Gasboy SiteOmat User Manual

This document is based on Orpak’s SiteOmat In-House Station Controller
SiteOmat In-House Station Controller
This manual supports released version 6.4.45
manual P/N 817423751
Read all warning no tes and instructions carefully. They are included to help y ou installing the Produc t safely in the highly flammable env ironment of the fuel st ation. Disregarding these warning notes and instructions could result in serious injury or property damage. It is the installer responsibility to install, operate and maintain the equipment a ccording to the instructi ons given in this manual, a nd to conform to all applicable codes, regulations and safety measures. Failure to do so could void all warranties associated with this equipment.
Remember that the fuel station environment is highly flammable and combustible. Therefore, make sure that actual installation is performed by experienc ed personnel, licensed to perform work in fuel station and at a flammable environment, according to the local regulations and relevant standards.
Use separate conduit for the intrinsically safe. Do not run any other wires or cables through this conduit, because this could create an explosion hazard. Use standard test equipment only in the non- ha z ardous area of the fuel station, and approved test equipment for the hazardous areas. In the installation and maintenance of the Pro duc t, comply with all applicable re qui r ements of the National Fire Protection Association NFPA-30 “Flammable and C ombustible Liquids Code” , NFPA-30A “Automotive and Marine Servic e Station Code”, NFPA-70 “National Electric Code”, federal, state and local codes and any other applicable safety codes and regulations. Do not perform metal work in a hazardous area. Sparks generated by drilling, tapping and other metal work operations could ignit e fuel vapors and flammable l iquids, resulting in death, serious personal injury, property loss and damage to you and other persons.
Dangerous AC voltages that could cause death or serious personal injury are used to power the Product. Always disconnect power before starting any work. The Product has more tha n one power supply co nne c tion points. Disconnect all power before servicing.
When working in any open area of fuel station, beware of passing vehicles that could hit you. Block off the work area to protect yourself and other persons. Use safety cones or other signaling devices.
Components substitut i ons could impair intrinsic safety.
Attaching unauthoriz e d c omponents or equipment will void your war r anties.
Do not attempt to make any repair on the printed circ uit boards residing in t he Product, as this will void all warranties related to this equipment.
This document contains propriety and confidenti al information. It is the prope r ty of ORPAK SYSTEMS Ltd. It may not be disclosed or reproduced in who le or in part without writt en consent of ORPAK SYSTEMS. The information in this document is current as of the date o f its publication, but is subject to change without no tice.
This document is provided for reference only. Although every effort has been made to ensure correctness, ORPAK SYSTEMS does not guarantee that there are no errors or omissions in this document.
FCC Compliance Statement
The FCC Wants You to Kno w: This equipment has been t ested and found to comply with the limits for a Cla ss B & C digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the i nst ructions, may cause harmfu l interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o ff and on, the user is encouraged to try to co r rect the interference by one or more of the following measures : a) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. b) Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. c) Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. d) Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician.
FCC Warning
Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user authori ty to operate the equipment under FCC Rules.
This document is the prop erty of: ORPAK Systems Ltd. ISRAEL
1-1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 11
1-2. SITEOMAT ........................................................................................................................ 12
1-2.1. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 12
1-2.2. Interfaces ........................................................................................................................ 12
1-2.3. Internal Communication Alternatives ............................................................................ 14
1-2.4. External Communication Alternatives ........................................................................... 14
1-2.5. Data Access Methods ..................................................................................................... 14
1-3. ORCU ................................................................................................................................. 14
1-4. SYSTEM WORKFLOW – EXAMPLES ........................................................................... 16
1-4.1. General ........................................................................................................................... 16
1-4.2. Refueling Scenario with FuelPoint PLUS ..................................................................... 16
1-4.3. Refueling Scenario with Magnetic Cards ...................................................................... 16
1-4.4. Refueling Scenario with 2 devices (2 stage authorization) ............................................ 16
1-5. MANUAL STRUCTURE .................................................................................................. 17
1-6. USING THIS MANUAL .................................................................................................... 18
1-7. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 19
2-1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 20
2-2. TERMINOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 20
2-3. COMMON ACTIONS ........................................................................................................ 21
2-3.1. Selecting a Row in a Grid .............................................................................................. 21
2-3.2. Sorting a Grid ................................................................................................................. 22
3-1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 23
3-2. SITEOMAT STARTUP ..................................................................................................... 23
3-3. LOGIN ................................................................................................................................ 24
3-4. NAVIGATING THROUGH THE SITEOMAT ................................................................ 25
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4-1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 28
4-2. STATION MONITORING ................................................................................................. 28
4-3. PUMP STATUS .................................................................................................................. 29
4-3.1. Pump Status Window Elements ..................................................................................... 29
4-3.1.1. Pump Heads Gauge ................................................................................................... 30
4-3.1.2. Pump Head On-Line Data ......................................................................................... 30
4-3.1.3. Fueling Transactions History Log ............................................................................. 32
4-4. REFUELING THROUGH SCREENS ............................................................................... 33
4-4.1. Starting Refueling .......................................................................................................... 33
4-4.2. Stopping Refueling ......................................................................................................... 34
4-5. TANK STATUS ................................................................................................................. 36
4-5.1. Tank Status Window Elements ...................................................................................... 36
4-5.1.1. Tanks Gauge .............................................................................................................. 37
4-5.1.2. Tank Head On-Line Data .......................................................................................... 37
4-5.1.3. Fuel Tank Transactions History Log ......................................................................... 38
4-6. ORPT STATUS .................................................................................................................. 39
4-7. DEVICE STATUS .............................................................................................................. 40
5-1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 41
5-2. LOCAL MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW ........................................................................... 41
5-2.1. Devices Definition.......................................................................................................... 41
5-2.2. Workflow ....................................................................................................................... 42
