Gasboy SCII POS User Manual

Gasboy CFN Series
Point of Sale
and Shift Change
Version 003
Site Controller II version 2.3 or above
and CFN3 version 3.3 or above
Gasboy International LLC
Gasboy CFN Series
Point of Sale
and Shift Change
Site Controller II version 2.3 or above
CFN 3 version 3.3 or above
Copyright 2003 by Gasboy International LLC All rights reserved.
The information in this document is confidential and proprietary. No further disclosure shall be made without
permission from Gasboy International LLC. Gasboy International LLC believes that the information in this document
is accurate and reliable. However, we assume no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or
other rights of third parties resulting from its use. We reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice.
Part No. Title
C09212 SC II Manager’s Manual C01918 SC II Installation Manual C09213 SC II Configuration Manual C09159 SC II Pocket Reference C09204 Check Point Reference Manual C35745 Profit Point Clerk’s Manual C35746 Profit Point Reference Manual C35923 Point of Sale and Shift Change
Part No. Title
C35920 CFN3 Manager’s Manual for Windows NT, version 3.3 C09326 CFN3 Configuration Manual for Windows NT, version 3.3 C35921 CFN3 Pocket Reference C09204 Check Point Reference Manual C35745 Profit Point Clerk’s Manual C35746 Profit Point Reference Manual C35923 Point of Sale and Shift Change, version 003
Part No. Title Part No. Title
C35931 Amoco/DataCard C35907 Gascard C35901 Buypass C35909 Generic Dial C35914 ADS-Chicago (formerly SPS/Phillips) C35908 PaymenTech (formerly Gensar) C35902 ADS-CITGO C35910 NaBANCO C35906 ADS-FINA C35911 NDC C35919 ADS-ZION C35913 Sinclair C35904 EDS-CCIS C35915 T-Chek C35903 Comdata C35916 UFDA C35905 FDR C35917 VDOT C35930 Gasboy Dial C35918 VisaNet
C09146 Pump Interface Manual C01745 Gilbarco Interface Unit C35849 SDI/Wayne CAT Interface C35924 SDI/Unitec Interface C35933 Insight Interface
C09136 CFN Series Clubcard Format C01687 CFN Series Card Encoding Manual
C09141 PC/SiteControl User’s Manual
C01759 CFN Diagnostic Manual
Table of Contents
1. INSTALLATION AND DIAGNOSTICS................................................................ 1
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 1
Installation.......................................................................................................................... 1
Package configuration........................................................................................................ 3
Diagnostics ......................................................................................................................... 3
2. ALTER UTILITY ..................................................................................................... 4
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 4
Before starting.............................................................................................................. 4
On the PC ..................................................................................................................... 5
On the Site Controller................................................................................................... 5
Logging events................................................................................................................... 5
Fuel sales ............................................................................................................................ 5
Merchandise sales .............................................................................................................. 6
Merchandise departments............................................................................................. 6
Stock numbers.............................................................................................................. 6
Nonprinting merchandise departments.........................................................................8
Grouping items by department......................................................................................8
Total merchandise sales................................................................................................ 9
Sales adjustments...............................................................................................................9
Offroad discount........................................................................................................... 9
Adjustment departments............................................................................................. 10
Payment types................................................................................................................... 10
Fuel by tender................................................................................................................... 11
Cash withdrawals.............................................................................................................. 11
UPC items........................................................................................................................ 11
Patronage sales................................................................................................................. 12
Average seconds............................................................................................................... 12
Settlement amount............................................................................................................ 12
Final safedrop................................................................................................................... 12
Table of recommended numbers......................................................................................13
3. COMMAND SYNTAX........................................................................................... 14
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 14
Cash drawer commands.................................................................................................... 14
Report configuration ........................................................................................................ 15
End the shift.....................................................................................................................15
POS............................................................................................................................. 16
Clerk/Fueler ID........................................................................................................... 16
LISTNEXT................................................................................................................. 16
End the day....................................................................................................................... 17
Reprint a report ................................................................................................................ 18
Regenerate a report .......................................................................................................... 19
The COMPARE command............................................................................................... 20
The AUDIT command......................................................................................................20
Miscellaneous journal utilities.......................................................................................... 21
PRVOID..................................................................................................................... 21
PRTENDER ............................................................................................................... 21
PJ................................................................................................................................ 22
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Contents-2 Contents Point of Sale and Shift Change
PRATTEND ..................................................................................................................... 23
GETLOG.......................................................................................................................... 23
4. FILES, MENUS, AND REPORTS ........................................................................ 24
Files.................................................................................................................................. 24
Profit Point menus............................................................................................................ 24
Clerk menu.................................................................................................................24
Manager menu............................................................................................................ 24
Running files on a Check Point........................................................................................25
5. REPORT FILE FORMATS................................................................................... 26
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 26
Format files................................................................................................................. 27
Log files...................................................................................................................... 27
Variable files .............................................................................................................. 28
Reports ....................................................................................................................... 28
Flat file format.................................................................................................................. 29
Shift report.................................................................................................................. 29
End-of-day report record............................................................................................ 29
Attendant report record............................................................................................... 30
Event log..................................................................................................................... 30
Fuel sales.................................................................................................................... 31
Merchandise sales....................................................................................................... 32
Sales adjustments........................................................................................................ 33
Tenders....................................................................................................................... 34
Fuel by tender............................................................................................................. 36
Pre-pay drawer adjustments........................................................................................ 37
Sales analysis.............................................................................................................. 40
Average sale...............................................................................................................41
Card processing.......................................................................................................... 43
Settlement amount......................................................................................................44
Drawer accounting...................................................................................................... 44
Attendant Identifiers................................................................................................... 46
Sample reports............................................................................................................ 47
Safe drop report.......................................................................................................... 54
6. DISK JOURNAL LAYOUT................................................................................... 55
General comments............................................................................................................ 55
Records....................................................................................................................... 55
Limits.......................................................................................................................... 56
Record layout................................................................................................................... 56
Transaction................................................................................................................. 57
Event........................................................................................................................... 61
Fields in all records.......................................................................................................... 62
Checksum type and checksum.................................................................................... 62
Record sequence number............................................................................................ 62
Record class, subclass, and revision level .................................................................. 62
Site ID ........................................................................................................................ 63
Fields in some transaction records...................................................................................63
Header record fields ................................................................................................... 63
Header and detail record fields................................................................................... 64
Detail record fields.....................................................................................................64
Discounts.................................................................................................................... 68
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Point of Sale and Shift Change Contents Contents-3
Tender records............................................................................................................ 69
Event ................................................................................................................................ 70
Event type................................................................................................................... 70
Amount....................................................................................................................... 71
7. PLU MERGE FILE FORMAT.............................................................................. 72
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 72
Rules................................................................................................................................. 72
Header records ................................................................................................................. 72
Header format............................................................................................................. 72
Merge identifiers ........................................................................................................ 73
Field identifiers ................................................................................................................ 73
Summary of field identifiers....................................................................................... 73
Field identifiers........................................................................................................... 74
Data records................................................................................................................ 79
Comment lines............................................................................................................ 79
Ordering of data identifiers......................................................................................... 80
Sample PLU merge file.................................................................................................... 80
APPENDIX: ORDER FORM....................................................................................... 81
SAMPLE DEFAULT SHIFT REPORT..................................................................... 82
SAMPLE DEFAULT CLERK REPORT................................................................... 85
SAMPLE DEFAULT END OF DAY REPORT........................................................86
SAMPLE DEFAULT ORDER FORM....................................................................... 89
REPORT PACKAGE ORDER FORM............................................................................ 93
INDEX............................................................................................................................... 1
03/07/03 Gasboy CFN Series
1. Installation and diagnostics
If necessary, begin by installing the shift-change package on the Site Controller. Follow the instructions in the Installation section in this chapter.
