This document is based on Orpak’s Island controller (OrIC)
installation manual P/N 817438050
Read all warning notes and instructions carefully. They are included to help you installing the Product safely
in the highly flammable environment of the fuel station. Disregarding these warning notes and instructions
could result in serious injury or property damage. It is the installer responsibility to install, operate and
maintain the equipment according to the instructions given in this manual, and to conform to all applicable
codes, regulations and safety measures. Failure to do so could void all warranties associated with this
Remember that the fuel station environment is highly flammable and combustible. Therefore, make sure
that actual installation is performed by experienced personnel, licensed to perform work in fuel station and at
a flammable environment, according to the local regulations and relevant standards.
Use separate conduit for the intrinsically safe. Do not run any other wires or cables through this conduit,
because this could create an explosion hazard.
Use standard test equipment only in the non- hazardous area of the fuel station, and approved test equipment
for the hazardous areas.
In the installation and maintenance of the Product, comply with all applicable requirements of the National
Fire Protection Association NFPA-30 “Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code”, NFPA-30A “Code for
Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages”, NFPA-70 “National Electric Code”, federal, state and
local codes and any other applicable safety codes and regulations.
Do not perform metal work in a hazardous area. Sparks generated by drilling, tapping and other metal work
operations could ignite fuel vapors and flammable liquids, resulting in death, serious personal injury,
property loss and damage to you and other persons.
Dangerous AC voltages that could cause death or serious personal injury are used to power the Product.
Always disconnect power before starting any work. The Product has more than one power supply connection
points. Disconnect all power before servicing.
For supply connections, use wires suitable for at least 90°C.
Signal wiring connected in this box must be rated at least 300 V.
When working in any open area of fuel station, beware of passing vehicles that could hit you. Block off the
work area to protect yourself and other persons. Use safety cones or other signaling devices.
Components substitutions could impair intrinsic safety.
Attaching unauthorized components or equipment will void your warranties.
Do not attempt to make any repair on the printed circuit boards residing in the Product, as this will void all
warranties related to this equipment.
This document contains propriety and confidential information. It is the property of ORPAK SYSTEMS
Ltd. It may not be disclosed or reproduced in whole or in part without written consent of ORPAK
SYSTEMS. The information in this document is current as of the date of its publication, but is subject to
change without notice.
This document is provided for reference only. Although every effort has been made to ensure correctness,
ORPAK SYSTEMS does not guarantee that there are no errors or omissions in this document.
FCC Compliance Statement
The FCC Wants You to Know:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B & C digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures :
a) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
b) Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
c) Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
d) Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician.
FCC Warning
Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user authority to operate the
equipment under FCC Rules.
This document is the prop erty of:
This manual is provided to assist you in installing Islander PLUS / ICR PLUS. The system must be
installed as described in this manual to ensure the system reliability and proper operation.
This manual includes a general and functional description of the products, their main components,
installation requirements and procedures.
This manual is intended for qualified authorized installers of Islander PLUS / ICR PLUS and its
components. It is also intended for the Island electrician.
This document refers to Islander PLUS (including the model with 8 mechanical hoses) and ICR
PLUS. Whenever Islander PLUS is mentioned it also refers to ICR PLUS with the exceptions
mentioned in section 1-5.2 below.
The Islander PLUS is a fuel control and data acquisition system. Islander PLUS system is
self-contained in a forecourt compatible and weather-resistant cabinet installed on top of a pedestal.
Islander PLUS (see Figure 1-1) is a core component in Gasboy’s solution for Home Base Refueling
Station (Home Base Station). Islander PLUS provides the central function of Site Controller. It
also fulfills other essential services on the Island such as Vehicle/Driver Identification System
(FuelPoint PLUS), Transaction data storage, Forecourt devices control and more. Its ergonomic
design, as well as its user-friendly operating program, enables fast and accurate service for the
driver in the refueling site.
Islander PLUS can control up to 8 mechanical hoses or up to 64 electronic hoses. The hoses may
be linked together or standalone.
Islander PLUS is equipped with the OrPT, a Payment Panel and communication receptacle. The
Payment Panel is equipped with an alphanumeric LCD (graphic LCD, optional) and a keyboard to
interface with the client. This enables the Islander PLUS to support all common refueling
identification devices such as: Vehicle/Driver Identification Unit (FuelPoint PLUS), magnetic
cards, contact-less RFID tags, keypad entry and others.
Islander PLUS Manual
Figure 1-1 - Islander PLUS / ICR PLUS - General View
Islander PLUS Manual
1-3.1. Islander PLUS System
Islander PLUS is an innovative product that enables refueling in Home Base stations for fleets
authorized vehicles or drivers. Islander PLUS electronically locks all dispensers and pumps thereby
ensuring that only appropriately authorized vehicles and plants receive the required fuel. The
system also ensures accurate recording of each transaction (see Figure 1-2).
The heart of the Home Base Station solution is the SiteOmat automation software. SiteOmat runs
on an embedded operating system on the OrCU (Orpak Controller Unit). OrCU is an embedded
hardware platform designed to survive the harsh gas station environment. It uses a solid state Flash
disk and RTC (Real Time Clock) with back-up, along with surge suppressors for transient and noise
immunity. The system also includes power fail recovery mechanisms.