5-3. DEFINING VEHICLE MODELS ...................................................................................... 42
5-3.1. General ........................................................................................................................... 42
5-3.2. Vehicle Models Screen................................................................................................... 42
5-3.3. Defining a New Model ................................................................................................... 43
5-3.4. Modifying a Model Properties ....................................................................................... 45
5-3.5. Deleting a Model ............................................................................................................ 45
5-4. DEFINING RULES ............................................................................................................ 46
5-4.1. Creating a New Rule ...................................................................................................... 47
5-4.1.1. Time Range Rule ....................................................................................................... 48
5-4.1.2. Limits Rule ................................................................................................................ 50
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Visits Rule ................................................................................................................. 52
5-4.1.4. Fuel Rule ................................................................................................................... 53
5-4.2. Rule Properties ............................................................................................................... 54
5-4.3. Deleting a Rule .............................................................................................................. 54
5-5. CREATING GROUP RULES ............................................................................................ 55
5-5.1. Creating a New Group Rule ........................................................................................... 55
5-5.2. Group Rules Properties .................................................................................................. 57
5-5.3. Deleting a Group Rule ................................................................................................... 57
5-6. FLEET MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................. 58
5-6.1. Creating a New Fleet ..................................................................................................... 58
5-6.2. New Fleet – General Tab ............................................................................................... 59
5-6.3. New Fleet – Information Tab ......................................................................................... 60
5-6.4. New Fleet – Account Tab .............................................................................................. 60
5-6.5. New Fleet – Validation Tab ........................................................................................... 62
5-6.6. Fleet Functional Buttons ................................................................................................ 63
5-6.6.1. Changing a Fleet's Status (Active/Block) ................................................................. 63
5-6.6.2. Fleet Properties .......................................................................................................... 64
5-6.6.3. Deleting a Fleet ......................................................................................................... 64
5-6.6.4. Finding a Fleet ........................................................................................................... 64
5-6.6.5. History of a Fleet ....................................................................................................... 65
5-6.7. Saving a Fleet Definition ............................................................................................... 66
5-7. DEPARTMENTS MANAGEMENT ................................................................................. 66
5-7.1. Displaying the Departments List Dialog Box ................................................................ 67
5-7.2. Adding a New Department ............................................................................................ 67
5-7.3. New Department –General Tab ..................................................................................... 67
5-7.4. New Department – Information Tab .............................................................................. 68
5-7.5. New Department – Validation Tab ................................................................................ 69
5-7.6. Department Functional Buttons ..................................................................................... 69
5-7.6.1. Changing a Department's Status (Active/Block) ....................................................... 70
5-7.6.2. Department Properties ............................................................................................... 70
5-7.6.3. Deleting a Department .............................................................................................. 70
5-7.6.4. Finding a Department ................................................................................................ 71
5-8. DEVICES MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................. 72
5-8.1. Creating a New Device .................................................................................................. 73
5-8.1.1. New Device – General Tab ....................................................................................... 73
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New Device – Information Tab ................................................................................. 74
5-8.1.3. New Device – Validation Tab ................................................................................... 77
5-8.1.4. New Device – Format Tab ........................................................................................ 79
5-8.1.5. New Device – Two Stage Tab ................................................................................... 81
5-8.2. Device Properties ........................................................................................................... 82
5-8.3. Deleting a Device ........................................................................................................... 82
5-8.4. Changing a Device's Status ............................................................................................ 83
5-8.5. Importing Device Data ................................................................................................... 83
5-8.6. Exporting Devices Data ................................................................................................. 84
5-8.7. Printing Devices Report ................................................................................................. 84
5-8.8. Clearing the Device Filters ............................................................................................. 85
5-8.9. Gasboy Magnetic Cards Format ..................................................................................... 85
6-1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 86
6-2. PRICE UPDATE TAB ....................................................................................................... 86
6-2.1. Edit Product .................................................................................................................... 87
6-2.2. Price History ................................................................................................................... 88
6-2.3. Price Lists ....................................................................................................................... 88
6-2.3.1. General ...................................................................................................................... 88
6-2.3.2. Setup .......................................................................................................................... 89
6-3. DELIVERY TAB ................................................................................................................ 91
6-4. INVENTORY TAB ............................................................................................................ 96
6-5. RECONCILIATION TAB .................................................................................................. 98
6-6. TRANSACTION RECONCILIATION TAB ..................................................................... 99
6-7. MANUAL TOTALIZER ENTRY ...................................................................................... 100
7-1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 104
7-2. CUSTOM REPORTS ......................................................................................................... 105
7-2.1. Report Header ................................................................................................................ 105
7-2.2. Rows in Reports ............................................................................................................. 106
