Arghule Arghul is a reed woodwind instrument that
consists of two asymmetrical pipes. One pipe,
a chanter with between five and seven finger
holes, is dedicated to the melody. e second
pipe, longer than the first, produces a drone.
Arghuls come in different sizes and are played in
Egypt and surrounding regions.
Range: C3- C6
Mijwiz 1
Mijwiz 2
e Mijwiz is a traditional instrument of Egypt
and is one of the oldest wind instruments. Its
name means “dual” as it consists of two short
bamboo reed pipes tied together. Instead of having a separate reed attached to a mouthpiece,
the reed in the Mijwiz is a vibrating tongue
made from a slit cut into the wall of the instrument itself.
Range: C3 - C6
Another Mijwiz instrument with a different
range and character.
found throughout China. Although it resembles a flute, it is actually a reed instrument.
It is often played as a solo instrument, and is
featured in films and in popular music. It is
also referred to as a Bawoo.
Range: G3- C6
e Di-Zi, or Chinese bamboo flute, is the
most common flute of China. e Di-Zi is
a side-blown bamboo flute having six finger
holes, and is characterized by an additional
hole covered by a piece of thin fiber (Muo
kong) that buzzes when played and creates a
distinctive tone. e Di-Zi is also known as
the Ti-tzu or Hengdi.
Range: C4- C7
e Guanzi is a Chinese double-reed wind
instrument. Its name literally means “tube,”
which describes its cylindrical shape. It is usually made from rosewood and has seven finger
holes with one or two thumb holes. e ends
of the instrument are decorated with metal.
Also called Guan or Bili.
Range: G3- C6
e Hulusi is a popular Chinese reed instrument. e instrument has a gourd wind
chamber, a main melody pipe with seven
finger holes, and one or two auxiliary drone
pipes. Hulusi means “gourd silk,” referring to
the instrument’s soft silky tone.
multiple free-reed instrument consisting of a
bundle of 13-17 vertical pipes fastened together. Sound is produced by blowing air into a
mouthpiece at the base and covering the holes
on the various pipes. e Sheng can produce
interesting chords as well as single notes, and is
used as both a solo and accompanying instrument. Also called Shung.
Range: C4- C7
e Suona is a double-reed wind instrument
with a flaring metal bell at its end. It has a
distinctively loud tone and is used in Chinese
traditional music ensembles and outdoor performances. e Suona is also known as a Laba.
Range: C4 - G6
e Xiao is a Chinese end-blown flute that has
been used in Chinese music for over two millenenia. e instrument has six finger holes and
is played vertically—similarly to the Shakuhachi. It is usually made of dark brown bamboo.
e Xiao has a soft and low tone. e Xiao is
also known as the the Di Xiao or Dong Xiao.
Bansuri 1e Bansuri is a large side-blown alto flute of
Northern India and surrounding regions. It
is made of a single length of bamboo with six
or seven finger holes. Bansuris range in length
from about 12 inches up to about 40 inches,
with 20-inch bansuris being the most common. is instrument is associated with the
god Krishna who was often depicted playing a
Range: C3- C8
Bansuri 2
Pungi Snake
Another Bansuri instrument with a different
timbre and character. Venu is a variant of the
Bansuri used in Southern Indian Carnatic
Range: C3- C8
e Pungi Snake Charmer’s pipe is a North
Indian reed instrument used by snake charmers. It consists of two pipes, a melody chanter
and a drone, that are attached to a gourd. To
produce sound, the player blows into a mouthpiece attached to the top and plays the chanter
with his fingers. e reeds are placed inside
a protective gourd, so the player’s lips never
touch them. e instrument is also known as
the Bean.
a wooden body and a brass bell. It is mainly
a Northern Indian instrument although there
are Carnatic variants in Southern India. e
instrument commonly has seven to nine finger
holes and is played like an oboe. It is actually
a quadruple-reed instrument that has two upper reeds and two lower reeds. e Shenai is
thought to bring good luck and is often played
at Indian weddings and festivals.
Range: C3- C7
e Shiva Whistle is a small wooden wind
instrument. It has a picture of the Hindu diety
Shiva on it. It differs from the Bansuri in that it
is an end blown instrument and not a sideblown flute.
Hichirikie Hichiriki is a cylindrical double-reed wind
instrument used in the Gagaku (court) music
of Japan. It is characterized by its nasal timbre.
e instrument has a narrow range but with its
large reed there is great flexibility of pitch and
embellishment techniques.
Range: C4- G6
is Knotweed Flute is a small six-holed endblown flute made from the bamboo-like stalks
of the Knotweed.
