Gant 1061 User Manual

ocean Grove
1 N2
user insTrucTions
GanT id no: 1061
movemenT no: 6P23
BaTTery: SR621SW
imporTanT informaTion
This watch has a screw down crown for water-resistance purpose. For time and date setting you need to unscrew the crown. Do not forget to screw back the crown after use in order to keep the watch water-resistant.
Water leakage and/or damage caused by crowns that have not been screwed back will not be covered by the guarantee.
seTTinG The Time
The hour, 24 hour, minute and second are set by the same operation.
Pull the crown out to position
2 to stop the
second hand at 0 (12 o’clock).
Turn the hour/minute hands in a clockwise direction to set the time.
minutes ahead of desired time and then turn back (in a coun­terclockwise) to the desired time.
After setting the time, use a time signal to synchronize the watch by pushing crown to the normal position (
n) to start the second hand going.
Note: Make sure you have correctly set AM/PM before setting the time.
seTTinG The daTe
Pull the crown out to position 1. Turn the crown counterclock­wise to set the date quickly.
Note: Do not set the date between the hours 9:00PM and 0:30AM.
The date may not change correctly the next day.
helium release valve
This watch, OCEAN GROVE from Gant Time, is a professional diver’s watch and water resistant to 1000 meters.
Diving bells are used as a base for divers working at great depth for days at a time. When working in diving bells, helium is added to the breathable air to remove nitrogen and allow divers to dive deeper and work for longer periods of time. While in a diving bell, helium is building up inside the watch.
Depending on the length and depth of the stay in the diving bell, the decompression period can be several days. During decompression, the diver goes from high pressure to normal atmospheric pressure. The helium that has been building up during the stay in the diving bell cannot escape the watch as fast as the pressure equalizes – which can result in damage to the seals on the crystals, back cases and tubes that makes the watch water resistant to 1000 meters .
OCEAN GROVE from GANT TIME has a built in helium re­lease valve construction that allows helium to escape during the decompression period.
To ensure time is set accurately, first turn the minute hand 5
Use the enclosed tool to open the valve during decompression.
only open The helium release valve durinG
decompression in a decompression chamBer.
close The valve TiGhTly afTer decompression.
This documenT is provided “as is” wiThouT represenTaTion or warranTy of any kind eiTher express or implied.
do noT open under waTer.