7-2.3. Report Criteria ................................................................................................................ 106
7-2.4. Multi Select .................................................................................................................... 108
7-2.5. Template Options ........................................................................................................... 109
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Report Structure Options ............................................................................................... 109
7-2.7. Functional Buttons ......................................................................................................... 109
7-2.8. Custom Report Production Example.............................................................................. 110
7-3. EXPORT SCREEN ............................................................................................................ 111
7-3.1. Defining Templates ........................................................................................................ 111
7-3.2. Setting Export Range ..................................................................................................... 119
7-3.3. Scheduling Automatic Exports ...................................................................................... 119
7-3.4. Executing Manual Exports ............................................................................................. 120
8-1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 121
8-2. EVENT VIEWER ............................................................................................................... 121
8-3. LOG VIEWER .................................................................................................................... 122
8-4. ALARMS SCREEN ........................................................................................................... 124
9-1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 126
9-2. BASIC PAYMENT MODES FOR SITEOMAT INHOUSE ............................................. 126
9-2.1. Payment Means and Terminal ....................................................................................... 126
9-2.2. Detailed Scenarios ......................................................................................................... 127
9-2.2.1. Fuel Ring only scenario ............................................................................................. 127
9-2.2.2. Fuel Ring Transactions Options ................................................................................ 127
9-2.2.3. OrTR - Tag reader scenario (Without swipe) ............................................................ 128
9-2.2.4. OrTR (Orpak tag reade r) S cenari o ............................................................................ 129
9-2.2.5. OrPT Scenarios ......................................................................................................... 130
9-2.2.6. Active Keys & Devices for PIN Authorization: ........................................................ 131
9-2.2.7. Active Keys & Devices for Pump Number Entry ..................................................... 132
9-2.2.8. Printing rules for all scenarios ................................................................................... 132
10-1. SITEOMAT GLOSSARY .................................................................................................. 133
10-2. COMMUNICATION GLOSSARY ................................................................................... 134
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A-1. ACCESSING FROM WEB .................................................................................................... 136
A-1.1. Pop ups Blockers ................................................................................................................. 136
A-1.2. Removing Full URL Display ............................................................................................... 142
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Figure 1-1 – Islander PLUS in Home Base Station - General Configuration Diagram .................... 13
Figure 1-2 - OrCU - General View .................................................................................................... 15
Figure 2-1. Selecting a Row in a Grid .............................................................................................. 22
Figure 3-1. SiteOmat Login Dialog Box .......................................................................................... 24
Figure 3-2. Updating Data Message .................................................................................................. 25
Figure 3-3. SiteOmat Opening Screen .............................................................................................. 27
Figure 4-1. Status – Pumps Screen ................................................................................................... 28
Figure 4-2. Station Monitoring – Pump Status View ....................................................................... 29
Figure 4-3. Start Refueling Confirmation Message.......................................................................... 33
Figure 4-4. Pump Busy Message ...................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4-5. Authorize Pump Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 34
Figure 4-6. Money Limit Confirmation Message ............................................................................. 34
Figure 4-7. Volume Limit Confirmation Message ........................................................................... 34
Figure 4-8. Close All Pumps Confirmation Message ....................................................................... 35
Figure 4-9. Station - Tanks Screen ................................................................................................... 36
Figure 4-10. Station Monitoring – OrPT Status View ..................................................................... 39
Figure 4-11. Status– Devices Screen ................................................................................................ 40
Figure 5-1. Local Management Models Main Screen ...................................................................... 43
Figure 5-2. Model Properties Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 44
Figure 5-3. Rules Main Screen ......................................................................................................... 47
Figure 5-4. Rule Properties Screen ................................................................................................... 48
Figure 5-5. Time Range Rule Detail Tab ......................................................................................... 49
Figure 5-6. Rule Time Range Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 50
Figure 5-7. Limits Rule Detail Tab .................................................................................................. 51
Figure 5-8. Visits Rule Detail Tab ................................................................................................... 52
Figure 5-9. Fuel Rule Detail Tab ...................................................................................................... 53
Figure 5-10. Group Rules Screen ..................................................................................................... 55
Figure 5-11. Group Rule Properties – General Tab.......................................................................... 56
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Figure 5-12. Group Rule Properties – Detail Tab ............................................................................. 57
Figure 5-13. Local Management Fleets Screen ................................................................................ 58
Figure 5-14. Fleet Properties Dialog Box – General Tab ................................................................. 59
Figure 5-15. Fleet Properties – Information Tab ............................................................................... 60
Figure 5-16. Fleet Properties Screen – Account Tab ........................................................................ 61
Figure 5-17. Fleet Properties – Account Tab - Wrong Value Message ............................................ 62
Figure 5-18. Fleet Properties – Validation Tab ................................................................................. 63
Figure 5-19. Deleting a Fleet– Departments Delete Warning Message ........................................... 64
Figure 5-20. Find Fleet Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 65
Figure 5-21. Fleet History Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 66
Figure 5-22. Department Definition – Error Message ...................................................................... 66
Figure 5-23. Departments Dialog Box .............................................................................................. 67
Figure 5-24. Department Properties Dialog Box – General Tab ....................................................... 68
Figure 5-25. Department Properties Dialog Box – Information Tab ................................................. 69
Figure 5-26. Finding a Department................................................................................................... 71