Once the package has been installed on the Site Controller, the next step is to determine if the Alter utility needs to be run. You need to run the Alter utility only if you want to change the reports or the reports have not been configured. If you are upgrading the package and you are not changing your reports, you don’t need to run Alter. If the reports have been preconfigured at the factory you don’t need to run Alter. The instructions in the Installation section explain how to determine if the reports have been configured. The Alter utility chapter takes you step by step through the process of configuring the reports.
Once the reports are configured, you can start using the package. The Files, menus, and reports chapter explains how to run the package on both the Profit Point and the Check Point. The default package configuration prints reports on the receipt printer and saves ten days of journal log files on the site. Refer to the Package configuration section in this chapter to change the defaults.
The information in the Command syntax chapter is useful for learning how to run the package from the command line on the Site Controller. Normally, all of the commands are run from the Profit Point or Check Point, so this portion of the manual is more of a reference for the advanced user. This chapter is particular useful for users who dial into the site remotely to run scripts on the Site Controller: this should only be done by personnel who understand the system at an advanced level.
The information in the Report file formats chapter is useful for downloading the reports from the Site Controller to a central office. This section of the manual contains both the file- naming conventions and file formats
The information used to generate the reports is contained in files on the hard disk. The Disk journal layout chapter provides the technical information for interpreting disk journal files. It is a reference for the advanced user who needs to download information from the Site Controller that is not included in the reports. Journal files can be very large and take a long time to download, so you want to download them only when you can’t obtain the information you need some other way.
The PLU merge file format chapter contains information on transferring pricing information to Profit Points. This transfer is useful in controlling pricing from a central office. A central operator can remotely upload the price changes to each of the stores, transfer the file to each Profit Point and rest assured that all stores are selling items at the correct price.
For CFN3, the standard reporting package is automatically installed. For CFN2, the standard reporting package is released on a separate disk labeled Standard
Reporting Package.
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2 Installation and Diagnostics Point of Sale and Shift Change
1. Insert the Standard Reporting Package disk into the floppy drive.
2. At the prompt, type INSTALL. Follow the prompts to complete the package installation. (Use
the -a option only at start-up as it is irreversible!)
3. To verify that the Unique shift #’s for every console parameter on page 9 of SYS_PAR is set
to Yes, at the prompt, type VARIABLE. Verify (on the second line) that there is a Y following Unique on the next screen.
4. Make sure the Disk Journal entry on page 1 of SYS_PAR specifies: P:JOURNAL.LOG.
5. When the reporting package has been configured at the factory, the DAY.FMT and
SHIFT.FMT files are present in the P:BIN directory. To verify these files are present, at the prompt type: DIR P:BIN/*.FMT.
6. If the DAY.FMT file is present, skip this step. Otherwise, at the prompt, typ e SETUP DAY.
Follow the prompts to complete the configuration of the end-of-day report.
7. If the SHIFT.FMT file is present, skip this step. Otherwise, at the prompt, type SETUP
SHIFT. Follow the prompts to complete the configuration of the shift report.
8. If you will be using clerk report and CLERK.FMT is not present, at the prompt type SETUP
CLERK. Follow the prompts to complete the configuration of the clerk report.
9. To verify that the reporting package has been installed and configured, sign on to each of the
Check Points or Profit Points, do a no-sale, and end the shift on each POS. After a shift report has been printed on each of the Check Points or Profit Points, sign on to any Check Point or Profit Point and end the day. An end-of-day report will be printed.
***** System Shift Variables by Console (003) ***** Site Shift Number: #1 Serial Number: #3 Unique: Y Final Drop: N Current Day: Wed Previous Day: Wed # Days: 6 Init Bal: 150 Day Reports: 0 copies to Logger, 1 to Receipt printer Shift Reports: 0 copies to Logger, 1 to Receipt printer Clerk Reports: 0 copies to Logger, 1 to Receipt printer Attendant Reports: 0 copies to Logger, 1 to Receipt printer Audit Day Reports: 0 copies to Logger, 0 to Receipt printer Audit Shift Reports: 0 copies to Logger, 0 to Receipt printer Audit Clerk Reports: 0 copies to Logger, 0 to Receipt printer Audit Attendant Reports: 0 copies to Logger, 0 to Receipt printer
Host OS version: The Operating System/2 Version is 3.00
Console 1 Shift Number: #0 Serial Number: #4 Pending Close: N Console 2 Shift Number: #0 Serial Number: #1 Pending Close: N Console 3 Shift Number: #0 Serial Number: #2 Pending Close: N Console 4 Shift Number: #0 Serial Number: #0 Pending Close: N
** Attendants Attendant 1234 - Shift 2
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Point of Sale and Shift Change Installation and Diagnostics 3
The SETUP command is used to set configuration variables-the number of days to maintain previous log files, where and how many copies of each report to print, plus final safedrop requirement.
For attendant the number digits, offset, whether to use the clerk number as the attendant number, the tender to report on, optional second tender, and if to display tax. SETUP works like SYS_PAR, displaying the configuration variables, allowing you to individually change a configuration variable, displaying the changes, and saving the changes made only if you elect to save them.
Run SETUP only afte r installation, and run it from the R* or A* prompt. After running the SETUP command, you do not have to reboot for the changes to be effective. SETUP -P will print the current configuration to the screen.
The VARIABLE command is used to list shift variables for each POS.
For each POS, a Y or N is used to indicate the status of pending closes for the prior shift. The
shift number remains at 0 during a shift until the clerk performs a reportable event.
The version of the reporting package contained in VERSION.VAR in the P:REPORTS
directory is displayed in parentheses on the first line.
The Unique shift #’s for every console parameter on page 9 of SYS_PAR is listed, with a N
for No and a Y for Yes.
The final drop is listed, with a Y for final drop required and N for no final safe drop allowed.
