Ganz IP Camera User Manual

Table of Contents
WHAT’S NEW ................................................................................................................ 4
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 5
1.1. Welcome ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Getting Started .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3. IP Address Setting .......................................................................................................... 5
2. USING A WEB BROWSER .......................................................................................... 7
2.1. ActiveX Installation ( .................................................................................. 7
2.2. Recommended PC Specification .................................................................................... 9
3.1. Log In ........................................................................................................................... 10
3.2. Live Page Menus .......................................................................................................... 10
4.1. USB/SD Storage ........................................................................................................... 12
4.2. AVI Recording .............................................................................................................. 13
4.3. AVI File Download ....................................................................................................... 14
5.1. Basic Configuration ...................................................................................................... 15
5.1.1. Users ..................................................................................................................... 15
5.1.2. TCP/IP.................................................................................................................... 17
5.1.3. Date and Time ....................................................................................................... 17
5.1.4. Stream ................................................................................................................... 18
5.2. Video and Audio .......................................................................................................... 19
5.2.1. Camera (channel naming/video format/ color control) .......................................... 19
5.2.2. Repositioning ......................................................................................................... 21
5.2.3. Zoom/Focus ........................................................................................................... 23
5.2.4. Burnt-in Text.......................................................................................................... 24
5.2.5. Encoder profile ...................................................................................................... 25
5.2.6. Stream ................................................................................................................... 29
5.3. EVENT CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................. 30
5.3.1. Event Rules ............................................................................................................ 30
5.3.2. Motion Detection .................................................................................................. 35
5.3.3. E-mail recipient ..................................................................................................... 37
5.3.4. FTP Notification ..................................................................................................... 39
5.3.5. HTTP Notification................................................................................................... 41
5.3.6. TCP Notification ..................................................................................................... 43
5.3.7. TCP Server ............................................................................................................. 44
5.3.8. Multicast Notification ............................................................................................ 44
5.4. Network Configuration ................................................................................................ 45
5.4.1. TCP/IP(DHCP, Static IP, DNS setting) ...................................................................... 45
5.4.2. HTTP Server ........................................................................................................... 46
5.4.3. NTP Server ............................................................................................................. 46
5.4.4. UPnP ..................................................................................................................... 46
5.4.5. RTSP/RTP (multicast or unicast) ............................................................................. 47
5.4.6. mDNS (Multicast DNS) ........................................................................................... 50
5.4.7. SMTP ..................................................................................................................... 51
5.4.8. DDNS (Dynamic DNS) ............................................................................................. 52
5.5. VCA .............................................................................................................................. 53
5.6. Peripheral .................................................................................................................... 53
5.6.1. DI/DO control ........................................................................................................ 53
5.7. Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 54
5.7.1. Users ..................................................................................................................... 54
5.7.2. Date & Time .......................................................................................................... 54
5.7.3. Firmware Update ................................................................................................... 54
5.7.4. System Log ............................................................................................................ 54
5.7.5. Reset All Settings ................................................................................................... 55
5.7.6. Reboot................................................................................................................... 56
5.8. About ........................................................................................................................... 57
5.8.1.Information ............................................................................................................ 57
[Network Configuration] HTTP is added. [Maintenance] System log is added. [Maintenance] Firmware Update is changed. [Basic Configuration] Users is changed. [Video&Audio] Repositioning is changed. [Video&Audio] Stream is changed. [Event Configuration] TCP Notification is added. [Event Configuration] TCP Server is added. [Event Configuration] Multicast Notification is added. [Event Configuration] Event Profile is changed. [Peripheral] DI/DO is changed.
1.1. Welcome
This manual explains how to interface with the H.264 codec supporting IP camera series using the Microsoft® Internet Explorer web browser. The Web Page of the product has been implemented with the protocols below:
HTTP API – Parameter configuration commands RTP/RTSP – Video, Audio, and Metadata Streaming Active X program – Image display on client PC
1.2. Getting Started
Before utilizing the web interface, install and connect the camera and other physical devices. Refer to the hardware manual supplied with your SDK for the product installation steps. The installation manual provides detailed information for installation and configuration of the device.
1.3. IP Address Setting
How to find the IP Address of your device:
The product has its unique IP address, and users can identify the address by converting the MAC address last two sets of hexadecimal numbers described on the sticker that is attached to the device. Refer to the following figure and check how to convert a MAC address to an IP address. Type the identified IP address in the address bar of the Internet Explorer to access the web page of the product.
MAC address = 00-13-23-01-23-45 IP address =
Convert the last two sets of hexadecimal numbers to decimal numbers.