Figure 5-27. Devices Screen ............................................................................................................. 72
Figure 5-28. Device Properties Screen – General Tab ..................................................................... 73
Figure 5-29. Device Properties Screen – Information Tab ............................................................... 74
Figure 5-30. Device Properties Screen – Employee Device Information Tab ................................. 76
Figure 5-31. Devices Properties Screen – Validation Tab ................................................................. 77
Figure 5-32. Validation Prompt Including Pump Number ................................................................ 78
Figure 5-33. Device Properties Screen – Format Tab ...................................................................... 81
Figure 5-34. Device Properties Screen – Two Stage Tab ................................................................. 82
Figure 5-35. Delete Device Approval Message ................................................................................ 83
Figure 5-36. Import Device Data ...................................................................................................... 84
Figure 5-37. Devices Report - Example ........................................................................................... 84
Figure 6-1 Wet Stock Management Screen – P ri ce Upd ate .............................................................. 86
Figure 6-2. Setup Fuel Products Dialog Box ..................................................................................... 88
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Figure 6-3. Price History Window ................................................................................................... 88
Figure 6-4. Wet Price Lists Dialog Box ........................................................................................... 90
Figure 6-5. Delivery Screen ............................................................................................................. 92
Figure 6-6. Wet Delivery Details Dialog Box .................................................................................. 93
Figure 6-7. Wet Delivery Detailed Data Entry Using Manual Source ............................................. 94
Figure 6-8. Wet Delivery TLG Reading Dialog Box ....................................................................... 95
Figure 6-9. Wet Delivery Detailed Data Screen Based on TLG Reading ......................................... 96
Figure 6-10. Inventory Screen .......................................................................................................... 97
Figure 6-11. Wet Inventory Dialog Box ........................................................................................... 97
Figure 6-12. Reconciliation Screen .................................................................................................. 99
Figure 6-13. Transaction Reconciliation Window ......................................................................... 100
Figure 6-14. Manual Totalizer Entry Screen .................................................................................. 101
Figure 7-1. Custom Report Screen ................................................................................................. 105
Figure 7-2. Multi Select Box .......................................................................................................... 109
Figure 7-3. Custom Report (Typical) ............................................................................................. 110
Figure 7-4. Reports – Export Transactions Screen ......................................................................... 111
Figure 7-5. Reports - Export Transactions Dialog Box .................................................................. 112
Figure 7-6. Fleet List Dialog Box ................................................................................................... 113
Figure 7-7. Station List Dialog Box ............................................................................................... 114
Figure 7-8. Export – Automatic Export Transaction Dialog Box .................................................. 119
Figure 8-1. Event Viewer ............................................................................................................... 122
Figure 8-2. History Login Logs Viewer ......................................................................................... 123
Figure 8-3. History Reports Logs Viewer ...................................................................................... 123
Figure 8-4. Alarm Screen ................................................................................................................ 124
Figure 8-5. Alarm Comment Entry Screen ...................................................................................... 125
Figure 8-6. Alarm Already Acknowledge Message ....................................................................... 125
Figure 8-7. Alarm will be Ended and Acknowledged Message ..................................................... 125
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Table 2-1. Common Terms ............................................................................................................... 20
Table 3-1. Navigation Bar Buttons .................................................................................................... 25
Table 4-1. Fueling Transactions History Log Fields ........................................................................ 32
Table 4-2. Fuel Tank Transactions History Log Fields .................................................................... 38
Table 4-3. Devices Status ................................................................................................................. 40
Table 5-1. Model Properties Fields.................................................................................................... 44
Table 5-2. Devices ............................................................................................................................. 79
Table 6-1. Wet Delivery Details Fields ............................................................................................. 93
Table 6-2. Wet Delivery Detailed Data Fields .................................................................................. 95
Table 7-1. Custom Report Fields .................................................................................................... 106
Table 7-2. Export Fields .................................................................................................................. 114
Table 7-3. Export Field Formats ...................................................................................................... 118
Table 9-1. Station Configuration for Payment Means ..................................................................... 126
Table 9-2. Active Keys for PIN Authorization ................................................................................ 131
Table 9-3. Active Keys for Pump Number Entry ............................................................................ 132
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This manual describes the web-based software application of the SiteOmat In House Station Controller, which is a part of the FuelPoint PLUS system, including the usage of the various features offered by the application, such as real-time gas station monitoring, data reporting, fleet and vehicle management, fueling restriction setting and more.
This manual is targeted toward any authorized user of the SiteOmat Station Controller’s web-based application (i.e. gas station managers, gas company managers, fleet owners). For technical information regarding the SiteOmat Station Controller installation and setup, please refer to the SiteOmat Station Controller Setup and maintenance Manual - MDE-4817.
SiteOmat software can be installed in the following Island Controllers:
Islander PLUS - A self-contained pedestal that provides a complete island solution in a
forecourt compatible and weather-resistant cabinet. Islander PLUS is equipped with the OrPT, a Payment Panel with an alphanumeric LCD (graphic LCD, optional) and a keyboard to interface with the client. This enables the Islander PLUS to support all common refueling identification devices such as: Vehicle/Driver Identification/FuelPoint PLUS Unit , FuelPoint PLUS, magnetic cards, contact-less RFID tags, keypad entry and others
CFN PLUS - A sealed wall-mount, complete station automation
system in one compact, durable box for internal or external installations. It interfaces with the forecourt devices, including dispensers, Tank Level Gauge (TLG), payment terminals and Nozzle Readers (for optional vehicle identification)
Fuel Truck Controller - A sealed, metal box installed on mobile
tanker trucks, Fuel Truck Controller has been especially designed to address the heavy or stationary equipment refueling needs at the site. Fuel Truck Controller is connected to the nozzle equipment on the tanker truck and controls the tanker's electric valve. The heavy or stationary equipment is identified by the Fuel Ring (Vehicle Identification Unit) component of FuelPoint PLUS or a driver contactless Tag
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1-2. SITEOMAT 1-2.1. Overview

