Gasboy FiPay Payment Network User Manual



This manual provides instructions for setting up a CFN®+ or ISL+ system that connects to National Bankcard Services (NBS) for card verification using the FiPay

Table of Contents

Topic Page
Introduction Important Safety Information Preparing for Configuration Islander Plus/CFN Plus Setup Installing FiPay (NBS) Disabling Bank Cards at the Island During the Evening Settlement for NBS FHO Reporting Error Message Info Debug Info Appendix A: NACS/PCAT Product Reference Tab Appendix B: Running EPS Consolex GUI Utility Appendix C: HASP Key Information Appendix D: Modem Initialization String Info
FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions
October 2012
1 3 5
6 12 39 40 42 43 45 47 55 57 59

Cards Accepted

NBS (FiPay) can accept the following cards. To know which cards will be active at your location, contact your NBS representative.
Bank Cards
American Express MasterCard
Fleet Cards
MasterCard Fleet VISA Fleet
PHH (except Donlen) Voyager
MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012 Page 1

Related Documents

Document Number Title GOLD Library
MDE-4255 Gasboy
MDE-4811 Islander MDE-4813 CFN PLUS Installation Manual Gasboy Fleet PLUS System MDE-4817 SiteOmat In-House Station Controller Setup and
MDE-4818 SiteOmat In House Station Controller Users Manual Gasboy Fleet PLUS System
Warranty Policy Statement for USA and Canada • Gasboy Safety and Warranty Docs
PLUS and ICR PLUS Installation Manual Gasboy Fleet PLUS System
nce Manual

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Term Description
AES Advanced Encryption Standard API Application Programming Interface CFN Commercial Fueling Network ESP Electronic Payment System FHO Fleet Head Office FTP File Transfer Protocol GUI Graphical User Interface HASP Hardware Against Software Piracy ICR Island Card Reader NBS National Bankcard Services OS Operating System RAM Random Access Memory SSL Secure Socket Layer TAC Technical Assistance Center TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol USB Universal Serial Bus XML Extensible Markup Language
• Gasboy Policy Documents
Gasboy Fleet PLUS System


For information on warranty , refer to MDE-4255 Gasboy Warranty Policy Statement for USA and Canada. If you have any warranty-related questions, contact Gasboy’s W arranty Department at its Greensboro location.
Page 2 MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012