The file extension used for the current and previous days shift and end-of-day reports is listed
along with the numb e r o f days of previous log files to keep on line and the printer to print the end-of-day report on.
The Initial Drawer Balance is shown, a CF will show if set to carry forward Drawer Balance.
The number of copies configured to print on the logger or receipt printer will be shown for
each type of report.
Attendant Status will be shown if there is any activity. The -L option is used with the variable comma nd to display the status of the variables every 5
seconds until a The syntax for using the variable command is:
CTRL C is entered.
03/07/03 Gasboy CFN Series
2. Alter utility
The Alter utility allows the standard shift end-of-day and clerk reports to be tailored to the customer’s preferences. P rior to running the utility, the customer report order form must be completed. The Alter utility prompts for information in the order it appears on that order form. The utility runs on both the PC and the Site Controller.
Before starting
Before starting Alter, run the command:
A:print product;a>>log
to print a list of the departments and products you will be using. Make sure you know all of the following:
What are all the fuel products you will be using and what are their product numbers.
What are all the merchandise products and departments you will be using, and what are their
product/department numbers.
If you will be tracking any stock numbers on reports, know what their names and stock
numbers are.
Know which departments and products you want to itemize on your reports, and which ones
you want to combine into one total. (A common mistake is to list too many departments in a report, which can make the report too long to be useful.)
Know what tenders you want to list on your reports.
If you have any need to do refunds, payouts, or coupons which are treated as special
departments, know what product/department numbers to use.
If you have offroad discounts, know what the discount and the offroad-tax product and
departments are.
If you are using a Check Point and you have any PLU products, they should have the same category number of a product/department, and they should have type 9 enabled by the ENABLE PRODUCT command.
The example shows a department, FOUNTAIN, with four PLU products: coffee and small, medium, and large drinks. The actual department has the same product number as category number. All PLUs assigned to that department have t he same category number as the product/department number (in this case,
35) of the department they are assigned to. All PLUs also have type 9 enabled.
All products and departments should be loaded in the Site Controller before you run Alter. Remember to enable special product types, such as: refunds and coupons (type 1), payouts (type
2), fuels (type 8), Check Point PLUs (type 9).
NOTE: Do not use # in the description of fuels, merchandise, or adjustments.
Pr Cat Name Enabled 35 35 FOUNTAIN 9 45 35 Coffee 9 46 35 Sm Drink 9 47 35 Md Drink 9 48 35 Lg Drink 9
03/07/03 Gasboy CFN Series
Point of Sale and Shift Change Alter utility 5
On the PC
To alter the standard shift report at the PC, type ALTER SHIFT. To alter the standard end-of-day report at the PC, type ALTER DAY. To alter the clerk report, type ALTER CLERK.
On the Site Controller
To alter the standard shift report at the Site Controller, type SETUP SHIFT. To alter the standard end-of-day report at the Site Controller, type SETUP DAY. To alter the standard clerk report at the Site Controller, type SETUP CLERK.
After the Alter utility has completed, setup runs the Lint utility which displays the amount of memory used on the Site Controller as shown.
Total Program Space = 21632 (21Kbytes) Total Buffer Space = 512 (0Kbytes) Total Bytes Format File = 8994 (8Kbytes) Grand Total Bytes = 31138 (30Kbytes) Total Free Bytes = 18013
Alter starts by prompting for events to be logged at the top of the report. You are prompted for each event which may be logged. Events are logged in the order they occur. Press exclude an event type from the log or press 1 then ENTER to include the event type in the log.
For example, the these prompts would be answered as shown to log begin-shift, a dd­drawer, safe-drop, and end-shift events in the standard shift report:
After the events to be logged have been selected, enter the product code and name for fuel departments in the order they are to appear on the report. For shift and end-of-day reports, up to 9 fuel departments are usually listed (you can have up to 27, but if you exceed 9, you will not be able to have the maximum number of merchand i s e departments or st ock numbers, adjustments, or tenders). All fuel departments must be entered for the total fuel sales to equal the sum of all fuel departments appearing on the report.
For example, if the first fuel department is Unleaded and the product code is 4, press by ENTER to for the fuel department number and type Unleaded then press ENTER to enter the description.
After the fuel department number and description have been entered, you must verify they are correct. Press with the fuel department product code.
Each time a fuel department has been entered and verified, you are prompted to enter the next fuel department starting with the product code. Enter all fuel departments in the order you wish them to
Log Sign on Events? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Log Sign off Events? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Log Begin Shift Events? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER):1 Log Add Drawer Events? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER):1 Log Safe Drop Events? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER):1 Log Final Drop Events? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Log End Shift Events? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER):1 Log Load Drawer Events? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER):
4 followed
ENTER to verify and accept, or re-enter the fuel department info rmation starting
03/07/03 Gasboy CFN Series
6 Alter utility Point of Sale and Shift Change
appear on the report. All fuel departments in the system must be listed on both the shift and end-of­day reports for the sum of individual fuel departments to equal the total fuel sales totals.
When you have entered and verified the last fuel department, press
ENTER to exit fuel sales and
continue with merchandise sales. Press ENTER a second time to verify you are done with fuel sales or continue entering fuel departments. Pressing ENTER to the following two prompts exits fuel sales.
After you enter and verify the maximum number of fuel departments, Alter automatically exits and prompts for merchandise sales as shown.
Enter Fuel Department Number (Press ENTER to exit): 4 Enter Fuel Department Description: Unleaded
Press ENTER to confirm Fuel Department #4 is Unleaded (or re-enter).
Enter Fuel Department Number (Press ENTER to exit): Press ENTER to confirm (or re-enter).
Exiting, Maximum number of fuel departments reached.
Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit):
When you exit fuel sales, you are prompted to enter the first merchandise department or stock number appearing on the report. Up to 18 merchandise departments or stock numbers may usually be listed on shift reports, and up to 27 merchandise departments or stock numbers may usually be listed on end-of-day reports. (If you exceed these limits, you will have to make reductions in the numbers of fuel departments, adjustments, or tenders you have.)
Merchandise departments
Merchandise departments range from 1 to 99 on both the Profit Point and the Check Point. For example, if 36 is the number of your Soda department, the following prompts wo uld be answered to enter and verify the Soda department:
Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 36 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : Merchandise Department printed on Report? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER):1 Enter Merchandise Department Description: Soda Press ENTER to confirm Merchandise Department #36 is Soda (or re-enter):
Stock numbers
Stock numbers range from 1 to 65,535. There is a major difference between Profit Point and Check Point stock numbers:
Profit Point stock numbers are three-to-five digits (100-65,535).
Check Point stock numbers are two digits (1-99, the same as merchandise departments).
A modifier digit on the Profit Point allows the use of the same stock number for different sizes of the product (see the next section, Modifier digits on the Profit Point for details).
