GarrettCom MNS-6K User Manual

Managed Network Software (MNS) for Magnum 6K family of Switches
– MNS-6K
Release 3.7.1
CLI User Guide
This guide describes how to use the Command Line Interface (CLI) for the Magnum 6K family of switches. For the Web Management Interface please refer to the Web Management Guide.
Some simple guidelines which will be useful for configuring and using the Magnum 6K family of switches -
If you need information on a specific command in the CLI, type the
command name after you type the word “help” (help <command> ) or just type <command> [Enter].
If you need information on a specific feature in Web Management Interface,
use the online help provided in the interface.
If you need further information or data sheets on GarrettCom Magnum 6K
family of switches, refer to the GarrettCom web links at: (except MP62 switch shown on the page)
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i ii
GarrettCom Inc. reserves the right to change specifications, performance characteristics
and/or model offerings without notice. GarrettCom, Magnum, S-Ring, Link-Loss-Learn,
Converter Switch, Convenient Switch and Personal Switch are trademarks and Personal Hub
is a registered trademark of GarrettCom, Inc.
NEBS is a registered trademark of Telcordia Technologies.
UL is a registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories.
Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation.
Copyright © 2007 GarrettCom, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced without prior written permission from GarrettCom, Inc.
Printed in the United States of America.
Part #: 84-00131
Table of Contents
1 – Conventions Followed...............................................................18
Flow of the User Guide ..........................................................19
2 – Getting Started ............................................................................22
Before starting ..........................................................................22
MNS-6K Software Updates .......................................................23
Console connection .................................................................23
Console setup............................................................................24
Console screen..........................................................................24
Logging in for the first time ...................................................25
Setting the IP parameters........................................................25
Privilege levels...........................................................................28
Operator Privileges......................................................................28
Manager Privileges.......................................................................28
User management.....................................................................28
Add User.......................................................................................29
Delete User...................................................................................29
Modify Password .........................................................................29
Modify the Privilege Level .........................................................29
Modify Access Privileges for a user ..........................................30
Displaying Help for an Individual Command.........................31
Viewing options for a command...............................................31
Context help.................................................................................32
List of commands in this chapter ..........................................33
3 – IP Address and System Information.....................................35
IP Addressing...............................................................................35
Importance of an IP address ..................................................35
DHCP and bootp ........................................................................36
Bootp Database ...........................................................................36
Configuring Auto/DHCP/Bootp/Manual .............................37
Using Telnet .................................................................................38
Setting serial port parameters .................................................40
System parameters....................................................................41
Date and time............................................................................43
Network time............................................................................44
Saving and loading configuration ..........................................45
Config files....................................................................................48
Displaying configuration.........................................................50
Erasing configuration ..............................................................53
Displaying Serial Number.......................................................54
List of commands in this chapter ..........................................55
Other commands .....................................................................57
4 – IPv6 .................................................................................59
Introduction to IPv6................................................................59
What’s changed in IPV6?........................................................60
IPv6 Addressing .......................................................................61
Configuring IPv6......................................................................61
List of commands in this chapter ..........................................62
5 – Access Considerations ....................................................64
Securing access.............................................................................64
Passwords ..................................................................................64
Port Security..............................................................................65
Network security..........................................................................65
Configuring Port Security...........................................................65
Logs ............................................................................................71
Authorized managers...............................................................73
List of commands in this chapter ..........................................75
6 – Access Using RADIUS ...................................................77
RADIUS .......................................................................................77
802.1x .........................................................................................77
Configuring 802.1x...................................................................80
List of commands in this chapter ..........................................85
7 – Access Using TACACS+ ................................................87
TACACS – flavors and history..................................................87
TACACS+ Flow.......................................................................88
TACACS+ Packet....................................................................89
Configuring TACACS+ ..........................................................89
List of commands in this chapter ..........................................91
8 – Port Mirroring and Setup................................................93
Port monitoring and mirroring..................................................93
Port mirroring...........................................................................93
Port setup ..................................................................................94
Speed settings...............................................................................95
Flow Control ................................................................................96
Back Pressure ...............................................................................97
Broadcast Storms.........................................................................99
Preventing broadcast storms ................................................100
Port Rate limiting for broadcast traffic...............................101
List of commands in this chapter ........................................101
9 – VLAN............................................................................ 103
Why VLANs?.............................................................................103
Tag VLAN or Port VLAN? .................................................105
Private VLANs .......................................................................106
