Housing Specifications
HEATER POWER SUPPLY Requires 24V AC 15 watt power input (HWB-2 or H-2 models only)
CAMERA POWER SUPPLY Use only 24V AC cameras with HWB-2, H-2, HWB-3 models
MAXIMUM CAMERA AND LENS SIZE 2.68" (W) x 2.1" (H) x 7.75" (L) | 68 (W) x 54 (H) x 197 (L) mm
CABLE ENTRY Two liquid tight rear fittings accept cable diameters from 4.3mm to 11.9mm.
Two bottom feed-through liquid tight fittin gs accept cable diameters from 4. 6mm to 7. 9mm
WINDOW 3mm (0.12") thick UV stabilized polycarbonate
HOUSING MOUNTING Four ava ilable 1 /4 -20 tapped holes . Only one set o f tw o are required fo r m ounting.
CAMERA MOUNTING Removable camera bracket. Mounted with two screws.
CONSTRUCTION Aluminum cover , aluminum base, aluminum mounting foot, polycarbonate faceplate,
glass reinforced polycarbonate end caps, neoprene gasket, ethylene propylene seal,
and all stainless steel hardware.
FINISH Off white
DIMENSIONS 3.75" (Dia) x 10.9" (L) | 96mm (Dia) x 277mm (L)
WEIGHT 3 lbs./ 1.4kg
INTERNAL TEMPERATURE (WITH HEATER) At external tem pera tures of – 40° F to +122 ° F (–40° C to +50° C)
Maintain s internal tem peratures between – 4° F and +131° F (–20° C and +55° C) with heater .
SALT ATMOSPHERE MIL-STD-810E, method 509, procedure I.
ENCLOSURE PROTECTION Designed to meet NEMA 4, IP 65 rating.
ACCESSORIES Sunshield (SS-1): Pro vides p rotection fro m t he dir ect ra ys of su n a nd promo tes c ooling to reduce
internal housing temperatures in hot climates.
Wall bracket (WB-1): Attached to the foot of the housing allows wires to be fed-through the
mount and into the foot of the housing (wall bracket is included with HWB-1 and HWB-2).
Ceiling ‘J’ bracket (JB-1): Allows housing to be mounted from ceiling and allows wires to be
fed-through the mount and into the foot of the housing.
Pole Mount Adapter (PMA-1): Includes bracket and stainless steel straps for mounting to poles
from 3" to 15" in diameter .
CUSTOM PRO-PAK KITS Call for custom lens and camera combinations.
Includes heater and blower and accommodates camera/lens combinations up to 9" long.
Maximum camera and lens size 2.8" x 2.8" x 9.0" (W x H x L), call for details.
Pro-Pak Kits
• Compact, attractive design for indoor or
outdoor use
• Slide-off cover provides full accessibility to
camera for quick installation and service
• Available with or without heater
Housings are pre-assembled
with a variety of camera & lens
options including Day/Night models
• Optional sunshield, ceiling, and pole mount
• Rugged aluminum housing suitable for all
NEW YORK: 55 MALL DRIVE COMMACK, NY 11725 • TEL: 1 (800) 422-6707 • (631) 864-9700 • FAX: (631) 543-5426
CALIFORNIA: 20521 EARL STREET TORRANCE, CA 90503 • TEL: 1 (800) 888-0131 • (310) 793-1500 • FAX: (310) 793-1506
www.computarganz.com © 2008 CBC (AMERICA) Corp. All Rights Reserved. 5/08
weather conditions
NY: 1-800-422-6707
CA: 1-800-888-0131

housing features
housing features
pro-pak kits
pro-pak kits
CB C’s line of ou tdoor hous ings provide an attractive,
co mpac t solu tion for indoor or outd oo r cam era
insta llations. The hous ing design in corporates a u nique
slide-off feature allow ing fu ll a ccessibility to the camera
an d lens even a fte r in stalla tio n. In addition,
bo th w all and ceiling brackets o ffer
feed-through wiring that fully
co nc eals a ll cabling. The ho us ings
are availab le with an optiona l
he ater, an d a s unshield is
available for h igh te mp eratu re
en vironme nts.