Range: C4- C8
e Shakuhachi is a traditional notched flute
from Japan. e end-blown flute has five
finger holes and a thumb hole. e instrument
is made from the root of the bamboo and is
crafted with precision. Although tuned to a
pentatonic (five note) scale, by using various
fingerings (partial holings) and by controlling
the embouchure, the player can produce great
flexibility in tone and pitch.
e Jogi Baja is a double-reed instrument from
Nepal played in various ceremonies and rituals.
Players of the instrument often use the technique of circular breathing, which allows the
player to play extended passages.
Range: C3- C7
e Piri is a Korean double reed instrument
used in both the folk and court music of Korea.
It is made of bamboo and has seven finger
holes. Its large reed and cylindrical bore give
it a sound mellower than that of many other
types of oboe.
Double Flutee Double Flute originates from Albania.
is flute is distinctive in that it combines
two flute bores, combining a familiar six-hole
shepherd pipe and an overtone flute.
Range: C4- C7
Double Flute
Double Flute
e Dvojnice (double shepherd pipe) is a
carved wooden double-tube flute from the
Balkans. is traditional instrument has seven
finger holes, three on one pipe and four on
the other, allowing the player to play a harmony at the same time as the melody.
Range: C4- C8
is instrument is the second pipe for the
Double Flute above. e player begins a tune
by playing one pipe to state the melody and
the harmony on the drone side is then added.
Range: C4- C8
e Kaval is a long end-blown flute from
Bulgaria and the Balkans and is used in folk
music in the region. e Kaval is fully open
at both ends and sound is made by blowing
across the sharpened edge of the mouthpiece.
e instrument has eight playing holes (seven
in front and one in the back) and four extra
holes near the bottom of the instrument.
is Overtone Bass Flute, or Bass Fujara, is a
large instrument in the key of G. is contrabass Slovakian instrument can be as large as
five and a half feet long and produces a wide
range of harmonics and overtones.
Range: C3- C6
e Koncovka is a Slovakian overtone alto
flute that is traditionally played by shepherds.
is instrument is in the key of D and plays
melodies with no finger holes. Melodies are
created on the Koncovka flute by blocking
(fully or partially) the bottom hole of the flute
with the index finger to create various pitches.
Range: G4- C8
e Fujara is a folk shepherd’s flute originating from the Slovakian mountain region. is
Tenor Overtone Flute is often played while
standing. Although it has no finger holes, a
range of a few octaves can be achieved with
the right combination of breath and blocking.
Range: C4 - C7
Clarke has been the leading maker of Irish
Pennywhistles for over 150 years. Clarke Pennywhistles are known for their clear distinctive tone quality. Penywhistles come in a
variety of sizes and keys. A skilled player can
make a Pennywhistle sing with ornaments,
trills, flutter tonguing, and effects.
is handmade Pennywhistle is a fine handcrafted six-holed instrument. In recent years,
with the popularity of Titanic and Riverdance,
a number of instrument craftsmen in different countries have started lines of high-end
Pennywhistles made of exotic woods and fine
Range: C4 – C8
e Low Irish Whistle has one of the most
distinctive sounds in Irish music. Its unique
sound has been used in films such as the
haunting Titanic soundtrack and in River-dance. e Low Whistle is the Low D that is
pitched one octave below the traditional D
Range: C3 – C7
Pennywhistles originated in Ireland centuries
ago. is pennywhistle is an end-blown flute
tuned in the key of Bb, which is the lowest
note it is capable of playing. e Bb Pennywhistle is one of the most standard Pennywhistle instruments.
Range: F4 - F7
e D Pennywhistle is the most popular key
because so much Irish and Celtic music is in
the key of D. Although a diatonic instrument, it is also possible to play chromatically
by half-holing or cross-fingering.
e G Pennywhistle is rare and not as common as the other keys.
Range: D5 - C8
e Sopilka Whistle is a Ukrainian highpitched folk whistle. e instrument is similar
in range to the common piccolo flute. e
sound of the Sopilka depends on the strength
of the player’s blowing into the instrument.
Range: C5 – C8
e Susato Pennywhistle is made of sturdy
plastic. Some prefer these whistles not only
for their tone, but also because they are less
affected by changes in temperature or atmosphere than metal-based whistles.
e Recorder (also known as “flûte à bec” in
France, “blockflöte” in Germany, and “flauto
dolce” in Italy) has a long history in Europe
dating from Medieval times. Recorders are
generally end-blown flutes with seven finger
holes and a range of about two octaves. e
alto instrument is pitched in the key of F and
is also known as the Treble Recorder.
e Bass Recorder is the largest and deepest-voiced instrument of the recorder family.
is instrument has a bocal or bent-neck
design to direct the player’s breath to the
main body of the instrument. e instrument
is pitched in the key of F.