Using Port VLANs ................................................................107
Creating VLANs.....................................................................107
Using Tag VLANs .................................................................111
Tag VLANs and Management .............................................118
List of commands in this chapter ........................................121
10 – Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).................................... 123
STP features and operation......................................................123
Using STP................................................................................124
List of commands in this chapter ........................................134
11 – Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)....................... 135
RSTP concepts...........................................................................135
Transition from STP to RSTP .............................................136
Configuring RSTP..................................................................137
List of commands in this chapter ........................................147
12 – RS-Ring™, S-Ring™ and Link-Loss-Learn™ (LLL) 149
S-Ring and LLL concepts.........................................................150
RS-Ring concepts ......................................................................151
When to use RS-Ring vs S-Ring ..........................................152
Comparing resiliency methods.............................................153
RSTP/STP Operation without RS-Ring or S-Ring ..........154
RSTP/STP Operation with S-Ring .....................................156
LLL with S-Ring.....................................................................158
Ring learn features..................................................................158
Configuring S-Ring ................................................................159
RSTP Operation with RS-Ring ............................................162
Configuring RS-Ring .............................................................164
List of commands in this chapter ........................................166
13 – Dual-Homing.............................................................. 168
Dual-Homing concepts ............................................................168
Dual-Homing Modes.............................................................171
Configuring Dual-Homing ...................................................171
List of commands in this chapter ........................................173
14 – Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) ............... 174
LACP concepts..........................................................................174
LACP Configuration..............................................................175
List of commands in this chapter ........................................185
15 – Quality of Service ........................................................ 186
QoS concepts .............................................................................186
DiffServ and QoS...................................................................187
IP Precedence .........................................................................188
Configuring QoS ....................................................................189
List of commands in this chapter ........................................193
16 – IGMP........................................................................... 195
IGMP concepts..........................................................................195
Configuring IGMP.................................................................202
List of commands in this chapter ........................................207
17 – GVRP...........................................................................209
GVRP concepts .........................................................................209
GVRP Operations..................................................................210
Configuring GVRP ................................................................215
GVRP Operations Notes......................................................216
List of commands in this chapter ........................................217
18 – SNMP.......................................................................... 218
SNMP concepts .........................................................................218
Standards .................................................................................220
Configuring SNMP ................................................................221
Configuring RMON ..............................................................230
List of commands in this chapter ........................................231
19 – Miscellaneous Commands .......................................... 235
Alarm Relays ...........................................................................235
Email ........................................................................................239
Serial Connectivity .................................................................244
Miscellaneous commands .....................................................245
Prompt .....................................................................................246
FTP modes..............................................................................248
System Events.........................................................................248
MAC Address Table ..............................................................253
List of commands in this chapter ........................................254
APPENDIX 1 - Command listing by Chapter ..................257
Chapter 2 – Getting Started..................................................257
Chapter 3 – IP Address and System Information.............258
Chapter 4 – IPv6 ....................................................................261
Chapter 5 – Access Considerations.....................................262
Chapter 6 – Access Using Radius........................................263
Chapter 7 – Access using TACACS+.................................264
Chapter 8 – Port mirroring and setup.................................265
Chapter 9 - VLAN .................................................................266
Chapter 10 – Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).....................267
Chapter 11 – Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol.....................267
Chapter 12 – RS-Ring, S-Ring and Link-Loss-Learn .......268
Chapter 13 – Dual-Homing..................................................270
Chapter 14 – Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)270
Chapter 15 – Quality of Service...........................................270
Chapter 16 - IGMP................................................................271
Chapter 17 - GVRP ...............................................................272
Chapter 18 – SNMP ..............................................................272
Chapter 19 – Miscellaneous Commands ............................275
APPENDIX 2 - Commands sorted alphabetically............278
APPENDIX 3 - Daylight Savings ......................................299
Daylight Savings Time...........................................................299
APPENDIX 4 – Updating MNS-6K Software.................... 301
1. Getting Started ......................................................302
Selecting the proper version .................................................303
Downloading the MNS-6K software..................................303
Next steps................................................................................307
2. Preparing to load the software..............................308
Accessing the switch..............................................................308
Serial Connection.......................................................................308
Network Access.........................................................................309
Saving the Configuration ......................................................309
Serial Connection.......................................................................310
Network Access.........................................................................312
Next steps................................................................................313
3. Loading the MNS-6K software ............................. 314
Before loading the MNS-6K software ................................314
Accessing the switch..............................................................314
Serial Connection.......................................................................315
Network Access.........................................................................316