1-3.2. Vehicle Identification – FuelPoint PLUS
Vehicle Identification is an important option for maximal control and savings on fuel expenditure.
The dispenser is authorized to refuel after a positive identification of the vehicle and only while the
nozzle is inside the fuel inlet of the identified vehicle. All transaction information is automatically
recorded. A combined vehicle and driver identification is also possible for tight tracking.
1-3.3. Remote Web Access
Remote Web-based capabilities for monitoring, management and maintenance are available. A
standard PC with Internet Browser (Explorer) is used for management of the site either locally or
remotely (secured). There is no need for special management software; thanks to the built-in Web
server technology integrated into the station controller and a large variety of communication links is
supported – both wired and wireless.
1-3.4. Head Office
Centralized management is provided by the optional Fleet and Fuel Head Office server. The Fleet
and fuel Head Office consolidates the data from multiple sites and generates reports, including
exception reports. It also enables control of the limits and restrictions placed on the various fleet
vehicles. Furthermore, authorized fleet personnel are able to log-in remotely and are always in
control. Head office enables authorized users to control and manage wet stock inventory on all
stations including orders, deliveries and reports.
1-3.5. Restriction s and Limits
Control of a fleet’s fuel expenses can be maximized by defining limits (day, week, month),
maximum number of refueling (day, week, month) and setting restrictions (days of the week, fuel
type, stations, time intervals). In case of system configuration for multiple sites, the centralized
Fleet Head Office needs to synchronize the data between all sites so that the limits can be applied to
a whole system rather than to an individual site. In case of communication failure, the specific site
will be able to refuel for a predefined grace period (parameter) using the most recent limits stored in
its database.
Islander PLUS Manual
1-3.6. Islander PLUS Capabilities for Forecourt Management
Islander PLUS provides the following operational features for a comprehensive Forecourt
• Supports over 50 different types of dispensers in use in many countries. For UL listing; this
product has only been evaluated for use with UL Listed Dispensers.
• Advanced electronic support of mechanical dispensers, enabling pump with totalized, preset
and price update
• Tank Level Gauging System (TLG) available for several brands. For UL listing; this product
has only been evaluated for use with UL Listed TLG’s.
• Support of large variety of communication links: cellular, dial-in modem, VPN, satellite,
ADSL and more.
Figure 1-2 - Islander PLUS in Home Base Station - General Configuration Diagram
1-3.7. System Workflow Example
Following are examples of an operational workflow for self-service at the Home Base Station.
Islander PLUS Manual
1-3.7.1. Refueling Scenario with FuelPoint PLUS
A motorist stops for fuel at the station. His authorization device for the fueling transaction is a
FuelPoint PLUS mounted in his car. The client lifts the nozzle and inserts it in the car inlet.
The FuelPoint PLUS information is automatically read and sent to the Site Controller (OrCU)
for authentication and approval. Upon approval, the fueling transaction starts, at the end of
which the transaction data is kept internally and transfer to the Fuel Head Office (FHO) for
future billing. Once the refueling is completed, the motorist replaces the nozzle to pump.
1-3.7.2. Refueling Scenario with Magnetic Cards
A motorist stops for fuel at the station. His authorization device for the fueling transaction is a
magnetic card. The client swipes the card through the magnetic card reader on the Payment
The magnetic card information is read and sent to the Site Controller (OrCU) for authentication
and approval. The client lifts the nozzle and inserts it in the car inlet. Upon approval, the
fueling transaction starts, at the end of which the transaction data is kept internally. The data is
transferred to the Fuel Head Office (FHO) for future billing.
The client may add more data to the transaction, by manually entering the information using the
Payment Panel keyboard, or by scanning a barcode in the Barcode Reader (optional) on the front
panel. Once the refueling is completed, the motorist replaces the nozzle to pump.
In both options, the motorist may print a transaction ticket from the Islander PLUS printer
Islander PLUS Manual
1-4.1. Main Components
Following is a short description of the Islander PLUS main sub units (see Figure 1-3 and
Figure 1-5):
Orpak Controller Unit (OrCU)
Orpak Controller Unit (OrCU) is a complete
forecourt controller with its own embedded
operating system. The unit consists of an
embedded hardware platform with a solid state
Flash hard disk, Real Time Clock (RTC) with
back up, along with surge suppressors for
transient and noise immunity
OrCU features two separate and isolated networks
(TCP/IP over Ethernet). One network l inks the
Islander PLUS system components. The second
network is intended for external remote
communication (Head Office, 3rd party systems).
This network is protected by SSL security.
OrCU includes a built-in server for Web access trough an internet browser (Explorer).
Wireless Gateway Terminal (WGT) (Optional)
WGT (Wireless Gateway Terminal) receives both
DataPass and FuelOpass vehicle data, decrypts the
information and transmits it to the Station automation
system in a secure manner over an RF signal.
To obtain maximal grid availability, several WGT units
are installed at the station to create a robust 'mesh'
network. This setup enables the RF signal to travel through various routes and bypass possible
interferences (such as a big truck/bus).