Because merchandise departments do not have modifier digits, the modifier digit is used on the Check Point to distinguish between merchandi se departments and stock numbers, since both are 1-
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Point of Sale and Shift Change Alter utility 7
After entering the merc handise depart ment or stock number, the Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit prompt appears. You can respond in these ways:
Don’t enter a modifier digit when entering a merchandise department on either the Profit
Point or Check Point.
Always enter a 0 modifier digit when entering a stock number on the Check Point.
On the Profit Point, for stock numbers with modifier digits, enter a digit from 1 to 4. For
stock numbers that do not have a modifier digit, you may enter a 0 for the modifier digit or simply press
Modifier digits on the Profit Point
As explained above, modifier digits allow the use of the same stock number for different sizes of the product. For example, if the fountain department contained a single dr i nk stock number for drinks of various sizes, then the following prompts would be answered for, in this example, stock number 142:
Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 142 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : 1 Enter Stock Item Description: 12 oz. drink Press ENTER to confirm Stock #142 is 12 oz. drink (or re-enter): Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 142 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : 2 Enter Stock Item Description: 16 oz. drink Press ENTER to confirm Stock #142 is 16 oz. drink (or re-enter): Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 142 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : 3 Enter Stock Item Description: 24 oz. drink Press ENTER to confirm Stock #142 is 24 oz. drink (or re-enter): Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 142 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : 4 Enter Stock Item Description: 32 oz. drink Press ENTER to confirm Stock #142 is 32 oz. drink (or re-enter):
Modifier digits on the Check Point
The alter native to using different modifier d igits for different sizes is a diffe rent stock number fo r each size of a product, as illustrated in the following example. Stock numbers 60 through 63 are stock numbers for the fountain department, with 60 being a 12 oz. refill, 61 a 16 oz. refill, 62 a 24 oz. refill and 63 a 32 oz. refill:
Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 60 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : 0 Enter Stock Item Description: 12 oz. refill Press ENTER to confirm Stock #60 is 12 oz. refill (or re-enter): Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 61 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : 0 Enter Stock Item Description: 16 oz. refill Press ENTER to confirm Stock #61 is 16 oz. refill (or re-enter): Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 62 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : 0 Enter Stock Item Description: 24 oz. refill Press ENTER to confirm Stock #62 is 24 oz. refill (or re-enter): Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 63 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : 0 Enter Stock Item Description: 32 oz. refill Press ENTER to confirm Stock #63 is 32 oz. refill (or re-enter):
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8 Alter utility Point of Sale and Shift Change
Nonprinting merchandise departments
You may want to print the sum of merchandise departments as a single line on the report. When two or more merchandise department totals are included on a single line, designate all departments that are to appear on the line as nonprinting, except for the last department. You will be pr o mpted to enter the merchandise department description once, after yo u enter the first merchandise department.
For example, if merchandise departments 10, 11, and 12 are to appear on the report as C Store, then the following prompts would be answered as shown to enter and verify the C Store merchandise de partment:
Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 10 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : Merchandise Department printed on Report? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Enter Merchandise Department Description: C Store Press ENTER to confirm Merchandise Department #10 is C Store (or re-enter): Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 11 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : Merchandise Department printed on Report? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Press ENTER to confirm Merchandise Department #11 is C Store (or re-enter): Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 12 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : Merchandise Department printed on Report? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1 Press ENTER to confirm Merchandise Department #12 is C Store (or re-enter):
NOTE: You should use nonprinting merchandise departments sparingly. If the departments you are summing belong to the same category, consider enabling product attribute 9.
Grouping items by department
While you may enter stock numbers and departments in any order, it is desirable to group items by department. You should follow the selected items in the department by the department when all items in that department have not been selected.
For example, if the tobacco department contains stock numbers 350, 351, 352, 271, 272, 273 and you want to list only items 350 and 351 in merchandise sales, then answer the prompts as shown below:
Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 350 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : 0 Enter Stock Item Description: Cig. Pack Press ENTER to confirm Stock #350 is Cig. Pack (or re-enter): Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 351 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : 0 Enter Stock Item Description: Generic Pack Press ENTER to confirm Stock #351 is Generic Pack (or re-enter): Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): 32 Press ENTER if department or enter item modifier digit : Merchandise Department printed on Report? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1 Enter Merchandise Department Description: Tobacco Press ENTER to confirm Merchandise Department #32 is Tobacco (or re-enter): Do above items belong to Merchandise Department (Yes press 1, No press ENTER):1
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Point of Sale and Shift Change Alter utility 9
Total merchandise sales
On both the shift and end-of-day reports, the sum of departments and stock numbers on the report should equal the Total Merchandise Sales. You can do this by:
either listing all merchandise depa rtments on the report
or using the optional miscellaneous taxable and non-taxable totals to included unlisted
merchandise departments.
After you have entere d and verified the merchandise departments and stock numbers that appea r in merchandise sales, press
After you exit merchandise sales, you are asked if all merchandise departments have been listed. If you want to include the miscellaneous taxable and non-taxable totals press press 1 then ENTER .
Pressing miscellaneous taxable and non-taxable totals on the report:
Enter Merchandise Department/Stock Number (Press ENTER to exit): Press ENTER to confirm (or re-enter): Have all merchandise departments been listed?(Yes press 1, No press ENTER):
ENTER to the following three prompts exits merchandise sales and includes the
After you enter and verify the maximum number of merchandise department/items, Alter automatically asks if all merchandise departments have been listed:
Exiting, Maximum number of merchandise dept/item reached. Have all merchandise departments been listed? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER):
ENTER twice to exit merchandise sales.
ENTER , otherwise
Offroad discount
When you exit merchandise sales, you are prompted for the product code of the Offroad Discount department. If your site does offroad sales, enter the offroad discount product code, otherwise simply press
For example, if the offroad discount product code is 16 and the offroad tax product code is 17, then the following prompts would be answered as shown to enter and verify the offroad discount departments:
Enter Offroad Discount Department Number (Press ENTER to exit): 16 Enter Offroad Tax Department Number (Press ENTER to exit): 17
Press ENTER to confirm Offroad Discount Department #16 and Offroad Tax Department #17 (or re-enter):
In some states, you might have an offroad discount department without an offroad tax department­that is, there is no offroad tax at your location. In this case, instead of setting up an offroad discount department, set up the offroad discount as an adjustment department.
ENTER to continue with sales adjustments.
