The performance features at a glance
• GXi: Integrated Videoanalytics
• 3.0mm - 9mm lens
• H.264 & MJPEG compression
• Mechanichal Day-/Nightswitching
• Remote zoom & focus
• Integrated IR-LEDs (-MIR version)
• IP66
High versatility
Compact robustness combined with technical skill: The ZN-DNT352XE-M(IR)
IP-Dome with H.264 compression is suitable at best for outdoor use. With its
integrated IR-LEDs (-MIR) in combination with the mechanical day / night swit-
ching, it provides the best conditions for the monitoring in the dark.
Outstanding advantages
The H.264 compression (in addition MJPEG) provides a very low network load.
Moreover, this dome has an audio input and output. As compression method
used in this context is G.711.
In the highest resolution the ZN-DNT352XE-M(IR) provides 25 frames per second.
High-performance technology
The high quality 3.0 mm - 9 mm lens covers a multitude of uses. In addition to
support for example for the protection of individual images SD cards.
Other special features
Already integrated are various analysis functions. More are installable optional-
ly. For example, a powerful picture stabilisation can be useful as well as tailgai-
ting control, countingfunctions, tampering and many more.
Order data
Order number Product description
ZN-DNT352XE-MIR (incl. IR-LEDs)
H.264 2 Megapixel, mech. day/night dome camera, 1/2.7"- CMOS, focal length 3.0mm -
9.0mm, focus and zoom adjustable per remote, effective resolution 1920x1080 (congurable), Videoanalysis integrated (further functions optional)

Advantages for the installer
In addition to PoE, 12VDC are supported. The comprehensive and well thought
out conguration menu lets you quickly set up and optimally congure these
Technical specications ZN-DNT352XE-M ZN-DNT352XE-MIR
Image sensor 1/2.7” 1080p CMOS
Compression format H.264, MJPEG
Max. resolution 1920 x 1080
Resolution options 1920 x 1080, 1280 x 720, 800 x 450, 480 x 270, 320 x 180
Effective pixel 1920 x 1080
Video framerate Up to 25fps
Lens 3,0mm - 9mm F1.2 Motorized zoom & focus
Iris control DC
Smart Edge enhance Yes (Auto adjust sharpness by lux)
Video out BNC (for installation)
Alarmin/-output 1 / 1
Audioin/-output 1 / 1
Audio codec G.711
Day/night switching Mechanical
Minimum illumination 0.5 lux (color), 0.001 lux(Sens-up 32X s/w) 0.5 lux (color), 0 lux (IR LED ON s/w)
IR - 36 IR LEDs, indoor: 25m outdoor 15m
WDR / DNR / BLC Yes (digital) / Yes / Yes
Fan / Heater Yes / Ye s
Protection class IP66
Network connection 10 / 100 Base-T
DHCP, DDNS, SSL v2/v3, IEEE802.1X, SSH, SNMP v2/v3
SD-card Yes (o pt ion)
Motion detection Yes
Operating voltage 12V DC
PoE Yes (IEEE 802.3af)
Power consumption 5.28W (with heater: 22.8W) 1,410mA 12VDC (heater & IR LED on)
Operating environment 12VDC: -40°C ~ 50°C PoE: 0°C - 50°C
Housing material Aluminium
Weight 1,2kg
Video Content Analysis included: Video Content Analysis optional, eg:
• Advanced Tracking Algorythmus • Detection of: Direction, Stopping, Enter/Exit, Tailgating, Loitering, Objectwatch
• Detection Zones • Perspective Corrected Size and Speed Filters
• Real-time Display of Tracking Data and Events • Counting Functions and Other Statistics
• Auto-tracking • Plain XML Format
Subjec t to technical changes and errors. 022013v1.4.
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