Important Safety Information

Notes: 1) Save this Important Safety Information section
in a readily accessible location.
2) Although DEF is non-flammable, Diesel is flammable. Therefore, for DEF cabinets that are attached to Diesel dispensers, follow all the notes in this section that pertain to flammable fuels.
This section introduces the hazards and safety precautions associated with installing, inspecting, maintaining or servicing this product. Before performing any task on this product, read this safety information and the applicable sections in this manual, where additional hazards and safety precautions for your task will be found. Fire, explosion, electrical shock or pressure release could occur and cause death or serious injury, if these safe service procedures are not followed.
Preliminary Precautions
You are working in a potent ially dangerous environment of flammable fuels, vapors, and high voltage or pressures. Only trained or authorized individuals knowledgeable in the related procedures should install, inspect, maintain or service this equipment.
Emergency Total Electrical Shut-Off
The first and most important information you must know is how to stop all fuel flow to the pump/dispenser and island. Loca te the switch or circuit breakers that shut of f all power to all fueling equipment, dispensing devices, and Submerged Turbine Pumps (STPs).
Total Electrical Shut-Off Before Access
Any procedure that requires access to electrical compo nents or the electronics of the dispenser requires total electrical shut off of that unit. Understand the function and location of this switch or circuit breaker before inspecting, installing, maintaining, or servicing Gasboy equipment.
Evacuating, Barricading and Shutting Off
Any procedure that requires access to the pump/dispenser or STPs requires the following actions:
The EMERGENCY STOP, ALL STOP, and PUMP STOP buttons at the cashier’s station WILL NOT shut off electrical power to the pump/dispenser. This means that even if you activate these stops, fuel may continue to flow uncontrolled. You must use the TOTAL ELECTRICAL SHUT-OFF in the case of an emerge ncy and not the consoles ALL STOP and PUMP STOP or similar keys.
Important Safety Information
Read the Manual
Read, understand and follow this manual and any other labels or related materials supplied with this equipment. If you do not understand a procedure, call a Gasboy Authorized Serv ice Contractor or call the Gasboy Service Center at 1-800-444-5529. It is imperative to your safety and the sa fety of others to understand the procedures before beginning work.
Follow the Regulations
Applicable information is available in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 30A; Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing
Facilities and Repair Garages, NFPA 70; National Electrical Code (NEC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) regulations and federal, state, and local codes. All these regulations must be followed. Failure to install, inspect, maintain or service this equipment in accordance with these codes, regulations and standards may lead to legal citations with penalties or affect the safe use and operation of the equipment.
Replacement Parts
Use only genuine Gasboy replacement parts and retrofit kits on your pump/dispenser. Using parts other than genuine Gasboy replacement parts could create a safety hazard and violate local regulations.
Safety Symbols and Warning Words
This section provides important information about wa rning symbols and boxes.
Alert Symbol
This safety alert symbol is used in this manual and on
warning labels to alert you to a precaution which must be followed to prevent potential pe rsonal safety hazards. Obey safety directives that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
Signal Words
These signal words used in this manual and on warning labels tell you the seriousness of particular safety hazards. The precautions below must be followed to prevent death, injury or damage to the equipment:
DANGER: Alerts you to a hazard or unsafe practice
which will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING: Alerts you to a hazard or unsafe practice
that could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION with Alert symbol: Designates a hazard or
unsafe practice which may result in minor injury.
CAUTION without Alert symbol: Designates a hazard
or unsafe practice which may result in property or equipment damage.
Working With Fuels and Electrical Energy
Prevent Explosions and Fires
• An evacuation of all unauthorized person s and vehicles from the work area
• Use of safety tape, cones or barricades at the affected unit(s)
• A total electrical shut-off of the affected unit(s)
Fuels and their vapors will explode or burn, if ignited. Spilled or leaking fuels cause vapors. Even filling customer tanks wi ll cause potentially dangerous vapors in the vicinity of the dispenser or island.
DEF is non-flammable. Therefore, explosion and fire safety warnings do not apply to DEF lines.
MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012 Page 3
Important Safety Information
No Open Fire
In an Emergency
Inform Emergency Personnel
Compile the following information and inform emergency
Open flames from matches, lighters, welding torches
or other sources can ignite fuels and their vapors.
No Sparks - No Smoking
• Location of accident (for example, address, front/back of building, and so on)
• Nature of accident (for example, possible heart attack, run over by car, burns, and so on)
Sparks from starting vehicles, starting or using power tools, burning cigarettes, cigars or pipes can also ignite fuels and their vapors. Static electricity, including an electrostatic charge on your body, can cause a spark sufficient to ignite fu el vapors. Every time you get out of a vehicle, touch the metal of your vehicle, to discharge any electrostatic charge before you approach the dispenser island.
• Age of victim (for example, baby, teenager, middle-age, elderly)
• Whether or not victim has received first aid (for example, stopped bleeding by pressure, and so on)
• Whether or not a victim has vomited (for example, if swallowed or inhaled something, and so on)
Gasoline/DEF ingested may cause
Working Alone
It is highly recommended that someone who is capable of rendering first aid be present during servicing. Familiarize yourself with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitat ion (CPR) m ethods, if
unconsciousness and burns to internal organs. Do not induce vomiting. Keep airway open. Oxygen may be needed at scene. Seek medical
advice immediately. you work with or around high voltages. This information is available from the American Red Cross. Alw ays advise the station personnel about where you will be working, and caution them not to activate power while you are working on the equipment. Use the OSHA Lockout/Tagout procedures. If yo u are not familiar with this requirement, refer to this information in the service manual and OSHA documentation.
DEF generates ammonia gas at higher temperatures. When opening enclosed panels, allow the unit to air out to avoid breathing vapors. If respiratory difficulties develop, move victim away from source of exposure and into fresh air. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
Working With Electricity Safely
Ensure that you use safe and estab lished practices in working with electrical devices. Poorly wired devices may ca us e a fire , explosion or electrical shock. Ensure that grounding connections are properly made. Take care that sealing devices and compounds are in place. Ensure that you do not pinch
Gasoline inhaled may cause unconsciousness and burns to lips, mouth and lungs. Keep airway open. Seek medical advice immediately.
wires when replacing covers. Follow OSHA Lockout/Tagout
requirements. Station employees and service contractors need to understand and comply with this program completely to ensure safety while the equipment is do wn .
Gasoline/DEF spilled in eyes may cause burns to
eye tissue. Irrigate eyes with water for
approximately 15 minutes. Seek medical advice
Hazardous Materials
immediately. Some materials present inside electronic enclosures may
present a health hazard if not handled correctly . Ensure that you clean hands after handling equipment. Do not place any equipment in the mouth.
Gasoline spilled on skin may cause burns.
Wash area thoroughly with clear water.
Seek medical advice immediately.
The pump/dispenser contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.
DEF is mildly corrosive. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Ensure that eyewash station s an d safety showers
The pump/dispenser contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.
are close to the work location. Seek medical advice recommended treatment if DEF spills into eyes.
IMPORTANT: Oxygen may be needed at scene if gasoline has
been ingested or inhaled. Seek medical advice immediately.
Lockout/T agout covers servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment in which the unexpected energization or start-up of the machine(s) or equipment or release of stored energy could cause injury to employees or personnel. Lockout/Tagout applies to all mechanical, hydraulic, chemical or other energy, but does not cover electrical hazards. Subpa rt S of 29 CFR Part 1910 - Electrical Hazards, 29 CFR Part 1910.333 contains specific Lockout/Tagout provision for electrical hazards.
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Preparing for Configuration