Island Controllers are innovative products that enable refueling in Home Base Fueling Stations for fleets' authorized vehicles or drivers. They electronically lock all dispensers and pumps thereby ensuring that only appropriately authorized vehicles and personnel receive the required fuel. These fuel control and data acquisition systems also ensures accurate recording of each transaction (see Figure 1-1).
The heart of the Home Base Station solution is the SiteOmat automation software. SiteOmat runs on an embedded operating system on the OrCU. This controller uses a solid state Flash disk and RTC (Real Time Clock) with back-up, along with surge suppressors for transient and noise immunity. It also includes power fail recovery mechanisms.
SiteOmat ensures accurate recording of each transaction. The dispenser is authorized to refuel after a positive identification of the vehicle or the driver. All transaction information, including the vehicle’s odometer or engine hour, is automatically recorded. A combined vehicle and driver identification is also possible for a tight tracking.
SiteOmat features a comprehensive set of setup screens for easy and fast configuration and modification in accordance with the client’s changing needs.

1-2.2. Interfaces

SiteOmat Station Controller provides the following operational features for a comprehensive Home Base Station management:
Supports over 50 different types of dispensers
Advanced electronic support of electronic and mechanical dispensers
Tank Level Gauging System (TLG) available for several brands
Outdoor Payment Terminal and printer (OrPT)
Contactless Tag Reader (OrTR)
Vehicle Identification Terminals (Wireless Gateway)
Support of large variety of communication links: cellular dial-in modem, VPN, satellite,
ADSL and more
Interface to Head Office Systems - The system has an interface for authorization and
for sending transaction to 3rd party head office/ SiteOmat Fleet Head Office using a single export format (Web Services).
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Figure 1-1 – Islander PLUS in Home Base Station - General Configuration Diagram
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1-2.3. Internal Communication Alternatives

