Gasboy SCIII or Profit Point Replacement Hard Drive User Manual

These instructions cover replacement of a hard disk drive in a Site Controller III PC (Kit C07260) or in a Windows NT Modular Profit Point. Specific settings vary from PC to PC and from dr ive to drive, and will have to be determined at the time of installation. If you are unsure how to proceed, refer installation to qualified personnel. The replacement hard dr ive from GASBOY comes formatted. All the software will have to be loaded on the drive after it is installed. Any other software that the user has installed on the existing drive will have to be re-installed on the replacement drive. The following steps are required and must be done in the order specified:
Remove existing drive and install replacement
Install Windows NT
Install Windows NT Service pack
Install Netscape Navigator
Remove References to America OnLine
Install Adobe Acrobat Reader
Create an Emergency Repair Disk
Install drivers specific to your hardware
Install the CFN III Software or the Profit Point Software
NOTE: If your PC is running OS/2, you will need the SC III Upgrade OS/2 to Windows NT Kit, C07390.
1. Before making this change, make sure ALL SC III data has been polled and/or backed up, if possible. You may want to start by doing an end-of-day, and then run SYSBACK and TRANBACK. All backup files should be copied to a floppy diskette (ex: SYSBACK.DTA, TRANBACK.DTA, OFFROAD.DTA or copies being used, any *.FMT files in the BIN directory, etc.). This could take several diskettes depending on the site information you are copying. If the site controller is on a bank network, make sure a settlement has been done and completed without failure.
2. If possible, make a disk copy of the FRAMOS.BIN and FRAMOS.CFG files. Copy various other directories/files like user created command files, JOURNAL.LOG file, the XBIN directory, previous report or log files, etc. If your PC is equipped with an integral Profit Point, make a copy of the MASTER.PLU, CONFIG.POS, and KEY_LAY.POS files to a disk. If the PC is running, shut down the operating system. Shut off power and unplug all cables from the PC.
NOTE: All electrostatic precautions must be observed when replacing any PC component. If needed, move the
3. Carefully remove the PC housing or access cover to the hard drive. Locate hard drive and disconnect the cables. Remove hard drive. Keep mounting hardware for installation of new drive.
4. Install new hard dr ive into mounting. Connect drive cables, making sure to align pin 1 of the cables with pin 1 of the drive connector. Pin 1 of the drive connector may be indicated with an arrow or the number 1 silk-screened near the connector. Connect all cables to the PC.
5. You need to set the BIOS settings for the new drive. Make sure the monitor is on. You should be able to enter the BIOS setup screens if you press the DELETE key while the PC is booting up. Switch on the power to the PC, verify PC is booting, and press the DELETE key. If the monitor is not displaying a BIOS setup screen, reset the PC and try again. Watch the monitor carefully as it may be necessary to press a key other than the DELETE key to enter the BIOS setup.
NOTE: Once you have entered the BIOS setup, be very careful not to change settings inadvertently. This may
6. The setup scr een should have an IDE auto detection item or icon. If you have a newer PC and there is no IDE auto detect icon, skip to step 7. Use the arrow keys or the mouse (if possible) and select the IDE auto detect. Activate it by either double-clicking the mouse button or pressing ENTER. The BIO S will automatically determine the hard drive settings. When prompted, save the drive settings. Save the changes and exit the BIOS setup. The PC will reset and begin to boot up. Switch off the PC power and re-assemble the PC housing or access covers.
site controller to a static-free workstation and use a wrist strap while working on the assembly.
cause operational problems for the PC which are difficult to diagnose. If you accidentally change something or think you may have changed something, exit the BIOS setup without saving the changes and repeat Step 5.
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The following steps will install Windows NT on the PC. This installation can take up to an hour to complete. Please read each step carefully. For this installation, you will need the Windows NT Workstation CD(s) & disks. Throughout the installation, most of the default selections are chosen unless listed.
1. Place Windows NT Setup Disk 1 in the A: drive. Switch the PC power on. If the power is on, reset the PC. Place the
NT Workstation CD labeled Operating System Version 4.0 in the CD ROM drive.
2. Once the PC boots up, NT will star t. Watch the screen for pr ompts. The fir st prompt is Setup disk 2. Switch disks as
prompted and press ENTER. Next is Welcome to Setup. Press ENTER to set up Windows NT.
3. Select the default, detect mass storage by pressing ENTER. You’ll then be prompted for Setup disk 3. Switch
diskettes as prompted and press ENTER. The computer is now checking for the mass storage device (CD ROM drive) your PC contains.
4. Next you will be prompted to check for additional device support. Verify the information for the existing CD ROM drive
is being displayed. If not, you may have a problem with your CD ROM drive and it will have to be fixed before you can proceed. If it is displaying the drive information, you don’t have any additional devices on a normal CFN III so press ENTER.
5. The license agreement will appear. Use the Page Down (PgDn) key to scroll down the page. You must page down to
get the F8 prompt. Press F8 key to accept.
6. The devices the setup program has detected will appear next. If there are any changes, such as mouse, use the up
and down arrows to highlight the device. If the devices displayed are correct, press ENTER.
7. At the next screen, you will be prompted for the drive partition to install the NT on. Select D to delete the existing
system partition. You’ll then need to press ENTER and at the next window, press the L key to delete the existing system partition. Create a partition space (see NOTE) by pressing C and ENTER twice. Select NTFS (use the down arrow key) and press ENTER.
NOTE: The size limitation of this partition is a maximum of 4 Gig (4000 MB).
8. Setup will format the drive. After formatting takes place, you need to select the installation location. Press ENTER to
take the default.
9. Press ENTER again to accept the hard disk corr uption check. This check will take a few minutes. When the disk
corruption check is completed and files are copied, the screen will display Setup has completed successfully. Remove the diskette and CD that are in the drives and press ENTER to reboot.
10. After the file system conversion, the computer will do a reboot again.
11. When the two options for operating system appear, Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00 will be highlighted. As
part of the initialization, a screen will tell you that you are using NTFS files. Insert the CD as prompted and click OK.
12. The Windows NT 4.0 setup window appears. Click Next. Select Typical and click Next.
13. When prompted, enter the Name and Organization. You must enter a Name to move to the next step. When
finished, click OK or press ENTER.
14. At the next screen, enter the Product ID and OEM numbers from the front cover of the Windows NT manual supplied
with your NT software. Use the tab key to advance after entering each part of the number (three parts). Click OK or press ENTER when finished.
15. When pr ompted to enter a Computer Name, use “CFN3” (War ning: DO NO T use G ASBO Y as the Computer Name or
the Profit Point software will not install correctly later). At the next screen, enter an administrator Password. This is
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