Op tional he ate r m aint ains p rop er
temperature s and m inimiz es
fogging an d h um idity
Co mp act h ousing (o nly 1 1" lo ng) a cco mm od ate s
all G AN Z FC /Y C/ZC- NH c am era s with
an y Computar v arifocal lens , in clu din g t he 5-50 mm
IRL Se ries Illu mina tor (sh own
with IR -PB m oun ting br ack et)
en han ces da y/n ight
vis ion ca pabilitie s
Sw ive l m ount
ca n b e tilt ed down
a full 9 0°
Housings with Pre-assembled Camera & Lens Packages
Pro-Pak K its can be ordered w ith a variety of B lack & W hite, C olor, and D ay/N ight cameras w ith manual or auto -
iris v arifocal lenses. A ll lenses are back-focused a nd each kit in cludes 5 ' of outdoor-rated pow er a nd video cable.
Day/Night Camera Options Standard Camera Options
Color Digital Day/Night
540 TVL
1/3” CS-MT
Day/Night w/Mechanical
shutter 540 TVL
Manual and Auto-Iris Lens Options
1/3” CS-MT
Day/Night w/Mechanical
shutter 540 TVL
1/3” CS-MT
BW/Hi-Res BW
380/570 TVL
1/3” CS-MT
330 TVL
1/3” CS-MT
Optional sunshield
(Model SS -1) for high
temperature environments
Pr e-installed, ou tdo or-rated
po wer and video c able
includ ed w ith P ro- Pak K its
Op tional c eiling br acket
(M od el J B1 )
Fe ed-thr ough wa ll ( or ce iling) bracket co nce als
ca bles for a cle an, profe ssional a ppearance
HWB1 H ou sing w /W all Bracket
HWB2 H ou sing w /H eater and
H1 Housing
H2 Housing w/Heater
WB1 Wa ll B rac ket
JB1 C eiling ‘J’ B rac ket
SS1 Su nshield
PMA1 P ole m ou nt ad apt er
Op tional p ole -m ount a dapte r
(M od el P MA-1)
Wa ll B racket
Model Number Selection
Selecting the right P ro-Pak Kit for your application can be d on e in three easy steps. A single part num be r n ow
provide s yo u with the time-s aving, in stallation-ready package of your choice.
Step 1. Choose your housing Step 2. Choose your lens Step 3. Choose your camera
Model Description
HWB1: Ho using w ith Wall Br ack et
HWB2: Ho using w ith Wall Br ack et
an d H ea ter
HJB1: Ho using w ith Ceiling Br ack et
HJB2: Ho using w ith Ceiling Br ack et
an d H ea ter
Model Description
29M: 2. 9-8. 2mm F 1. 0 M anu al Iris
29A: 2. 9-8 . 2m m F1 . 0 DC Au to Iris
29RA: 2. 9-8 . 2m m F1 . 0 DC A uto Iris IR
281M: 2 . 8-12mm F 1. 3 M anual Iris
281A: 2. 8-12m m F 1. 3 D C Au to Iris
28RA: 2. 8-1 2m m F1 . 3 DC A uto Ir is IR
310M: 3 . 5-10.5mm F 1. 0 M anu al Iris
310A: 3. 5-10. 5m m F1. 0 DC A uto Iris
31RA: 3. 5-1 0. 5m m F1 .0 D C Au to Iris IR
84A: 8. 5-4 0m m F1. 3 DC A uto Iris IR
5M: 5- 50 mm F1 . 3 Ma nual Iris
5A: 5 -50 mm F 1. 3 D C Au to Iris
Model Description
2: F C-6 2D B/ W 3 80 T VL
3: FC H-62 Hi-R es B/ W 570 TVL
5: Y C-0 2C C olo r 3 30 TV L
9: ZC-N H4 05 N Su per H i-R es Color 5 40
TV L Da y/Night Fu ll-F eat ure d C am era
11: Z C-NH258N Supe r H i-R es Color 540
TV L Da y/Night Ca me ra
15: Y CH -03A Supe r H i-R es Color 540 TVL
Digita l D ay/ Night Came ra
Ca ll for a ddi tion al ca me ra optio ns
Lens Camera
Model Number Example: HWB2-29A15
Housing w ith W all Bracket and H eater, 2 . 9-8.2m m D C A uto Iris Lens with Y CH -0 3A H i-Res C olor Camera