Before you configure, obtain the following information from your NBS representative:
• Your Merchant ID#. Cenex
• Phone numbers (primary and secondary) for the using dialup connectivity to NBS, or Abierto box with dialup backup.
• An open serial port on the desktop computer hosting the FiPay application. A USB t serial adaptor can be used, if required.
• An available USB port for the software Hard
Note: It is important to have a dialup modem or Abierto router box for connection to the NBS
Preparing for Configuration
customers obtain Merchant ID from CHS.
modem used for NBS authorization, if
ware Against Software Piracy (HASP) key.
Determine the desktop computer’s serial communicat application for connection to the NBS host through the modem or Abierto router.
You may also want to determine which of the accepted card types you will use and ensure that all product information MDE-4817 SiteOmat In-House Station Cont
Before loading new versions of software and/or initializing NBS, ensure that all previous transactions are settled and accounted for. Failure to do so can cause a loss of transaction data or create a problem for the next settlement.

System Requirements

Following is a list of FiPay requirements for a system. If the system on which FiPay is installed includes other services, then you must scale the system for those services/products, as required.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
•1 GB of RAM
• 2 GHz of CPU Speed
• 40 GB of Disk Space
ions port to be assigned to the FiPay
is loaded in the Islander Plus system. For more information, refer to
roller Setup and Maintenance Manual.
Minimum Software Requirements
• .NET 2.0 or higher
XP PROFESSIONAL or Windows 7 Professional Minimum (Windows 2003
Server preferred)
CFN+ or Islander PLUS Minimum Software Requirements
• Operating System - v.BSP 1.08 (SP8) or higher
• SiteOmat - v.SO or higher
Fleet Head Office - v.FHO – DB:342 or higher
MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012 Page 5