Next steps................................................................................317
4. (Optional Step) Restoring the configuration........ 318
Accessing the switch..............................................................318
Reloading the configuration .................................................318
Updating boot code over the network................................319
Index................................................................................... 321
List of Figures
FIGURE 1 - HyperTerminal screen showing the serial settings ................................................................. 24
FIGURE 2 - Prompt indicating the switch model number as well as mode of operation – note the
commands to switch between the levels is not shown here.............................................................. 25
IGURE 3 - Setting IP address on the switch ......................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 4 - Rebooting the switch .......................................................................................................... 27
IGURE 5 - Viewing the basic setup parameters. You can use ‘show setup’ or ‘show sysconfig’ to
view setup parameters ................................................................................................................ 27
FIGURE 6 - Switching users and privilege levels. Note the prompt changes with the new privilege
level. .........................................................................................................................................28
FIGURE 7 - Adding a user with Manager level privilege .......................................................................29
FIGURE 8 - Deleting a user ................................................................................................................. 29
FIGURE 9 - Changing the password for a specific user........................................................................... 29
FIGURE 10 - Changing the privilege levels for a user ............................................................................. 30
FIGURE 11 – Creating user access privileges........................................................................................... 30
FIGURE 12 - Help command.............................................................................................................. 31
FIGURE 13 - Help for a specific command........................................................................................... 31
IGURE 14 - Options for the ‘show’ command...................................................................................... 32
FIGURE 15 - Listing commands available (at the operator level) ...........................................................32
FIGURE 16 - Listing commands starting with a specific character ..........................................................32
IGURE 17 - Listing commands options – note the command was not completed and the TAB
key completed the command. ......................................................................................................33
FIGURE 18 – logout command .............................................................................................................. 33
FIGURE 19 - Checking the IP settings.................................................................................................. 36
FIGURE 20 - Changing the boot mode of the switch .............................................................................. 38
FIGURE 21 - Changing telnet access – note in this case, the enable command was repeated without
any effect to the switch................................................................................................................ 38
FIGURE 22 - Reviewing the console parameters – note telnet is enabled .................................................39
FIGURE 23 - Example of a telnet session............................................................................................. 39
FIGURE 24 – managing and viewing multiple telnet sessions .................................................................. 40
FIGURE 25 - Querying the serial port settings ......................................................................................41
FIGURE 26 - System parameters using the show setup command. Most parameters here cannot be
changed .....................................................................................................................................41
FIGURE 27 - System parameters using the show sysconfig command. Most parameters here can be
changed. ....................................................................................................................................42
FIGURE 28 - Setting the system name, system location and system contact information........................... 42
FIGURE 29 - Setting the system date, time and time zone .....................................................................43
FIGURE 30 - Setting the system daylight saving time............................................................................. 44
FIGURE 31 - Setting up SNTP services ............................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 32 - Saving the configuration on a tftp server ..........................................................................45
IGURE 33 – Based on the ftp or tftp or xmodem commands – the MNS-6K based switch can
upload or download different types of files and images .Other files such as log files, hosts file
can also be saved or loaded onto a switch .................................................................................... 47
FIGURE 34 – commands to save the configuration using ftp. Similar options will be specified using
tftp etc. When using the ftp command, use the host command discussed later in this section
to define the ftp server ................................................................................................................ 48
FIGURE 35 – Contents of the config file................................................................................................. 49
FIGURE 36 – Creating host entries on MNS-6K.................................................................................. 50
FIGURE 37 – ‘
FIGURE 38 – displaying specific modules using the
show config’
command output................................................................................... 52
‘show config’
command....................................... 52
FIGURE 39 – displaying configuration for different modules. Note – multiple modules can be
specified on the command line..................................................................................................... 53
FIGURE 40 Erasing configuration without erasing the IP address .......................................................54
IGURE 41 – Display the serial number, factory code and other relevant setup information...................... 54
FIGURE 42 – Configuring IPv6............................................................................................................ 62
FIGURE 43 – Changing password for a given account ............................................................................ 64
FIGURE 44 – Port security configuration mode ......................................................................................65
FIGURE 45 – Port security configuration mode ......................................................................................66
FIGURE 46 – Port security – allowing specific MAC addresses on a specified port. (No spaces
between specified MAC addresses) ............................................................................................. 67
FIGURE 47 – Port security - the port learns the MAC addresses. Note – a maximum of 200
MAC addresses can be learnt per port and a maximum of 500 per switch. Also, the ‘action’ on the port must be set to none before the port ‘learns’ the MAC address
information. ..............................................................................................................................67
FIGURE 48 – Enabling and disabling port security ...............................................................................67
FIGURE 49 – Viewing port security settings on a switch. On port 9, learning is enabled. This port
has 6 stations connected to it with the MAC addresses as shown. Other ports have
learning disabled and the MAC addresses are not configured on those ports ................................68
FIGURE 50 – Enabling learning on a port. Note – after the learning is enabled, the port security
can be queried to find the status of MAC addresses learnt. If there were machines connected to this port, the MAC address would be shown on port 11 as they are shown on