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10 Alter utility Point of Sale and Shift Change
Adjustment departments
After you have entered the offroad numbers, you are prompted to enter the product code and description of the adjustment department in the order they will app ear on the report. All adjustment departments-that is, all refund and payout departments-should be listed. The recommended maximum number of adjustment departments is 7 (see the Table of recommended numbers at the end of this chapter). Refund and payout departments may be listed in any order on the report. For example, if the first line in sales adjustments is refund department Coupons with product code 40, then the following prompts would be answered as shown to enter and verify the Coupons refund department:
Enter Adjustment Department Number (Press ENTER to exit): 40 Enter Adjustment Department Description: Coupons Payout Department (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Press ENTER to confirm Refund Department #40 is Coupons (or re-enter):
An example of a payout department with product code 39 is:
Enter Adjustment Department Number (Press ENTER to exit): 39 Enter Adjustment Department Description: Vendor Payout Payout Department (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1 Press ENTER to confirm Payout Department #39 is Vendor Payout(or re-enter):
After you have entered and verified all of the adjustment departments, press sales adjustments and continue with payment types (also called tenders). Pressing ENTER to the following two prompts exits sales adjustments:
Enter Adjustment Department Number (Press ENTER to exit): Press ENTER to confirm (or re-enter):
After you enter and verify the maximum number of adjustment departments, Alter automatically exits and prompts for tenders as shown below:
Exiting, Maximum number of adjustment departments reached. Accept Checks (Yes press 1, No press ENTER):
ENTER twice to exit
When you exit sales adjustments, you are prompted for each payment type (also called tender) that may be accepted. Press you do accept.
The recommended maximum number of authorized tenders is 9, in addition to the legal tenders, checks, and food stamps (see the Table of recommended numbers at the end of this chapter). Authorized tenders include club, debit, and credit cards.
Once you have accepted the maximum number of tenders or have been prompted for all tenders that may be accepted, Alter exits tenders. After you exit tenders, you have the option to list all credit tenders or group unlisted credit tenders in the Other Credit total line. Press credit tenders: otherwise press 1 then ENTER .
For example, the following prompts would be answered as shown below to accept checks, food stamps, club, VISA, MasterCard, and include the Other Credit total line:
Gasboy CFN Series 03/07/03
ENTER for tenders you don’t accept or press 1 then ENTER for te nders
ENTER to list all
Point of Sale and Shift Change Alter utility 11
Accept Checks (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1 Accept Food stamps (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1 Accept Club Cards (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1 Accept CENEX Regional (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept CENEX Local (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept CITGO Fleet (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept IAES (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept Debit checking (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept Debit savings (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept Wright Express (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept Amer Express (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept Visa (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1 Accept Master Card (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1 Accept Discover (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept FINA (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept AMOCO (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept CITGO Plus (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept Diamond Shamrock (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept CITGO Red (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): Accept CITGO Silver (Yes press 1, No press ENTER):
...(your list may be longer) Have all accepted credit tenders been listed?(Yes press 1, No press ENTER):
1 then ENTER at the Have all accepted credit tenders been listed prompt accepts
what you have entered. Pressing will place Other Credit in the tenders column of the shift report.
For end-of-day reports, when you exit tenders, you are asked if you want to include the Fuel by Tender section. Press
The prompt is:
Include Fuel by Tenders section? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1
When you exit Fuel by Tender, you are asked if you want to include Cash Withdrawals in the Exceptions section. If you allow cash withdrawals, you usually want to list them as exceptions. Press
1 then ENTER to list cash withdrawals; otherwise, simply press ENTER .
The Cash Withdrawal prompt is:
Include Cash Withdrawals? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1
When you exit Cash Withdrawals, you are asked if you want to include counts of scanned and hand-entered UPC Items in the Sales Analysis section. If you are using Profit Points you usually include UPC Items. Press
1 then ENTER to include this section, otherwise simply press ENTER .
1 then ENTER to include UPC Items; otherwise, simply press ENTER .
03/07/03 Gasboy CFN Series
12 Alter utility Point of Sale and Shift Change
The UPC Items prompt is:
Include UPC Items? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1
When you exit UPC Items, you are asked if you want to include the Patronage Sales section. Press
1 then ENTER to include the Patronage Sales section otherwise, simply press ENTER .
The Patronage Sales section prompt is:
Include Patronage Sales total? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1
When you exit Patronage Sales, you are asked if you want to include the Average Seconds section. If you are using Profit Points, you usually include the Average Seconds section. Press
ENTER to include the Average Seconds section otherwise, simply press ENTER .
The Average Seconds section prompt is:
Include Average Seconds section? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1
1 then
When you exit Average Seconds, yo u are asked if you want to include the Settlement Amount. This section applies only to the end-of-day report, since settlements are reported only on a daily, not shift, basis. Press
The Settlement Amount prompt is:
Include Settlement Amount? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1
For shift reports, when you exit Average Seconds, you are asked if you want to i nclude Final Safedrop in Drawer Accounting. If you require your clerks to change shift, count their drawer, and record the final safe drop, then press clerks to count their drawer and perform a safe drop prior to changing shift, then simply press
The Final Safedrop in Drawer Accounting prompt is:
Include Final Safedrop in Drawer Accounting? (Yes press 1, No press ENTER): 1
1 then ENTER to include the Settlement Amount, otherwise, simply press
1 then ENTER to include the safedrop. If you require your
Gasboy CFN Series 03/07/03
Point of Sale and Shift Change Alter utility 13
The following table lists the recommended and maximum numbers of fuel, merchandise, and adjustment departments for the shift and end-of-day reports.
(The recommended number of authorized tenders is 9 and there is no maximum number.)
The recommended number is adjusted upward for merchandise and adjustments when you enter fewer than the recommended number of fuels or merchandise departments. When you use merchandise departments that include items or nonprinti ng mer chandise departments, the recommended number is adjusted downward.
Recommended Shift End-of-day
fuel 9 9 merchandise 18 27 adjustment 7 7
Maximum Shift End-of-day
fuel 27 27 merchandise 85 85 adjustment 99 99
03/07/03 Gasboy CFN Series
3. Command syntax
This document lists the syntax for the command and executable files for the standard reporting package on the Site Controller.
All of the commands that are run from the Profit Point menu may be run from the terminal by typing in the command without any arguments: you are then prompted to enter the necessary information to carry out the command.
Commands that are run from other commands-such as the NEX TSHFT command running the NEXT CLERK command-normally require the command to be entered with all of the necessary arguments. The syntax for all commands is shown in the rest of this chapter with the command arguments.
None of the command files accessed by the clerk or manager menus (see the Files, menus, and reports chapter for a list of these command files) will run when the site is not configured to track unique shifts per console.
The four commands that affect the drawer are LDDRAWER, ADDRAWER, SAFEDROP, and COUNT.
Use the command LDDRAWER to enter the initial amount in the cash drawer at the beginning
of the shift on a POS. (This will be done automatically by the Site Controller if so configured in SYS_PAR.)
Use the commands ADDRAWER and SAFEDROP to reconcile a cash drawer amount when
you put money into or take money out of a cash drawer to adjust the till.
When a final safe drop is required, use the COUNT command to enter the drawer balance and
final safe drop amount. You will be prompted for the ending drawer balance and asked to confirm the final safe drop amount.