Islander Plus/CFN Plus Setup

All Windows Operating Systems must be listed as PROFESSIONAL or
Windows version listed as Home, Starter, and so on are NOT
higher to meet the minimum requirements.
Windows Vista
FiPay Payment Network software is intended to run on a standalone PC
Before attempting to install FiPay Payment Network sof tware on the same
PC/Server as the Fleet Head Office software, refer to
“Appendix C: HASP Key Information” on page 57.
Before you Begin
Islander Plus/CFN Plus Setup
To accept Credit Card sales using the Islander PLUS system, a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection to the computer running the FiPay application must be established. The Islander PLUS makes this connection automatically and then the connection is set up using the following SiteOmat menus:
1 To navigate to the Station Parameters menu, login to the Islander PLUS.
a Navigate to the SETUP page. b Click the ADVANCED button. c Click or select the GLOBAL tab at the TOP of the page.
or Server.
2 On the Global page, make the following changes:
a Change the User Activity Timeout to 120. b Change the Authorization Timeout to 120. c Click the Save button to save the changes.
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Figure 1: Global Page
User Inactivity Timeout
Set to 120
Islander Plus/CFN Plus Setup
Authorization Timeout
Set to 120
3 Navigate back to the Station Parameters menu and login to the Islander PLUS.
a Navigate to the SETUP page. b Click the ADVANCED button. c Click or select the GLOBAL tab at the TOP of the page. d Click the ADVANCED button again.
MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012 Page 7
Islander Plus/CFN Plus Setup
4 In the Payment Terminal section of the page, click the Setup button to configure the Islander
PLUS to accept Credit Cards through FiPay.
Figure 2: Station Parameter Menu
Setup Button
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Islander Plus/CFN Plus Setup
5 Click the Setup button in the Payment Terminal section to open the Setup PAIS screen
(see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Setup PAIS Screen
Credit Processor Drop
Down List
Device IP Address
Device Port
6 Select NBS from the Credit processor drop down list.
7 In the Specific section of the page, set the Device IP to the IP address of the computer that has
FiPay installed. This is usually a standalone PC. However, it can be the same PC that Fleet Head Office (FHO) is installed on.
8 In the Specific section of the page, set the Device Port to the Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Port of the computer that has FiPay installed. The
rd port used for FiPay is 24900. Ensure that any Firewalls are set to allow activity on
standa this port.
Note: Details can be found in “Configuring Windows Firewall” on page 29.
MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012 Page 9
Islander Plus/CFN Plus Setup
9 In the Specific section of the page, click the Product Map button. When you select
ProductMap on the Payment Setup page, a window appears where you can map the local product codes that you have loaded into the site to those which are predetermined by the Network Processor.
Figure 4: Tr anslate Product Codes Screen
External Code sent to Host. Refer to “Appendix
A: NACS/PCAT Product Reference Tab” on page 47.
Translation Drop Down
Local Product Codes
Set in the SiteOmat
10 Select NBS from the Translation group drop down list.
11 Select the local product loaded in the Islander PLUS system from the Product name - code
drop down list that you want to cross refer.
12 Set the External code with the corresponding network code for the Local Product set in the
Product name-code box (see Figure 4). For network codes, refer to the NBS Product
Table in
“Appendix A: NACS/PCAT Product Reference Tab” on page 47.
Note: This is the product code sent to the Host network for Cr edit transact
ions and it provides
proper authorization along with the billing information.
13 Repeat steps 9 and 10 for all local product codes.
14 Click OK to save your data when you have finished your entries or click Cancel to exit the
screen without saving.
Page 10 MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012
Islander Plus/CFN Plus Setup
15 Set the Station to process End of Day (Settlement) with the Host network.
a Enable end of day processing by selecting the Daily run enabled checkbox. b Use the Time to run daily drop down boxes to set the time when the End of day will occur
with the Host network.
Figure 5: Setup PAIS Screen
Daily run checkbox and
Time to run drop down
Set to 120
16 Additional settings that are NOT typically changed are as follows:
a Timeout: 30 seconds is default. This is the time allowed to contact the Host network.
Must be set to 120.
b Card may not be reused with: 10 minutes is default. This timer controls when the same
card is used second
time. Set 0 to disable.
c Pre-authorization amount: 400 is default. This is the Maximum dollar amount allowed
even if the Host network authorizes a greater value.
17 Additional setting must NEVER be changed unless advised to by Gasboy Technical Support.
a PAIS tasks: b App log: App Port: c Comm log: Comm port:
MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012 Page 11