port 9 .......................................................................................................................................68
FIGURE 51 – Allowing specific MAC address on specific ports. After the MAC address is
specified, the port or specific ports or a range of ports can be queried as shown .............................. 69
FIGURE 52 – Removing a MAC address from port security .................................................................. 69
FIGURE 53 – Setting the logging on a port ............................................................................................ 69
FIGURE 54 – Steps for setting up port security on a specific port ............................................................ 71
IGURE 55 – Show log and clear log command. The show log command indicates the type of log
activity in the S column .............................................................................................................73
FIGURE 56 – Steps to allow deny or remove specific services ...................................................................75
FIGURE 57 – 802.1x network components........................................................................................... 78
FIGURE 58 – 802.1x authentication details .........................................................................................79
FIGURE 59 – securing the network using port access ..............................................................................84
FIGURE 60 Flow chart describing the interaction between local users and TACACS
authorization ............................................................................................................................88
FIGURE 61 – TACACS packet format............................................................................................... 89
FIGURE 62 – Configuring TACACS+............................................................................................... 91
FIGURE 63 – Enabling port mirroring .................................................................................................94
IGURE 64 – Port setup....................................................................................................................... 95
FIGURE 65 Setting up back pressure and flow control on ports............................................................ 99
FIGURE 66 – Setting up broadcast storm protection. Also shows how the threshold can be lowered
for a specific port .....................................................................................................................101
FIGURE 67 – VLAN as two separate collision domains. The top part of the figure shows two
“traditional” Ethernet segments. Up to 32 VLANs can be defined per switch.........................103
FIGURE 68 – Ports can belong to multiple VLANs. In this figure a simplistic view is presented
where some ports belong to VLANs 1, 2 and other ports belong to VLANs 2,3. Ports
can belong to VLANs 1, 2 and 3. This is not shown in the figure. ......................................... 104
FIGURE 69 – routing between different VLANs is performed using a router or a Layer 3 switch
(L3-switch)............................................................................................................................. 105
FIGURE 70 – configuring VLANs on Magnum 6K switch ................................................................ 108
FIGURE 71 – Example of setting up port based VLANs ..................................................................111
FIGURE 72 – Example for Tag VLAN...........................................................................................118
FIGURE 73 – Editing the VLAN information for enabling or disabling management .........................121
Figure 74 – STP default values – refer to next section “Using STP” for more detailed
explanation on the variables ....................................................................................................124
FIGURE 75 – Viewing STP configuration ..........................................................................................125
FIGURE 76 – STP Port status information......................................................................................... 126
FIGURE 77 – Enabling STP ............................................................................................................. 128
FIGURE 78 – Configuring STP parameters ........................................................................................134
FIGURE 79 – Enabling RSTP and reviewing the RSTP variables...................................................... 139
FIGURE 80 – Reviewing the RSTP port parameters............................................................................ 140
Figure 81 – Path cost as defined in IEEE 802.1d (STP) and 802.1w (RSTP) ............................... 141
IGURE 82 – RSTP information from a network with multiple switches. Note the “show stp
ports” command can be executed from the manager level prompt or from rstp configuration
state as shown in the screen captures earlier. .............................................................................141
FIGURE 83 – Configuring RSTP on MNS-6K..................................................................................147
FIGURE 84 – Normal RSTP/STP operations in a series of switches. Note – this normal status
is designated RING_CLOSED............................................................................................155
FIGURE 85 – A fault in the ring interrupts traffic. The blocking port now becomes forwarding so
that traffic can reach all switches in the network Note – the mP62 as well as the ESD42
switches support LLL and can participate in S-Ring as an access switch ..................................156
FIGURE 86 – More than one S-Ring pair can be selected and more than one S-Ring can be
defined per switch. Note – the mP62 as well as the ESD42 switches support LLL and
can participate in S-Ring as an access switch ............................................................................157
IGURE 87 Activating S-Ring on the switch ....................................................................................159
FIGURE 88 – S-Ring configuration commands for root switch ..............................................................161
FIGURE 89 – Link Loss Learn (LLL) setup. Setup LLL on ports connected to other switches
participating in S-Ring............................................................................................................ 162
FIGURE 90 – More than one RS-Ring cannot be defined per managed Magnum 6K switch. Note
– unmanaged switches cannot participate in RS-Ring...............................................................163
FIGURE 91 Activating RS-Ring on the switch..................................................................................164
FIGURE 92 – RS-Ring configuration commands .................................................................................166
FIGURE 93 – Dual-homing using ESD42 switch and Magnum 6K family of switches. In case of
a connectivity break – the connection switches to the standby path or standby link ..................... 169
FIGURE 94 – Dual-homing using Magnum 6K family of switches. Note the end device (video
surveillance camera) can be powered using PoE options on Magnum 6K family of switches.
In case of a connectivity break – the connection switches to the standby path or standby
link ........................................................................................................................................169
FIGURE 95 – Using S-Ring, RS-Ring and dual-homing, it is possible to build networks resilient
not only to a single link failure but also for one device failing on the network .............................170
FIGURE 96 – configuring dual-homing ................................................................................................172
FIGURE 97 – Some valid LACP configurations. ................................................................................176
FIGURE 98 – an incorrect LACP connection scheme for Magnum 6K family of switches. All
LACP trunk ports must be on the same module and cannot span different modules..................176
FIGURE 99 – In this figure, even though the connections are from one module to another, this is
still not a valid configuration (for LACP using 4 ports) as the trunk group belongs to two
different VLANs................................................................................................................... 177
IGURE 100 - In the figure above, there is no common VLAN between the two sets of ports, so
packets from one VLAN to another cannot be forwarded. There should be at least one
