Gasboy XU2A User Manual


Purpose of this Manual

This manual contains information on the installation of the Blackmer® XU2A rebuild kit as used in Gasboy This manual is written for Gasboy Authorized Service Contractors (ASCs) who will be installing the kit. It is recommended that only ASCs install this ki t.

Important Notice

Blackmer XU2A pumps must only be installed in systems which have been designed by qualified engine er ing personnel. The system mu st conf orm to all applicable local and national regulations and safety standards. All parts and required kits are listed in the Blackmer Parts List at the rear of this document. This manual MUST be kept with the pump.
self-contained products.
Gasboy UHF Pump, Blackmer® XU2A
Rebuild Kit Installation Manual
June 2004

Required Reading

Before servicing the pump, the technician must read, understand, and follow this manual . Failure to do so may adversely effect the safe use and operation of the equipment.

Related Documents

Document Number Document Name GOLD® Library
035297 Series 9800A Pump/Dispensers


The "Note" designation indicates within the manual special instructions which are very important and must be followed.
Parts List
Gasboy Commercial & Retail Pumps
MDE-4320 Gasboy UHF Pump , Blac k m er® XU2A Rebuild Kit Installatio n Ma nu al • Jun e 20 04 Page 1

Required Tools

Acronym Table

The following table contains a list of acronyms used in this manual.
5mm Allen® wrench
1/4-inch allen wrench
heavy snap ring pliers
ratchet wrench
16mm sock et
13mm or 1/2-inch socket
rubber mallet
torque wrench
Acronym Definition
ASC Authorized Service Contractors cmhg centimeter of mercury CW Clockwise CCW Counterclockwise GDP Global Dispenser Pump gpm gallons per minute inhg inch of mercury lbs pound-force lbs-in pound-inch lpm liters per minute mm millimeter N/A not applicable Nm newton-meter OIML International Organization of Legal metrology* Opt. Optional PCV Pressure Control Valve psi pounds per square inch Std Standard UHF Ultra High Flow *OIML Switch (optional) monitors air to fuel mix and is used primarily in
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Important Safety Information

This section introduces the hazards and safety precautions associated with installing, inspecting, maintaining or servicing this product. Before performing any task on this product, read this safety information and the applicable sections in this manual, where additional hazards and safety precau ti ons for your task will be found. Fire, exp los ion, electrical shock or pressure release could occur and cause death or serious injury if these safe service procedures are not followed.

Preliminary Precautions

You are working in a potentially dangerous e nvi ronment of flammable fuels, vap ors, and high voltage or pressures. Only trained or authorized individuals knowledgeable in the related procedures should install, inspect, maintain or service this equipment

Emergency Total Electrical Shut-Off

The first and most important information you must know is how to stop all fuel flow to the pump and island. Locate the switch or circuit brea kers that shu t-off all power to all fueling equipment, dispensing devices, and submerged turbine pumps (STPs).
Important Safety Information
The EMERGENCY STOP, ALL STOP, and PUMP STOP buttons at the cashier’s station WILL NOT shut off electrical power to the pump/dispenser.
This means that even if you activate these stops, fuel may continue to flow uncontrolled.
You must use the TOTAL ELECTRICAL SHUT-OFF in the ca se of a n em erg enc y and not only these cashier station “stops.”

Total Electrical Shut-Off Before Access

Any procedure requiring access to electrical components or the electronics of the dispenser requires total electrical shut-off of that unit. Know the function and location of this switch or circuit breaker before in specting, installing, maintaining, or s ervicing Gilbarco

Evacuation, Barricading and Shut-Off

Any procedures requiring accessing the pump/dispenser or STPs requires the following three actions:
An evacuation of all unauthorized persons and vehicles
Using safety tape or cones as barricades to the effected units
A total electrical shut-off of that unit and any associated STPs.
MDE-4320 Gasboy UHF Pump, Blackmer® XU2A Rebuild Kit Installation Manual June 2004 Page 3
Important Safety Information

Read the Manual

Read, understand and follow this manual and any other labels or related materials supplied with this equipment. I f y ou do not understand a procedure , ca ll a Gilbarco Authorized S erv ic e Contractor or call the Gilbarco Call Center at 1-800-800-7498. It is imperative to your safety and the safety of others to understand the procedures before beginning work.