Installing FiPay (NBS)

Installing FiPay (NBS)
To install FiPay (NBS), proceed as follows:
Place the FiPay (NBS) executable file that is provided to you or downloaded from the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site on the C: drive of the system you wish to install it on.
Before you start, ensure that you have your FiPay HASP key available. While it is not required to be inserted for FiPay to install, you must insert this key for FiPay to operate properly.
2 Double-click the build executable file and follow the prompts to install or upgrade the
software. This file can be installed from any location on the hard drive or removable drive.
Note: If you already have a version of FiPay installed on this machine, you will be prompted
to pres
erve this directory for backup purposes later in the process.
Figure 6: FiPay Executable File
3 After clicking the executable file, a MS-DOS
window appears followed by a number of file
names that scroll across the screen (see Figure 7) as they are unzipped for the installation.
Figure 7: MS-DOS Window
Page 12 MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012
Installing FiPay (NBS)
4 After the files are unzipped, you will be prompted to Enter the Drive letter where you want
to install the FiPay application. Enter the drive where the application will be installed and press Enter.
Figure 8: Drive Letter Prompt
5 After entering the Drive letter, you will be prompted to enter the type of install: (U) Upgrade,
(N) New, or (M) Multi. Select the option that applies to your installation.
Figure 9: Installation Type Prompt
a Enter U for upgrade. This copies the previous version’s configuration.
b Enter N for new. This creates directory and installs application for a single station.
c Enter M for multiple. This creates directory and installs application for two or more stations.
MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012 Page 13
Installing FiPay (NBS)