OrCU can communicate with the other modules in the Island Controller system over: a. TCP/IP Ethernet over CAT5e wires (some modules require the CommVerter Module as the
b. RS-485 links (segmentation to several links is available) c. 8 Port CommVerter system

1-2.4. External Communication Alternatives

Communication with external management and data processing systems, for reports and clearinghouse, can be provided by:
a. Direct - Ethernet or RS-232 b. ADSL/ISDN Modem c. Dial-Up Modem (not recommended) d. GPRS, Cellular modem.

1-2.5. Data Access Methods

OrCU is a web server over an SQL transaction database. It uses a secured link with several levels of authentication. Logging into the SiteOmat is done with a standard browser from any PC and a static IP address. Data is available in real time using pre-defined active forms.
Real-time data is available via an on-line connection, a dedicated line or Internet/Intranet (Secured) link. The Station Controller system with SiteOmat enables real-time monitoring of a vehicle refueling process including Volume, Price and all vehicle details.
The SiteOmat Station Controller supports exporting (transactions) and importing (Negative/Positive lists) data using a pre-defined format.

1-3. ORCU

Orpak Controller Unit (OrCU) is a complete forecourt controller with its own embedded operating system (see Figure 1-2). The unit consists of an embedded hardware platform with a solid state Flash hard disk, Real Time Clock (RTC) with back up, along with surge suppressors for transient and noise immunity. It also includes power fail recovery mechanisms.
OrCU features two separate and isolated networks (TCP/I P over Ether net) . One network l inks the Islander PLUS syste m componen ts. The sec o nd ne t wor k is in tende d for external remote communication (Head Office, 3rd party systems). This network is protecte d b y SSL security.
OrCU includes a Security Access Module (SAM) for enhanced data protection and safe security key storage (Triple DES encry ptio n). OrCU includes a built-in server for Web access through Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher.
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OrCU includes the following communication ports:
LAN 1 / LAN 2 for TCP/IP over Ethernet
RS-232 ( DB9-female ) for serial communication
The other ports (CAN, USB) are currently not in use
This note is relevant for the Islander PLUS system only:
The connection (RS-485) to the optional printer is done through the OrPT device. OrPT is connected to the OrCU via LAN.
Figure 1-2 - OrCU - General View
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1-4. SYSTEM WORKFLOW – EXAMPLES 1-4.1. General

This section provides examples of different operational workflow, refueling, scenarios for self­service at the Home Base Station. These examples are a function of the payment and transaction devices available in each Station Controller system.

1-4.2. Refueling Scenario with FuelPoint PLUS

A motorist stops for fuel at the station. His authorization device for the fueling transaction is a vehicle identification unit (VIU) mounted in his car. The client lifts the nozzle and inserts it into the car’s fuel inlet.
The VIU information is automatically read and sent to the Site Controller (OrCU) for authentication and approval. Upon approval the fueling transaction starts, once refueling is completed, the motorist replaces the nozzle back to pump. At this point the transaction data is kept internally. Data is periodically transferred to the Fleet Head Office (FHO) for future billing.

1-4.3. Refueling Scenario with Magnetic Cards

A motorist stops for fuel at the station. His authorization device for the fueling transaction is a magnetic card. The client swipes the card through the magnetic card reader on the payment terminal.
The magnetic card information is read and sent to the Site Controller (OrCU) for authentication and approval. The client lifts the nozzle and inserts it into the car’s fuel inlet. Upon approval, the fueling transaction starts, once the refueling is completed, the motorist replaces the nozzle back to the pump. At this point the transaction data is kept internally. Data is periodically transferred to the Fleet Head Office (FHO) for future billing.
During the authorization process the motorist may be prompted to enter more data to the transaction (PIN code, Odometer, Vehicle No., Etc.). This is done by manually entering the information using the payment terminal keypad.

