Gasboy Shell Go Card Handler User Manual

Gasboy CFN Series
Gasboy Shell GO
Special Card Handler
Version 001
part number: C35938
Gasboy International LLC
Gasboy International LLC
P. O. Box 309
Copyright 2003 by Gas b oy Inte r national LLC
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
The information in this document is confidential and proprietary. No further disclosure thereof shall be made without permission from Gasboy International LLC.
Gasboy International LLC believes that the information in this document is accurate and reliable. However, we assume no responsibility for its use , nor for a ny infring ements of pate nts or othe r rights of t hird pa rties resulti ng fro m its use. We reserve the right to make changes at an y time without notice.
Part No. Date Published Release Levels
C35938 December 16, 1999 Version 001
C35938 March 12, 2003 Version 001
+ 2 hidden pages