How to change the default IP address:
IPAdminTool software allows users to search and change the IP address of connected devices. The figure below shows a main UI of the IPAdminTool. The IPAdminTool helps to search multiple devices. Please refer to the IPAdminTool Users Mangual.pdf’ for the detailed information and its usage.
What is IPAdminTool?
IPAdminTool automatically scans all of the products including encoders and cameras on the network and displays product’s information, including product name, IP address, MAC address, firmware information, and devices uptime. The tool also allows user to change the IP address or update the firmware. IPAdminTool Users Manual.pdf ’is available in the SDK (\DOC) folder, and it is highly recommended for user to review before using this tool for better understanding of the software functions and administration controls.
Location of IPAdminToo.exe : \BIN\TOOLS\AdminTool Location of the manual of IPAdminTool : \DOC\
Limitation of the concurrent clients
Depends on streaming configurations and settings, simultaneous connection might reach the limitation due to system maxed-out capability.
RTSP Streaming, Unicast: Heavily depends on the maximum throughput in a given time.
After the network and power connection are established, access the web browser to view the live streaming of the connected device. Installation of the ActiveX is required to see the live page and access full controls in Microsoft® Internet Explorer.
2.1. ActiveX Installation (
For full control of a device through a web browser, installation of the ActiveX control is required. Refer to the following steps to install the ActiveX. Disable the Pop-up blocker or run Add-on notice in a browser to install the ActiveX and Installation file.
1. Click the installation warning message on the view page as below. Jpeg snapshot is
displayed every 1 second before you install
2. Click the Install button on the warning message box. If the page is not responding after
the installation, refresh the page.
3. Install the setup.exe file by clicking the link shown on the main page. Jpeg snapshot is
displayed every 1 second before you install setup.exe.
4. Follow the instructions of the dialog boxes and complete the installation.
5. When the dialog box appears to request user name and password, enter the default
value for the administrator account (case-sensitive) as below:
User Name: root Password: pass
6. Refresh the page and check if the live image is displayed successfully.
2.2. Recommended PC Specification
The following table describes the recommended requirement of the PC system to use a Web browser with our products.
D3D support
XP, Vista, 7
Direct X
Officially Internet Explorer is supported only.
When the device is accessed through the web browser, the live image of the device appears on the window. To go back to the Live page either from the Storage or Setup page, click Live on the upper left corner of the web page.
3.1. Log In
To access the device on the web browser:
1. Enter root for the user name and “pass for the password on the pop-up window.
2. Click the OK button to access the main page.
3.2. Live Page Menus
① ② ③
Panel: Clicking the Panel button enables users to hide/show the menu tab.
Stream: If you go to Setup > Stream > Snapshot and tick Enable, Snapshot will be added and
default value will be applied automatically. Trigger Alarm (DO): If you go to Setup > Peripheral > DI/DO and tick Enable, menu will be activated and you can control On/Off of DO. Audio: Audio-Speaker will be activated when Input Enable of Audio tab (Setup > Stream > Audio) and Enable of Include audio stream (Setup > Network Configuration > RTSP/RTP) are ticked. Audio-Microphone will be activated when Output Enable of Audio tab (Setup > Stream > Audio) and Enable of Include audio stream (Setup > Network Configuration > RTSP/RTP) are ticked. Speaker is a function to output audio of camera to client and Microphone is a function to output audio of client to camera.
CPU: Usage of CPU Memory: Usage of memory Time: Time after booting
Temperature: Display camera temperature as / . First/Second/Snapshot: Display current information of each stream.
Refresh Interval: Configure: Set refresh interval
If the live image is not shown,
1. Check if the camera is powered on and connected properly.
2. When using the Internet Explorer, check if the ActiveX control is installed. For other types of web browsers, the live image is displayed via QuickTime Player.
If Direct3D Acceleration is disabled, you may not see the view page. In case of the blue screen appears instead of the proper video, please type dxdiag from Start > Run on your computer and check the DirectX Features.
From the Storage page, users can configure the USB or SD storage device settings and AVI recording settings.
4.1. USB/SD Storage
To search mounted USB/SD storage devices and check the device information, click Storage > USB/SD Storage.
Device List: The mounted devices are listed by clicking the Refresh button or F5. Device Information: The detailed information of the selected storage device is
displayed. The information includes device name, type, total capacity, free space, and device status.
Record Device Control: Control allows users to format, mount, or eject storage
device that is available from the device list.
To start the AVI recording, the device status must be connected. If the connected device does not appear, try to reboot the device and check its status again.
4.2. AVI Recording
For the AVI recording configuration, click Storage > AVI Recording > Configuration. On this page, users can enable or disable the recording capability, configure the recording storage option and recording conditions, and perform the instant recording.