1-4.4. Refueling Scenario with 2 devices (2 stage authorization)

A motorist stops for refueling at the gas station. His authorization devices for the refueling transaction include any two devices. One represents the vehicle and the other represent the driver (e.g. two cards, two tags, card and tag, card and manual entry, etc.). The refueling scenario for each device is the same as with magnetic cards (see above). For each device, the motorist may be requested to add more relevant data to the transaction (PIN for the driver, Odometer recording for the vehicle, etc.). The OrCU opens the dispenser for refueling only after successful authorization of the two devices.
For all options above, the motorist may print a transaction ticket from the Islander PLUS printer (optional).
SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818


This manual comprises of the following sections: Section 1: General Description This section provides a general description of the FuelPoint PLUS system in general, and the
SiteOmat Station Controller in particular. Section 2: Common Functional Principles
This section explains generic principles, which the user must be familiar with for proper operation of the SiteOmat Station Controller application, and which will not be detailed in each occurrence.
Section 3: Getting Started This section provides initial instructions needed for the user to start using the SiteOmat Station
Controller, namely application launch, login and general orientation of the application. This section gives references to the following sections, which discuss the different operative parts of the SiteOmat Station Controller.
Section 4: Monitoring Station Status This section provides instructions for monitoring the gas station in real-time using the SiteOmat
Station Controller application. The SiteOmat Station Controller is connected to all FuelPoint PLUS modules in the gas station, and receives on-line fueling information and status from each of the pumps deployed in the gas station.
Section 5: Local Management This section provides instructions for managing the fleets, devices, rules, group rules and models in
the SiteOmat Station Controller database, as well as setting limits for each vehicle per day, week, month and year.
Section 6: Wet Stock Management This section provides instructions for adding, controlling, tracking and updating the price of a
product in all pumps and nozzles. Section 7: Producing Reports
This section provides instructions for generating data reports using the SiteOmat Station Controller application.
Section 8: Events This section provides all the events that occurred during the operation, history of login events and
reports history logs. Section 9: Scenario in Basic Payment Modes
This section explains the basic payment modes for SiteOmat In-house. Section 10: Glossary This section provides a glossary of abbreviation used in the FuelPoint PLUS manuals. Appendix A: General Guide for Web Client User
SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818
This appendix provides instructions to enhance the connection from a web client to the SiteOmat application.


This manual includes comments planted along the text, in order to draw the reader’s attention to important issues. The comments are accompanied by symbols for ease of reference. The following comment types are used:
An operating procedure, practice, et cetera, which if not correctly followed, could result in injury or loss of life.
An operating procedure, practice, etcetera, which if not strictly observed, could result in damage to, or destruction of equipment.
A useful guidance, whose purpose is to use the system in a more efficient way.
A relevant and important comment.
More detailed technical/ functional information regarding relevant issues.
SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818


For additional and complementary information regarding Gasboy’s home base solution, please refer to the following manuals:
SiteOmat Station Controller Setup Manual, Document No. MDE-4817
Islander PLUS installation Manual, Document No. MDE-4811
CFN PLUS installation Manual, Document No. MDE-4813
Fuel Truck Controller installation Manual, Document No. MDE-4814
Wireless Gateway installation Manual, Document No. MDE-4815
OrPT User’s Manual, Document No. MDE-4819
8-Port CommVerter User’s Manual, Document No. MDE-4820
FHO installation and setup guide Document No. MDE-4821
Fuel Point PLUS Installation and Configuration Manual, Document No. MDE-4851
SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818
Appearance (Typical)



This section explains generic principles, which the user must be familiar with for proper operation of the SiteOmat Station Controller application that are not to be detailed in each occurrence.


The SiteOmat is a user-friendly, window-based application with a graphical interface similar to other Windows® applications. A number of common terms are used in this manual under the assumption that their meaning is obvious, as depicted in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1. Common Terms
Text Box
Indicator pointing where text is to be inserted
Indicator pointing where the mouse is located on the screen
An element allowing the user to input text information
An element permitting the user to enable/ disable a specific option.
An element allowing the user to choose one value from a list. Clicking on the arrow­shaped button in the combo box opens the list of values.
An element allowing the user to choose a single value from a predefined set of options.
SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818
Table 2-1. Common Terms
Appearance (Typical)
Scroll Bar
An element, usually located on the top of a
A database consisting of columns (fields) and rows (records). Grids are a common way of displaying and handling data in the SiteOmat application.
A bar allowing continuous text to be viewed even if it does not fit into the space in the window. Clicking the arrow-shaped buttons in the ends allows users to move the body of the document.
Scroll bars may be either horizontal or vertical.
window, allowing the user to switch from multiple documents located in a single window.