(Note that when running COUNT, you cannot reprint the final safe drop slip. This is because the COUNT command creates two reports, safe drop and shift, and only the last one (the shift report) can be reprinted.)
In addition to printing on the log printer, a slip is printed on the receipt printer when each of these commands is run. Use the REPRINT command to print a copy of the slip if it is not automatically printed.
The syntax for these commands is the command followed by the POS number and dollar amount as shown.
LDDRAWER [POS#] [$amount] ADDRAWER [POS#] [$amount] SAFEDROP [POS#] [$amount] COUNT [POS#] REPRINT [POS#] last
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Point of Sale and Shift Change Command Syntax 15
The SETUP SHIFT, SETUP DAY, and SETUP CLERK commands are used to customize the shift and end-of-day reports on the site.
The SETUP commands make a copy of the existing format file that can be used to undo the changes. After making a copy of the existing format file, SETUP runs the ALTER command to create a new format file for either the shift or end-of-day reports. After the ALTER command finishes, the FMTLINT command is run to output the memory utilization to the screen.
The syntax for using SETUP, ALTER, and FMTLINT are shown below: SETUP SHIFT
NOTE: SETUP SHIFT -D, SETUP DAY -D, and SETUP CLERK -D are used to generate the default report configuration for demo purposes. Running these command wipes out the existing report configuration, so do not run them on a working site!
The syntax for using UNINSTAL to re cover the rep ort configurati on and ALTER for demo purposes is:
FMTLINT [filename]
The NEXTSHFT command is used to change shift on a particular POS, each POS, create a clerk report, or change shift for an attendant.
The syntax for using the NE XTSHFT command is:
NEXTSHFT [n] [-?] [-s] [-c[n]] [-a[n]] [-pn] [-dn] [-on]
Loads next shift and prints report for console or clerk/fueler id number
n Changes shift for console n and prints shift report
-? Displays this message
-s Changes shift for all console at Site and prints unique shift reports
-c[n] Changes shift and prints report for Clerk id number n
-a[n] Changes shift and prints report for Attendant number n
-pn Prints report to console n.
-dn specifies n number of digits in attenda nt number.
-on specifies n number of offset digits into card data for attendant number.
The Unique shift #’s for every console parameter must be set to Yes, because the standard shift format files do not support doing a shift change on the whole system. They support only shift changes on a POS-by-POS basis.
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16 Command Syntax Point of Sale and Shift Change
The NEXTSHIFT command defaults to the POS shift change and if no arguments are entered will prompt for the POS#. The POS specified at the prompt or from the command line will change shifts and a report will be printed unless no reportable activity has occurred at that POS. In that case, an empty shift message will be given and the shift wo n’t change. The -s option changes shift for each console at the site and prints unique reports.
Attempting to change shift on a POS when the prior shift has not closed results in a pending close message and the site remaining in the same shift on that POS-provided that your setup has been configured to require a final safe drop.
After the NEXTSHFT command has changed the shift on either the system or a POS, the LISTNEXT command runs automatically in background to generate the shift report, if the final­safe-drop option is disabled. When a final safe drop is required to close the shift, the data needed to generate the shift report is stored in a file, and the shift report is generated after the final safe drop has been made using the COUNT command.
Clerk/Fueler ID
The -c option specifies a c lerk report and although no shift is tracked for individual clerks, a report will be generated on all activity of the clerk/fueler ID across the entire site to that point in the day. If no clerk number is specified, you will be prompted.
A fueler ID can be assigned to an Island cluster using a fueler ID card or FUELER.BIN at the terminal.
After the clerk is specified, LISTNEXT is called and runs in the background to generate the report.
An attendant collects cash from customers at a full service island and charges the sale to a cash card, (Gasboy Club card or if using the Attendant special handler GASBOY ACCESS CARD) on an Island POS. When the attendant’s shift is over, or a cash drop is desired, the attendant will change shift, and a slip will be printed. The slip will report the amount that attendant is responsible for in that shift. The attendant shifts are tracked separately, and are independent from the POS and site shifts. The attendant number is part of the account field on the club card and the number of digits (up to 4 digits) and offset is configured using setup.
The -a option specifies an attendant shift change. A report of the attendant responsibility for that shift will be printed and the change will be logged to the journal and the logger. The permission level for the log event command must be set lower than that o f the user who will be running NEXTSHIFT.
After the attendant is specified, LISTNEXT is called and runs in the background to generate the report.
The possible LISTNEXT arguments include a filename which is the name of a journal file in the P:REPORTS directory. The letter j can be used as an abbreviation for journal and p may be used as an abbreviation for previous.
LISTNEXT creates a batch file on the PC to create the report. The CASHIER or PRATTEND command is called by PC Batch file to output the shift report to
standard out and a flat file.
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Point of Sale and Shift Change Command Syntax 17
In each case, PC Batch file will also call PRNTRPT.CMD. PRNTRPT will print the report(s) to the preconfigured printers, create backups and append the flat file if less than 24 hours have passed since the last end of day.
The arguments specified by the standard shift format file are the shift reference number, shift number, POS number, date, time, datetime, initial drawer balance and drawer count. The drawer count is the amount of cash in the drawer just prior to the final safe drop. The clerk enters the drawer count after running the count command to close the shift when set to require fina l safedrop.
The syntax for LISTNEXT, CASHIER, RPNRPT, and PRATTEND are shown below:
LISTNEXT [Filename] [Extension] [Serial] [Shift] [POS#] [Printer POS] [Count] [Type flag]
CASHIER [Journal] [Format] [Flat] [Serial] [Shift] [POS#] [Date] [Time] [Datetime] [Drawer] [Count]
PRNTRPT [Report type] [Report number] [Day of week extension] [Date and time][Printer POS] [Report flag]
PRATTEND [-?] [-an] [-c[n]] [-sn] [-gn] [-on] [-tn(mm)] [-p] [-e] [-f flatfile] [-yYYMMDDHHMM] [-nx(-m)] [-x] [infile]
-? displays this message.
-an displays totals for attendant 'n'. if none, or -aAll, gives a totaled report of all.
-c[n] display totals for clerk 'n'.
-sn gives report for shift n.
-gn use 'n' digits for attendant number.
-on offset of 'n' digits into card data.
-tn(mm) designates tender type n and subtype mm to report for.
-p processes the previous journal file.
-e gives separate report for each attendant found.
-f outputs raw data into 'flatfile'.
-y date and time of report
-nx(-m) transaction number x or range. Will wrap after 9999
-x disp lay taxes separate.
infile - Journal file to process. Defaults to /jo urnal.log.
The NEXTDAY command is used to end the day and begin a new day. The NEXTDAY command runs the NEXT DAY command to close the current day. (Note that NEXTDAY and NEXT DAY are not identical commands.)