Range: C3- C6
e Piccolo Recorder, or Garklein, is the
smallest of all the recorders, approximately
six inches in length. ough not used as
frequently as other recorders it often serves to
fill out chords in ensembles. is instrument
is pitched in the key of C.
Diplicae Alto Natural clarinet, or Diplica, is an
e Sopranino Recorder is the highest voiced
recorder used in a typical recorder family. It is
pitched in the key of F.
Range: F5 – C8
e Soprano Recorder is the most common
among learners and is often used in classroom
setting. It is about twelve inches in length
and pitched in the key of C.
Range: G4- G7
e Tenor Recorder is known for its soft, melodious sound. It is pitched in the key of C.
Range: G3- G6
ancient, clarinet-like instrument from the
Czech Republic, Hungary, and parts of Croatia. is single-reed instrument consists of a
single wood pipe with seven finger holes.
an ancient folk instrument that has changed
little over the centuries. is double-reed
instrument is made from cherry wood and
has seven finger holes.
Range: C3 – C5
Chanters & Bagpipes:
Bagpipes have a long history throughout Europe and are part of the musical traditions of many countries.
e instrument consists of a single- or double-reed instrument that uses a bag (traditionally made from
animal skin) to retain and blow air to vibrate reeds. e bag is pressed with the arm to send air to a reed
pipe with finger holes called the chanter, which produces the melody notes. Some bagpipes can also
produce a drone that accompanies the melody, but unlike the familiar Scottish bagpipes, many European
bagpies are droneless.
e Catalan bagpipes have a different character and the widest range, approximately three
octaves. ere are several names for the Catalan
bagpipes: coixinera, caterineta, borrega, manxa
borrega, mossa verda, ploranera, Sac de les
Aspres, and Sac de Gemecs (which means “bag
of moans”).
Drone Range: C2- B2
Melodic Range: C3- C6
e Duda is popular throughout Eastern
Europe. e chanter of the Duda has a
double reed similar to an oboe, and a conical
bore with seven finger-holes. is chanter is
relatively high pitched and has a range of approximately two octaves.
e Gaita, which means “bagpipe,” is a traditional bagpipe used in Spain and Portugal.
e Gaita has become popular in recent years
in pipe bands. e Gaita chanter has a range
of approximately three octaves.
Drone Range: C2- B2
Melodic Range: C4- C7
e Koza is a Polish bagpipe that consists of
a large goatskin bag and a single reed chanter.
e chanter has a range of approximately two
Drone Range: C2- B2
Melodic Range: C3- C5
Scottish Highland Bagpipes, or the Great
Highland Bagpipes, are the most recognized of
the bagpipes and represent the national instrument of Scotland. Scottish Bagpipes are commonly used in formal ceremonies throughout
the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth
Drone Range: C2- B2
Melodic Range: C3- E5
e Uilleann Pipes are the national bagpipe
of Ireland. ey are distinguished from other
bagpipes as air is not blown with the mouth
but rather air is pumped into the bag by
means of a bellows attached to the player’s
elbow. e instrument is known for its sweet
tone and wide range of expression. e instrument has been more recently popularized
years in Riverdance.
is small instrument is a simple Bamboo
Flute with six holes and is in the key of F.
ere are a variety of small bamboo flutes
from many cultures.
Range: C4 - C8
A Bone Flute unearthed in Slovenia is reported to be the oldest handcrafted musical
instrument. is six-hole Bone Flute is also
from Slovenia and is carved from the thighbone of a turkey.
Range: C5 - C7
Another Bone Flute from Slovenia. is
instrument has seven finger holes.
Range: C5 – C8
e Irish Flute is a popular side-blown flute
used in traditional Irish music. e basic
instrument is a simple wooden flute with
six open holes and tuned in the key of D, a
widely used key for Irish music.
e Shepherds Folk Pipe, or Soprano Folk
Pipe, is a six-hole end-blown flute in the key
of D. e Shepherd’s Pipe is played by Slovak
shepherds to accompany them while herding
their sheep.
Range: G4 - G7
A tenor version of the Soprano Shepherd’s
Folk Pipe. is flute is a six-hole end-blown
folk flute and plays an octave lower than the
Shepherds Folk Pipe 1
e Andean Panpipes (or panflutes) is a popular folk instrument in the Andes mountains
region of South America. e instrument consists of two rows of bamboo pipes of gradually
increasing length, joined together in a bundle
and giving the alternate notes of the scale. Each
pipe is tuned to a certain note depending on
its length. Panpipes produce their distinctive
breathy sound when the player blows horizontally across the open end of the pipes. Panpipes
are also known as Zampoñas.
