Ganz C-AllView Installation Manual

Ruggedised PTZ Camera
Installation Manual
This page is intentionally blank
Introduction ..................................................................................................................4
Safety Warning.............................................................................................................4
Packing List..................................................................................................................4
Parts not included: ................................................................................................4
Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................4
Mounting ......................................................................................................................5
Offset Mounting ........................................................................................................6
Power Supply ...............................................................................................................6
Camera unit Composite Cable ~ RCPS1 connections .............................................7
RCPS1 System Side Connections ...........................................................................7
Telemetry Control.........................................................................................................8
On-Board Protocols ..................................................................................................8
DIL Switches.............................................................................................................8
Protocol Settings...................................................................................................9
RS485 Address Settings.......................................................................................9
RS485 Termination .............................................................................................11
Keyboard Operation ...............................................................................................11
On Screen Menu Access ...........................................................................................12
Menu Structure...........................................................................................................13
Camera On-Screen-Display ...................................................................................13
Opening screen ......................................................................................................13
Run Menu Screen...................................................................................................14
Setup Screen..........................................................................................................14
Motion Setup ..........................................................................................................16
Setting Preset Positions......................................................................................16
Editing Position Text ...........................................................................................17
Setting Preset Position Tours .............................................................................17
Programming Mimic Tours..................................................................................19
Video Setup ............................................................................................................20
Joystick Setup ........................................................................................................22
Privacy Zones.........................................................................................................23
Alarm Setup............................................................................................................25
Setting Alarm Actions..........................................................................................26
Alarm Activated Infra-Red Switching ..................................................................26
Alarm Masks .......................................................................................................27
Alarm Holidays....................................................................................................28
Display Options ......................................................................................................30
Default Position Text...........................................................................................31
Error Reporting ...................................................................................................32
Time and Date Setup ..........................................................................................33
Special Settings......................................................................................................36
Special Settings - Overview ................................................................................36
Time Out Time ....................................................................................................37
Timeout Action ....................................................................................................38
Changing the Password .........................................................................................39
Specifications .............................................................................................................41
Dimensions – Camera Unit.....................................................................................41
Dimensions – 4” PCD Adaptor ...............................................................................42
WEEE statement........................................................................................................42
Installer Notes: ...........................................................................................................43
The Camera unit is designed with harsh and difficult environments in mind and to provide enhanced features over a normal speed dome camera. These added benefits are:
Flat toughened glass window – scratch resistant, maintenance-free and
optically correct
Integral Wiper – to clean away rain and deposits caused by wind, sea spray
and road traffic
Hard anodised aluminium castings, with optional powder coating to prevent
corrosion in the harshest of marine environments
M4 marine grade stainless steel case fastenings
Optional Washer System
Optional Infra Red Led illumination system
Day night switching by external contact closure (optional alarm interface)
Multiple native protocols - coaxial and RS485
Optional RS485 alarm interfaces
Safety Warning
Installation of this product should only be carried our by a
competent and suitably qualified engineer. If you are in doubt, you should refer the installation to a suitably qualified person.
Packing List
Included in the Rugged Camera kit: 1x Camera &Power-Supplyunit 1x 4”/101.6mm PCD adaptor & mounting bolts to Camera Unit 1x 10m composite cable and IP67 connector 1x Installer Manual
Parts not included:
Mounting hardware – e.g. nuts and bolts for 4” PCD adaptor to tower / bracket Washer Nozzle & Bracket Washer pump & Hose Infra Red Lamps
The manufacturer reserves the right to change specifications and procedures integral to the operation, control and programming of this product at any time and without prior notice. This manual relates to firmware version 0.2.6
The Camera unit is designed to be mounted upright or inverted. By the nature of its manufacture, it is a heavy item, thus it requires a substantial and stable mounting. Each Camera unit is supplied with a 4” (101.6mm) PCD mounting adaptor to allow mounting to industry standard brackets, tower and columns. The adaptor as two cable entry points:
1. A pass-through hole in the plate to allow cabling through a column or tube type mounting.
2. A M25 conduit thread in the side wall to permit flexible conduit to be connected to the adaptor.
Figure 1
This adaptor should have the composite cable threaded through it before it is mounted to the column or bracket. The cable should be dressed such that approx 25~35mm of the weatherproof connector is protruding out of the smaller plate that connects to the Camera unit.
Figure 2
The 4” (101.6mm) PCD plate should then be mounted to bracket or tower using M8 bolts, washers and Ny-Loc type nuts.