VLAN common between the two switches and the LACP port groups. ...................................177
FIGURE 101 – This configuration is similar to the previous configuration, except there is a common
VLAN (VLAN 1) between the two sets of LACP ports. This is a valid configuration. ........178
FIGURE 102 – In the architecture above, using RSTP and LACP allows multiple switches to be
configured together in a meshed redundant link architecture. First define the RSTP configuration on the switches. Then define the LACP ports. Then finally connect the ports
together to form the meshed redundant link topology as shown above.......................................... 178
FIGURE 103 – LACP, along with RSTP/STP brings redundancy to the network core or
backbone. Using this reliable core with a dual-homed edge switch brings reliability and
redundancy to the edge of the network.......................................................................................179
FIGURE 104 This architecture is not recommended............................................................................ 180
FIGURE 105 – Creating a reliable infrastructure using wireless bridges (between two facilities) and
LACP. “A” indicates a Wi-Fi wireless Bridge or other wireless Bridges.................................. 181
IGURE 106 – Configuring LACP....................................................................................................183
FIGURE 107 – The network for the ‘show lacp’ command listed below.................................................. 184
FIGURE 108 – LACP information over a network .............................................................................185
FIGURE 109 – ToS and DSCP......................................................................................................... 187
FIGURE 110 - IP Precedence ToS Field in an IP Packet Header.........................................................188
FIGURE 111 - Port weight settings and the meaning of the setting .........................................................190
FIGURE 112 – QoS configuration and setup........................................................................................ 193
FIGURE 113 – IGMP concepts – advantages of using IGMP.............................................................. 197
FIGURE 114 – IGMP concepts – Isolating multicast traffic in a network............................................. 198
FIGURE 115 - In a Layer 2 network, an IGMP multicast traffic goes to all the nodes. In the
figure, T1, a surveillance camera, using multicast, will send the traffic to all the nodes - R1
through R6 - irrespective of whether they want to view the surveillance traffic or not. The traffic is compounded when additional cameras are added to the network. End result is that users R1 through R6 see the network as heavily loaded and simple day to day operations
may appear sluggish................................................................................................................. 200
FIGURE 116 - Using IGMP-L2 on Magnum 6K family of switches, a Layer 2 network can
minimize multicast traffic as shown above. Each switch has the IGMPL2 turned on. Each switch can exchange the IGMP query message and respond properly. R4 wants to view surveillance traffic from T1. As shown by (1), a join request is sent by R4. Once the join report information is exchanged, only R4 receives the video surveillance traffic, as shown by (2). No other device on the network gets the video surveillance traffic unless they
issue a join request as well. ......................................................................................................201
FIGURE 117 – Enabling IGMP and query the status of IGMP ......................................................... 203
IGURE 118 – Displaying IGMP groups............................................................................................204
FIGURE 119 – Configuring IGMP.....................................................................................................207
FIGURE 120 - Setting IGMP-L2.......................................................................................................207
FIGURE 121 GVRP operation – see description below .....................................................................210
FIGURE 122 – VLAN Assignment in GVRP enabled switches. Non GVRP enabled switches
can impact VLAN settings on other GVRP enabled switches.................................................211
FIGURE 123 – Port settings for GVRP operations .............................................................................212
FIGURE 124 – Command to check for dynamically assigned VLANs ................................................213
FIGURE 125 – Converting a dynamic VLAN to a static VLAN.....................................................213
FIGURE 126 – GVRP options........................................................................................................... 214
FIGURE 127 – GVRP configuration example ....................................................................................216
FIGURE 128 – Configuring SNMP – most of the command here are SNMP v3 commands ................230
IGURE 129 – Configuring RMON groups........................................................................................ 231
FIGURE 130 – Predefined conditions for the relay ................................................................................236
FIGURE 131 – Setting up the external electrical relay and alerts........................................................... 239
FIGURE 132 – setting SMTP to receive SNMP trap information via email......................................... 244
FIGURE 133 – Optimizing serial connection (shown for Hyper Terminal on Windows XP). The
highlighted fields are the ones to change as described ..................................................................244
FIGURE 134 – History commands ......................................................................................................246
FIGURE 135 – Setting custom prompts................................................................................................247
FIGURE 136 – Using the ping command ............................................................................................. 247
FIGURE 137 – Event log shown on the screen...................................................................................... 249
FIGURE 138 – Using exportlog to export the event log information ......................................................250
FIGURE 139 – Listing of severity - sorted by subsystem and severity .....................................................253
xvi xvii
FIGURE 140 – Display of the internal switching decision table............................................................. 254
FIGURE 141 – Accessing the GarrettCom site for download.................................................................305
FIGURE 142 – Select the proper version to use after successful login ...................................................... 306
FIGURE 143 – Navigate to MNS-6K folder to download the latest MNS-6K software and the
release notes............................................................................................................................. 306
FIGURE 144 Use the copy command to copy the files to the proper location ........................................307
FIGURE 145 - HyperTerminal screen showing the serial settings .........................................................309
FIGURE 146 Using telnet command to connect to a Magnum 6K switch with IP address ......................................................................................................................309
FIGURE 147 – Example of saveconf command using serial interface..................................................... 310
IGURE 148Invoke the “Receive File” to start the Xmodem transfer program. In the figure
above the Windows XP based HyperTerminal screen is shown ................................................. 311
FIGURE 149 – Make sure to select the Xmodem protocol and the proper directory where the
configuration is saved. Click on Receive. This starts the file transfer. .........................................311
FIGURE 150 – Status window for Xmodem (using HyperTerminal under Windows XP) .................... 312
FIGURE 151 – Message which shows the completion of the file transfer (from ‘saveconf’ command).........312
FIGURE 152 – Example of saveconf command for tftp.........................................................................312
FIGURE 153 – Upgrade using serial connection ...................................................................................315