Range: C4 – C7
e Ocarina is a simple wind instrument having a hollow oval body with finger holes. Sound
is produced by covering various holes with the
fingers and by blowing through the sound hole.
e tone can also be varied by how hard the
player blows into the instrument. e Ocarina
is believed to have originated from Mesoamerica with the Mayan and the Aztecs.
Range: G4 – C7x
Another Ocarina instrument with a different
timbre and character.
Panpipes have long been a part of the culture of
Peru and other Andean regions. is Panpipe
instrument has a different range and character
than the traditional Andean panpipes. It is
played by Peruvian folk musicians of the Andes
mountains. Also known as Siku.
Range: C5- C8
e Quena is an end-blown Shepherd’s flute
originating in the Andean region of South
America prior to the Spanish conquest. e
instrument is made from carved bamboo cane
with a U-shaped mouthpiece and has six finger
holes in front and one in the back. It is also
known as a Kena.
Range: C4 - C7
e Tarka is a unique rectangular flute that
originates from the Andes Mountain highlands.
It is made from wood, carved with traditional
designs, and hand painted in rich colors. e
instrument has six finger holes and a whistletype mouthpiece.
ful and expressive tone. is instrument has
a small body with a large double reed and is
capable of sustaining drone notes for long
periods of time. Originally from Armenia,
the Duduk can be found throughout Turkey,
Persia, and surrounding areas. e instrument
has not changed through the centuries and has
become popular in recent years. It is featured
in such films as Gladiator and e Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Range: G2 - G5
e Maqrunah is a reed instrument from Tunisia and Libya and often played by shepherds.
A unique characteristic is its horn bell at one
end. Although the Maqrunah has a limited
melodic range, it produces a distinctly ornate
and breathy tone.
e Bottle Blows consist of different size
bottles and jugs of different materials. Sound
is produced by the player holding the mouth
of the bottle or jug near his or her mouth and
blowing across the top. ese instruments are
common in jug bands.
Range: C2 - G4
e Fife is a small, high-pitched, transverse
flute used in Appalachian folk music. It is a
simple instrument usually consisting of a tube
with six finger holes and diatonic tuning. e
Fife is similar to a piccolo, but can be louder
and shriller due to its narrower bore.
Range: C4 – C8
e design of the Native American Flute is
significantly different than the construction
of flutes from anywhere else in the world. It
has five or six finger holes on the bottom and
is typically made with two air chambers. e
Native American flute has achieved some
measure of fame for its distinctive sound, and
is used in a variety of films, documentaries, and
world music recordings.
Range: C3 – C7
e Plumber’s Pipe is a simple flute made from
inexpensive plastic PVC plumbing pipe. Plastic
plumbing pipe is considered ideal for simple
flutes since it is easy to work with, waterproof,
nearly unbreakable, and sounds remarkably
e Slide Whistle, also known as a Swanee
Whistle, is a wind instrument consisting of a
tube with a slide piston in it. Moving the slide
varies the pitch. e slide whistle is commonly
used as a sound effect (in animated cartoons or
in comedy soundtracks). It is possible to play
serious melodies on the slide whistle.
Conch Shelle Conch Shell, or shell trumpet, is a wind
instrument made from a seashell. A hole is
carved in the end of the shell and the player
blows into the instrument like a trumpet. Polynesian Conch Shell trumpets were historically
used throughout the South Pacific. In some
Polynesian islands it is known as the Putatara
to the Maori. is instrument was featured in
the score for the film Alien.
Range: C3 - E4
Nose Flute
e Didgeridoo is a wind instrument developed by indigenous Australians and is now
popular throughout the world. e didgeridoo
is traditionally made from hollowing out a
eucalyptus tree, but modern instruments are
made from a variety of woods, PVC, and other
materials. It is played by holding the end to
the mouth and vibrating the lips to produce
a drone sound while using a special circular
breathing technique. e sound can be varied
by imparting vocalizations. e Didgeridoo
is used by indigenous Australians to bring the
listener into a dream state.
Range: C3 – C6
e Hawaiian Nose Flute, or Ohe Hano Ihu,
is a bamboo flute that is played with the breath
from the nose rather than the mouth. Although capable of only one octave, it produces
a beautiful tone. Like other nose flutes in various cultures, it was traditionally used between