New Install

6 Enter “N” for the NEW installation option. The installation package will copy files to the
WANSUPP directory and Site Configuration screen will display (see Figure 10).
Figure 10: Site Configuration Screen
7 Enter the Type of Site configuration that applies to the install.
Abierto Router: This is a third-party devi
ce that connects serially to the FiPay application computer and then connects to NBS through TCP/IP. For the specific parameters required for setup of a device, you must contact Abierto and then match FiPay to those parameters.
Dial via Modem connection: Use
this selection if you are connecting a standard modem to the FiPay application computer. You will be prompted for the main and backup phone numbers to contact NBS for authorization.
Abierto Router with Dial Backup via Modem: This incorporates both
the Abierto setup along with a dialup backup routine. If for some reason a TCP/IP connection is not available, then the system will fallback on the dialup access to NBS.
Option 1: Abierto Router (See Figure 11 and Figure 12 on page 15)
8 Enter the Terminal ID. This is the terminal ID for this location. Contact NBS for this number.
Cenex customers obtain Terminal ID from CHS.
9 Enter the COM Port for Abierto Router. This is the COM port of the computer hosting the
FiPay application.
10 Enter the Min Dial Attempts. This is the number of redial attempts.
11 Enter the FiPay Timeout. This is the number of seconds before FiPay will timeout and abort
the authorization attempt. This number must always be less than the Islander PLUS system.
12 Enter the Auto Key Renewal. This is the number of days left for the security keys to
automatically renew.
13 Enter the Fleetcard $PreAuth. This is the PreAuth amount used for Fleet Cards.
14 Enter the Non-Fleetcard $PreAuth. This is the PreAuth amount used for Credit Card and
other non-Fleet cards.
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Installing FiPay (NBS)
15 Review the data entered at the Are these variables correct? (Y/N) prompt. Enter Yes to save
the configuration or enter No to re-enter the configuration data.
Figure 11: Abierto Router Site Configuration
Notes: 1) The information shown in this figure is an example only.
2) Terminal ID will begin with GB.
Figure 12: Successful Configuration of Abierto Router
MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012 Page 15
Installing FiPay (NBS)
16 After the configuration has been saved, the HASP key driver installation will begin. Press any
17 The script will then copy the driver files for the HASP to your computer and make the required
key to continue the installation process.
configuration changes to your computer for it to operate. At this point, you will see the following two messages (see Figure 13). The first message indicates that the driver is being loa
ded and second message indicates that the operation has
Figure 13: Operation Successful Message
been successfully completed.
The HASP key does not have to be inserted for the drivers to be successfully installed. However, it must be inserted before FiPay service will start and function.
18 Press any key to complete the software installation.
19 To complete the installation and start the FiPay service, refer to “Service Install Verification
and Start-up” on pa
ge 26.
Option 2: Dialup Modem (See Figure 14 and Figure 15 on page 17)
20 Enter the Terminal ID. This is the terminal ID for this location. Contact NBS for this number.
Cenex customers obtain Terminal ID from CHS.
21 Enter the COM Port for Dialup Modem. This is the COM port of the computer connected to
the modem.
22 Enter the NBS Phone Number. This is the number used by FiPay to Dial Out for
23 Enter the Modem Init String. This allows you to edit the Init string for the Dial Out modem
used for authorization.
Note: You MUST include amp; after each ampersand symbol used in the i
details, refer to “Appendix B: Running EPS Consolex GUI Utility” on
24 Enter the NBS Backup Phone Number. This is the number used by FiPay to Dial Out for
nit string. For more
page 55.
25 Enter the Min Dial Attempts. This is the number of redial attempts. 26 Enter the FiPay Timeout. This is the number of seconds before FiPay will timeout and abort
the authorization attempt. This number must always be less than the Islander PLUS system.
27 Enter the Auto Key Renewal. This is the number of days left for the security keys to renew
Page 16 MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012
Installing FiPay (NBS)
28 Enter the Fleetcard $PreAuth. This is the PreAuth amount used for Fleet Cards. 29 Enter the Non-Fleetcard $PreAuth. This is the PreAuth amount used for Credit Card and
other non-Fleet cards.
Figure 14: Dialup Modem Site Configuration
Notes: 1) The information shown in this figure is an example only.
2) Terminal ID will begin with GB.
Figure 15: Successful Configuration of Dialup Modem
MDE-4999A FiPay™ Payment Network Installation and Setup Instructions · October 2012 Page 17
Installing FiPay (NBS)
30 After the configuration has been saved, the HASP key driver installation will begin. Press any
31 The script will then copy the driver files for the HASP to your computer and make the required
key to continue the installation process.
configuration changes to your computer for it to operate. At this point, you will see the following two messages (see Figure 16). The first message indicates that the driver is being loa
ded and second message indicates that the operation has
Figure 16: Operation Successful Message
been successfully completed.
The HASP key does not have to be inserted for the drivers to be successfully installed. However, it must be inserted before FiPay service will start and function.
32 Press any key to complete the software installation.
33 To complete the installation and start the FiPay service, refer to “Service Install Verification
and Start-up” on pa
ge 26.
Option 3: Abierto Router with Dialup Modem (See Figure 17 on page 19
and Figure 18 on page 20)
34 Enter the Terminal ID. This is the terminal ID for this location. Contact NBS for this number.
Cenex customers obtain Terminal ID from CHS.
35 Enter the COM Port for Abierto Router. This is the COM port of the computer hosting the
FiPay application.
36 Enter the COM Port for Dialup Modem. This is the COM port of the computer connected to
the modem.
37 Enter the NBS Phone Number. This is the number used by FiPay to Dial Out for
38 Enter the Modem Init String. This allows you to edit the Init string for the Dial Out modem
you are using for authorization.
Note: You MUST include amp; after each ampersand symbol used in the i
details, refer to “Appendix D: Modem Initialization St
ring Info” on page 59.
nit string. For more
39 Enter the NBS Backup Phone Number. This is the number used by FiPay to Dial Out for
40 Enter the Min Dial Attempts. This is the number of redial attempts.
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