It is important that this type of nut is used to prevent injury should the bolts
work loose in operation, due to vibration.
A stainless steel wire lanyard and clip is provided as a safety measure should any of the bolts that hold the body of the Camera unit to the adaptor bracket work loose.
Always use the lanyard to support the Camera unit during installation and
ensure that it is connected and in use when the Camera unit mounting is complete.
Insert the connector into the socket on the Camera unit, and screw home the retaining ring.
Push the connector back into the adaptor bracket and align the allen head bolts with the keyhole slots.
Push the heads through the keyholes and turn the Camera unit body so that the bolt heads drop into their respective receptacles. The bolts should then be tightened to approx
Do not over tighten bolts
Figure 3
Offset Mounting
When mounting upright, an offset can be added to allow the camera field of view to clear the pan motor section of the housing.
Unscrew and withdraw the M5 socket head retaining bolt from the middle of the front of the yoke.
Tip the tilt housing and yoke assembly forward. Re-insert the bolt from the rear and screw home. The Torque figure is approx 0.97Kg/m
Do not over tighten the bolt
Power Supply
The Camera unit can accept a wide range of power supply input voltages. The applicable range is 20-36Vdc or 14-26Vac. It draws 15W peak and 5W when idle. This however does not take account of any optional heating of cooling devices in the Camera unit, nor optional IR lighting systems. The RCPS1 Camera unit power supply is capable of providing sufficient current to run the Camera unit and a 24VAC washer pump (Typical example Dennard WW5 or WW25). This supply also has built-in transient suppression and individually fused outputs for the Camera and Washer units, as well as spark-gap protection for video and data connections. Each output fuse has positive indication of failure, so a blown fuse is instantly identified.
The RCPS1 pcb layout is shown below in Figure 4.
The pcb has a number of connector strips for terminations in and out of the camera plus power output terminals and a ground lug.
Retaining bolt
Retaining bolt
Camera unit Composite Cable ~ RCPS1 connections
Connections for the Camera unit Composite cable should be made to the terminals as follows: URM70 Video:
Connect the centre core to the terminal marked “VIDEO Connect the screen to the terminal marked “GND”
Connect the Red 20AWG cable to the terminal marked PTZ 1P Connect the Black 20AWG cable to the terminal marked PTZ 1N
Connect one White 20AWG cable to the upper terminal marked AUX1 Connect the other White 20AWG cable to the upper terminal marked AUX2
RS485 data:
Connect the Yellow 26AWG cable to the upper terminal marked DATA 5 Connect the Blue 26AWG cable to the upper terminal marked DATA 6
Connect the Green/Yellow cable to the Earth stud adjacent to the BNC
output socket.
The IR Lamp and Ethernet terminals are reserved for future use.
CE- RCPS1 1.0
1P 1N 2P 2N
RS485 +
RS485 -
Figure 4
RCPS1 System Side Connections
The Video output from the RCPS1 and Camera unit is available on the pcb mounted BNC socket. Connect the coaxial cable back to the monitor / matrix or DVR to this socket. If the Camera unit and control system are configured to use coax based telemetry, it will pass through this connector.
Connect RS485A (RS485+) to the lower terminal marked DATA 5 Connect RS485B (RS485-) to the lower terminal marked DATA 6
Connect 240VAC Live the to the mains input marked L Connect 240VAC Neutral the to the mains input marked N Connect 240VAC Earth the to the mains input marked E
The supplier installed mains input cable to the RCPS1 should have an isolator
fitted and be fused according to its gauge and local electrical regulations.
Failure to observe such regulations may result in injury or death
Telemetry Control
The Camera unit is designed to be added to any telemetry controlled system by providing compatibility to a number of industry standard control protocols. This can be done by directly using the on-board protocols or by adding a third party protocol converter to interface between an incompatible control protocol and one of the on­board protocols. Telemetry control is by RS485 or Co-axial video telemetry. Due to the limitations or software changes of the some of the protocols, it is not always possible to implement all of the features of the Camera unit with the Original Manufacturers protocol, thus some features on a manufacturers keyboard, may limit the way the Camera unit can operate. Using RS485 based telemetry camera addresses are limited to 127 addresses.
On-Board Protocols
The Camera unit has the following on board protocols:
American Dynamics / Sensormatic RS422 (uni-directional only) BBV Coaxial Telemetry CBC C-Dome RS485 DeView [VTC] Kalatel DP Overview RS485 Pelco Co-Axitron Pelco D 2400 baud Pelco P 4800 baud Pelco P 9600baud
DIL Switches
All addressing and protocol selection is set by 2 banks of 8way DIL switches located on the main body of the housing, underneath a removable weatherproof cover.