FIGURE 154 – File upload status window under Xmodem (using HyperTerminal under Windows
FIGURE 155 upgrading the switch using the serial interface ............................................................... 316
FIGURE 156 Dialog for upgrading the image using tftp.....................................................................317
IGURE 157 Updating the boot code over the network using the upgrade command. Make sure
to reboot the switch after the boot loader upgrade is completed.................................................... 319
1 – Conventions Followed
Conventions followed in the manual…
o best use this document, please review some of the conventions followed in the manual, including screen captures, interactions and commands with the switch,
Box shows interaction with the switch command line or screen captures from the switch or computer for clarity
Commands typed by a user will be shown in a different color and this font
Switch prompt – shown in Bold font, with a “# or >” at the end. For the document we will use Magnum6K25# as the default prompt.
Syntax rules
Optional entries are shown in [square brackets] Parameter values within are shown in < pointed brackets > Optional parameter values are shown again in [square brackets]
Syntax command [parameter1=<value1>[, parameter2=<value2>]] parameter3=<value3|value4>
In the example above: Parameter 1 and Parameter 2 are optional values Parameter 2 can be used optionally only if Parameter 1 is specified Parameter 3 is mandatory.
Parameter 1 has value1 = IP address Parameter 2 has value2 = string Parameter 3 has value3 or value4
Related Topics
Related topics show that GarrettCom strongly recommends reading about those topics. You may choose to skip those if you already have prior detailed knowledge on those subjects.
Tool box – Necessary software and hardware components needed (or recommended to have) as a prerequisite. These include serial ports on a computer, serial cables, TFTP or FTP software, serial terminal emulation software etc.
Caution or take notice – Things to watch out for in case of problems or potential problems. This is also used to draw attention to a special issue, capability or fact.
Terminology – Whenever the word PC is used it implies a UNIX, Linux, Windows or any other operating system based work station, computer, personal computer, laptop, notebook or any other computing device. Most of the manual uses Windows-XP based examples. While effort has been made to indicate other Operating System interactions, it is best to use a Windows-XP based machine when in doubt.
Supported MNS-6K Version – The documentation reflects features of MNS-6K version 3.4 or later. If your switch is not at the current version, GarrettCom Inc. recommends upgrade to the latest version. Please refer to the GarrettCom Web site for information on upgrading the MNS-6K software on Magnum 6K family of switches.
Product Family – this manual is for all the Magnum 6K family of switches.
Finally, at the end of each chapter, is a list of the commands covered in the chapter as well as a brief synopsis of what they do.
Flow of the User Guide
The manual is designed to guide the user through a sequence of events.
Chapter 1 – this chapter
Chapter 2 is the basic setup as required by the Magnum 6K family of switches. After
completing Chapter 2, the configuration can be done using the web interface. Chapter 2 is perhaps the most critical chapter in what needs to be done by the network administrator once the switch is received.
Chapter 3 focuses on operational issues of the switch. This includes time synchronization using the command line or using a time server on the network.
Chapter 4 through Chapter 6 focuses on security and access consideration. Bad passwords trump any security setup, so setup the manager passwords carefully as described in Chapter 2. Chapter 4 describes how to setup port access using MAC address security. Chapter 5 describes how a RADIUS server can be used for authentication and access. Chapter 6 essentially is similar to Chapter 5, and talks about using a TACACS+ server instead of a RADIUS server.
Chapter 7 talks about port mirroring and preventing broadcast storms. Port mirroring is necessary in a network to reflect traffic from one port onto another port so that the traffic can be captured for protocol analysis or intrusion analysis.
Chapter 8 deals with VLANs. VLANs provide security as well as traffic separation. This chapter shows how VLANs can be setup and managed.
At this stage the network and the switch are secured. It is now critical to make the network more reliable. The User Guide switches gears and talks about STP, RSTP and S­Ring technologies which can be used for making the network reliable. These technologies allow resiliency in a network. Chapters 9 through Chapter 12 discuss some resiliency techniques.
Chapter 9 shows how STP can be setup and used. Today, RSTP is preferred over STP.
Chapter 10 shows how RSTP is setup and used as well as how RSTP can be used with
legacy devices which support STP only.
Chapter 11 focuses on S-Ring™ and setup of S-Ring (optional). This chapter also talks about using RS-Ring™ with managed switches.
Chapter 12 talks about dual homing and how dual homing can be used to bring resiliency to edge devices.
Chapter 13 describes LACP and how LACP can be used to increase the throughput using 10/100 Mbps ports or in situations where resiliency is needed between switches (trunks).
Once the network is made resilient, the network manager may want to setup prioritization of traffic.
Chapter 14 focuses on Quality of Service (QoS) and other prioritization issues.
Chapters 15 and 16 focus on advanced topics such as IGMP and GVRP.
Chapter 15 focuses on IGMP.
Chapter 16 focuses on GVRP.
Chapter 17 shows how the SNMP parameters can be setup for managing the switch with
network management software such as Castle Rock SNMPc™
Chapter 18 includes miscellaneous commands to improve the overall ease of use and other diagnostic information.
2 – Getting Started
First few simple steps …
his section explains how the GarrettCom Magnum 6K family of switches can be setup using the console port on the switch. Some of the functionality includes setting up the IP
address of the switch, securing the switch with a user name and password, setting up VLAN’s and more.
Before starting
Before you start, it is recommended to acquire the hardware listed below and be ready with the items listed.
For initial configuration through the serial/console port
1) A female-female null modem cable. This cable is available from GarrettCom Inc.
as well as from LAN store (
2) Serial port – if your PC does not have a serial port, you may want to invest in a
USB to serial converter. This is again available from LAN store or from GarrettCom Inc. Alternately a USB to serial cable can also be used. This cable is also available from LAN store or GarrettCom Inc.
3) A PC (or a workstation/computer) with a terminal emulation program such as
HyperTerminal (included with Windows) or Teraterm-pro, minicom or other equivalent software. (Make sure the software supports Xmodem protocol, as you may need this in the future to update the MNS-6K software)
4) Enough disk space to store and retrieve the configuration files as well as copy
software files from GarrettCom. We recommend at least 15MB of disk space for this purpose
5) Decide on a manager level account name and password for access security
6) IP address, netmask, default gateway for the switch being configured
As a default, the switch has no IP (Internet Protocol) address and subnet mask. For first time use, the IP address has to be assigned. This can only be done by using the console interface provided.
The same procedure can also be used for other configuration changes or updates – e.g. changing the IP address, VLAN assignments and more. Once the IP address is assigned and a PC is networked to the switch, the switch’s command line interface (CLI) can be accessed via telnet. To manage the switch through in-band (networked) access (e.g. telnet, or Web Browser Interface), you should configure the switch with an IP address and subnet mask compatible with your network. You should also change the manager password to control access privileges from the console.
Many other features such as optimizing the switch’s performance, traffic engineering and traffic prioritizing, VLAN configuration, and improving network security can be configured through the switch’s console interface as well as in-band (networked) access, once the IP address is setup. Besides the IP address, setting up the SNMP parameters allows configuration and monitoring through an SNMP network management station running a network management program (e.g. SNMPc from Castle Rock – available from GarrettCom Inc.)