When printing the end-of-day report on the receipt printer, use the POS number associated with the receipt printer the end-of-day report will be printed on. If you are not printing the end- of-day report on a receipt printer, enter any existing POS number (1-4).
The syntax for the NEXTDAY command is:
Once the NEXT DAY command has begun, the LISTDAY 0 command is run in background to wait for the NEXT DAY command to complete. The NEXT DAY command is complete when the JOURNAL.LOG file is renamed PREVIOUS.LOG in the root directory. Immediately after the NEXT DAY command completes, the LISTDAY 0 command moves the PREVIOUS.LOG file to the P:REPORTS directory.
The Drop argument is either Y when the clerk is required to close the prior shift or N when the clerk performs all safe drops prior to breaking shift.
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18 Command Syntax Point of Sale and Shift Change
The syntax for the LISTDAY 0 command is:
LISTDAY 0 [POS#] [Shift POS #1] [Shift POS #2] [Shift POS #3][Shift POS #4] [Drop][Initial drawer total][current drawer total]
When the day closes without being interrupted, the PREVIOUS.LOG file is not in the root directory. So when you run the NEXTDAY command with a P REVIOUS.LOG file in the root directory, the command assumes the day-closing has been interrupted and continues processing the PREVIOUS.LOG file in the root directory without closing the current day. The NEXT DAY command is not run and the LISTDAY 1 command is run in background to complete the processing of the PREVIOUS.LOG file.
The syntax for the LISTDAY 1 command is:
LISTDAY 1 [POS#] [Shift POS #1] [Shift POS #2] [Shift POS #3] [Shift POS #4] [Drop] [Initial drawer total][current drawer total]
When the clerk is not required to close the prior shift, the LISTDAY command runs the LISTNEXT command in background to generate shift reports and the LISTONE command to generate the end-of-day report. W hen the clerk is required to close the prior shift, the data needed to generate the shift report is stored in a file, and the shift report is generated after the final safe drop has been made using the COUNT command.
After all shift reports have been processed, the LISTONE command is used to generate the end-of­day report. The end-of-day report is printed on the printer(s) it is configured to print on. When the end-of-day report is configured to print on the receipt printer, the LISTONE command uses the POS number associated with the receipt printer to determine which receipt printer will print the report.
The syntax for the LISTNEXT command is the same as shown above for the NEXTSHFT command. The syntax for the LISTONE command is:
LISTONE [Extension] [POS#] [Trans] Trans is the transaction number of the last transaction of the previous day. The LISTONE command runs CASHIER and PRBOTH to generate the end-of-day reports. The
arguments specified by the standard end-of-day format file are the day of the week, date, site ID, system shift reference number and datetime. The arguments for PRBOTH are the journal log file and the flat file.
The syntax for the CASHIER and PRBOTH commands is shown below:
CASHIER [Journal] [Format] [Flat] [Day] [Date] [SiteID] [Serial] [Datetime]
PRBOTH [-i|u] [-h] [Journal] -f [Flat]
PRBOTH is not supported in software versions below V3.4.
PRITEM.BIN and PRHOUR.BIN have been replaced by command files PRITEM.CMD and PRHOUR.CMD, with the same syntax.
PRITEM [Journal] -f [Flat]
PRHOUR [Journal] -f [Flat]
PRNTRPT [Report type] [Report number] [Day of week extension] [Date and time][Printer
POS] [Report flag]
The REPRINT command is used to reprint an existing shift or end-of-day rep ort. The first argument is always the POS number of the receipt printer used to reprint the report,
followed by the type of report to be reprinted.
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Point of Sale and Shift Change Command Syntax 19
The day argument is used to reprint the last end-of-day report.
The last argument is used to reprint the last report reprinted on that receipt reprinter. The last
report includes shift and drawer accounting slips. Note that it is not possible to reprint the final safe drop slip, since a shift report is always generated after the final safe drop.
The pday argument is used to reprint an end-of-day report.
The shft argument is used to reprint a shift report.
The clrk argument is used to reprint a clerk report.
The atnd argument is used to reprint an attendant report.
The syntax for the reprint command is:
REPRINT [Printer POS] day
REPRINT [Printer POS] last
REPRINT [Printer POS] pday [Day]
REPRINT [Printer POS] shft [Day] [Shift] [POS#]
REPRINT [Printer POS] clrk [Day] [clerk#]
REPRINT [Printer POS] atnd [Day] [attendant#]
NOTE: The serial numb er for all regenerated reports is zero.
The REPORT command is used to r egenerate shift and end-of-day reports using an existing jo urnal file on the site.
The first argument is always the POS number of the receipt printer used to print the report, followed by the type of report to be regenerated.
To regenerate yesterday’s end-of-day report, use the yday argument.
The pday argument is used to regenerate an end-of-day report using the file extension of the
journal log file’s name. The j ournal log file extension is a number that ranges from 1 to n, where n is the maximum number of journal log files saved in the reports directory. The variable n is set with the SETUP command.
The shft argument is used to regenerate a shift report for the current day.
The pshft argument is used to regenerate a shift report for a previous day using the file
extension of the journal log file.
The clrk argument is used to regenerate a clerk report for the current day
The pclrk argument is used to regenerate a clerk report for a previous day
The atnd argument is used to regenerate an attendant report for the current day.
The patnd argument is used to regenerate an attendant report for the previous day.
(The Attendant reports will be regenerated for the entire day, not per shift.) Attempting to regenerate a shift report for the current shift or a shift greater than the current shift
results in the invalid shift message and no rep ort being genera ted. Attempting to regenerate a shift report for the prior shift when the prior shift has not closed results
in the close in progress message and no report being generated. Attempting to regenerate a shift report for any shift when the prior shift has not closed and the
current shift is empty results in the close in progress message and no report being gener ated. The syntax for the REPORT command is:
REPORT [Printer POS] yday
REPORT [Printer POS] pday [Extension]
REPORT [Printer POS] shft [Shift] [POS#]
REPORT [Printer POS] pshft [Extension] [Shift] [POS#]
REPORT [Printer POS] clrk [clerk#]
03/07/03 Gasboy CFN Series
20 Command Syntax Point of Sale and Shift Change
REPORT [Printer POS] pclrk [Extension] [clerk#]
REPORT [Printer POS] atnd [attendant#]
REPORT [Printer POS] patnd [Extension] [attendant#]
The COMPARE command is used in command files to compare two character strings without case sensitivity. COMPARE returns a value of zero when the two strings are equal.
The syntax for using the COMPARE command in a command file is:
COMPARE [string 1] [string 2]
The AUDIT command is used to generate clerk, attendant, intra-shift and intra-end-of-day reports­in other words, a report on a shift or day before that shift or day has closed. Report files are created, and printed if configured, and an Event is logged to the disk journal file.
The first argument is the POS number of the receipt printer used to print the report, followed by the type of report to be generated.
