away from the prevailing wind direction.
Do not use the GS01 detector in ventilation ducts or pipes.
Do not mount the detector directly above hot or cold surfaces. If the detector is mounted inside m etallic structures or enclosures the GS01 detector with extended antenna (GS01-EA) should be considered.
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
2.3 Grounding
The detector housing must be connected to ground for operation in hazardous areas. This to avoid possible static charge build-up, which may arise from electrically isolated metal parts. Ground the detector either by mounting it on a grounded metallic structure or by connecting a grounded wire to the screw holes in the mounting bracket (cf. Figure 2-1).The resistance to ground must be less than 1 GOhm.
2.4 Sun shade / weather protection
The sunshade is available as optional accessory and recommended for locations with high ambient temperature and / or direct sunlight exposure. It may also be used as weather protection for instance in locations with frequent heavy precipitation. The shade is fixed to the gas detector bracket with the same M8 (or 5/16”) bolts, which are used for detector mounting. Make sure that the sunshade is mounted the correct way so that the detector identification plate remains visible.
Figure 2-1: Correct position of the weather cap and location of earth point. The arrow must always point up regardless of the detector orientation.
2.5 External antenna (applies only for GS01-EA)
The external antenna is connected to the detector with the antenna cable as shown in Figure 2-2. The properties of the antenna cable supplied by GasSecure are shown in Table 2-1. The GS01-EA detector is certified with the coaxial cable and the omni-directional antenna in Table 5-1. Note that the approved cable length range is 0-30 m. Do not connect any other antennas than those listed in Table 5-1. The external antenna is delivered with a bracket (refer to Reference [10] for bracket dimensions) and metal bands for easy fitting to a pole (25 – 101 mm) or
External earth point
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
similar. Make sure, to the extent possible, that the antenna is mounted vertical (pointing up or down) and that local radio shadowing is kept at a minimum. Please read also the safety instructions in Section 6.
Table 2-1: Properties of standard antenna cable for the GS01-EA
Loss/m at 2.5 GHz
Bend radius
Weight per m
Figure 2-2: GS01-EA layout with antenna connections
Omni-directional antenna N-type connector
Antenna cable
Housing N-type connector
GasSecure GS01
Hardware Manual
The GS01 detector(s) is (are) set up in a wireless sensor network with a gateway and router. The exact commissioning procedure depends on the selected type of gateway. Therefore, this manual must be used together with the relevant documentation written for the respective gateway. Some references for such documentation are provided in Section 9. On completion of commissioning, the proof test, as described in Section 4.2, should be executed to validate the correct mapping of the detector output data.
3.1 Communication
The GS01 detector complies with the ISA100 Wireless™ standard for wireless communication. Each GS01 detector must be paired with a single gateway, before it can communicate with the network. The gateway is the interface between the wireless and plant networks. It marks the transition between communications compliant to the standard and other communications, and acts as a translator between ISA100 Wireless™ and other protocols (Modbus, PROFINET, etc.). The pairing process, where the device obtains the appropriate security credentials and network-specific information, is referred to as provisioning and is explained in Section 3.7.
3.2 ISA100 Wireless™ standard
ISA100 Wireless™ is a wireless networking technology standard developed by the International Society of Automation (ISA). This ISA standard is intended to provide reliable and secure wireless operation for safety, control, and monitoring applications. This standard defines the protocol suite, system management, gateway, and security specifications for low-data-rate wireless connectivity with fixed, portable, and moving field devices supporting very limited power consumption requirements. The application focus is to address the performance needs for periodic monitoring and process control where latencies on the order of 100 ms can be tolerated with optional behaviour for shorter latency.
3.3 ISA100 objects
ISA100.11a defines a communication protocol, with an application layer that includes a simple but extensible set of input and output objects. The GS01 detector publishes the measured values and diagnostic information as ISA100 objects with attributes. It is distinguished between standard attributes and GS01 device specific attributes.
3.3.1 Standard objects
The GS01 publishes ISA100 standard objects with attributes for process value and diagnostic status as outlined in Table 3-1 below. The gas measurement value
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