MNS-6K Software Updates

GarrettCom web site for information on updating the MNS-6K software. The documentation on how to update the MNS-6K is included as an Appendix in this manual.
Magnum switches already have the necessary software loaded on them. If a software upgrade is needed or the MNS-6K software needs to be updated to the current version, please refer to the
The Login prompt is shown when the connection to the GarrettCom Magnum 6K Switch is successful and the switch is ready for the configuration commands. Should you get a boot prompt, please contact GarrettCom technical support.
The IP address of the switch is assigned automatically from a DHCP server or a BootP server. If these servers do not exist, the switch will be assigned an IP address which was previously configured or a static IP address of with a netmask of (if that address is not in use). It is recommended that the user uses Secure Web Management (SWM) capabilities built into MNS-6K to setup and manage the switch. Please refer to the SWM user guide for more information.
Console connection
The connection to the console is accessed through the DB-9 RS232 connector on the switch marked on the Magnum 6K family of switches as a console port. This interface provides access to the commands the switch can interpret and is called the Command Line Interface (or CLI). This interface can be accessed by attaching a VT100 compatible terminal or a PC running a terminal emulation program to the console port on the Magnum 6K family of switches.
USB to serial adapters are also available for laptops or computers that do not native serial ports but have access to USB ports.
The interface through the console or the Console Management Interface (or CMI) enables you to reconfigure the switch and to monitor switch status and performance.
Once the switch is configured with an IP address, the Command Line Interface (or CLI) is also accessible using telnet as well as the serial port. Access to the switch can be either through the console interface or remotely over the network.
The Command Line Interface (CLI) enables local or remote unit installation and maintenance. The Magnum 6K family of switches provides a set of system commands which allow effective monitoring, configuration and debugging of the devices on the network.
Console setup
Connect the console port on the switch to the serial port on the computer using the serial cable listed above. The settings for the HyperTerminal software emulating a VT100 are shown in Figure 1 below. Make sure the serial parameters are set as shown (or bps = 38400, data bits=8, parity=none, stop bits=1, flow control=none).
FIGURE 1 - HyperTerminal screen showing the serial settings
Console screen
Once the console cable is connected to the PC and the software configured, MNS­6K legal disclaimers and other text scrolls by on the screen.
The switch has three modes of operation – Operator (least privilege), Manager and Configuration. The prompts for the switches change as the switch changes modes from Operator to Manager to Configuration. The prompts are shown in Figure 2 below, with a brief explanation of what the different prompts indicate.
Magnum6K> Operator Level – for running operations queries Magnum6K# Manager Level – for setting and reviewing commands Magnum6K## Configuration Level – for changing the switch parameter values
FIGURE 2 - Prompt indicating the switch model number as well as mode of operation – note the commands to switch between the levels is not shown here.
The prompt can be changed by the user. See the Chapter on Miscellaneous
Commands, sub section Prompt for more details. This manual was documented on a
Magnum 6K25 switch, and for clarity, the prompt shown in the manual will be
For additional information on default users, user levels and
more, see User Management in this guide.
Logging in for the first time
For the first time, use the default user name and passwords assigned by GarrettCom for the Magnum 6K family of switches. They are:
Username – manager Password – manager Username – operator Password – operator
We recommend you login as manager for the first time to set up the IP address as well as change user passwords or create new users.
Setting the IP parameters
To setup the switch, the IP address and other relevant TCP/IP parameters have to be specified. A new GarrettCom Magnum switch looks for a DHCP or a BootP server. If a DHCP or a BootP server is present, the switch will be assigned an IP address from those servers. Failing to find these servers, the IP address is automatically assigned to with a netmask of
Should a situation arise when there are multiple new switches powered up at the same time, there could be a situation of duplicate IP addresses. In this situation, only one Magnum switch will be assigned the IP address of and netmask of The other switches will not be assigned an IP address till the static IP address of is freed up or reassigned.
To change the IP address, please ensure that the IP address to be assigned to the switch is known or contact your system/network administrator to get the IP address information. Follow the steps listed below to configure the IP address manually.
Ensure the power is off
Follow the steps described above
for connecting the console cable and setting
the console software
Power on the switch
Once the login prompt appears, login as manager using default password
Configure the IP address, network mask and default gateway as per the IP
addressing scheme for your network
Set the Manager Password (recommended–refer to next section)
Save the settings (without saving, the changes made will be lost)
Power off the switch (or a software reboot as discussed below)
Power on the switch – login with the new login name and password
From the PC (or from the switch) ping the IP address specified for the switch to
ensure connectivity
From the switch ping the default gateway specified (ensure you are connected to
the network to check for connectivity) to ensure network connectivity
Syntax ipconfig [ip=<ip-address>] [mask=<subnet-mask>] [dgw=<gateway>] [add|del]
Magnum6K25# ipconfig ip= mask=
Magnum6K25# save
FIGURE 3 - Setting IP address on the switch
This document assumes the reader is familiar with IP addressing schemes as well as how net mask is used and how default gateways and routers are used in a network.
Reboot gives an opportunity to save the configuration prior to shutdown. For a reboot – simply type in the command “reboot”. (Note – even though the passwords are not changed, they can be changed later.)
Magnum6K25# reboot Proceed on rebooting the switch? [ 'Y' or 'N' ] Y
Do you wish to save current configuration? [ 'Y' or 'N' ] Y
FIGURE 4 - Rebooting the switch
MNS-6K forces an answer the prompts with a “Y” or a “N” to prevent accidental keystroke errors and loss of work.
The parameters can be viewed at any time by using the ‘show’ command. The show command will be covered in more detail later in various sections throughout the document.
Magnum6K25# show setup Version : Magnum 6K25 build 3.7.1 Sep 27 2007 16:41:37
MAC Address : 00:20:08:03:05:09 IP Address : Subnet Mask : Gateway Address : CLI Mode : Manager System Name : Magnum 6K25 System Description : 25 Port Modular Ethernet Switch System Contact : System Location : Fremont, CA System ObjectId : System Serial No : 43576812 Original Factory Config Code : 6K25-8TP
Magnum6K25# show sysconfig System Name : Magnum6K25
System Contact : System Location : HO, Fremont, CA Boot Mode : manual Inactivity Timeout(min) : 10 Address Age Interval(min) : 300 Inbound Telnet Enabled : Yes Web Agent Enabled : Yes Time Zone : GMT-08hours:00minutes Day Light Time Rule : USA System UpTime : 36 Days 7 Hours 49 Mins 48 Secs
FIGURE 5 - Viewing the basic setup parameters. You can use ‘show setup’ or ‘show sysconfig’ to
view setup parameters
Some of the parameters in the Magnum 6K family of switches are shown above. The list of parameters below indicates some of the key parameters on the switch and the recommendations for changing them (or optionally keeping them the same).
Privilege levels
Two privilege levels are available - Manager and Operator. Operator is at privilege level 1 and the Manager is at privilege level 2 (the privilege increases with the levels). For example, to set up a user for basic monitoring capabilities use lower number or operator level privilege (Level 1)
The Manager level provides all Operator level privileges plus the ability to perform system-level actions and configuration commands. To select this level, enter the ‘enable <user-name>’ command at the Operator level prompt and enter the Manager password, when prompted.
Syntax enable <user-name>
For example, switching from an Operator level to manager level, using the ‘enable’ command is shown below in Figure 6
Magnum6K25> enable manager Password: ******* Magnum6K25#
FIGURE 6 - Switching users and privilege levels. Note the prompt changes with the new privilege