The user-interface of the SiteOmat Station Controller is intuitive and requires little experience for using it. The operative actions are common and generic across the various windows. The common actions in the SiteOmat application are as follows:
a. Selecting a row in a grid b. Marking row(s ) in a grid c. Sorting a grid

2-3.1. Selecting a Row in a Grid

Selecting a row in a grid serves several purposes, such as displaying the data associated with the grid. To select a row, click on the applicable row. Consequently, the row is highlighted in a gray color (as seen in Figure 2-1), indicating that the row is currently selected.
SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818
Figure 2-1. Selecting a Row in a Grid

2-3.2. Sorting a Grid

Sorting a grid is done simply by clicking on a column header. The records are consequently sorted by the selected column in an ascending order. A second click arranges the records by descending order. The small triangle in the right-side of the selected header indicates the current sorting order.
Sorting applies only to the currently displayed screen.
SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818



This section provides initial instructions needed for the user to start using the SiteOmat, namely launching the application, login and familiarizing with the general orientation of the application. This section provides references to the subsequent sections, which discusses the different operative parts of the System.
The SiteOmat application has been designed and tested to run properly on Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and up. On any other browser (or version), the application may not function properly.


The SiteOmat Application can be logged into using a standard browser from any PC. The application is launched from the SiteOmat computer and may be accessed from any networked computer (directly connected to the SiteOmat via the LAN) or from a remote computer with an Internet browser over the Internet.
To access the application, launch the Internet browser and enter the address (IP address or domain name) of the SiteOmat as provided by Gasboy as follows:
(Each customer’s IP address may differ based on their network.)
Before proceeding, go to Appendix A, and follow the procedure. This enables the connection from a web client to the SiteOmat and improves browsing capabilities.
SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818
Once a link is established, the SiteOmat login window is displayed. The system grants access to authenticated users only. It sets its clearance level in accordance with the organizational level of the user. Information regarding the login is given in the following paragraph.

3-3. LOGIN

The SiteOmat Station Controller incorporates powerful SSL mechanisms to allow only authorized users to view and alter its contents. The SiteOmat application opens with a login dialog box, for entering the username and password (see Figure 3-1).
The accessible contents and privileges of the user depend upon its clearance level, as set in the User Management definitions of the SiteOmat application (refer to Section 5 – Local Management). The application is designed to grant each user with his suitable privileges and block other capabilities. For example, a gas station manager is not allowed to manage vehicle fleets.
Enter the username and password and click on the Login button. The SiteOmat Station Controller checks the entered information against the users listed in the system. If the user and the password are authenticated, the user logs into the SiteOmat Station Controller with its applicable clearance level.
The default username is “Admin” and password is “Admin” (lowercase sensitive). It is highly recommended for the administrator to change the password once the system is running (the user "Admin" cannot be deleted or renamed).
Figure 3-1. SiteOmat Login Dialog Box
Disable any sort of pop-up blockers, because it interferes with the operation of the application.
SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818


After successful login, the opening screen (see Figure 3-3) appears. When entering the program for the first time, the opening screen appears after the system data is uploaded (it may take a few seconds). Meanwhile the following message appears (see Figure 3-2):
Figure 3-2. Updating Data Message
The SiteOmat interface includes three sections: a. Navigation Bar – Accessing the various capabilities of the SiteOmat application is done using
the Navigation Bar on the left-hand side of the window. The Navigation Bar appears throughout the SiteOmat application and contains buttons, which lead to the various screens of the application within the boundaries of the user’s clearance level
b. Alarm Line– The alarm line is constantly displayed on the bottom of the window, indicating
the most critical fault in the system
c. Work Area – The main user interface located in the center of the screen
The login name of the current user is displayed in the information bar at the bottom of the screen "Login User Name" (see Figure 3-3).
Clicking on a button in the Navigation Bar opens the subsequent contents in the work area; while the Navigation Bar is fixed, the work area is dynamic and changes according to the requested option. The objective of each button in the Navigation Bar is depicted as follows (see Table 3-1):
Table 3-1. Navigation Bar Buttons
SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818
Enables real-time monitoring of the gas station fuel pumps. This part is
A report generator tool, which facilitates producing a wide variety of reports
Wet Stock Mgmt
Manages and updates the price of a product in all pumps and nozzles
Defines all authorized fleets and devices in the tank-fuel station
Leads to SiteOmat setup definitions, which map the gas station for the
Event Viewer
Enables viewing system warnings and logins.
The admin section contains system properties and diagnostics tools, meant for
Closes the current window and opens the login dialog - Used for exiting the
detailed in Section 4 – Monitoring Station Status
on the data in the SiteOmat
including a product price history report for tracking price changes
SiteOmat Station Controller. These definitions are beyond the scope of the user, and are described in the SiteOmat In-House Installation & Setup Manual
the SiteOmat Controller administrator/technician.
SiteOmat Application.
Not all navigation buttons are available to all users (i.e. Setup and Admin navigation buttons are available to users with ADMIN clearance level only).
SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818
+ 118 hidden pages