Cover retained by two screws
Screws and cover removed
Figure 5
Protocol Settings
The Protocol selection is made on Switches S1-8, S2-1, S2-2, S2-3 and S2-7 The protocol selection is defined by the following table. Coax based protocols do not use the RS485 address, so this can be left in the Address 0 state.
Description Protocol No. S1-8 S2-1 S2-2 S2-3 S2-7
Dennard/ Overview RS485 0 Off Off Off Off Off Pelco P 9600 1
Off Off Off Off
Pelco P 4800 2 Off
Off Off Off
Kalatel DP 5
Off Off
Sensormatic RS422 6 Off
On On
Off Off
VTC / DeView RS485 9
Off Off
Pelco D 2400 10 Off
CBC C-dome RS485 12
Off Off
On On
Pelco Coaxitron 24 Off Off Off
On On
BBV coax 31
On On On On On
Figure 6
RS485 Address Settings
RS485 address settings are set by S1-1 to S1-7 and provide binary addresses to a camera id of 127.
S2-8 is for termination of the RS485 bus. Set to ON to enable termination at the
The camera addressing is defined as below (a “-“ indicates switch in OFF position):
Address S1-1 S1-2 S1-3 S1-4 S1-5 S1-6 S1-7 Address S1-1 S1-2 S1-3 S1-4 S1-5 S1-6 S1-7
0 - - - - - - - 64 - - - - - - ON
1 ON - - - - - - 65 ON - - - - - ON
2 - ON - - - - - 66 - ON - - - - ON
3 ON ON - - - - - 67 ON ON - - - - ON
4 - - ON - - - - 68 - - ON - - - ON
5 ON - ON - - - - 69 ON - ON - - - ON
Camera ID number switches
Controller protocol switches
RS485 Termination
6 - ON ON - - - - 70 - ON ON - - - ON
7 ON ON ON - - - - 71 ON ON ON - - - ON
8 - - - ON - - - 72 - - - ON - - ON
9 ON - - ON - - - 73 ON - - ON - - ON
10 - ON - ON - - - 74 - ON - ON - - ON
11 ON ON - ON - - - 75 ON ON - ON - - ON
12 - - ON ON - - - 76 - - ON ON - - ON
13 ON - ON ON - - - 77 ON - ON ON - - ON
14 - ON ON ON - - - 78 - ON ON ON - - ON
15 ON ON ON ON - - - 79 ON ON ON ON - - ON
16 - - - - ON - - 80 - - - - ON - ON
17 ON - - - ON - - 81 ON - - - ON - ON
18 - ON - - ON - - 82 - ON - - ON - ON
19 ON ON - - ON - - 83 ON ON - - ON - ON
20 - - ON - ON - - 84 - - ON - ON - ON
21 ON - ON - ON - - 85 ON - ON - ON - ON
22 - ON ON - ON - - 86 - ON ON - ON - ON
23 ON ON ON - ON - - 87 ON ON ON - ON - ON
24 - - - ON ON - - 88 - - - ON ON - ON
25 ON - - ON ON - - 89 ON - - ON ON - ON
26 - ON - ON ON - - 90 - ON - ON ON - ON
27 ON ON - ON ON - - 91 ON ON - ON ON - ON
28 - - ON ON ON - - 92 - - ON ON ON - ON
29 ON - ON ON ON - - 93 ON - ON ON ON - ON
30 - ON ON ON ON - - 94 - ON ON ON ON - ON
31 ON ON ON ON ON - - 95 ON ON ON ON ON - ON
32 - - - - - ON - 96 - - - - - ON ON
33 ON - - - - ON - 97 ON - - - - ON ON
34 - ON - - - ON - 98 - ON - - - ON ON
35 ON ON - - - ON - 99 ON ON - - - ON ON
36 - - ON - - ON - 100 - - ON - - ON ON
37 ON - ON - - ON - 101 ON - ON - - ON ON
38 - ON ON - - ON - 102 - ON ON - - ON ON
39 ON ON ON - - ON - 103 ON ON ON - - ON ON
40 - - - ON - ON - 104 - - - ON - ON ON
41 ON - - ON - ON - 105 ON - - ON - ON ON
42 - ON - ON - ON - 106 - ON - ON - ON ON
43 ON ON - ON - ON - 107 ON ON - ON - ON ON
44 - - ON ON - ON - 108 - - ON ON - ON ON
45 ON - ON ON - ON - 109 ON - ON ON - ON ON
46 - ON ON ON - ON - 110 - ON ON ON - ON ON
47 ON ON ON ON - ON - 111 ON ON ON ON - ON ON
48 - - - - ON ON - 112 - - - - ON ON ON
49 ON - - - ON ON - 113 ON - - - ON ON ON
50 - ON - - ON ON - 114 - ON - - ON ON ON
51 ON ON - - ON ON - 115 ON ON - - ON ON ON
52 - - ON - ON ON - 116 - - ON - ON ON ON
53 ON - ON - ON ON - 117 ON - ON - ON ON ON
54 - ON ON - ON ON - 118 - ON ON - ON ON ON
55 ON ON ON - ON ON - 119 ON ON ON - ON ON ON
56 - - - ON ON ON - 120 - - - ON ON ON ON
57 ON - - ON ON ON - 121 ON - - ON ON ON ON
58 - ON - ON ON ON - 122 - ON - ON ON ON ON
59 ON ON - ON ON ON - 123 ON ON - ON ON ON ON