The units that provide data to the WGT are:
DataPass - DataPass is a miniature unit that connects to the vehicle bus and captures data from the
vehicle CPU/BUS. It then transmits this data to the nearest Wireless Gateway Terminal (WGT) in
the forecourt.
FuelOpass - FuelOpass is a passive vehicle identification tag for refueling. Its encrypted data
includes the account to be charged and is read by the Nozzle Reader device using RFID contactless
Nozzle Reader (NR) - Nozzle Reader is a self contained unit installed on the nozzle which reads
the FuelOpass data using contactless technology.
Islander PLUS Manual
OrPT Panel
a LAN (Ethernet) link.
Outdoor Printer(Optional)
The Islander PLUS includes an optional printer for purchase receipts
printout, as well as data output. The printer is linked to the central payment
terminal that sends to it the transaction data for printout (see Figure 1-7).
The OrPT panel consists of Payment Panel and communication
equipment. The Panel is equipped with an alphanumeric LCD
(graphic LCD, optional) and a keyboard to interface with the
client. The Payment Panel is equipped with several
authorization options: Magnetic card reader, RFID tag reader
and barcode reader (optional). These authorization tools enable
the Islander PLUS to accept all common authorization methods
such as: Credit cards, magnetic cards, contact-less RFID tags
and Bar Codes.
OrPT supports keyboard entry for authorization, and other
parameters’ input from the user such as odometer, engine hours,
vehicle plate number and PIN code.
The OrPT panel is connected to the Site Controller (OrCU) via
The thermal printer is installed at the center of the Islander PLUS pedestal
door. It includes an integrated paper cutter, paper feeder, paper spool and an
"End of paper" warning sensor.
Islander PLUS Manual
8-Port CommVerter
The 8-Port CommVerter consists of a
communication board for all Islander PLUS
electronic units and for the peripheral equipment
The CommVerter includes two MPI-C cards for
interface to the mechanical pumps, an Ethernet
Switch, RS/485 ports and one RS/232 port. For
electronic pump, a different interface card is
installed. See Chapter 3 for more details.
The CommVerter communicates with the Site
Controller (OrCU) via a LAN (Ethernet) link.
Islander PLUS Manual
1-4.2. Islander PLUS Internal Configuration – Mechanical Pump
Figure 1-3 shows a general configuration diagram of the Islander PLUS up to four mechanical
The following Figure 1-5 shows the location of the main components of the Islander PLUS, without
the Printer. Figure 1-6 shows the location of the main components of the Islander PLUS for 8 hoses.
Figure 1-7 and Figure 1-8 show the location of the Printer within the two configurations, when it is
Figure 1-7 – Islander PLUS with Optional Internal Printer (Sectional View)
Islander PLUS Manual
Figure 1-8 – Islander PLUS for 8 hoses with Optional Internal Printer (Sectional View)
Islander PLUS Manual
1-5.1. General
Islander PLUS is available in several configurations, in accordance with its intended use and with
the components installed. All configurations are manufactured in accordance with specific
customer request and receive a Part Number.
The following paragraphs describe the several configurations, and their devices composition.
1-5.2. Islander PLUS / ICR PLUS
Islander PLUS is supplied with the OrCU (Orpak Controller Unit) embedded in the unit. In this
configuration, Islander PLUS performs as full station controller, providing functions such as
authorization unit, central forecourt devices controller, linked to the Head Office, etc.
In ICR PLUS configuration, the OrCU is removed from the pedestal. The ICR PLUS operates as an
authorization terminal in order to ease the use of the system in large home base stations. ICR PLUS
is linked to another Islander PLUS or CFN PLUS in order to connect to the Head Office. In this
configuration, the OrCU in the Islander PLUS pedestal is shared by both units.
1-5.3. Printer Option
The printer in the Islander PLUS /ICR PLUS is provided as an option. The printer issues a printout
of the transaction to the driver.
1-5.4. Vehicle Identification System
Some options are available for vehicle identification in the Islander PLUS /ICR PLUS:
• FuelPoint PLUS - WGT (Wireless Gateway Terminal) is Vehicle identification process
performed in a wireless mode. WGT can be installed on top of the Islander PLUS pedestal
or in an external outdoor unit (P/N PA04000001). WGT receives DataPass or FuelOpass
signals, decrypts their information and transmits it to the Station automation system (OrCU)
in a secure manner over an RF signal. This setup enables the RF signal to travel through
various routes and bypass possible interferences (such as a big truck/bus). The transmission
signal range is 10 meters. The WGT is designed to be installed in a designated external box
on the station wall or in a pedestal. The WGT should be connected to the OrCU box using
CAT5E cable.
More than one WGT outdoor unit can be mounted in one station to ensure improved RF area
coverage. In this case one WGT box is Master and the other(s) are routers. For further
details, refer to WGT outdoor unit Installation Guide, document no. MDE-4815.
• No vehicle identification unit: The vehicle identification process will be done
manually by the driver with any accepted authorization devices such as cards, tags or
manual entry.
1-5.5. Dispensers
Islander PLUS can support either mechanical or electronic dispensers, in accordance with its
Islander PLUS Manual
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