Operator Privileges

Operator privileges allow views of the current configurations but do not allow changes to the configuration. A ">" character delimits the Operator-level prompt.

Manager Privileges

Manager privileges allow configuration changes. The changes can be done at the manager prompt or for global configuration as well as specific configuration. A “#” character delimits any Manager prompt.
User management
A maximum of five users can be added per switch. Users can be added, deleted or changed from a manager level account. There can be more than one manager account, subject to the maximum number of users on the switch being restricted to five.

Add User

To add a user, use the command “add” as shown below. The user name has to be a unique name and can be up to 24 characters long. The password is recommended to be at least 8 characters long with a mix of upper case, lower case, numbers and special characters.
Syntax add user=<name> level=<number>
Magnum6K25# user Magnum6K25(user)## add user=peter level=2
Enter User Password:****** Confirm New Password:******
FIGURE 7 - Adding a user with Manager level privilege
In this example, user ‘peter’ was added with Manager privilege.

Delete User

Syntax delete user=<name>
Magnum6K25(user)##delete user=peter Confirm User Deletion(Y/N): Y
User successfully deleted Magnum6K25(user)##
FIGURE 8 - Deleting a user
In this example, user ‘peter’ was deleted.

Modify Pass word

Syntax passwd user=<name>
Magnum6K25(user)## passwd user=peter Enter New Password:****** Confirm New Password :******
Password has been modified successfully Magnum6K25(user)##
FIGURE 9 - Changing the password for a specific user
In this example, password for ‘peter’ was modified.

Modify the Privilege Level

Syntax chlevel user=<name> level=<number>
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