60 - - ON ON ON ON - 124 - - ON ON ON ON ON
61 ON - ON ON ON ON - 125 ON - ON ON ON ON ON
62 - ON ON ON ON ON - 126 - ON ON ON ON ON ON
Figure 7
RS485 Termination
If the Camera unit is installed using a RS485 based control system, care needs to taken to ensure the RS485 bus is terminated properly to prevent erratic operation. The maximum length of cable that be used on one cable section in 1.2Km. There is a maximum number of 32 devices that can reside on a cable section. All devices must be un-terminated, with the exception of the last unit which must have its RS485 termination set to
ON (S2-8 ON)
CAT5 cable or any cable that meets or exceeds the requirements for EIA RS485 may be used for RS485 telemetry control
Figure 11
Keyboard Operation
Where possible, manufacturer key sequences have been implemented to make the control of the camera unit as close as possible to the “normal” telemetry system implemented by the OEM manufacturer, i.e. presets and tours can be programmed and recalled in the same way from the manufacturers control system. Where it has not been possible to implement all of the Camera unit features with a manufacturer’s protocol, the extra features can be accessed through the camera unit on-screen-menu.
Note – OE manufacturers may update software or protocols in their keyboards
without prior warning, This may change the way in which the Camera unit behaves in relation to keyboard operation. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for such changes in OE Manufacturer software/protocols.
On Screen Menu Access
Using the following sequences, the Camera unit OSD menu can be accessed. The MENU sequence will open the OSD and the SELECT sequence will accept the current data displayed.
Menu: Recall Preset 94 Select: Recall Preset 1
Pelco (All types)
Menu: Store preset 95 Select: Iris Open or Recall Preset 1
Menu: ENT (to open) / ESC (to exit) Select: ENT
CBC C-Dome (RS485)
Menu: Recall Preset 95 Select: Recall Preset 1
American Dynamics / Sensormatic RS422
Menu: Recall / Store Preset 94 Select: Recall Preset 0
Menu: Recall / Store preset 64 or Menu Select: Recall Preset 0
BBV TX400 (Coax)
Menu: Shift (or #) + 1 Select: Recall Preset 1
BBV TX1000
Menu: Shift + Wash Select: Recall Preset 1
BBV TX1500
Menu: 1 then # Select: Recall Preset 1
Dedicated Micros DS/BX range:
Menu: * 8 8 9 10 10 2 or ** (depending on S/W version) Select: Recall Preset 1
Menu Structure
Camera On-Screen-Display
Opening screen
Start up screen
Selecting RUN from the MAIN MENU allows a user to go to a pre-set position or start a tour. There are 32 pre-set positions, 8 slow tours (S), 8 fast tours (F) and 4 one-minute mimic (M) tours. When a programmed position or tour is selected the menu will be cleared from the screen and the unit will execute the appropriate function.
In this guide the yellow border indicates the item is flashing
This arrow confirms the item selection and returns the user to the appropriate menu
Selecting the arrow will take the user to the previous screen
This arrow deletes the last item selected by the user
Run Menu Screen
RUN menu screen
If a position or tour is not set a message will be displayed, POSITION NOT SET or TOUR NOT SET, respectively. WASH moves the unit to the wash position, if it has been set, and starts the screen wash process. WIPE activates the wiper for 5 seconds.
Setup Screen
Start up screen
The SETUP menu gives the operator full access to set up presets and tours as well as other features of the unit. SETUP menu is password protected
+ 30 hidden pages