Automatic recording
Check the Enable Recorder box to start recording.
Recording storage Options Select the storage device type from SD card.
Recycling options Users can select one of the options when the storage is full.
Stop recording: Stops recording and keep the recorded data. Delete files and recycle (oldest first): Replace oldest files with latest files (based on
Prefix of filename
Give relevant name that will be used as the recorded file. For easier recognition of duplicate files, the end of every recording file name includes the date and time information as a default.
Recording resource
Select the choice between Video only and Audio+Video.
Rule of segmentation
- (by) Size: The range of the file size is from 1 to 1440 Megabyte(s).
- (by) Time: The range of the recording length is from 1 to 20 minute(s).
Stream source Users may choose primary recording source from either first stream or second stream. If it is a single stream, the second stream option is unavailable.
Manual recording (Instant recording)
If the Start button is pushed, the recording will be started immediately. Before pressing the start button, type desired recording time (seconds) in the box next to the start button. The system default is 60 seconds, and available recording time is from 10 to 600 seconds. (10 minutes) While the recording is in progress, the button label changes from Start to Stop; Users can manually stop the recording whenever it is desired.
When the recording is complete, click ‘download’ button appears on far right; Click the button to download the recording as a file.
4.3. AVI File Download
To view and download the recorded files, click Storage > AVI Recording > File Download.
All of the recorded files are listed on the File Download page. Currently recording file is displayed as [Recording] on the Download column. Users can select the desired file from the list or search it by date. To list up the files which are recorded on a specific date only, click on the Search box. A calendar appears from the search box and select the desirable date. To go back to the original list, click the ‘x button next to the Search box.
To download a file, click [Download]. Then, the pop up window appears for the file download.
To configure the setting values of the device, click Setup on the main page. To access the Setup page, ID and passwords are required.
5.1. Basic Configuration
The Basic Configuration provides the menus required for the basic settings that a user must configure after the camera installation.
5.1.1. Users
To create/remove/modify a user group, go to Setup > Basic Configuration > Users.
How to add a user
To add a user for the webpage,
1. Go to Setup > Basic Configuration > Users.
2. Click the Add button below the User List.
3. When the pop-up window appears, type a user name and password.
Limitation on user name
The user name can consist of alphabets from a through z, numbers from 0 to 9, and underscore symbol; the user name must begin with an alphabet letter. Length: The length of user name must be between 3 and 32. Character range: All upper or lower case letters, numbers from 0 to 9, and underscore
Limitation on password
A password can contain from 1 to 8 characters with a combination of alphabet and numbers. Length: The length of password must be between 4 and 32. Character range: All upper or lower case letters and numbers from 0 to 9
4. Click the OK button to save the changes.
5. Check if the user name is added to the list.
User Authentication
Enable or disable for anonymous viewer to connect Live page.
How to modify a user
To change your password or user name,
1. Go to Setup > Basic Configuration > Users.
2. On the User List, highlight user name.
3. Click the Modify button below the User List.
4. When the pop-up window appears, type the new password.
5. Re-type the same password again on the Confirm password text box.
6. Click the OK button to save the changes.
Once the user name is set, it cannot be modified. Simply remove the user name and add a new user with desired name.
How to remove a user
To remove a user name form the User List,
1. Go Setup > Basic Configuration > Users.
2. Select the user name to remove on the User List.
3. Click the Remove button below the User List.
4. When the dialog box appears to confirm your request, click the OK button.
5. Check if the user name is removed from the list on the page.
5.1.2. TCP/IP
Refer to 5.4.1. Setting TCP/IP (DHCP, Static IP, DNS setting) for TCP/IP configuration.
5.1.3. Date and Time
Time setting is very significant for all parts of the product server because it affects the log of streaming and burnt-in text of video. To configure the date and time, go to Setup > Basic Configuration > Date & Time.
Current server time
It shows the cameras recognized time.
Time zone
Select the proper time zone of where the camera is installed from the drop-down box. Daylight saving time applies automatically.
Sync source
Real time clock on system – Time setting relies on the Real-time clock which is inside the camera. The clock chip is attached as internal part of the product, and it is recharged automatically when the device is powered.
NTP server – Time setting relies on designated NTP server. Users can configure available NTP servers at Setup > Network Configuration > NTP. Four NTP server lists can be added, and the first top list is the default source of the time (
Date and time format
Select the desired date and time format from the drop-down list box.
New server time
Select one of 3 options:
Synchronize the server with client system time Synchronize the server with NTP server Set the server time manually
5.1.4. Stream
The Stream configuration page from Setup > Basic Configuration > Stream operates the same way as of the page from Setup > Video & Audio > Stream. Refer to 5.2.6. Stream for the details.
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