Follow the Regulations

There is ap plicable info rmation in: NFPA 30A: Automotive and Marine Service Code; NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (NEC); OSHA regulations; and federal, state, and local codes which must be followed. Failure to install, inspect, maintain or service this equipment in accordanc e with these codes, regul ations and sta ndards may lead to legal citations with penalties or affect the safe use and operation of the equipment.

Replacement Parts

Use only genuine Gilbarco replacement parts and retrofit kits on your pump/dispenser. Using parts other than genuine Gilbarco replacement parts could create a safety hazard and violate local regulations.

Safety Symbols and Warning Words

This section provides important information about warning symbols and boxes.

Alert Symbol

This safety alert symbol is used in this manual and on warning labels to alert you to a precaution which must be followed to prevent potential personal safety hazards. Obey safety directives that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.

Signal Words

These signal words used in this manual and on warning labels tell you the seriousness of particular safety hazards. The precautions that follow must be followed to prevent death, injury or damage to the equipment
DANGER - This signal word is used to al ert you to a haza rd to uns afe pract ice whic h will
result in death or serious injury
WARNING - This alerts you to a hazard or unsafe practice that could result in death or
serious injury.
CAUTION with Alert symbol - This signal word designates a hazard or unsafe practice
which may re sult in minor injury.
CAUTION without Alert symbol - When used by itself, CAUTION designates a hazard
or unsafe practice which may result in property or equipment damage.

Prevent Explosions and Fires

Fuels and their vapors will become explosive if ignited. Spilled or leaking fuels cause vapors. Even filling customer tanks will cause explosive vapors in the vicinity of dispenser or island.
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Important Safety Information

No Open Flames

Open flames from matches , l i ght ers , we ldi ng torches or other sources can ignite fuels
and their vapors.

No Sparks - No Smoking

Sparks from starting ve hicl es, sta rting or usi ng power tool s, burni ng cig arett es, ci gars or pipes can also ignite fuels and their vapors. Static electricity, including an electrostatic charge on your body, can cause a spark suffic ient t o ignite fuels and their vapors. Afte r getting out of a vehicle, touch the metal of your vehicle to discharge any electrostatic charge before you approach the dispenser island.
Working Alone It is highly recommended th at someone who is capabl e of render ing fi rst aid be present during servicing. Be f amili ar with Car diopulmonar y Resusc itat ion ( CPR) met hods i f yo u are worki ng with or around high voltages. This information is available from the American Red Cross. Always advise the st ation perso nnel a bout whe re you will be wor kin g, and c autio n them not to activate power while you are working on the equipment. Use the OSHA tag out and lock out procedures. If you are no t familiar with this requirement, refer to information in the service manual and OSHA documentation.

Working With Fuel Safely

Be sure to follow information in this manual, related materials and approved industry standard practices in handling fuel and fueling equipment.

Protect Your Eyes

Spraying fuel from residual pressure in lines can cause serious eye injuries. Always wear eye protection. Gasoline spilled in eyes may cause burns to eye tissue. Rinse eyes with water for approximately 15 minutes. Seek medical advice immediately. It is not necessary to wear eye protection unless performing hydraulic service.