The syntax for the AUDIT command is:
AUDIT [Printer POS] shft [Shift] [POS#]
AUDIT [Printer POS] day
AUDIT [Printer POS] clrk [clerk#]
AUDIT [Printer POS] atnd [attendant#] To generate an intra-shift report, use the shft argument. To generate an intra-end-of-day report,
use the day argument. The filenames for the shift audit reports are PASHF%S%C.%W and ashft%S%C.%W, where %S is
the shift number on console number %C, and %W is the day of the week. The filenames for the day audit reports are PADAY.%W and ADAY.%W, where %W is the day of
the week. The filename for the clerk audit report is PACL%C.%W where %C is the clerk number. The filename for the clerk audit report is PAAT%A.%W where %A is the attendant number.
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Point of Sale and Shift Change Command Syntax 21
PRVOID.BIN displays all voids found in the journal. It lists by console and shift, and gives totals. You can also specify which console or shift to report on.
PRVOID [-?] [-cn] [-sn] [-p]
[-f flatfile] [infile] Processes the journal file specified by infile
and displays items voided by console.
-? Displays this message.
-c Di splays voids for co nsole n.
-s Displays voids for shift n.
-p Processes the previous journal file.
-f Outputs raw data into flatfile.
PRBOTH prints sale totals by item per hour or both.
PRBOTH [-h] [-i|u] [[-]-r] [-u][-f
flatfile] [-p] [infile] Processes the journal file specified by infile.
-h Sum sales and display by hour.
-i Sum STOCK items and display by item.
-u Sum UPC items and display by item
-f Outputs raw data into flatfile.
-p Processes the previous journal file.
-r Display refunds.
--r Display refunds as negative.
CONSOLE 1 ITEMS Time Shift $Amount
WITHDRAWALS 15:04 01 $100.00 BEER/WINE 15:04 01 $100.00 C-STORE3 15:04 01 $0.00 CHIPS 15:04 01 $1.59 All Items Voided 15:05 00 $0.00 All Items Voided 15:05 00 $0.00
------­>Subtotal for shift 1 $201.59 ======= >>Total for Console 1 6 $201.59
CONSOLE 4 ITEMS Time Shift $Amount
Cookie 15:05 01 $0.59 Cigarette Ctn 15:06 01 $19.16
------­>Subtotal for shift 1 $19.75 ======= >>Total for Console 4 2 $19.75
--------------------------------------­>Total for Shift 1 $221.34 ======= >>Total All Voids 8 $221.34
PRTENDER.BIN creates a report similar to the site PRINT TRANSACTION command. The report is a file in the reports directory named ptend###.rpt where ### is the tender type and/or subtype you which to report on. For example: prtender -t2 reports all credit transaction, prtender ­t324 reports citgo red credit transactions, -t0 reports all club card transactions.
PRTENDER [-?][-tn(mm)][-en][-a(n)][-dn(-m)][-hn(-m)][-c][-p][infile]
-? Displays this message.
-tn(mm) Designates which tende r type n and subtype mm for report.
-en Displays extra account digit from offset n into discretionary data.
-a(n) Displays Aux Tran sequential numbers for all tenders.
-dn(-m) Date n to m.
-hn(-m) Hour n to m.
-c Displays Clerk number.
-p Processes previous journal file.
infile Journal file to process. Defaults to /journal.log.
03/07/03 Gasboy CFN Series
22 Command Syntax Point of Sale and Shift Change
Sample PRTENDER output (ptend###.rpt)
Tran Account number AUTH# DEV Date Time Pmp Pro Quant Price Fuel Amt Merch Amt Tax Amt Total
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­0001 0024567890123456789 SC0899 42 05/20/97 15:00 1 1 5.797G $1.229 $7.12 $0.00 $0.00 $7.12 0002 7539567890123456789 SC0899 42 05/20/97 15:01 2 5 8.928G $1.209 $10.79 $0.00 $0.00 $10.79 ================================================================================================== TOTALS 14.725G $17.91 $0.00 $0.00 $17.91
PJ stands for Print Journal, and will display transactions and events recorded in the disk journal. PJ supports a variety of command line arguments to customize the output.
PJ [-Cn[-m]] [-Rn[-m]] [-Un[-m]] [-Sn[-m]] [-An[-m]] [-Dn[-m]]
[-Hn[-m]] [-Bn[-m]] [-Nx[-y]] [-Tx[ss]] [-?] [-p] [-v] [-g] [-e]
[-l] [-x] [-w] [-i] [-f] [-m] [-oy(:z)] [fname]
-Cn[-m] list journal entries for Checkpoint/Profit Point n (to m).
-Rn[-m] list journal entries for Island Card Reader n (to m)
-Un[-m] list journal entries for User/Clerk n (to m)
-Sn[-m] list jo urnal entries for Shift n (to m)
-Dn[-m] list journal entries for Date n (to m)
-Hn[-m] list journal entries for Hour n (to m)
-An[-m] list journal entries for Pump n (to m)
-Bn[-m] list journal entries for department n (to m)
-Nx[-y] list journal entries for transaction number x (to y)
-Tx[ss] list tender type x (sub-tender type ss, for patronage entries, x=p)
-? print usage help
-p list journal entries for previous day’s journal; (PREVIOUS.LOG)
-v[n[-m]] list events only, plus for range, n to m
-g list general events only
-e include events
-l print total without transaction records
-x compressed listing
-w raw data listing
-i do not print Merch records
-f do not print fuel records
-m do not print Tender records
-oy(:z) length of the 1st (and 2nd) field(s) of club card account numbers.
[filename] if no filename is specified, JOURNAL.LOG is default
Sample PJ output
-011 00343 Sft-01 POS-02 Clerk-00 05/20/00 3:11PM
2.418G @1.189 Fuel-01 $ 2.88 Pump-01 Cash-0 odo- aux- 1 1.29 Oil Qt. 1.29 Dept# 23 Tax 0.00 Total 4.17 Paid 4.17 Cash Change 0.00
-012 00347 Sft-01 POS-02 Clerk-00 05/20/00 3:11PM 1 5.99 Oil Gal. 5.99 Dept# 23 Tax 0.00 Total 5.99 Paid 5.99 Cash Change 0.00
$Total: $10.16 Fuel: 2.88
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Point of Sale and Shift Change Command Syntax 23
Displays totals for attendant 'n' from infile and is illustrated under LISTNEXT.
GETLOG is not supported in software versions below V3.4.
GETLOG appends the standalone log file from one or more Profit Points to the journal.log file.
GETLOG [Profit Point #] If you do not specify a number for the Profit Point, logs will be retrieved from all Profit Points and
appended to the journal.
The command file i s named getlog.cmd. I f you rename or copy getl og.cmd to event.cmd (in the site's path) then each time a Profit Point comes up, its POS.log will be retrieved and appended to the journal.log.
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+ 78 hidden pages