Use Proper Fuel Handling Techniques

Be sure breakaways, shear valves and other emergency devices are properly installed. Refer to manufacturers instructions for proper installation.
Collect, transport and dispose fuel only in approved containers specifically designed for this purpose.
Before working with any chemicals or fuels in and around a dispensing facility, read the MSDS pertaining to those chemicals as prescribed in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. Refer to the suppliers literature.
MDE-4320 Gasboy UHF Pump, Blackmer® XU2A Rebuild Kit Installation Manual June 2004 Page 5
Important Safety Information

Hydraulic Pressure Releases and Fuel Leakage

Working on hydraulic systems can result in leakage of fuel that may also be under pressure.
grades of fuel, and all associated STPs.
Do not allow unauthorized or untrained individuals to service hydraulic equipment.
Shear valves, require d by NFPA 30A, are inten ded t o s hut -off the flow of fuel at the dispenser base (hydraulics area ) during vehicl e impact or fir es. A single-poppe t shear valve pr events fuel from flowing from the underground tank. A double-poppet shear valve prevents fuel from flowing from the underground tank and from the dispenser.

React Quickly to Fuel Spills, Fires or Vehicle Impact

Follow these steps in th e event of a fuel spill, fire, or vehicle impact.
Turn off all circuit breakers for unit being worked on, all dispensers using the same
1 Use station EMERGENCY TOTAL ELECTRICAL SHUT-OFF immediately. Turn off all
system circuit breakers to the island. Refer to
page 3 for more information.
2 Call emergency numbers for fires, vehicle impact or any significant spills.
3 Use safety tape, cones or barricades to block the work area. Do not go near fuel spill or allow
anyone else in the area.
4 Take precautions to avoid igniting fuel. Do not allow starting of vehicles in the area and
immediately stop use of open flames, smoking or power tools in the area.
5 Provide emerge ncy and f irst aid a ssistanc e. If a ny g asoli ne has b een inh aled or spil led on s kin,
seek emergency help immediately.
6 Use approved and safe procedures to clean up all spills with a fuel or gasoline absorbent
material approved b y your local r egulator y agenci es. (Dispo se of f uel and h azardous absorb ent material promptly and according to the requirements of the fire department, local EPA, and federal, state or local resources.)

Working With Electricity Safely

Be sure to use safe and established practices in working with electrical devices. Poorly wired devices may cause a fire, explosion or electrical shock.
Be sure grounding connections are properly made.
Make sure that sealing devices and compounds are in place.
Be sure not to pinch wire s when repla cing covers
Follow OSHA Lock-Out and Tag-Out requirements. Station employees and service
contractors need to understand and comply with this program completely to ensure safety while the equipment is down.
T otal Electrical Shut-Off Before Access on
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Hazardous Materials

Some materials prese nt inside e lectroni c enclosur es may pre sent a heal th hazard i f not handl ed correctly. Be sure to clean hands after handling equipment. Do not place any equipment in mouth.
This area contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.
This area contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.

Emergency First Aid Infor mation

Gasoline ingested may cause unconsciousness and burns to internal organs. Do not induce vomiting. Keep airway open. Oxygen may be needed at scene. Seek medical advice immediately.
Important Safety Information
Gasoline inhaled may cause unconsciousness and burns to lips, mouth and lungs. Keep airway open. Seek medical advice immediately.
Gasoline spilled in eyes may cause burns to eye tissue. Irrigate eyes with water for approximately 15 minutes. Seek medical advice immediately
Gasoline spilled on skin may cause burns. Wash area thoroughly with clear/water. Seek medical advice immedi ately.
MDE-4320 Gasboy UHF Pump, Blackmer® XU2A Rebuild Kit Installation Manual June 2004 Page 7
Important Safety Information

Informing Emergency Personnel

Compile the following information for emergency personnel:
Location of accident (e.g. address, front/back of building, etc.)
Nature of accident (e.g. possible heart attack, run over by car, burns, etc.)
Age of victim (e.g. baby, teenager, middle-age, elderly)
Whether or not victim has received first aid (e.g. stopped bleeding by pressure, etc.)
Whether or not victim has vomited (e.g. if swallowed or inhaled something, etc.)
IMPORTANT: Oxygen may be needed at scene i f gasoli ne has b een ingest ed or inha led. Seek medical advice immediately.
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